Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors)

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Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors) Page 132

by Violet Duke

  “Training bra?” Eddie interrupted. “You have to train them?”

  Haley laughed as she took another drink of her beer. “No, but girls get them so that they get used to wearing a bra. Anyways, I think you should start thinking about it. Maybe give her a time frame that she can look forward to. That’s what my mom did. She chose ten, but it should be whenever you feel is appropriate.”

  Never. He wanted her to stay his little girl forever.

  As if reading his mind, Haley added, “She’s growing up.”

  “I know.”

  He didn’t like it, but he knew it.


  THE SUN STREAMING in through the open window warmed Haley’s cheek as she made her way to Bella. She luxuriated in its decadent warmth until she bounced right off her seat as her car flew over the new speed bump on Eleventh Street.

  Shoot. She kept forgetting that it was there. Obviously, the city had installed it for good reason since each time it slipped her mind she was going way too fast when she hit it. And this morning, the last thing she was thinking about was the speed bump. Her mind was other places. It was probably best while behind the wheel that she at least attempt to concentrate on driving.

  It was just so hard to think straight after last night. Her talk with Eddie was playing on repeat in her head. The whole night had had a surreal quality to it. Well, at least the part after Eddie had come home early and scared the living daylights out of her.

  Some of it even seemed like she’d been dreaming it. It was hard to believe that Eddie had actually opened up to her about Lacey and his fears with Em. As far as she knew, he just didn’t do that. Ever.

  Then there was his rather obvious, huge, 3D, eye-popping physical reaction he’d had to her in the kitchen. Haley was having a difficult time truly believing that she had been responsible for it. A little voice in her head kept saying that he had just come home early from a date. Maybe he’d gotten blue-balled.

  But that was crazy. Completely and utterly ludicrous. Who in their right mind would turn down Eddie? Still, the idea that she’d inspired such a large reaction in him was just as crazy.

  But all of that paled in comparison to him pointing out that she wiggled her toes when she was nervous. How could he possibly have known that about her? She considered herself a fairly self-aware person and even she hadn’t known that.

  Then there were his cryptic words. “I notice a lot about you.”

  Um, what?! Hold the phone. Hold your horses. Hold anything else you can.

  Since when? Sure, she’d known that he’d noticed things about her car—oil, tires, etc. But this was about her.

  A huge yawn claimed her as she turned down the side street that led to the backside of Bella. She’d probably only gotten a total of one hour of sleep last night. She’d gone home around midnight, after she and Eddie had sat and talked about random, not-so-heavy topics for a couple of hours. When she’d finally left his house, like always, he’d stood on the porch and watched to make sure that she got home safely. Which was ridiculous, she thought. She lived across the street, and it wasn’t like Harper’s Crossing was riddled with crime. But she did find it sweet and endearing nonetheless.

  Last night though, when she’d made the short trip to her house, she’d felt his gaze on her like a blanketed caress. It had covered her whole body. She’d been practically breathless by the time she’d made it across the street just after twelve a.m.

  Which meant she had made it home in plenty of time to fit in a good night’s sleep. It was just that she hadn’t. The plain and simple truth was she had not been able to switch her brain off.

  Pulling into the back employee parking lot, Haley was surprised to see Amber’s car here. Normally, Sundays were her days off. Inventory had been done for the month, and Amber preferred to design at home, so Haley was at a loss for what she might be doing at the boutique.

  Guess I’ll find out soon enough, Haley thought as she stepped out of her car into the already stifling heat of the day. It was only eight thirty in the morning, and if Haley had to guess, she would say it was already in the high eighties, low nineties.

  It was going to be another scorcher for sure.

  The heat radiated off the black asphalt, hitting Haley right in the face as she made the brief walk to the back employee entrance of the shop. In the few short steps it took to get to the shop, beads of sweat had already started forming on Haley’s forehead. When she entered the store, the air conditioning hit her like a little piece of heaven.

  “Oh, that feels so good,” she breathed to herself.

  Haley opened the fridge and bent down, placing her lunch, which today consisted of a turkey sandwich and yogurt, inside. Just as she was shutting the door, she heard Amber’s voice coming from the doorway that led into the showroom.

  “Man, can you believe how hot it is out there?”

  Standing, Haley turned and saw her boss-slash-friend-slash-cousin-in-law looking like her usual self, which meant she could have just walked off a runway in Milan. The overhead track lighting bounced off Amber’s long, thick, glossy black hair, which was complemented by her flawless honey-toned skin. Today she wore one of her newest designs—an emerald-green jumper short set with tan wedges—showcasing her long, toned legs. She wore sparse jewelry that perfectly accented her outfit.

  Haley remembered how intimidated she used to feel around the casually glamorous Amber Sloan. She figured most people were when they first met Amber. But that all disappeared once you got to know her.

