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The Hunt for a Vampire: An Alien Vampire Romance (The Dark Series Book 1)

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by T. J. Quinn

  “I saw the dirty human taking groceries into a crypt. He fit the description Josh and Faran gave us as the one they heard was tasked with the kill order. I was not actually expecting to find you there but with the weeks that I put into searching for you, I would not overlook any possibility.”

  He smiled and said, “I’m glad you are thorough or I might still be there.”

  She smiled and said, “I got lucky but just know, lucky or not, I would not have stopped until we found you. It speaks to your strength as a full blood vampire that you managed to last long enough for us to find you.”

  He said, “I’m surprised you would so easily kill your own kind to protect a vampire.”

  She countered back, “I am surprised you would consider him ‘my kind’. Trust me when I say he was not.” The tone of her voice was cold and angry.

  He said, “I’m sorry, I was not trying to be rude to you. You have been very kind to me and I would never want to be disrespectful to you.”

  She smiled and explained, “I am not angry with you. I am angry with him. I am particularly angry at how he managed to get you from the warehouse and the device he used to torture you with. He had no right to make you suffer like that.”

  He turned his head away and said, “Trust me, that was more pain than I have known in my lifetime.”

  She looked at him and said, “I saw the water bottles and the frayed wire. I’m sorry that happened to you. I know that Squeaky, Josh, and the Kalian were furious about it as well. As for that infernal device he attached to your arm…where did he even get something like that?”

  He replied, “As strong as I am, it took him 5 bottles of water and electrocuting me for close to an hour before I passed out. The next thing I remember is being chained in the crypt. That’s when the pain became unbearable, but somehow, I bore it. I guess I am tougher than I thought. I never really thought I’d get out of there, must less given any real thought to the crazy man who thought he was being a patriot by torturing me. He was to obsessed to ever given up trying to squeeze information out of me about the alien tech.”

  Dakota’s expression was one of anger, as she said coldly, “The bastard deserved what he got, and you don’t have to worry about looking over your shoulder.”

  Alek nodded his head and lay back on the sofa. “I’m inclined to agree with you about that one.”

  “When you’re feeling better, you can figure out the three numbskulls that Oscar Mitchel lured into abducting you.”

  “I can’t believe that Josh and Faran helped you search for me. I don’t know why but I became quite fond of the two of them. Squeaky was my rock…the one who always looked out for me. He brought me news from the outside world, kept me in Synth-B, and gave me hope when I had none. I think they aren’t so bad…they just fell into a bad line of work.”

  She smiled and said, “Well it’s a good thing the federal government decommissioned the private prison system at the end of the war. I always thought their mandate that criminals seek to make restitution with their victims a more appropriate way of handling penalties.”

  Well, I certain we can find something to keep the lot of them out of trouble from now on.”

  “I’m hired Squeaky to help me with a business matter, so he’ll be too busy to plot any real crime. Josh and Faren are pretty remorseful. I’m sure they’ll do whatever you ask.”

  “Well Oscar’s little stunt cost him everything. I’d say that punishment enough.”

  Shrugging, Dakota decided to come clean. “I stabbed him in the leg, so there’s that.”

  Choking on a dry cough, Alek muttered. “That’s him sorted then.”

  Giving him a sip of water, Dakota encouraged him to get some rest. He lay staring at the fire until he fell asleep again. She began to sketch what she imagined his experience being electrocuted was like. It was a last ditch effort to drive the image from her mind once and for all.

  Chapter 13

  Nursing a Sick Vampire

  ~ Dakota ~

  A chime went off on her com phone every two hours reminding her to approach him for feeding. In the early evening, his hand went out to stop her. “Enough for one evening.”

  Dakota stared down him with a concerned look on her face. “You agreed to your discharge instructions. The physician’s script says feed every 2 hours.” Her voice turned softer as she offered, “If you don’t like feeding from me, I can arrange for a friend to come for you. Would you prefer a male or a female? Human or mixed heritage?”

  He turned his head. “I don’t wish to feed from another. I’ll be fine. Do you realize I have taken almost a pint of blood from you today? It is not safe.”

  She got up headed across the room, coming back a couple of minutes later with a cell phone to her ear and handed it to him.

  Alek responded, “Hello, who is this?”

  “Dr. Walen. Dakota tells me you are refusing to feed. I need you to understand that your system needs that nutrition. I know it seems like a lot but I have her on special medication that slows down her metabolism and regenerates her blood supply at an exponential rate. She couldn’t run a marathon right now but you could almost drain her dry and she would just fall asleep and generate more as she slept. Do you understand? You can take up to a fourth of everything in her system at a time without any risk of harming her.”

  “I understand.”

  Handing the phone back to Dakota she spoke to the physician herslef. “No, no, negative side effects at all. I feel healthy as I have ever been but that is no good if he doesn’t prefer me as a feeding partner. Maybe we should find him someone else. Maybe send several for him to choose from.”

  Alek’s hand came out and touched her arm. He said contritely, “Please don’t do that. I will feed. I prefer to feed from you.”

  Nodding, she hung up the telephone. He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck before gently bit her yet again.

