Sagitta: Star Guardians, Book 3

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Sagitta: Star Guardians, Book 3 Page 12

by Ruby Lionsdrake

  The sickbay office was sadly bereft of a bed—the cot Sage had used had been a temporary addition. Maybe she would put it back and start sleeping in there. Would the captain care? Or think anything odd of her desire for privacy? She doubted it. And why did his opinion matter, anyway?

  “Frustrating man,” she muttered, tapping the screen on the wall to display the exterior view, the hazy purple nebula. It was almost like having a window, even though sickbay was dead center in the middle of the ship.

  Side effects aside, the nebula was quite beautiful. Viewing the stars out there among the variegated pinks and purples should have been calming, but she felt too tense, too wound up.

  Maybe she ought to go to the rec room to exercise on one of the treadmill-like machines. Except the ship’s lights had dimmed for the night cycle, and people were probably trying to sleep down there.

  She wondered if Sage had a private gym that she could use. Or did he work out with his men? It was a foregone conclusion that he must exercise regularly, or he wouldn’t have that physique. None of them would.

  She remembered walking behind him to engineering, watching the interplay of muscles on his bare arms. He ought to wander around in that tank top more often. Not that he wasn’t attractive in his crisp black fatigues too.

  “Why are you thinking of him?” she grumbled to herself.

  He was such a pain in the ass. So what if he was handsome? And so what if he’d already proven that he was a good kisser?

  She touched her fingers to her cheek, to where he’d brushed his knuckles earlier. When he had done that, and before he’d told her not to drug him again, she had thought he might kiss her again. That he had only gotten a taste earlier and craved much more. He’d stepped close enough to do so, grasping her arm lightly as he scrutinized her face. Why had he gotten so close if all he planned to do was chastise her? And why had he cleaned up and smelled so good?

  She snorted and lowered her hand. Her fingers inadvertently brushed her breast, and a faint tingle went through her at the touch. She snorted again, acknowledging that it had been a long time since anyone had fondled her breasts, including her. No wonder they were so quick to tingle. It had nothing to do with the obstinate captain.

  A wry thought occurred to her, that there was one way she might be able to release some tension without an exercise machine. She let her hand linger, stroking herself through her linen shirt. It was the only one she had, and even though the ship’s laundry facilities were fast and efficient, it was starting to feel a bit threadbare. It would be good to get home again, to have access to her closet. Fresh shirts. Fresh underwear. Coffee.

  She smirked. What luxuries to long for.

  Of course, going home would mean losing access to all the advanced medical technology here. And she wouldn’t be in charge of anything anymore. Oh, Sage ran the ship—there was no doubt about that—but he didn’t interfere with her when she was treating people. Nobody did. Even the haughty Eridanus was starting to act more like an advisor than an instructor. And he’d never presumed to command her. It was nice being in charge, being trusted to know what was best and not having anyone boss her around or chastise her for her opinions.

  Sage had seemed to believe she could be useful here on his ship even before she had. Was that odd? Had he simply been desperate? Between the ship’s AI and the medical robots, it wasn’t as if nobody here had medical experience. The computers were quite capable, honestly.

  Why, she wondered, had he called upon her to help him right away? When she’d first come aboard the ship and before he knew anything about her competency? He hadn’t let her do her duty when that slaver had died, but he’d still seemed to find value from having her along. And he’d implied that he would find a way to hire her if she wanted to stay aboard his ship. What a strange idea that was. She missed so much of home that she couldn’t imagine spending her whole life in space. But she realized she would miss this when it was gone too. She might even miss Sage. He was an ass, but he valued her.

  Smiling as his face floated through her mind, she unbuttoned her shirt so she would feel her touch better. Not that it would be that satisfying. She didn’t have any of the handful of toys she kept at home for quickies, for when she wasn’t dating anyone and when dealing with men was too much work.

