Never Underestimate a Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Never Underestimate a Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Cara Adams

  All his decisions when the kids had attacked the gate had been good ones. He’d let her and Jayden take the lead because they were the best qualified for the job. He’d stayed where he was needed most, not gone chasing the honor and glory. When the police had interviewed them all, his answers had been compete, accurate, and fair. So yes, he may have a grumpy bear gene, but she did trust him and like him, and she was prepared to continue the relationship, if it was a relationship.

  She opened her eyes again, realizing both the men had stopped talking. “Harry, why did you become a security guard? Jayden and I’ve both answered that question. Now it’s your turn.”

  “I’m thirty-five. I was in the police force almost ten years. But more and more I wanted to work primarily with shape-shifters. There’s not a lot of bears around, you know. Bears tend to be solitary. They don’t join in packs like wolves do. I felt the need to be with others of my own kind. To work with people like me, even if they aren’t bears. So I got my license as a private investigator and the Alpha started giving me work. Then he referred me to Sierra Bond, and I’ve been working for her, too. These days I’m kept quite busy and that’s why I’ve been calling on Jayden’s help because often there’s too much work for one man now.”

  Harry stood up, towering over both her and Jayden. Tegan looked up at his cock. Damn, it was delicious standing there, more than ready for action. Of course, he hadn’t gotten an orgasm in the dungeon the way she and Jayden had, poor bear.

  Wait! That’s another facet of his character. He’s a generous Dom, seeing to his subs first and withholding pleasure from himself so the scene is good for us. That’s important to know about him, too.

  Harry stepped out of the tub and picked up a couple of towels. “To signify we are now in a triad relationship, both in the dungeon and in bed, we need to fuck properly as a threesome. Tegan, that means both of us in you at once. One in your cunt, the other in your ass. Are you ready for that?”

  Tegan felt an erotic thrill ripple through her body from her head to her toes. She gave a little shiver as she answered, “Yes.”

  “Come, then.” Harry tugged her to her feet, helped her out of the hot tub, and wrapped her in a towel. Jayden stood up, too, and Harry passed him a towel as well.

  Tegan took a moment to luxuriate in the huge, fluffy softness of the towel, then rubbed herself dry, dropped the towel in the hamper, and followed the men into the bedroom.

  Harry was rifling through the nightstand, piling tubes on top of it. “We have edible chocolate body paint, aromatic lavender-scented massage oil, and waterproof lube. Jayden, would you like to lube her ass, or play with the massage oil while I do it?”

  “Wow, that’s a tough choice. Actually I’d like Tegan to try the chocolate body paint on both of us, but I guess that’s an activity for later on. I’ll go with the massage oil.”

  “Yeah. Ten seconds after that chocolate stuff hit my cock and Tegan put her mouth on me, the party would be over. Much better to save it for later.” Harry handed Jayden the oil.

  Tegan took the hint and laid on the bed on her front. The bed was so large she thought if she settled in the middle of it, likely neither man would be able to reach her, but then she did it anyway, figuring they’d work out a solution.

  She crossed her arms and rested her head on them, not sure which way to look. Where would the men sit? How would they entice her into the next session of their day?

  The bed sank under the combined weights of two big men as Harry settled himself between her legs, spreading them much wider than she’d had them to allow him to sit there, and Jayden clambered across the bed to sit cross-legged facing her, level with her torso.

  Then four hands were on her skin, smoothing and stroking it. The scent of lavender filled the air as cool oil dripped onto her shoulders then slid down her spine to pool just above her ass.

  Tegan relaxed as Jayden smoothed the oil into her skin, working her muscles gently, but with enough strength to ease the last few remaining aches from the previous day’s strenuous exercise.

  She was relaxed and loving the attention when a hard palm spanked her ass.


  “No going to sleep there, Tegan. Concentrate. You won’t want to miss any step in the next part of the program.”

