Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography

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Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography Page 106

by Charles Moore


  1. Letter to Muriel, 20 Aug. 1944. 2. Letter to Muriel, 30 July 1944. 3. Ibid. 4. Letter to Muriel, 20 Aug. 1944. 5. Letter to Muriel, Sept. 1944 (undated). 6. Ibid. 7. Maggie: The First Lady (Brook Lapping productions for ITV and PBS, 2003). 8. Interview with Carol Thatcher. 9. Interview with Michael James. 10. Ibid. 11. Papers relating to the compilation of Lady Thatcher’s memoirs, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 4/4. 12. Interview with Nicholas Stuart. 13. Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power, HarperCollins, 1995, p. 5. 14. Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 23 June 1970. 15. Interview with John Hedger. 16. THCR 4/4. 17. Daily Telegraph, 22 June 1970 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 18. Times, 11 Nov. 1970 ( 19. See Woman’s Hour (BBC Radio 2), 23 July 1970 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements) and Sunday Times, 15 Nov. 1970 ( 20. Hansard, HC Deb 19 Oct. 1972 ( 21. THCR 4/4. 22. Interview with Max Morris. 23. Finchley Press, 25 June 1971 ( 24. Interview with Nicholas Stuart. 25. Ibid. 26. Times Educational Supplement, 2 July 1971. 27. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 166. 28. Interview with John Hedger. 29. Private information. 30. THCR 4/4. 31. Interview with Lord Belstead. 32. Interview with Nicholas Stuart. 33. Interviews with John Banks, John Hedger and Anthony Chamier. 34. Private information. 35. Interview with Anthony Chamier. 36. Interview with Carol Thatcher. 37. Interview with John Banks. 38. Interview with John Hedger. 39. The National Archives (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO) ED 207/103, 24 June 1970. 40. THCR 4/4. 41. Interview with Nicholas Stuart. 42. Interview with Lord Belstead. 43. Peter Hennessy, Whitehall, Secker & Warburg, 1989, p. 626. 44. TNA: PRO T 227/3146. 45. Ibid., 11 Aug. 1970. 46. TNA: PRO T 227/3147, 1 Sept. 1970. 47. THCR 4/4. 48. Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 30 July 1970. 49. Guardian, 28 Oct. 1970. 50. TNA: PRO ED 269/1, memo from J. A. Hudson to Sir William Pile, 7 Jan. 1971. 51. TNA: PRO ED 269/1, letter from Edward Short to Mrs Thatcher, 20 May 1971. 52. Hansard, HC Deb 14 June 1971 ( 53. Sun, 9 July 1971. 54. Observer, 7 Feb. 1971 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 55. See A Chance to Meet (BBC1), 21 Mar. 1971 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 56. Interview with Anthony Chamier. 57. Sun, 25 Nov. 1971. 58. Guardian, 2 Nov. 1971. 59. Daily Mail, 15 Dec. 1971. 60. See Carol Thatcher’s discussion of this in Below the Parapet: The Biography of Denis Thatcher, HarperCollins, 1996, p. 98. 61. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 62. TNA: PRO ED 269/13. 63. Interview with Anthony Chamier. 64. Interview with Sir Edward Heath. 65. TNA: PRO PREM 15/1482, 13 Jan. 1972. 66. Interview with Lord Belstead. 67. Sunday Express, 16 Jan. 1972 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 68. Daily Mail, 8 Feb. 1972 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 69. Liverpool Daily Post, 21 Feb. 1972 ( 70. Interview with Nicholas Stuart. 71. Interview with Max Morris. 72. Interview with Michael James. 73. Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 30 Nov. 1972. 74. Interview with Michael James. 75. Interview with Lord Belstead. 76. Illustrated London News, Nov. 1973 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 77. Interview with Eric Bolton. 78. Daily Mail, 9 June 1972. 79. Sunday Times, 8 Apr. 1973 ( 80. Interview with Anthony Chamier. 81. See Evening Standard, 17 Nov. 1973 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements).


