A Curse Unbroken

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A Curse Unbroken Page 10

by Cecy Robson

  Agnes frowned. “Edith Anne’s closet.”

  Great. Edith was the naughtiest of Misha’s Catholic schoolgirls. I’d probably need penicillin after wearing it.

  “Celia, don’t let your damn morals come between you and your mission,” Agnes snapped.

  “Oh, no, God forbid,” I hissed, yanking the hanger from the she-vamp’s grasp.

  The minute I put the dress on and stepped in front of the mirror, I knew Aric would lose his damn mind—and not in a good way. The plunging neckline cascaded down to my navel, just above my scars. It took an absurd amount of two-sided tape to keep my breasts covered, seeing how the dress had no back. The skirt alone—mercifully made of solid satin in the front—passed my girl parts by mere inches.

  “How the hell am I going to sit down?” I demanded.

  Once more, the vamps regarded me like I was the crazy one. “It’s not a dress meant to sit in, it’s meant for straddling,” Agnes answered, sounding all pissy.

  Clearly, she wasn’t referring to horses.

  Emme marched into my suite in platform sandals that added five inches to her petite frame, followed by the vampires who’d helped her get ready. And, damn, what had they done to my sweet little sister!

  She was slathered with makeup that took her from angelic to yeah, kind of ho-ish. And her blond wavy hair was so teased, I didn’t understand how she fit through the door. As provocative as her teal booty shorts, matching bra (that actually made her look like she had boobs!) and her fishnet half shirt were, she still had on more fabric than I did.

  “I can’t wear this,” she said. “It’s positively indecent.” She stopped short and practically screamed when she saw me.

  “I’ll trade you,” I offered.

  Her wide eyes took me in from head to slutty platform-sandaled toes. “Um. Never mind,” she said. “I’m good.”

  Agnes smirked. “You make excellent whores,” she said.

  “Gee, thanks, Agnes.”

  My phone rang. I knew it was Aric and hurried out onto the balcony for privacy before answering. “Hi, wolf.”

  “Are you all right?”

  I tried to the adjust the fabric covering my right breast, but the neckline was so wide, I ended up exposing a nipple and hurried to stick it into the right spot. “I’m fine.” I cleared my throat. “A little nervous. Going undercover with anyone but you isn’t really my thing.”

  I smiled when I heard him laugh. “I’ve done it too many times to count. But I agree, I’d rather be with you.” He released a breath. “You don’t have to do this, you know? I can have you out of the country within the hour. Just say the word.”

  “Aric, with the magic my sisters and I possess, we’re the Alliance’s best shot at finding Shah.”

  “I’d rather reach him another way.” He swore. “I seriously can’t handle this. Martin talked me down before, but the closer we get to game time, the more I’m not okay with you putting yourself in danger.”

  “I’m scared, too,” I admitted. “But I’m more afraid of the wishes Shah has left and who he’s going to grant them to.”

  He didn’t have a response, and I could sense his mounting worry. I tried to redirect him. “Look, you’re the undercover expert. Any advice?”

  He thought about it. “Remember that you’re playing a role. Stay in character, and you’ll be fine.”

  The thing was, he didn’t know my character spent most of her time on her knees. “Um. Okay.”

  He waited again before speaking. “I have to leave now. Celia…I have to play a role tonight, too. I may…engage a female, especially if she’s close to Dilip Singh. Just know it’s not real, okay? I don’t want you upset.”

  I thought about Agnes’s tips to get Dilip’s attention and hoped he could take his own advice. “No problem. I trust you.”


  “Totally. Do what you have to do.”

  I didn’t have to see Aric to know he was frowning. “I just thought after what happened at the Den…” he said slowly.

  “Oh, that. Yeah. It’s fine. Fine.”

  “Aric,” Koda said in the background. “It’s time.”

  “I have to go, sweetness,” Aric said. “Don’t worry about anything. I’ll be with you.”

  “I know. Bye, Aric.”

  I hurried back into the bedroom area as Tim crashed into the suite. “We have to move—Dilip’s at the club and—holy shit!” he said when he saw me.