  Amber was one of the most down-to-earth, hardworking people Haley had ever met. So many people who met her were so taken by her outward beauty that they didn’t ever see beneath it. She was easily able to disguise what life had dealt her—the loss, the tragedy, the hardships. But Haley’s cousin Seth saw the real Amber, and she could not be happier that the two of them had found each other. Even if their road to happily-ever-after was one of the more unusual tales, it had worked. Perfectly.

  “I know! I was dying just walking from the car,” Haley agreed as she placed her purse in her small locker. About a year back, they’d had a breakin at the shop. The police had apprehended the perpetrator, but since then, as a precaution, they’d kept everything locked up tight as a drum. “What are you doing here on a Sunday?”

  “I have several interviews lined up,” Amber stated matter-of-factly.

  “Interviews for what?” To say that Haley’s interest was piqued would be the understatement of the century.

  “For help. I am looking to hire at least one, maybe two more employees.”

  Haley searched Amber’s face for clues as to what this was all about, but it was unreadable. Seriously, she could pick up on nothing. Amber might have missed her calling as a card shark because she had one badass poker face.

  “We need more help?” Haley was trying desperately not to jump to the conclusion that she was getting fired, but her feet were already off the ground and she would definitely consider herself mid-hop.

  “Actually, that’s what I needed to talk to you about,” Amber said cryptically as she pulled out one of the white and black polka-dotted chairs that sat around the small table in the breakroom. “Have a seat.”

  Haley’s stomach was doing an amazing impression of Chubby Checker doing the twist as she slid into the padded chair. Amber sat across from her and folded her hands, resting them on the black wooden surface of the table.

  “I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.” Amber’s tone sounded more businesslike than normal, which was not helping the dance party going on in Haley’s stomach. “You have been an amazing employee. In fact, I don’t know how I would have gotten through the last few years without you. You’ve gone above and beyond in every aspect of your job.”

  Haley se
riously felt a “but” coming on.

  Amber continued. “So much so, that I think that you’ve outgrown your current position.”

  Umm, that definitely sounded like she was getting fired. Haley’s heart raced and her palms grew damp as she swallowed over a large lump in her throat. Just as she was trying to formulate what she could tell Amber to convince her that she had not “outgrown her position,” Amber blindsided her once again by announcing through a wide smile, “So I would like to make you a partner.”

  “What?” Haley asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Amber leaned down and produced—from where, Haley had no idea—a stack of legal documents, sliding them across the table. Haley stared down at them, dumbfounded.

  She couldn’t think. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t talk.

  Luckily, Amber could, and she continued speaking. “Your Tempting line is one of our best sellers. As a matter of fact, every line you’ve put out we have sold out of.”

  Haley was listening and processing what Amber was telling her. She knew that was true. Her lingerie line was popular.

  “So my thought was, if you’re interested of course, would be to open a second Bella location, here in Harper’s Crossing, but have it be primarily undergarments. And I wanted to name it Tempting by Bella. It would be your store, but you wouldn’t have to put up any of the upfront costs to open it.”

  Haley stared at Amber in disbelief. If last night felt surreal, today felt unreal.

  “But”—Amber pulled out a second stack of papers, once again sliding them across the table—“if a partnership is not something that you’re interested in, then I have a second option for you.”

  Haley looked down and saw the first words that popped out at her—principal investor.

  Amber quickly explained, “I believe in you. And if you want to spread your wings and do this on your own, then I want to offer my help as a silent investor.”

  Tears began forming in Haley’s eyes. She couldn’t believe the opportunity that Amber was offering. Her own store.

  “So think about it, have a lawyer look over the paperwork, then get back to me when you’ve had time to consid—”

  “No,” Haley blurted out.

  Amber’s eyes widened. She drew her head back slightly, and Haley realized how her one-word response sounded.

  She let out a forced laugh as she explained, “I mean, I don’t have to think about it. I want to open Tempting by Bella. I don’t want to do this alone. I have learned so much from you and would feel so honored to be your business partner.”

  Now Amber’s eyes were brimming with tears as well. She held up her hands, assuring Haley, “You don’t have to answer right away. You can take as long as you want.”

  “Are you kidding me?! I feel like I just won the lotto. I’m definitely cashing in my ticket.”

  Amber stood and extended her hand. “Okay, partner.”

  Haley stood as well but rounded the corner and threw her arms around Amber. “Thank you so much,” she said as she embraced her.

  Amber patted her back. “I really believe in you. Not just your Tempting line, but you, Hales.”

  The phone rang, interrupting their moment, and Amber stepped through the beaded doorway to head to the front to answer it.

  Haley took a moment, looking around the small room she had spent a lot of time in over the last few years. As excited as she was, she did feel the distinctive pull of nostalgia. She was going to miss this place.

  That little voice piped up again. But you’ll have a new place. Your place.

  Tempting by Bella. Haley smiled. I like the sound of that.


  “DADDY, LOOK!” Emily yelled as she pushed her cousin Mya in the baby swing on the swing set he and Riley had just installed in his sister’s backyard.

  “Good job, squirt!” he yelled back.

