Haven 1: Ascend
Page 4
The moment the healer pulled back Zha Quin’s cloak from Vivian’s body and began his exam, there was a flurry of activity. The three males surrounding them immediately barked orders to those warriors standing guard outside the window. The other civilians had been processed and sent to their temporarily assigned lodgings or were elsewhere in medical, but several of his warriors had remained. Upon hearing the orders coming from those in the room with him, those in the waiting room, too, turned their backs and assumed sentry positions.
Zha Quin noted their respect for his woman, but didn’t understand why they were still there. “Why are they still here? Were they not dismissed?” he asked Ba Re’.
“Yes, they were. They insisted on staying to protect the little human. It seems they are determined to see to her safety.”
He rumbled his approval. “I am pleased. She needs a personal guard, and they have formed one without having been asked.”
The healer ran the scanner over Vivian again, and a series of beeps sounded, once again causing results to scroll across the holographic screen hovering in the center of the room. “She is much better, but still not completely well. She will require time, Sire.”
“Heal her completely. Now!” Zha Quin demanded.
“I cannot, Sire. She is human. I am not familiar with her physiology and its limitations. Not many are. I’ve done all I dare.”
Zha Quin snarled in response, advancing on his own Healing Master.
“I believe that she will heal completely, Sire,” he said, taking a step back. “She needs time. She needs rest. And when she awakens, she will need food. Take her to your quarters, make her comfortable. I will come twice a day to check her progress. I have no doubt that I have done all I can for now. She should be with you when she awakens, not here in a cold, medical atmosphere,” the healer told him, hoping against hope that Zha Quin would leave the medical bay with the human. Zha Quin was a good male, a strong male. But like all the Cruestaci, when their Psi’s were active, they were barely hanging onto control. And a battle Psi engaged in defense of an Ehlealah was even worse, while this particular male was more dangerous than most. Zha Quin was not known for his patience. He wanted his orders met, and immediately.
There were a couple of things the Healing Master needed, and he needed them now. First, he needed Zha Quin Tha to leave medical at once. All medical personnel with the exception of himself had fled the medical bay at Zha Quin Tha’s earlier outburst. He needed his medical staff to return to help with the other patients. And he needed more time to research the human body. The healer knew that the female was stable. And he knew his Sire would watch over his Ehlealah flawlessly in his own quarters — if he could just get him to go there. So he had no problem urging Zha Quin Tha to take his human and return to his own quarters.
“When will she awake?” Zha Quin asked.
“It shouldn’t be too much longer. Her heart rate is strong. She no longer has a fever. Her white blood cells and antibodies are somewhat elevated, but she is much improved. The sedative and the healing chamber keep her sleeping. It is best. Her body finishes healing while she sleeps.”
Zha Quin watched the healer suspiciously. He’d never doubted his Healing Master before, but his Ehlealah had never been involved before, either. He grunted, very gently wrapped his precious female in his cloak, gathered her in his arms and started from the room. He paused in the doorway, looking back, “Should she not be here, where you can monitor her at all times?”
“It is not necessary, Sire. She is stable. Please take her to your quarters, where you can watch over her without interruption.”
Zha Quin nodded, “Yes, perhaps that is best.” Then he pinned his healer with a cold glare, “If she worsens, I hold you responsible. If she dies… you will wish you are dead.”
“I have no doubt, Sire. She will recover.” The healer exhaled a breath, a weight he’d been holding on his shoulders since his Commander entered the medical unit with his female, lightening slightly as Zha Quin Tha left with her. He sighed in relief. No one rested when their Commander was afoot with his Psi on display, and he was, frankly, glad to see him go. Everyone in medical would rest a bit easier.