  1. Edward Heath, The Course of my Life, Hodder & Stoughton, 1998, p. 327. 2. Douglas Hurd, An End to Promises, Collins, 1979, p. 95. 3. Heath, The Course of my Life, p. 348. 4. Ibid. 5. Papers relating to the compilation of Lady Thatcher’s memoirs, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 4/4. 6. Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power, HarperCollins, 1995, p. 221. 7. Interview with Lord Parkinson. 8. THCR 4/4. 9. Interview with Sir Edward Heath. 10. For example, interviews with Lord Walker and Lord Prior. 11. 059 State 1970–73 Central File, US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 12. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 13. All above quotations from the Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks. 14. Interview with Lord Parkinson. 15. THCR 4/4. 16. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 17. All above quotations are from the Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks. Sir John Hunt succeeded Sir Burke Trend in September 1973. The abbreviations of reported speech are his. 18. THCR 4/4. 19. See Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 195. 20. THCR 4/4. 21. Heath, The Course of my Life, p. 334. 22. Private information. 23. Speech to Finchley Conservatives (Association AGM), 2 Mar. 1972, reported in Finchley Times, 10 Mar. 1972 ( 24. Speech to Devon Conservatives, 29 July 1972, reported in Exeter Express and Echo, 31 July 1972 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 25. THCR 4/4. 26. Ibid. 27. Ibid. 28. Airey Neave, diary (unpublished). 29. Ibid. 30. Letter from Carol Thatcher to Muriel Cullen, 30 Aug. 1973. 31. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 228. 32. For a discussion of this incident, see John Campbell, Edward Heath: A Biography, Jonathan Cape, 1993, pp. 566–7. 33. Interview with Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. 34. THCR 4/4. 35. Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 17 Jan. 1974. 36. Neave, diary, 17 Jan. 1974. 37. Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 5 Feb. 1974. 38. Ibid. 39. Interview with Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. 40. Interview with Lord Donoughue. 41. THCR 4/4. 42. Finchley Times, 15 Feb. 1974 ( 43. Election Call (BBC Radio 4), 19 Feb. 1974 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 44. Daily Express, 22 Feb. 1974. 45. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 46. For a full account of all the negotiations of 1–4 Mar., see Robert Armstrong, Note for the Record, 16 March 1974, The National Archives (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO) PREM 15/2069. 47. Ibid. 48. Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 1 Mar. 1974. 49. Robert Armstrong, Note for the Record, TNA: PRO PREM 15/2069. 50. Interview with Lady Wakeham. 51. Daily Mail, 9 Mar. 1974 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 52. THCR 4/4. 53. Neave, diary, 5 Mar. 1974. 54. Ibid., 7 Mar. 1974. 55. Interview with Sir Charles Morrison. 56. Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, 2 vols, Jonathan Cape, 2005, 2008, vol. i: With Harold Wilson in No. 10, 15 Mar. 1974, p. 71. 57. Ibid., 13 Mar. 1974. 58. Private information. 59. Neave, diary, 14 Mar. 1974. 60. Ibid., 18 Mar. 1974. 61. Ibid., 19 Mar. 1974. 62. Hansard, HC Deb 6 May 1974 ( 63. Neave, diary, 25 Mar. 1974. 64. Ibid., 24 Apr. 1974. 65. THCR 4/4. 66. Private information. 67. Neave, diary, 9 May 1974. 68. Ibid., 13 June 1974. 69. Ibid., 17 June 1974. 70. Ibid., 27 June 1974. 71. Ibid., 2 July 1974. 72. Ibid., 8 July 1974. 73. Ibid., 14 July 1974. 74. Interview with Sir Edward Heath. 75. Interview with Sara Morrison. 76. Interview with Sir Alfred Sherman. 77. Ibid. 78. Interview with Simon Webley. 79. Ibid. 80. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 81. Interview with Lord Carrington. 82. For a full account see Alfred Sherman, Paradoxes of Power, Imprint Academic, 2005. 83. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 84. The Times, 2, 3 and 4 May 1974. 85. THCR 4/4. 86. Interview with Lord Walker. 87. Radio interview for Feedback (LBC), 17 May 1974 ( 88. Liverpool Daily Post, 17 June 1974 ( 89. Interview with Lady Wakeham. 90. Interview with Lord Patten of Barnes. 91. Daily Telegraph, 1 July 1974 ( 92. Hansard, HC Deb 29 Apr. 1974 ( 93. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 246. 94. THCR 4/4. 95. Interview with Sir John Stanley. 96. THCR 4/4. 97. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 247. 98. Hansard, HC Deb 27 June 1974 ( 99. Neave, diary, 27 June 1974. 100. Ibid., 14 Aug. 1974. 101. ITN interview, 28 Aug. 1974 ( 102. Neave, diary, 28 Aug. 1974. 103. Daily Mail, 18 Sept. 1974 ( 104. News of the World, 22 Sept. 1974 (
). 105. Weekend World (LWT), 29 Sept. 1974 ( 106. Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, vol. i, 30 Sept. 1974, p. 204. 107. Ibid., 29 Sept. 1974. 108. Speech at adoption meeting, 23 Sept. 1974, reported in Finchley Press, 27 Sept. 1974 ( 109. THCR 4/4. 110. Any Questions? (BBC Radio 4), Southampton, 4 Oct. 1974 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 111. THCR 4/4.