  I would have taken it as a compliment, if he hadn’t salivated and his incisors hadn’t lengthened. “You’re not taking a bite,” I growled. His attention swerved to my sister. “That goes for Emme, too.”

  His fangs withdrew. “You make a shitty whore,” he said.

  I smiled and marched out. “That’s not what Agnes said. Let’s go.”


  When we arrived at the club, the line of people waiting to get in ran the length of the stone-paved street and across the bridge. Bright colored lights sparkled against the ocean’s surface, and I could hear the music pumping from three blocks away.

  The club seemed to float, the way it extended out into the water. I focused on the gentle waves as I adjusted the earpiece I’d been given, willing myself to relax. I wasn’t deceitful, and I didn’t like to lie. This wasn’t the best mission for me, but one I seemed the most qualified for. Although I’d planned to play a role like Aric suggested, prostitution wasn’t exactly the role I was born to play. I needed help. And who better to help me than someone who spent most of her time dressed like a naughty Catholic schoolgirl?

  “Okay. I can see you,” Agnes said in my ear. “When Umar opens the door, walk in like you own the place and everyone present is unworthy of your snatch.”

  She had me until that last little word.

  “Damnit, Celia. Don’t make that face. I can see you from here.”

  “What took you so long?” I snapped at poor Umar, in an attempt to embrace my diva role. “I could have walked here in less time.”

  I was escorted through the velvet ropes. Most of the clubbers waiting in line were locals. But I was recognized as American. That meant I had money, or at least men willing to spend it on me.

  Men, women, even the bouncers at the door stopped to gape at me. The damn platform sandals exaggerated the cat walk my tigress naturally gave me. I hoped that was the reason they stared and not, absolutely not, because I was flashing a nipple.

  Emme followed behind me, mimicking my movements…until she tripped walking in and landed face-first.

  “Keep going,” Agnes urged. “She’s not worthy of your—”

  “I get it,” I said through my teeth. “Just shut up and let me work.”

  My eyes swept the area. Talk about sensory overload. The club was a massive sea of wall-to-wall people twerking. Red lasers cut through the dry-ice fog in time with a very obnoxious house mix. People screamed for the hell of it, or to seek the attention they desperately seemed to need.

  I couldn’t wait to get out of there, but for that to happen I needed to find Dilip, and in this environment that was easier said than done. As much height as my platform sandals gave me, I couldn’t see over anyone’s head. Damnit, where was our inside man? “Agnes, I’m going to need some help here. Send in our guy.” She didn’t answer. “Agnes?”

  “He’s gone.”

  I played with my hair, trying not to react. “Out of the club?”

  She huffed, but this time with worry. “I don’t know. He’s not responding.”

  I tossed back my long hair, straightened within an inch of its life. “Are you sure he was already inside?”

  “Yes. He was just on the line with Umar. But we can’t wait. Find Dilip.”

  That was definitely going to be a problem. As it was, I could barely see past the wall of sweat-soaked clubbers dancing in front of me. “You sure he’s definitely here?”

  “Yes. The mongrels spotted him walking in and are guarding all the exits.”

  “Okay. Ten-four,” I said.
  “Did you just say ten-four?”

  “Oh, just cut me some slack, Agnes.”

  Tye, a werelion and friend, passed me. He must have been one of those positioned to guard my back. Relief washed over me. I no longer felt so alone.

  I didn’t think he noticed me until a deafening crash alerted me that he’d smacked right into a support beam. I glanced over my shoulder. Blood poured down his face and onto his gray T-shirt. He’d broken his nose, but he was too busy gawking at me to wipe it.

  “Damn,” he said.

  “Shit,” I muttered.

  I hurried away from him, blushing. That earned me a bitchy reprimand from Agnes. “For the love of everything holy. Dilip doesn’t want a fucking virgin. He wants someone to ride him until his balls dangle to his knees. Get into character or kiss Shah goodbye!”

  “I’m trying,” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  I was moving so quickly I almost barreled into Shayna, who was carrying a tray full of drinks and wearing a small black skirt and tank. “Sorry, dude,” she said, apologizing. She skipped along without so much as a glance back to a table full of men waving to her. I paused. My own sister didn’t even recognize me. I must have dove headfirst out of Semi-Appropriate Street way into Slutville Lane with this damn dress.