Zha Quin Tha strode purposefully down the corridor, his three best, most trusted friends surrounding him as he walked. The other warriors, Vivian's self-appointed guard, clearing the way up ahead and bringing up the rear. He ignored all he passed and their curious glances in his direction. It was surely no secret that the Earth female they’d rescued for the Consortium was his Ehlealah, so there was no reason for them all to behave as though it was a surprise. They entered the lift, his Ehlealah’s escort also crowding into the lift, and Ba Re’ pressed the buttons to take them to Zha Quin’s residence floor. The floor Zha Quin resided on was higher security on a regular basis, but now with her crashing into his life, it would be so protected most others might find it a nuisance. There were several residence floors, but those he trusted most were usually housed where he was, along with those who had families that traveled with them. It was considered an honor to live on his level. Those who were not mated usually shared quarters with the other single males on other floors.
The lift stopped at Residence Floor 3, and as the doors whooshed open, half the warriors exited, then, Ba Re’ and Kol Ra’ exited in front of him, leaving Jhan Re’ behind him on the lift with the remainder of the warriors that had assigned themselves to Vivian. Ba Re’ and Jhan Re’ were brothers. Kol Ra’ was their cousin; all four males had been childhood friends. No matter where their lives had taken them, they’d always come back to one another. When they’d been put in separate divisions in the military, they’d each eventually made their way back to Zha Quin’s command once he’d achieved it. But they’d all done it the right way, by earning it, there were no special favors for them. Each was a highly-decorated warrior in his own right.
Ba Re’, Kol, and Jhan again assumed protective positions around him as he swiftly made his way to his private quarters. Ba Re’ slammed his hand against the scanner on the wall beside the door. They each had clearance to enter one another’s quarters. The doors opened, and Ba Re’ led the way into Zha Quin’s quarters. Kol and Jhan took up positions outside the door, with the other warriors lining the walls in the hallway.
Zha Quin entered his quarters, his female held tightly against his chest, and approached the bed, intent on placing her in it. But he couldn’t. She still held the filth of her previous torture on her skin. He needed to clean her, to remove any trace of it from her.
“I need to clean her, Ba Re’,” he said.
“Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it,” Ba Re’ answered.
“I do not know. The healer behaved as though humans have frailties. Are there things that could hurt her flesh should I try to cleanse her?” Zha Quin asked. “I thought to enter the cleansing unit with her, but it may be too harsh for her skin.” Zha Quin looked down at her resting in his arms, his fingers stroked her arm, “She is so soft.”
Ba Re’ didn’t know, he shrugged. He raised his voice, “Computer, how do humans cleanse?”
Almost immediately, a three-dimensional holograph was projected into the center of the room; it showed a human female in a shiny white tank, filled with water. She laid back on the sloped edge of the tank and held a water soaked cloth above herself, squeezing it to rain water down upon her skin. Then the scene changed and showed a male in a small cubicle, water pouring from a metallic fixture above his head as he lathered his skin with a small cake of some type. The computer kept a running narrative of the scenes projected before them.
“End,” Zha Quin ordered the computer. The images immediately disappeared. “I need a cleansing water tank.”
Ba Re’ said, “It would appear that humans are very wasteful with their water. Surely, we could cleanse her with the standard antibiotic foams. They cleanse us, even after battle.”
Zha Quin looked down at Vivian sleeping peacefully in his arms, “I will
not chance it. When she wakes, perhaps, if she chooses. But now? I will not chance it.” He raised his eyes to Ba Re’s, “Where can we find enough water to cleanse her as is done by her people?”
Ba Re’ thought for a moment, “The Venasian male! He requires quite a lot of hydration. In fact, he must return to his quarters several times a day to rehydrate. We installed special features in his quarters so that he could join our crew. Perhaps he will allow you to use his quarters.”
“He will or he will be ejected from this ship!” Zha Quin snarled, already striding out of his quarters and toward the Communication Master’s residence.
“You must use my chamber, why?” the green-skinned male asked.
Ba Re’ bit his tongue; he wanted to demand rather than ask permission, but these Venasians were very peculiar beings. They had loyalty to none. Those that gave them respect, and, of course, those who offered the highest pay were whom they swore their allegiance to. They were extremely gifted with communications and technology, but they were very touchy about how you spoke to them. Ba Re’ took a deep breath, “Because our Commander’s female is human, she requires water to cleanse, and you have the facility for it.”
