Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Sara Anderson

  Southern Supernatural Alphas

  Enforcers Embrace

  Logan Grant is a protector and enforcer for the Wolf Creek pack. He and his partner, Ash Cooper, keep the darkness away from the innocent humans and lycans living in the pack lands. Logan never imagined he’d fall for a human female, but when he met Emily Mullen, she stole his heart and made his wolf howl to claim her. Fear of losing her held Logan back, despite Ash urging him to mate her so they could all bond together. Instead, Logan pushed her away, thinking that would keep her safe. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Emily could feel Logan was pushing her away and keeping a part of himself secret from her. She’d tried to make it work, but finally she decided it was over between them. She had a secret of her own and decided to leave for a while to see the country and get over losing Logan.

  Alone and far from home, Emily realizes someone is hunting her. She runs back to Logan and Ash, but is it too late? Logan and Ash have powerful enemies, and one in particular has vowed to take what they love away from them. They never imagined that would mean they would go after Emily.

  If their enemies succeed, their lives will be destroyed forever.

  Genre: BDSM, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 64,347 words


  Southern Supernatural Alphas

  Sara Anderson


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




  Copyright © 2017 by Sara Anderson

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-286-6

  First Publication: April 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  To my readers who make me smile with their messages, thank you. As always, love to my wonderful husband. He is my inspiration and biggest fan.


  Sara lives in Missouri with her husband and children.

  For all titles by Sara Anderson, please visit


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve




  Southern Supernatural Alphas


  Copyright © 2017


  A warm southern winter wind blew, bringing the scent of drying foliage as Emily Mullen put her last suitcase in the car and glanced back at the house she’d called home for two years. What had seemed so warm and full of life a few months ago now seemed lonely and empty. She stared at the little house until the breeze blew her blonde hair into her eyes. Blinking, she shoved it behind her ear and concentrated on packing her car. You’re running, that quiet voice of reason told her.

  I can’t watch him moving on with his life and dating other women, Emily told that logical voice.

  You have no idea why he’s not responding to you. You’re jumping to conclusions due to your hormones.

  It’s been over a month, Emily said with a huff as she shoved the coffeemaker in her trunk. She wished that logical part of her would stop trying to break her resolve.

  Yes, it would be very hard to start over. Her brother, Matt, and Gram were all she had, but she was twenty-eight years old now. It was time to prove she could stand on her own two feet without someone holding her hand.

  She’d done that when her boyfriend in Memphis had dumped her. When Gram had decided she was giving up her dream house and getting an apartment, Emily had jumped at the chance to have Gram and Matt closer.

  It also let Gram leave the house in her own name. This had been her dream, and she’d loved every moment of the years she’d been able to live in it.

  Gram had grown tired of the city. After she’d raised her and Matt, she’d decided to follow her dream of living in a small Southern town. Wolf Creek was the town Gram had always pictured in her head. The people were friendly, and Gram had found her dream house here as well.

  Emily had come to visit often and loved the house. Then, Gram had taken a bad fall and broken her hip. With her osteoporosis, Gram decided to move to an assisted-living apartment complex here. It wasn’t a nursing home, but a place that had nurse aides who checked on the residents often.

  Gram had been thrilled with Emily renting the place from her, and Emily had to admit that she, too, had fallen in love with Wolf Creek. One man in particular had made his way into her heart. It hurt to breathe knowing she was leaving town and didn’t plan on seeing him again, but she knew if she didn’t go, Logan would resent her. She’d never felt like this before, and it bordered on obsession. Even before she’d been stunned with the pregnancy test two weeks ago, Logan was always on her mind.

  She also fought her attraction to his roommate, Ash Cooper. Sometimes she thought Ash also had feelings for her, but then his eyes would grow sad and he would back away. Emily couldn’t take it anymore. She wasn’t strong enough to just let them both go and live in a small town with them.

  A fresh breeze wafted across her fresh tears, and Emily brushed the wetness off her cheeks. She lived on a street not too far off the town square. She would miss the walks around the brick town square and stopping in the local hamburger place for a chocolate milkshake and a burger.