  1. Airey Neave, diary (unpublished), 7 Aug. 1974. 2. Ibid., 12 Oct. 1974. 3. See John Campbell, Edward Heath: A Biography, Jonathan Cape, 1993, pp. 654–6. 4. Conversation with Lord Carrington. 5. Neave, diary, 14 Oct. 1974. 6. All above quotations from Neave, diary, 15 Oct. 1974. 7. Ibid., 22 Oct. 1974. 8. Ibid., 31 Oct. 1974. 9. Private information. 10. Neave, diary, 13 Oct. 1974. 11. Ibid., 13 Nov. 1974. 12. Papers relating to the compilation of Lady Thatcher’s memoirs, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 4/4. 13. Interview with John Clare. 14. Sunday Express, 20 Oct. 1974 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 15. Fred Silvester to Margaret Thatcher, 15 Oct. 1974; Margaret Thatcher to Fred Silvester, undated. Letters in the possession of Mr Silvester. 16. Interview with Sir Alfred Sherman. 17. THCR 4/4. 18. Neave, diary, 21 Oct. 1974. 19. Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, 2 vols, Jonathan Cape, 2005, 2008, vol. i: With Harold Wilson in No. 10, 24 Oct. 1974, p. 230. 20. Evening Standard, 24 Oct. 1974 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 21. Interview with Lord Parkinson. 22. Neave, diary, 26 Oct. 1974. 23. Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, vol. i, 29 Oct. 1974, p. 234. 24. Hansard, HC Deb 14 Nov. 1974 ( 25. Neave, diary, 14 Nov. 1974. 26. Interview with Sir Fergus Montgomery. 27. Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power, HarperCollins, 1995, p. 266. 28. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 29. THCR 4/4. 30. Private information. 31. Private information. 32. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 33. This, and ensuing quotations from Sir Gordon Reece, are from the author’s interview with him, and from an unpublished memoir that Sir Gordon wrote shortly before his death in 2001 (in the possession of his family). 34. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 266. 35. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 36. The Economist, 30 Nov. 1974. 37. Interview with Lord Patten of Barnes. 38. Neave, diary, 28 Nov. 1974. 39. Unpublished interview with Sir Peter Morrison (interviewer unknown), 1993. (Manuscript in the possession of Dame Mary Morrison.) 40. Neave, diary, 21 Nov. 1974. 41. Ibid., 22 Nov. 1974. 42. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 267. 43. Interview with Paul Johnson. 44. Edward Heath, The Course of my Life, Hodder & Stoughton, 1998, p. 530. 45. Neave, diary, 24 Nov. 1974. 46. Ibid., 26 Nov. 1974. 47. Ibid., 27 Nov. 1974. 48. Interview with Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. 49. Private information. 50. Neave, diary, 28 Nov. 1974. 51. THCR 4/4. 52. Ibid. 53. BBC Radio interview, 28 Nov. 1974 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 54. Daily Express, 29 Nov. 1974 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 55. Neave, diary, 1 Dec. 1974. 56. Hansard, HC Deb 17 Dec. 1974 ( 57. Neave, diary, 6 Dec. 1974. 58. Ibid., 12 Dec. 1974. 59. Ibid., 19 Dec. 1974. 60. Ibid., 25 Dec. 1974. 61. Interview with Sir Edward Du Cann. 62. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 271. 63. Neave, diary, 9 Jan. 1975. 64. Ibid., 12 Jan. 1975. 65. Ibid., 14 Jan. 1975. 66. Ibid., 15 Jan. 1975. 67. Ibid. 68. Ibid., 16 Jan. 1975. 69. Lady Antonia Fraser, diary (unpublished), 10 Jan. 1975. 70. Neave, diary, 19 Jan. 1975. 71. Ibid., 20 Jan. 1975. 72. Interview with Lord Weatherill. 73. Interview with Sir Edward Du Cann. 74. Interview with Jonathan Aitken. 75. Interview with Sir Fergus Montgomery. 76. Reece, memoir. 77. Interview with Sara Morrison. 78. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 79. Interview with Lord Prior. 80. Hansard, HC Deb 17 Dec. 1974 ( 81. Hansard, HC Deb 15 Jan. 1975 ( 82. Hansard, HC Deb 22 Jan. 1975 ( 83. Neave, diary, opening note for 1973. 84. Ibid., 21 Sept. 1972. 85. Interview with Marigold Webb (née Neave). 86. Neave, diary, 6 July 1972. 87. Interview with Sir Tim Kitson. 88. Interview with Joan Hall. 89. Interview with Lord Weatherill. 90. Private information. 91. Interview with Lord Weatherill. 