  What would Sage say if she propositioned him? She almost laughed at the idea, imagining that they would end up arguing over who got to be on top. But she sure wouldn’t mind having an itch scratched, and for that, did it truly matter that they would never see each other again? He must have urges too. Maybe he also got tired of his toy collection, if men had such things.

  After glancing back to make sure she had indeed shut the door, she scraped her fingers over her bare abdomen, raising gooseflesh on her skin. She debated whether she should slip her bra off, but ended up caressing herself through the material with one hand while the other drifted lower. If Sage were there, would he be a thorough lover? Or would he simply bark a few commands and take his own pleasure? After all the work she’d done on his people, he ought to be willing to let his kisses linger, perhaps to drop his mouth to her breasts, to tease her nipples with his tongue as he slipped his hand between her legs.

  She unbuttoned her khakis as she imagined the scenario, sad that she could only slip her own hand down there, under her panties and through her wiry hair. Her body, long bereft of the opportunity to respond to anything, responded to her own touch. Though in her mind, she pictured Sage doing the touching. His long, strong fingers exploring her, parting her. Maybe he would even drop to his knees and use more than his fingers on her. Would the mighty captain deign to such a subservient position? Her entire body heated as she imagined him on his knees, gazing up at her as he gripped her ass with his hands and dipped into her hot core with his tongue. She would—

  A throat cleared behind her.

  Tala jerked her hand out of her pants and started to whirl around, but halted, remembering that everything was unbuttoned. She saw enough though. Enough to know it was Sage.

  “Don’t you knock?” she demanded as she fumbled for the fly to her khakis, careful to face the view screen and keep her back to him.

  How long had he been there? Why had the damn door slid open so quietly? Doors were supposed to squeak or groan as they opened, to give a girl a warning.

  “Well,” he said, his voice closer now. Was he coming over? “It is my ship.”

  Finally, she got her fly closed. She reached for the bottom of her shirt, groaning inwardly at all the buttons she had to refasten. Why had she undone it all the way?

  As she started, a hand reached around and grasped her forearm. She jumped, her heart hammering against her ribs.

  Torn between whirling and shoving him away and throwing her elbow back, she did neither. Besides, this wasn’t an attack. He was simply holding her arm, his warm calloused palm resting against her bare skin. Scorching it. Something brushed the back of her shoulder. His chest?

  “So you just walk into people’s rooms unannounced?” she demanded, not sure what to say or do, but determined to do more than just stand there.

  “It is a captain’s prerogative to give surprise inspections,” he murmured.

  She couldn’t read his voice. He didn’t sound angry. But why would he? It wasn’t as if she was neglecting her duty or something. Surely, she’d done her duty and more. And she was a grown woman. If she wanted to masturbate on her own, what was it to him?

  “You could have warned me.” Tala stared down at his hand, at her arm, at the way she couldn’t refasten her shirt while he held her. The sides hung open, a couple of inches of her abdomen on display. And the bra with the lace trim and the little bow on the front. It wasn’t her sexiest lingerie.

  “It was inconsiderate of me not to,” he said agreeably.

  Before she could come up with something else to say, he eased closer, his chest pressing against her back, his head lowering over her shoulder so that his face was next to hers. So that he could see ev
erything she saw.

  “Thinking of someone from home?” he asked softly, his thumb moving on her arm, stroking her.

  It was a simple gesture, but her body, already primed from her earlier touches, responded as if he were stroking something far more sensitive. Her nipples hardened, prodding at her shirt through her bra.

  “No,” she said.

  “Someone from the ship?”

  Was this really the time for twenty questions? And why the hell was her heart still trying to pound its way out of her chest? Because she felt trapped? Or because she wanted to be trapped?

  “Yeah. Your engineer. It was really hot the way he tried to kill us.”

  “I don’t believe you.” He turned his face to nuzzle her ear, and sparks of electricity ricocheted through her from head to toe and to all parts in between.

  “Well, I certainly wasn’t thinking of you,” she said, staring mulishly at the view screen, and definitely not watching the way his hand left her arm to slip into the opening of her shirt.