The extremely private and solitary male regarded them, two of his tentacles raising of their own accord to flick to and fro as he considered their request.
Zha Quinn’s footsteps could be heard echoing toward them down the corridor moments before his voice boomed out, “If he says no, remove him from my ship immediately!”
Quickly the male agreed, his entire tone changing as he stepped back into his quarters, “Enter,” he said. “Please, make use of my hydration pool.” He didn’t like the idea of being ejected out into open space. He didn’t like the way Commander Tel Mo’ Kok spoke to him, either. But, he did really like that no one hassled him here. He had his own quarters, and they’d even put in a hydration pool for him. They paid him well, and they left him alone. He wasn’t willing to give up the position he held on this warship. It was a good arrangement. He stepped back out of the way to allow the Commander entrance to his quarters.
Zha Quin went straight to the door that would open on any other’s cleansing chamber, opened it, and found to his surprise a small pool, approximately 4 feet in diameter and two feet deep. He eyed Ba Re’ who said, “What? You told me to get the best Communication Master available. He’s the best — he comes with needs. We met them.”
“Fine. Make me one of the tanks as seen in the holovids in my quarters. If you can have this done,” he indicated the pool, “you can make me a human cleansing tank,” Zha Quin said. He used his foot to kick the door closed, leaving Vivian and himself alone in the Venasian’s hydration chamber.
“How do you fill it?” he shouted through the door.
The green male entered the chamber, and after pressing a series of silver buttons mounted on the wall, the water started to flow from the spout above the pool.
“Leave,” Zha Quin ordered.
The male hurried to get out of his own hydration chamber. Everyone, even he, knew not to press the Commander when he issued a direct order.
Zha Quin stripped the filthy cloak from his female. Then he picked her up and stepped into the pool with her in his arms. He was still dressed in his undergarment and simply took a seat in the water with her. As the water rose, he began to scoop it up in his free hand and drizzle it over her skin. Seeing that it did indeed wash some of the dirt away, he was encouraged and began to pour handfuls over her arms, her chest, even over her hair.
He was disturbed by a knock at the door.
“Go away!” he barked out, thinking it would be the irritating, green male again.
“Zha Quin, it’s me,” a familiar voice called.
Kol, it was Kol, “What?” he asked a bit less viciously.
Kol opened the door a crack and said, “I’m not looking at your female. But Ba Re’ told me of the holovid you watched. I brought you this.” Kol leaned inside the bathroom and while looking away from the pool, tossed something toward Zha Quin.
“What is this?” he asked, picking up the white, waxy-feeling bar as he turned it over in his hand.
“It’s what humans call soap. They use it to cleanse with. I’ve got several bars.”
“Why do you have several bars?” Zha Quin asked, still turning the thing over and over in his hand curiously.
Zha Quin heard Kol sigh, “I’ve been collecting human things for a while now. I’m… interested in them. They are a fascinating people.”
“I see,” he answered, then, “Go away.”
Kol closed the door and waited on the other side. He and Jhan were left to watch over Zha Quin and his Ehlealah. The other warriors were in the hallway standing guard outside. Ba Re’ had gone to see to Zha Quinn’s order that a cleansing tank be installed in his cleansing chamber.
Kol and Jhan could hear the water splashing and tinkling as Zha Quin washed his female. Kol sighed again. He couldn’t help it. A representation of his own dreams lay in another male’s arms just on the other side of that door. He didn’t want Zha Quin’s human, he wanted his own. He dreamt of it, hopelessly, knowing that Earth and its people were completely forbidden, and because of that he’d always known that any chance of him living out his dreams was nonexistent. Then surprisingly they find one, a human, and she’s his best friend’s Ehlealah, his Sire’s Ehlealah. He leaned his back against the door and watched the green-skinned male observing him curiously. “Stop looking at me!” he demanded.