92. Interview with Sir Tim Kitson. 93. Ibid. 94. Interview with Lord Baker of Dorking. 95. Interview with Sara Morrison. 96. Reece, memoir. 97. Ibid. 98. First Report (ITN), 28 Jan. 1975 ( 99. Fraser, diary, 30 Jan. 1975. 100. Daily Telegraph, 30 Jan. 1975 ( 101. Speech in Finchley, 31 Jan. 1975 ( 102. Neave, diary, 21 Jan. 1975. 103. Ibid., 23 Jan. 1975. 104. Ibid., 26 Jan. 1975. 105. Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, 24 Jan. 1975, p. 294. 106. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 107. Interview with Sir Tim Kitson. 108. Private information. 109. Interview with Joan Hall. 110. Interview with Lord Lamont. 111. Ibid. 112. See John Campbell, Margaret Thatcher, 2 vols, Jonathan Cape, 2000, 2003, vol. i: The Grocer’s Daughter, p. 301. 113. Interview with Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. 114. News at Ten (ITN), 4 Feb. 1975 ( 115. Interview with Joan Hall. 116. Interview with Lord Baker of Dorking. 117. THCR 4/4. 118. THCR 4/4. 119. Guardian, 8 Feb. 1975. 120. Ibid. 121. Interview with Lord Prior. 122. Interview with Sir Gordon Reece. 123. Speech at Young Conservative Conference, 8 Feb. 1975, reported in Observer, 9 Feb. 1975 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 124. Ibid. 125. Sunday Express, 9 Feb. 1975 ( 126. THCR 4/4.


  1. Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, p. 94. 2. ‘Tories rally behind new leader’, 12 Feb. 1975, 121546z Feb 75, Electronic Telegrams 1/1/1975–12/31/1975, US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 3. Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power, HarperCollins, 1995, p. 282. 4. Private information. 5. Interview with Sir Timothy Kitson. 6. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 7. Interview with Sir Edward Heath. 8. Interview with Sir Timothy Kitson. 9. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 10. Interview with Joan Hall. 11. Interview with Lord Jopling. 12. Private information. 13. Memo from Nigel Vinson to Sir Keith Joseph, in Lord Vinson’s possession, 14 Apr. 1975. 14. Letter to Robert Carr, 19 Feb. 1975, quoted in Mark Garnett and Ian Aitken, Splendid! Splendid!: The Authorized Biography of Willie Whitelaw, Jonathan Cape, 2002, p. 218. 15. Letter to Edward Boyle, 2 Apr. 1975, in the possession of Ann Gold. 16. Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, 2 vols, Jonathan Cape, 2005, 2008, vol. i: With Harold Wilson in No. 10, 17 Apr. 1975, p. 357. 17. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 18. Interview with Lady Wakeham. 19. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 20. Ibid. 21. Ibid. 22. Private information. 23. Interview with David Nicholson. 24. Interview with Michael Portillo. 25. Interview with Lord Weatherill. 26. David Butler interview with James Prior, 1978, David Butler Archive, Nuffield College, Oxford. 27. Interview with Sir Alfred Sherman. 28. Interview with Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale. 29. Interview with Sir John Hoskyns. 30. Interview with Sir Alfred Sherman. 31. Sir Keith Joseph, Notes Towards the Definition of Policy, 4 Apr. 1975, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 2/6/1/156. 32. Minutes of 57th meeting, 11 Apr. 1975, Conservative Party Archive, Bodleian Library, Oxford, LCC 1/3/6 . 33. Lord Hailsham, diary, 11 Apr. 1975, Hailsham Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, HLSM 1/1/10. 34. LCC 1/3/6. 35. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 302. 36. See Hansard, HC Deb 21 July 1975 ( 37. Speech to Conservative Group for Europe, 16 Apr. 1975 ( 38. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 39. Ibid. 40. Guardian, 3 June 1975. 41. Talk-in with Robin Day (BBC1), 15 May 1975 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 42. The above quotations all come from Gordon Reece’s unpublished memoir. 43. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 44. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 45. Interview with Sir Gordon Reece. 46. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 47. Interview with Sir Gordon Reece.