  Her body sang as his fingers slid across her abdomen, circling her navel and then drifting upward. He cupped her breast, his thumb stroking her nipple through her bra, and she caught herself leaning back into him, longing to have him touch more of her, for him to do exactly what she’d been fantasizing about earlier.

  “Are you thinking about me now?” he murmured.

  She groped for something flippant to say, some clever way to deny it, but hadn’t she just been thinking that it would be better to have sex with someone—with him—than to simply use her hand? She could see his reflection in the glass of the screen, the intense way he was looking at her.

  He sucked at her earlobe, and she arched toward his hand, toward him, as the sparks of electricity turned into a lightning storm.

  “What do you want, Captain?” she asked, almost gasped.

  “I came down to apologize.” Did his voice sound husky? He released her breast, and his fingers trailed south. His thumb slipped underneath her waistband and ran along it, tantalizing her with the promise of deeper explorations. “For giving you power and then ignoring it. I’ve been told by previous doctors that I’m a pain in the ass to work for.”

  “No shit. I bet everybody tells you that.”

  He barked a laugh, his warm breath stirring her hair. “Your bluntness is refreshing.” He nibbled at her ear again, then dropped his head to kiss her throat, his tongue flicking out to taste her. “So many others have danced around me, currying favor or worrying that I would leave some demerit that would forever tarnish their record.”

  She shivered in his arms, no longer trying to deny that she wanted to be there, that she wanted him. “My record is already tarnished, so it doesn’t matter.” She laid her hand on his arm, the one teasing her waistband, and traced the muscles there, brushing her fingers over his tattoo.

  “Not with me.” He looked at the view screen, no, at her in their reflection. “You could stay here.”

  “So you can come down and grope me in sickbay whenever you want?”

  His fingers paused, and the heat in his expression chilled a few degrees. He lifted his hand and his head, as if to back away.

  “No,” she blurted, gripping his arm. “I’m sorry,” she added. “I’m not good at this. I, uhm, want you to grope me.”

  He hesitated, but then wrapped both arms around her, his chest pressing hard against her back, and she also felt the hardness of his cock through their clothes.

  “Look at me,” he commanded, as he found her fly and unbuttoned it with one deft hand.

  Tala was tempted to tell him to say please or remind him that she didn’t take orders from him, but her body obeyed before her mind had fully decided to rebel. She shifted enough to lock gazes with him for the first time.

  His hand slipped into her panties, as hers had done before, but his felt far different pushing through her curls, two fingers delving between her lower lips. She gasped at his bold, knowing touch, her body responding of its own accord. She pushed into his hand, wanting more from him, forgetting to think that she should be her own woman and remind him that she didn’t obey orders.

  He leaned farther over her shoulder and caught her mouth with his own. His lips and his tongue were just as demanding as his fingers, just as bold. And they lit her body on fire.

  She twisted toward him, wanting more of the kiss even as her core pulsed in response to his expert rubbing. She found his shoulder, gripping it through his jacket, feeling the hardness of his muscle underneath it. Not sure whether she was holding on for support or because she wanted to pull him closer, she squeezed tight.

  His fingers slid past her clit, and her nerves danced, her body throbbing against him. She kissed him hard, her tongue doing the delving now, relishing in his scent, his taste, and the feel of his hard chest pressed against her. His finger slipped deeper into her as his thumb rubbed gently at her clit, and she ground into him, needing just a little more pressure. Needing him to touch—

  “This is Commander Zakota,” a voice came over the comm.

  Sage paused, and she grunted a protest.

  “We’re about to enter the gate. Lie down or buckle yourselves in.”

  “Sage,” Tala panted, not caring that it was unseemly to grind against him, to keep kissing him when he was distracted. “If you don’t finish what you started, I’m going to throw you to the floor and impale myself on you.”

  She rubbed herself against the hard cock she’d been feeling through their clothes, and his arms tightened around her.

  “Trust me,” he growled. “Finishing is definitely on my mind.”