  She wiggled her ass but didn’t argue. When Harry’d whipped her she’d really enjoyed it, but he didn’t need to know just how much she craved punishment right now. The whipping had cleansed her mind and released her spirit, letting her inner self soar free. But right now she needed to stay grounded and to look forward to her very first ménage sex. She understood the theory, but she had an idea the practice might prove to be mind-blowingly awesome and she wanted to be ready to enjoy every second of it.

  Harry’s fingers were thick and stubby, as she would have expected from such a large man. One of them was inside her ass, rubbing the lube into the tissues all around the entry. When a second finger joined it, she felt quite stretched, but was grateful for the gentle way he was arousing her with his actions. His hands were big, but his touch was delicate, stretching her a bit at a time, not clumsily.

  Meanwhile Jayden was working the oil into her shoulders, soothing knots and tension she hadn’t even realized was there. Yesterday had been very demanding and tense, but she’d felt she was over it, had assimilated it into her being. Apparently not. Jayden was the one who’d noticed her stress and was relieving it for her.

  Both these men were wonderfully perceptive, and she appreciated that in them.

  Finally Harry seemed to be happy with his work and went into the bathroom, presumably to wash his hands.

  “Lie flat on your back, Jayden, and Tegan, climb on him. But this time you need to lie on his chest. Keep your ass up but the rest of you down,” ordered Harry.

  Jayden rolled onto his back and waited. Tegan sat up and smiled. “I feel like I should get down at the foot of the bed and commando crawl up your body or something,” she teased.

  “Go for it.”

  Taking him at his word, she rolled off the bed and walked to the foot of it.

  Jayden spread his legs wide, and she crawled onto the bed, then, using her elbows, wiggled her way up the sheets and onto his body. When her mouth was level with his cock, she couldn’t resist sucking it deep into her mouth for one long taste before moving on.

  “You need to watch out for her elbows. She got me in the neck and nearly asphyxiated me once,” warned Harry.

  Tegan blushed. It was his own fault for waking her up unexpectedly, but likely now wasn’t a good time to mention that.

  She dug her elbows into the bedding and commando crawled a little farther, then slid over Jayden’s cock and took it deep inside her pussy. Damn he felt good. He was wide and long and stretched her fully in the best possible way.

  Jayden gripped her shoulders and pulled her flat on top of him then took her lips in a possessive kiss that sucked all the air out of her lungs. That was another thing. Both these men were amazing kissers. She’d never been kissed so thoroughly, her mouth ravished so devastatingly before meeting these men. They could teach every other man she’d ever known some skills in the kissing department.

  Harry fitted his cock to her back door and pushed. For a few moments she felt considerable pressure, and then she opened and let his cockhead in. Gradually he maneuvered the rest of the way past the tight muscle ring, and then he slid deep inside her. She’d been full and stretched before. Now she was bursting, her tissues expanded wider than she could have imagined to accept both the men simultaneously.

  They stayed still for long moments as her tissues adjusted and her body accepted them. Then she still felt full, but the hot liquids of her channel coated the men’s cocks and her body shifted and moved around them, accepting them, welcoming them, setting her nerve endings on fire.

  “I’m ready. I need more,” she gasped.

  “You move first,” Harry said to Jayden.

  His voice sounded hoarse, and Tegan understood h
ow hard it must be for both the men to have to wait until she was ready. Her body wanted to clench even tighter on them, but she didn’t want to push them too far just yet, so she relaxed her muscles and waited for Jayden to move.

  As he slid out, her cunt felt almost hollow and Tegan experienced a momentary sense of loss, even though her ass was still stuffed full by Harry’s cock. But that soon changed as he began to enter her pussy again, and Harry started to withdraw. Tegan found it a really strange sensation, one man coming as the other was going, but after a few minutes she understood the intense power of the movement. She was always being filled and emptied. The motion was constant, and with the constancy came intense sensations of demand. It was as if they were insistent she offer them everything she was and could ever be, and the driving need they were creating deep inside her pussy and ass compelled her to do just that.