  “Celia, move,” Agnes snapped in my ear.

  With a huff, I continued forward, using my annoyance to feign superiority. The horde of clubbers parted, allowing me through. When I was well into the center of the dance floor, I spotted Taran dancing in a cage elevated several feet from the floor. A tiny pair of leather shorts, a bustier, and thigh-high leather boots made up her uniform. Black elbow-length leather gloves covered both of her arms. If girlfriend was worried about chafing in those shorts, she didn’t show it. Taran wasn’t simply playing a role—she was owning it.

  Several men circled the cage, urging her seductive shimmies when the sharp scent of fury stung my nose. I turned in the direction of the scent. Gemini and Koda sat at a table in the VIP section. Koda leaned toward him, saying something I didn’t catch.

  His words to Gemini seemed to go unnoticed. Gemini was fixated on Taran, and furious at the men reaching in to stroke her legs. I knew he was moments from acting. I hurried forward to Taran’s cage.

  I smiled and pretended to knock. She kicked open her cage and bent forward, draping her arm around my shoulders and allowing her long dark hair to partially cover us. The men around us cheered, assuming we were kissing.

  Nice. Just nice.

  She spoke fast. “Both our inside contacts are dead—including the guy who was supposed to bring you to Dilip. They just found their headless bodies covered with bite marks in the alleyway.”


  “No. Small bites as if eaten by rats—it’s up to you to get Dilip’s attention. He’s in the opposite corner. VIP section. Right side.”

  “Gemini’s watching you and he’s really pissed,” I warned.

  “I don’t give a shit,” she said.

  She abruptly released me and grabbed the guy closest to her by the collar, kissing him hard. The kiss was brief and closed-mouth, but it was still a kiss in front of her furious mate.

  “Get me a drink,” she ordered. She scratched between her breasts and then returned to her seductive dance.

  “Do you want a drink?” his buddy asked me as Taran’s new friend raced off.

  I ignored him and moved fast. What the hell? I knew Taran was playing a role, but Gem was seconds from mauling someone.

  I moved in the direction Taran indicated, taking my time to get into character. I licked my lips, added more sway to my walk, and tossed my hair. “Did you get that?” I muttered.

  “Yes. And now we lost Umar the same way.”

  My steps slowed. “I just left him.”

  “I know. Shah must know Dilip’s enemies are here. He’s trying to protect him.”

  “I can see that, but what’s up with the bite marks?”

  “Who the hell knows? Dilip must be getting more creative with how he orders Shah to kill for him.”


  “Yes, he is. But try not to see him as such. Your magic and your intentions for the greater good may be enough to keep Shah from recognizing you as Dilip’s enemy. But the more you want to hurt him, the quicker that can change. Focus on stopping him and snatching his phone and you should be okay. Maybe.”

  “Maybe?” I muttered.

  “Just find Dilip, Celia. We’re running out of time.”

  My tigress chuffed inside me, alerting me to Dilip’s presence. Two women were already with him, stroking his body, whispering in his ears, and running their hands through his hair.

  Aric was in a slightly elevated booth behind Dilip, his arm draped over a beautiful Asian woman with long perfect hair. He laughed at something she said. She giggled, too, and hooked her finger to slide between the buttons of his white dress shirt.

  He didn’t react to her tease. Not like he would have if those were my fingers, my touch. He was playing a role.

  It was time for me to play mine, too.

  Chapter 10

  I strutted toward them. The seating was perfect. Aric was right there if I needed him, and I needed him then for what I planned to do. I couldn’t seduce a stranger. Who was I kidding? But I could entice the male who made me scream and beg for more every time we made love.

  The edges of my mouth lifted and my tigress growled approvingly. She wanted to lure Aric’s wolf to her and encouraged me to make my steps more provocative. Those in my path parted, watching me closely. I wasn’t sure if it was my tigress’s surging presence that warned them to stand clear or if they realized that the almost naked woman before them was up to something. Whatever it was, they made sure I had plenty of space to work and great access to Dilip.