  He picked her up, and, though startled, she willingly flung her legs around him. She ended up feeling that cock pressing right against her hot core, and promptly decided that she wouldn’t mind foregoing the fingers to jump to having him fully inside of her.

  Already forgetting about the helmsman’s warning, she thought he might carry her to the desk, but instead he sat in the chair in front of it and pulled her into his lap. She had the satisfaction of hearing him gasp softly as she settled onto his cock.

  “Hold that thought,” he whispered and tightened his arms around her, turning her so he could look into her eyes.

  He looked like he meant to wait until they passed through the gate to continue, but she didn’t want to wait. She wanted the orgasm she’d been seeking when she first opened her shirt. She kissed him hard and shifted so she straddled him in the seat.

  Then the explosion of purple confetti stole her thoughts and her consciousness.

  But once again, she dreamed. She dreamed of almost exactly what they’d started, of Sage pushing her back onto the desk, of her wriggling out of her khakis, of him unfastening his belt and tearing off his jacket, so he stood above her in that tank top, his hands braced on the desk to either side of her, as he poised to enter her. She reached up, gripping him and yanking him down, tired of the delays.

  The dream dissolved before he plunged into her, and she groaned in frustration. The entire universe was conspiring against her today.

  As she roused, still hot and painfully achy, she grew aware of a hand on her breast, stroking her. She opened her eyes to Sage, his lean face close to hers as he watched her, waiting for her to wake up. His arms were still around her, and she still sat astride him in the chair. They weren’t buckled in, but even in his sleep, he’d protected her, kept her from falling to the deck.

  Judging by the hard protrusion jabbing against her inner thigh, his unconsciousness had been as dream-filled as hers, the subject matter of the dream similar. She shifted her lips toward him, wanting to pick up where they’d left off, and he didn’t hesitate to return the kiss. He pushed her shirt off her shoulders and unclasped her bra, and she smiled as her mouth pressed against his, wondering if he’d wanted to do that while she’d still been asleep. How long had he waited for her to wake up? A couple of seconds? Minutes? She had no idea how much real time passed during those wormhole jumps. She just knew nothing had
changed and that she wanted—

  “Captain,” came Zakota’s voice again, this time over the logostec on his wrist rather than the ship’s comm. “We’ve got a serious problem.”

  Sage pulled his lips from hers. She sensed his reluctance to do so, but he was a man of duty, and duty overrode his personal desires.

  She moaned a protest, even if she understood, and dropped her mouth to his throat. As he tapped the logostec to answer, she ran her tongue along his warm flesh, gripping his shoulders with her hands as she reveled in his taste, and in the feel of him pressing between her legs.

  “What is it?” Sage managed to sound only mildly annoyed, though the way his arm remained around her waist, locking her to him, told her that he didn’t want an interruption now. He wanted to finish what they’d started. He wanted her, despite all their arguing. Or maybe, she amended, remembering his words from earlier in the day, because of it.

  “Zi’i warships, sir. Eight of them. In addition to dozens of Scyllan ships. They’ve already spotted us, and they’re coming this way.”

  Sage’s body tensed under Tala, and she gripped him hard, frustrated because she knew he had to leave.

  “On my way,” he said and stood up, holding her so she wouldn’t fall.

  Tala wanted to wrap her legs around him, to hurry up and find her own satisfaction, even if it meant rocking against him as he walked to the door, but she found her dignity and dropped her feet to the deck.

  “I owe you a better apology later,” he said, giving her a painfully quick kiss as he let go of her.

  “Damn straight you do,” she called after him as the office door slid open. “That man is always leaving me frustrated,” she growled to herself. She took meager satisfaction from the fact that his walk looked uncomfortable as he strode out. “Yeah, you go fight aliens with a hard-on. That’ll teach you.”

  His walk turned into a jog, and he soon disappeared from sickbay.

  She supposed she should be worried about Zakota’s armada of aliens, and she vowed to find out more later, but she turned her back to the door again, determined to find some satisfaction, even if it meant finishing alone, as she’d started.


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