  Soon her toes were running up and down any leg she could reach. Her hands were petting arms and sides. She thrust her body forward onto Jayden’s cock and backward onto Harry’s. She wiggled her hips and her breasts. Tegan did anything and everything to indicate her extreme need for more, for them, for it all to be now, right fucking now!

  The two men were powering in and out of her quickly, but nothing could be fast enough for Tegan. Using every ounce of her strength, she clenched her internal muscles tight, both those of her cunt and those of her ass. Jayden groaned and Harry grunted. It had felt excellent to her, but it didn’t get as big a reaction from them as she’d expected. Tegan dug her fingernails into Jayden’s shoulders and put her heart and soul into it this time, clenching with everything she had.

  Her orgasm came out of nowhere, blasting through her body as if she’d been hit by a runaway train. Her entire body shook with her release, her legs flapping with no way she could control them. Her eyes snapped shut as fireworks burst behind her lids, and the explosion nearly blew the top of her head off.

  In her belly the contractions raced through her again and again, and she was aware of blasts of cum filling her fore and aft, as the men continued to stroke into her. But Tegan had lost all ability to think or act. This had to be absolutely the best orgasm she’d ever had in her life before. The question was, could she survive it? Her entire body was shaking so hard she wondered if some bits of her might come loose and fall off. Her head for example.

  If they were to stay together, to be in a relationship, did that mean they’d do this again sometime? Holy shit, she’d be dead from pleasure inside of a week. Possibly less.

  Or was this just a one-off response as a reaction to the situation with George Thorne? Ah fuck. She really, really didn’t want to have to think about him right now.

  Chapter Seven

  Jayden sat alone in the backseat as Harry drove them back to the clinic. He closed his eyes and tried to think through what had been an incredibly busy few days. Between the attempted break-in at the clinic, and everything that had followed on from that, then the mini-vacation at the BDSM club to now being in a relationship with not one person, but two people, it was all a hell of a lot to get his head around.

  The one thing he was certain about, though, was that he was content to have Harry as his Dom and Tegan as his fuck buddy, and the two of them as his work team. Relationship was a big word, though, and an even bigger pledge to his partners. He wasn’t really sure about the level of commitment he was prepared to put into the group. He would never let either of them down on the job. That was a given. He would watch their backs and he trusted them to watch his. He had no problems there.

  He also had no reservations about the fucking and the Dom. He trusted Harry to prepare dungeon scenes that might stretch him but would always fulfill him, and he knew Tegan was a woman he desired. Hell, more than desired. Now he’d gotten to know her, it’d kill him if she didn’t want to continue being with him in bed or at work.

  So, back to the word relationship. What did he expect of it? Would they go out on dates together? How would that work? They’d had no trouble chatting as friends, and they were already having meals together so he supposed dates would be okay. Not that he could dance. A football jock didn’t have to dance. All the girls pressed themselves into his body, and he just had to stand there shuffling his feet occasionally and trying not to come in his pants at their wiggling. Would Tegan expect to dance with him? Could Harry dance? Would he have to learn?

  Now movies, they could go to movies. Tegan didn’t strike him as the kind of female who’d drag him along to mushy, kissy chick-flicks where everyone cried buckets. He could do that. He felt sure she’d like a good murder or thriller or science fiction program. So movies would be good.

  But that wasn’t really what a relationship was about, was it? It was—It was what? Just hanging out together, caring about each other, spending time together. Yeah, he could do that. He truly cared about them both as colleagues, friends, fellow human beings. Well, a bear and a wolf, but to him they were just people. All people together. He could do it. A relationship was fine by him.

  Jayden relaxed and pictured Tegan without her clothes. She looked so nice. Long, lightly tanned legs. Big green eyes laughing at him. Breasts just the right size to fit in his mouth and a laugh that sent his libido from zero to one hundred in the blink of an eye. Oh yes. There was no way he was letting go of Tegan anytime soon. She was too nice a person, too hot a lover, to consider parting from her.