48. Interview with Lord Patten of Barnes. 49. Interview with Sir Gordon Reece. 50. Interview with Robert Conquest. 51. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 351. 52. Letter from Margaret Thatcher to Lord Home, July 1975 (undated), Hirsel Archive. 53. See D. R. Thorpe, Alec Douglas-Home, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1996, p. 451. 54. Private Information. 55. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 56. Interview with Henry Kissinger. 57. Margaret Thatcher to William Galloway, 27 Feb. 1975. Cited in interview with William Galloway, Foreign Affairs Oral History Project, Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, Arlington VA. 58. Interview with Henry Kissinger. 59. Memorandum of conversation, ‘May 9, 1975, Ford, Kissinger’, National Security Advisor, Box 11, Gerald R. Ford Library, Ann Arbor MI. 60. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 61. Interview with Peter Hannaford. 62. Thatcher, The Path to Power, p. 372. 63. Ronald Reagan, An American Life: The Autobiography, Simon & Schuster, 1990, p. 204. 64. Viewpoint, Ronald Reagan Pre-Presidential Radio Broadcast, Apr. 1975; Disc 75–08, Box 39, SubSeries C, Reagan Library, Simi Valley CA. 65. Correspondence with Peter Hannaford. 66. Michael Deaver, cited in Peter Robinson, ‘Ron and Margaret’, unpublished paper; correspondence with Peter Hannaford. 67. Private information. 68. Memorandum of Conversation, ‘January 8, 1975 Ford, Kissinger’, National Security Advisor, Box 8, Gerald R. Ford Library. 69. Greenspan to Ford, 23 Apr. 1975, CO 160, Box 56, White House Central Files, Gerald R. Ford Library. 70. G. N. Smith to D. Howe, 21 July 1975, THCR 6/4/1/5. 71. Interview with Sir Gordon Reece. 72. News at Ten (ITN), 18 Sept. 1975. 73. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 74. The Times, 19 Sept. 1975 ( 75. Quoted in Evening Standard, 16 Sept. 1975 ( 76. New York Times, 18 Sept. 1975. 77. Ibid. 78. ‘Margaret Roberts Thatcher’, 24 July 1975, Box 56, CO160, White House Country Files, Gerald R. Ford Library. 79. State Department Briefing Paper for the President, 30 July 1975, Box 11, National Security Advisor, Trip Briefing Books and Cables for Ford 1974–6, Gerald R. Ford Library. 80. ‘A Tory view of the Helsinki Summit’, 28 July 1975, 281801z Jul 75, Electronic Telegrams 1/1/1975–12/31/1975, NARA. 81. Interview with General Brent Scowcroft. 82. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 83. Interview with Jonathan Davidson. 84. Interview with James Schlesinger. 85. William Simon to Margaret Thatcher, 14 Oct. 1975, THCR 6/4/1/15. 86. Private information. 87. Interview with Alan Greenspan. 88. The Walter Heller International Finance Lecture, Roosevelt University, 22 Sept. 1975 ( 89. Guardian, 27 Sept. 1975. 90. Derek Thomas to R. M. Russell, 30 Sept. 1975, The National Archives (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO) FCO 82/491. 91. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 92. Interview with Lord McAlpine of West Green. 93. See Ronald Millar, A View from the Wings, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989, pp. 225–7. 94. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 95. See Thatcher, The Path to Power, pp. 305 ff. 96. Interview with Lady Wakeham and Lady Ryder of Wensum. 97. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 98. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 99. Speech to Conservative Party conference, 10 Oct. 1975 ( 100. Stern, 24 Oct. 1975 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 101. Interview with Lord Patten of Barnes. 102. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 103. Interview with Jonathan Aitken. 104. Interview with Lady Wakeham. 105. Interview with Derek Howe. 106. Interview with Carol Thatcher. 107. Ibid. 108. Interview with Sue Mastriforte. 109. Ibid. 110. Interview with Carol Thatcher. 111. Interview with Sue Mastriforte. 112. Interview with Carol Thatcher. 113. Interview with Sue Mastriforte. 114. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 115. Ibid. 116. Ibid. 117. Interview with Bob Kingston. 118. David Butler interview with Sir Harold Wilson, 18 July 1978, David Butler Archive. 119. Donoughue, Downing Street Diary, vol. i, 17 Apr. 1975, p. 357. 120. Ibid. 121. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 122. Interview with Frank Johnson. 123. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 124. Private information. 125. Speech to Crisis in London Conference, 6 Dec. 1975 ( 126. Nottingham Evening Post, 2 Dec. 1975 ( 127. Speech to Norfolk Conservatives, 7 Nov. 1975 ( 128. Letter in Finchley Times, 21 Nov. 1975 ( 129. Interview with Robert Moss. 130. Ibid. 131. Speech at Kensington Town Hall, 19 Jan. 1976 ( 132. Speech to Finchley Conservatives, 31 Jan. 1976 (


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