  “No hard feelings, I’m just trying to put humpty dumpty back together again.”

  He laughed softly at her reference to the human children’s rhyme and ran his hands up and down her sides as he gently fed from her neck. She was slowly becoming aroused by his touch. Running her hands up his chest, she rested them around his neck and gently stroked his hair. They were being a little more hands on that most vampires were with their feeding partners but it was just because he was needy after his long ordeal.

  His body was extremely cool to the touch, another vampire trait, most noticeable in the full bloods. She never anticipated how very much she would enjoy having his fangs in her neck, more so than any vampire she had ever fed. She wondered if he could tell she was growing to like his touch in that way.

  The more she was around him, the more she realized that although he was shy, reserved, and dignified, he was also quite assertive when he needed to be. She liked his kind manner and thought him graceful and elegant. His voice was smooth and gentle. He made intelligent conversation and had a subtle self-effacing sense of humor she found quite appealing. Although he was extremely attractive, he was someone you really couldn’t appreciate fully until you spent some time in his company.

  Dakota had agreed to stay on for a few more days in addition to the three she had already spent with him. She would have to continue to pursue him to get him to feed. He seemed to love feeding from her but also seemed to feel guilty about doing so. She realized it was because she was not his love mate or his preferred feeding partner and it was socially awkward for him. Just another example of the kind of considerate behavior she was growing to expect from him.

  She woke up for the fourth time that day and noticed him watching her sleep. He seemed to have tears in his eyes. She knew he was still having bad dreams about his time in the crypt and had taken to sleeping in the same room with him at night. She reached out and touched his face.

  He gently kissed her hand. “Thank you for finally finding me. You can’t imagine how miserable I was there.”

  She ran her hand through the side of his hair
and replied, “I absolutely can imagine how miserable you were. It was my worst nightmare come true?”

  She glanced at the clock, discovering it was almost ten in the morning. She sat up, frowning at how easily the morning was getting away from her. “You are looking better. Would you like a shower?”

  His expression could only be described at heated. Dakota led him to the downstairs guest shower and turned the water on for him. “I’ll help you but you need to hold onto something. You’re still weak and I can’t risk you falling.”

  “A lot has changed since I was last with a woman. It used to be that only strong and good looking men got to spend naked time with a beautiful lady, now it seems that the old, sick, and unattractive somehow merit the honor.”

  Rolling her eye, Dakota responded “I think you know that you are not any of those things. Besides, I am not going to be naked and neither are you.”

  She helped him remove his clothing down to his underwear. She stepped out and returned wearing her panties. Her breasts were beautiful, large, full globes with soft pink peaks.

  She didn’t feel at all strange because she normally wore exactly this much coverage at the beach or swimming at the spa. Most women these days went without a swim suit top. It was considered socially acceptable, even by most conservatives. Breasts were quickly becoming just another body part to most people.

  They stepped into the shower together. She began lathering his body and thoroughly washed his hair a couple of times. Alek made little sounds that let her know he found her touch soothing.

  “That’s really nice. It feels invigorating and refreshing.”

  “The regular feedings have gone a long way towards restoring your strength.”

  Dakota thought they’d worked like pure magic. His skin had grown soft and supple, his hair was still a little dull but his muscle tone was slowly regenerating.

  Dakota thought he was actually quite attractive, especially without clothing. She was not expecting the reaction touching him aroused in her body. It was embarrassing when her nipples became very perky and her insides warmed, sending signals to some pretty interesting places. She blushed a deep shade of pink. Immediately turned away, she hoped he wouldn’t notice as she began washing her hair.

  Unbeknownst to her, when she lifted her arms, her womanly form was displayed to its best advantage. Her long, dark hair clung to her curvaceous figure. God in heaven help her, for liking his touch.

  Alek soap on his hands and slowly began rubbing his hands over her body. Though shocked, she did not pull away. His hands slid to her chest and he slowly ran his palms over her soft peaks, provoking sharp waves of pleasure. The small sound that escaped from her lips told him what she refused to say in words. He pulled her to him, rinsed her under the shower and before she could protest, he was kissing her lips. He was shocked that her response to him was both immediate and passionate, almost matching his own.

  She pushed him back gently with the palm of her hand and said weakly, “I think I may have seriously underestimated whatever this is going on between us. We should get out of the shower and get on with the feedings. We are both losing our focus here.” She turned her back to him and moved to step out of the shower but he slid his arms around from behind, running his hands up her stomach to her breasts.

  He whispered, “We can get on with the feeding right here.” He gently pulled her back onto his body, nuzzled his face into her neck, and bit her hard as one of his hands slid down, into her wet panties, and explored her feminine heat.

  She could feel his strong, hard manhood pressing against her buttocks and was shocked to feel herself melting back into his arms. His fingers moving on her body was sending white hot sparks off in all the right places, reminding her of a victory day sparkler. He was obviously experienced at pleasuring a woman. His skillful touch shook her body in a powerful orgasm within moments.

  He whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck, “You are very easy to please, my beautiful little hunter.”

  His illicit words thrilled her almost as much as his touch. She turned tentatively in his arms, looked into his face, and found only admiration and smoldering desire. She tried her best to just walk away but her good intentions melted away and instead, she found herself doing just the opposite.