Chapter 5
Zha Quin used the soap in his hand to rub gently against a smudge of dirt on his female’s shoulder. To his surprise, the dirt rinsed away with no effort at all. He smiled, realizing that this stuff was in fact useful for cleansing humans’ skin. He very gently smoothed it across all her flesh, even using it to lather and wash her hair. He spent so much time in the pool that he had to allow the water to drain from it and refilled it twice more to make sure the water was warm enough. He was especially careful when he cleansed her most sensitive places. He lathered the soap in his right hand while holding her against him with his left arm. He lifted her out of the water and used his hand and fingers to clean between her legs. He could barely contain his rage on feeling the tears and scars on her delicate flesh. But he remained true to his task. She deserved to be free of all traces of torture on her skin, so he went slowly, efficiently, gently. Only when he was assured that she was completely clean and her skin was soft and fresh, did he finally rise from the pool with her in his arms. He used some clean towels that were sitting on the shelf across the room to dry her. But had nothing else to wrap her in to move her back to his quarters. He raised his voice to be heard through the door, “I need clothing for my Ehlealah, Kol.”
“One moment,” Kol called back.
“Jhan, run to our quarters and bring back a blanket, or a sheet, something to cover her with.”
Jhan returned moments later, opening the cleansing chamber door and stepping in to hand the bed sheet to Zha Quin. “Here, I tried to touch it minimally. It’s recently been laundered, so there should be no scent other than my touch on it.”
“Thank you, Jhan,” Zha Quin answered. He stood with his back to the door, speaking to Jhan over his shoulder, Vivian in his arms.
He wrapped her in the bed sheet and emerged from the cleansing chamber a much calmer male. He smiled at Kol and Jhan, “She is clean.”
“Good,” Kol answered.
“The scent on her was driving me insane. Perhaps it was selfish of me to insist on bathing her,” he said, a crease in his brow as he walked toward the door to exit the Venasian’s quarters.
“I believe that she will much appreciate your efforts when she wakes,” Jhan said.
Zha Quin nodded as he looked down at Vivian.
At the door he paused, turning back to the Venasian, “You will be compensated for your time. Thank you for surrendering your hydrating pool to my Ehlealah’s needs.” He performed a quick little bow, then spun on his heel and l
eft the room.
He received more than a glance on his return to his own quarters, Vivian’s personal guard both escorting and bringing up the rear. Kol and Jhan, still at his side, hushed and shooed away several of his crew as they became too curious. He was soaking wet, dripping water, and wearing a now almost transparent undergarment, with a human in his arms. He supposed curiosity was to be expected. As he approached his quarters, the warriors slowed and took positions before and after his door.
“You are all relieved. Thank you for your devotion,” he said to his warriors.
“We prefer to stay, Sire, if we may,” one responded.
Zha Quin considered for a moment, “You should determine who will stay, and who will go to rest to take your places later. This way someone is always here. Will that suit your needs?”
All nine warriors clicked their heels and stood at attention, “Yes, Sire. Thank you, Sire.”
Zha Quin entered his chambers and laid Vivian down on his bed. He removed the sheet from her and placed her under the blankets on his side of the bed, with his personal pillow propped under her head. He wanted her surrounded in his scent. He completely ignored Kol and Jhan as they entered his bedroom. At this particular point in time, they were not his crew; they were his friends, and as such he didn't need to keep an eye on them. Once he had her tucked into his bed and his blankets pulled up around her, he knelt beside his bed and just smoothed his hands over the blankets covering her. He tried to smooth her hair, but his fingers got caught. So he began to pull his fingers through her hair to work loose the knots. He didn’t have hair, none of the males of their people had hair. The males had horns, the females had hair. But he’d never had his own female and honestly wasn’t interested enough in any of them he’d ever met to pay attention. He didn’t know what the hell to do with it, but knew that the knots surely didn’t belong there. So he wanted to fix it for her.