  His daughter’s face scrunched at his use of her nickname. She really was growing up. That could not have been any clearer than after his talk with Haley.

  Chelle stepped outside onto the patio carrying a tray of uncooked hamburger patties. She was dressed casually in shorts and a tank top, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, but Eddie could honestly say that he’d never seen his sister look more beautiful. Since getting married and having Mya, she’d just had this inner glow about her. Marriage and motherhood suited her.

  “So…” She clapped her hands together as she sat down at the patio table after handing off the burgers to Riley. “What’s new with you? I feel like all the info I get about you is secondhand.”

  “Secondhand?” His forehead creased. Why the hell would anybody be talking about him? Especially to his sister.

  “Yes. A few of the moms who have kids in Emily’s class work at the hospital. You seem to be their favorite topic of discussion. Also, my dinner with Katie got interrupted quite a few times by random women with inquiries and stories about you.”

  “And?” Eddie felt like this was going somewhere; he just wasn’t sure where yet.

  He didn’t love the fact that people felt the need to talk about him when he wasn’t around, but there was not a lot he could do about it. If there was one lesson his misspent youth and Lacey taking off had taught him, it would be that people talked and it was best to just ignore it.

  “And”—Chelle leaned forward in her chair and dropped her voice to a whisper—“there is quite a lot of interest in your social life. Or should I say lack thereof.”

  “Chelle, I don’t know why you listen to that stuff. You know that I’m not going to—”

  “—get in any relationship until after Em is in college,” his sister interrupted, finishing his thought. She spoke quickly, her voice monotone. Shaking her head and sitting back in her chair, Chelle sighed disappointedly. “Yeah, I know. You have made that perfectly clear. But I’m worried about you. Are you ever going to move on? I mean, I know it’s hard to think about after what”—she whispered as she spelled out—“L-a-c-e-y did, but I think it’s time for you to man up, get back out there, and act like you’ve got a pair!” his sister teased. A small proud smile lifted at the corners of her mouth.

  He heard Riley chuckle over the grill. Eddie wanted to slap him upside his head. Chelle had never talked to him like that before she’d hooked up with his best friend.

  Eddie was confused. His sister had always been on his side. She was always supportive and understanding. She’d never questioned his parenting, his personal life. Even as a teen when he was out of control, she’d always just accepted him, unconditionally and unquestioningly.

  He was her big brother. She was his little sister. They’d always stayed in those roles. Eddie couldn’t figure out why she was she acting like this now. Where was this disapproval and challenge coming from?

  He felt like telling her to mind her own business, but he didn’t think he would be able to say it that nicely. He knew a lot of people thought he was a dick or an asshole, and most the time he didn’t disagree with their assessment, but he tried really hard never to be that way with Chelle or Emily.

  Or Haley.

  He shook off that thought as he decided to take a different approach to this conversation and diffuse what could be a volatile topic—for him at least. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine. You can tell everyone who’s ‘concerned’ about my love life that I’ve got it under control.”

  “Auntie Chelle!” Emily called out from across the yard. “I think Mya needs a diaper change.” Em’s face looked as if she was smelling something very unpleasant as she stood beside baby Mya swinging happily in the baby swing.

  “Okay, sweetie pie.” Chelle sto
od, pointing her finger at Eddie. “Duty calls, but this is not over.”

  He watched as his sister made her way across the grass and picked his niece up out of the swing. Emily happily trotted after her aunt, offering to help with the diaper changing.

  As the three girls stepped onto the porch, Riley pulled the last patty off the grill and turned, kissing both his wife and baby girl before they headed into the house. Eddie shifted uncomfortably in his chair. If he hadn’t known any better, he would think he was actually a little envious of what his best friend had.

  A wife. A baby. A family.

  Riley pulled a couple of beers out of the cooler beside the grill, which was filled with ice, and handed one to Eddie. “Thanks again for helping me put that monster up.”

  Eddie nodded and held up his beer in acknowledgement. Riley wasn’t exaggerating. That swing set had been a beast.

  “So, you do know she’s not going to drop this,” Riley stated matter-of-factly.

  Eddie groaned as his head fell back. “Not you too.”

  What the hell was going on? He had come over here to do his part, be a good brother-slash-uncle-slash-friend. Now he was beginning to feel ambushed.

  Riley lifted his hands in mock surrender. “Look, I’m just giving you a heads-up. She’s on a mission and I thought you should be warned.”

  “Why does she care so much all of a sudden?”

  A smug smile spread across his friend’s face. “My guess is she’s happy. Really happy. And she wants the same thing for you, so watch out. You know how she is when she puts her mind to something. Cupid won’t have anything on her.”

  So not only had his sister decided that it was time to meddle in his private life, but he had his best friend of over twenty years to thank for putting her on the mission.



  “I’M GOING OVER TO Haley’s,” his daughter’s voice sounded in his foggy mind. Eddie felt his shoulder being jostled by little hands. “Okay, Daddy?”


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