  If he had just been one tiny bit less sexy, she might have been able to pull away but she pulled him to her instead. “You seem to have quite an expert touch for a celibate.”

  He sighed, circling his arms around her. “Trust me, beautiful, some things a male never forgets and pleasuring a female falls into that category. You humans have a saying related to bikes or something to describe it.”

  She kissed his lips, as she slipped his underwear from his hips. Wrapping her hand around his gorgeous rod, she stroked him slowly up and down. “Hold me and feed.” He slowly kissed his way to her neck, sucked the appropriate vein to the surface of her skin, and bit her gently in the same spot. He sucked large mouthfuls of her blood as she firmly stroked him.

  Using a firm touch, she easily brought him to his fall as he drank. Dakota could tell he wss lost is a haze of lust. Seeing him that way piqued her own need again. Feeling his fangs in her neck was heady stuff. He seemed embarrassed that he came so quickly and with such force. She watched as it splashed on her stomach and was washed quickly off by the water pouring from above. He seemed in no hurry to let her go once he had come.

  Holding her in his arms, with one hand clasped behind the nape of her neck and the other on her lower back, his lips found hers again. He deepened his kisses to the point that she felt his kisses were almost more intimate than their innocent love play. This vampire was demanding in his own understated way. His sensual tongue crumbled what little resolve she had to separate herself from him.

  Dakota pulled back, shaking her head to clear the haze of passion. “I’m making a mental note that we absolutely cannot be naked together again. Things get out of control fast.”

  She tried to slip out of the shower but he grabbed her by one hand, brought her hand to his lips. “I thought this was not considered getting naked and…, um…, if that was out of control in your world, then you don’t get out much.”

  She smiled at his gentle love play and tugged her hand free. Stepping out of the shower. Dakota couldn’t help berating herself for making such a beginners mistake with the handsome vampire. She should never have thought she could do a good deed like that. She should have realized by how much she enjoyed feeding him that she would have a seriously over the top reaction to seeing him practically naked.

  ~ Alek ~

  Alek stood for long time, allowing the warm water to run over his skin. It felt like heaven to have a beautiful woman in his arms pleasuring him as he fed. He smiled at how easily she climaxed when he touched her. He knew that meant only one of two things, either she had gone a long time without being intimate with a male or that she loved his touch. He sincerely hoped it was the second option. He wondered if she would still be there when he got out of the shower or if he had scared her away entirely.

  He was pleasantly surprised to exit the shower and find she was indeed still with him. Her hands quickly came out to assist him out of the shower. “I’m fine.”

  Seeing she’d dress in pale pink shorts and a tank top, Alek wished she’d not been so quick to cover herself. She looked lovely, then again she always did look amazing. Though wearing almost no clothing was socially acceptable for females on this planet, it did nothing to diminish his desire for her. She helped him dry and dress and took him to rest on the guest bed.

  Sitting on the bed beside him, she blew his hair dry.

  He smiled and said “Thank you, for everything. I have gone for years without a proper feeding or sexing and I can’t say anyone has ever blown my hair dry for me before.”

  “You already know that I’m more than happy to feed you, but I cannot be naked with you again. You’re far too much temptation for one woman.”

  “You’d probably be surprised at prof
icient women are at resisting my many charms.”

  “Be that as it may, you’ll never get your strength back if I feed you, and then drain all your energy away like that.”

  Alek reached out touch her on the arm. “I am sorry if you felt I pressed you. It’s just that you are very attractive and I’m apparently not as polite as I like to think I am.”

  She smiled up at him. “Don’t ever apologize for being a gorgeous, fully functioning adult male. I’m afraid you are simply too attractive to say no to, but, then, on the other hand, you are just not well enough to say yes to quite yet. I hope that makes sense to you?”

  He leaned back on one elbow and glanced down at the bed, looking uncomfortable.

  She quipped, “Besides, it was more my pleasure than yours.”

  He reached out and moved a strand of hair from her cheek back. “We could argue about who that was more pleasurable for all day long I’m afraid.”

  She didn’t know why she wanted to continue to talk about it but she did. “I wouldn’t consider that a proper sexing for a gorgeous male like yourself. I am sure you’ve had better servicing at the spa.”

  He smiled and replied, “Some experiences in this world money cannot buy, my dear. However, if you are truly not happy with your performance, I might agree to keep practicing with you. I’m sure we can eventually get you to a performance point you are happy with.” His voice was deep, rich, and sent a strong message straight to her sex. Alek was that lethal combination of sexy, smart, and funny.

  She laughed, hitting him softly with a pillow. “Gorgeous and a good sense of humor. Please tell me, what woman could resist you? I never even stood a chance.”

  He smiled, apparently enjoying her gentle teasing “I hope you realize that when I’m inappropriate with you and you compliment me instead of chastising me, it does nothing to discourage my interest in you.”

  She rolled her eyes, she continued their easy banter. “I’m afraid it’s merely an issue of convenience. I happen to be here with you. We both know you have been acquainted with me for some time and have never approached me that way before.”


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