  My bedroom eyes flashed at Aric. Dilip straightened, believing my inviting stare was meant solely for him. I swiveled my hips as the music alternated to a deep, thumping bass—a sexy and highly suggestive beat, and exactly what I needed.

  Aric hadn’t recognized me right away, too many scents trickling into his nose and too much dry ice masking his mate directly in front of him. He continued to laugh at whatever the woman was whispering in his ear. I smiled impishly when his attention trailed my way. His little friend might have been having fun with him, but it was time she saw who this wolf belonged to.

  Aric did a double take when he saw me. For someone playing a role, he totally forgot his lines then. His eyes widened, his muscular shoulders tensed, and, and— Oh shit. He was pissed!

  Instead of panicking, I continued to rhythmically move to the heavy beat, focusing on him. He removed his arm from his date and leaned forward as if ready to pounce. Our eyes locked. That’s when I knew I had him, and that at least for the moment, he knew this dance was solely for him.

  I turned and rocked my somewhat bare ass, earning me a low growl from Aric, and Koda’s presence suddenly beside me. Koda yanked a pretty girl from the crowd and pulled her against his chest. She was meant as a prop—something to use so he could get close to me and not lose his cover. She didn’t take it as that. She only saw a really big, frighteningly beautiful man giving her attention. She hooked her leg over his knee and ground against his supersized body.

  Koda followed her, but his attention stayed trained on me. I could sense his unease with how Aric’s wolf would respond, but I couldn’t show fear or hesitate then. I had Dilip’s attention, despite more aggressive attempts from his dates to wrench his focus away from me. I caught him smacking their hands away and yelling something I couldn’t understand while I continued to play and tease.

  My arms and body swayed in serpentine movements. I swung my hips, moving them as if my thighs were fastened to Aric’s waist. Down toward the floor and back up. I danced, envisioning the darkness of our bedroom and him wrenching me toward him to meet my mouth with his.

  The scent of his arousal flooded my senses and incited me to purr. I lowered my eyeli
ds, his desire for me fueling my movements. My body ached as his aroma surrounded me and begged me to climb on top of him. Oh God. The fact that we’d barely had sex lately did nothing to tame my actions. I couldn’t do this much longer if I was going to stay on task.

  I needed Aric. So I opened my eyes and tossed an invitation to bed with my stare.

  At Dilip.

  I turned fast enough to toss my hair behind me, hoping he didn’t catch the look of repulsion spreading across my face. If I hadn’t been so turned on by imagining making love to Aric, no way could I have pulled this off.

  “Well done,” Agnes’s husky voice rang in my ear. “Oh yes. Well done indeed.”

  “Is he coming?” I asked.


  Lord, help me. “Dilip. Is he following me?”

  “Oh. Right. He’s…” She swore. “No, but your mongrel is.”

  I glanced behind me in time to see Shayna dive on top of the girl Koda was dancing with. Koda grabbed her around the waist, trying to rip Shayna off. Shayna held tight to the girl’s hair. Shayna was angry, vicious, and wild. Except that without some sort of handheld weapon in her grasp, my sister couldn’t fight. Seriously. She sucked.

  She and the other girl bitch-slapped each other like the end of world hunger depended on it. I continued forward toward the bar where Bren was mixing drinks and laughing his ass off. In the mirror lining the ceiling I watched Koda lug Shayna away.

  The banging of metal had me veering in Taran’s direction. Three very limp and bleeding humans were stuffed inside the cage Taran had been shaking her assets in. I caught a glimpse of Taran’s body draped over Gemini’s shoulder as he stormed toward the exit. She was kicking, she was screaming, and there was not a damn thing she could do to get free.

  Bren was still laughing when he poured me a martini and slid it down the length of the bar. He stopped laughing when Emme flopped onto the stool beside me. “I can’t do this. Seriously, I’m not meant for this type of work,” she said. “Some guy—Buster Hyman—keeps following me around, asking me what I charge for blow jobs. I didn’t even know what to say. I just sort of laughed and ran away.”


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