  Suddenly a blinding light shone in his mind. Holy shit, he was in love. That wasn’t sadness or jealousy at the thought of not having Tegan anymore. No, he didn’t just like her or respect her. He loved her. He wanted her. She was his! He was in love. Wow!

  Not that there’d be any chance of sex for a while. Once they got back to the clinic, it’d be back into the routine of three eight-hour shifts again until George Thorne was caught or left the state. Hopefully he’d pack up and go far, far away.

  “Who’s on the first shift when we start work, Harry?” he asked.

  “Not me. I really need to do a load of laundry. I’m almost out of clean underwear,” said Tegan.

  “I guess that means you are, Jayden. I need to meet with Oscar and find out what’s been happening. The sooner we can catch George Thorne breaking the law, the sooner the clinic will be a safe place for shape-shifters once again.”

  “Lucky me.” But he didn’t really mind. It’d give him plenty of time to think about his new partners, Tegan and Harry. Him in a relationship, huh. Well who’da thunk it?

  * * * *

  Jayden had suggested they extend their walks when on gate duty as far as the clinic to check both front and rear doors. “We can’t possibly watch the entire wall, and intruders have already attempted entry at two other places as well as the gate. We can only guess they’re after the clinic itself, so likely we should at least the check the doors a couple times each shift. Well, after dark. Not when staff are coming and going.”

  That sounded logical to Tegan, and Harry had agreed, going further to suggest they even walk right around the walls at least once per shift day or night.

  Tegan didn’t mind. In the middle of the night there were few external noises, and with her enhanced wolf hearing she was sure the noise of a vehicle would alert her to a car approaching the gate.

  It did mean her night vision would be destroyed though, because there were always plenty of lights on in the clinic so patients getting up to go the bathroom wouldn’t fall over and the nursing staff could move around. Not bright daytime lighting, but still enough light to spoil her ability to see in the dark. Oh well, it couldn’t be helped. Checking the walls and doors was a good idea, and she was there to protect the clinic, not to have an easy shift after all. Besides, she liked to move around. She was never one to stand still or sit on duty.

  She had a lot to think about to keep her mind occupied this shift. First there was the whole issue of the three of them being in a relationship. The more she thought about it, the better she liked the idea. She would really miss both Harry and Jayden if they parted, a
nd since she worked for the Alpha who could send her anywhere, if they weren’t in a relationship, as soon as this particular job was over they would be separated, possibly forever.

  Was it love? Were these feelings she had for Harry and Jayden love? Certainly Harry seemed to have fallen in love with her. His blinding jealousy and intense unease had become love. But what about her? She wanted them both. She’d hate to be parted from either of them. She respected them both. This wasn’t love like she’d felt in her teens. It was a much more mature, deeper, longer-lasting feeling. Not a bright spark that would die as fast as it’d flamed to life, but a deeper, slower, more potent love. A love that would accept and endure. Yes, she was in love and with two men.

  Tegan wanted George Thorne to be caught. She’d never met the man, but she’d seen pictures of him and had been surprised to learn he was eight years younger than Oscar. He looked older, grayer, fatter than Oscar. Well, she couldn’t hold his looks against him. That wasn’t his fault. But she certainly could hold against him his ongoing vendetta against the clinic. He was a wolf shape-shifter himself. What was his motivation for trying to destroy the clinic? If only they could find the answer to that question, they could work out how to prevent him from succeeding.

  So it seemed as though her relationship—her love life—and her job were interwoven threads from the same garment. If she wanted to spend time relaxing with her two men, loving them, she needed to stop George from attacking the clinic.

  No one had learned anything more about the young men he used. The latest two groups of four were in exactly the same situation as all the others. Young men not accepted by gangs who saw themselves as bad guys and were easy prey for anyone asking them to do an illegal act for money, especially something that sounded easy. Unfortunately for the punks, getting into the clinic hadn’t proven as simple as they’d been led to believe it would be.


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