  Just one more walk before you leave. The town square would be amazing, and since it was winter, it wouldn’t be so hot.

  After closing her trunk, Emily started down the narrow paved street toward the square. She waved to Mrs. Parker as she dusted the shelves in her antique store. Emily almost stopped to chat with her, but then she noticed Mrs. Parker had picked up her phone.

  The bank and an escrow place were both busy today as well, but it was the sound of fifties music coming from the restaurant The owner, Tom Bater, designed it to look just like a 1950s hamburger place. Glancing in, Emily saw that he, too, was very busy this afternoon.

  The courthouse that sat in the middle of the square almost seemed to shine as the winter sun glinted off the stone. On the outside, it seemed like any other Southern courthouse with a cannon in the gras
s and stately old trees surrounding it. Inside though, it always felt different.

  Logan worked closely with the sheriff’s department and often went to talk with judges in the courthouse, but she never noticed real trials or court days going on. She had a little bit of experience with courthouses, and didn’t think she’d ever come across a county court run quite like this.

  Every now and then, she felt like she knew the answer. She’d see yellow flashing eyes and a glimpse of skin and fur melding, but then it all vanished in her mind. She must have had some vivid dreams, and Crocker County, North Carolina, simply didn’t have the crime to warrant the court days that other counties had.

  Emily stopped in front of an empty brick building and stared in longingly. She’d dreamed of opening her own business where she could sell her primitive art. She’d done many jobs and was good at quite a few things, but her passion was taking pieces of junk and painting her masterpieces on them.

  “She has more talent in her pinky finger than I have in my entire body,” Gram was fond of saying to everyone.

  Do it. Start your dream here in Wolf Creek, that voice urged her. Emily wasn’t sure when that voice started talking to her. Not long after she’d met Logan and it was like she’d met a piece of herself that she didn’t know was missing.

  Emily couldn’t stop thinking how Ash belonged with her as well. The few times Ash, Logan, and she had shared a meal were the happiest moments where she felt like she could take on the world and her two warriors had her back.

  As Emily passed another empty building on the square, she wondered where that thought had come from. Yes, Logan and Ash were both reserve deputies, but they weren’t warriors. Ash was a firefighter, and Logan worked with some contractor named Marcus. While they were both tough guys, they weren’t any kind of fighters.

  With a sigh, Emily headed home. Her last walk around the town square was done, and it was best to just rip the bandage off quickly and be done. Her future was not in the town Gram had moved to ten years ago when she and Matt had both left to attend college.

  Tears burning her eyes, Emily looked up at the small house she’d made a home one last time. “Am I doing the right thing? Maybe I should just stay and force him to talk to me.” Emily shook her head as soon as the words left her mouth. The words from her mother echoed in her head. Stupid girl. You chased your dad away with your shit. Even though she knew it wasn’t true, the same words haunted her and convinced her she’d chased Logan away.

  “I don’t understand,” Emily said to the chilly wind that blew through the leafless trees. I’ve been so careful since I met Logan. I never nagged him with my feelings or asked for things. How did I drive him away?

  Emily shook her head. No matter how hard she tried to shake the doubt in her head, it was always there. She’d never have anyone to love her because her selfishness and foolishness chased them away.

  She pinched her lips into a straight line. It’s not true. Gram and Matt love me. Mom was the selfish and foolish one, not me. Emily nodded as she reminded herself of Gram’s words once again. Sometimes it worked, and other times it didn’t. Today, it wasn’t working.

  Her phone rang, and she saw it was Gram calling. She got the message I left for her. Damn. I was hoping I’d be gone by the time she heard it.

  Clearing her throat to clear the tears, Emily pressed the green phone icon. “Hi Gram,” she said in a bright tone she didn’t feel. Guilt flooded her that she was leaving like this. Gram had been there when everyone else walked away, and loved her no matter how badly she messed up. Except this time, she knew Gram would flip out on her when she found out how irresponsible Emily had been.

  “Emily dear. Why are you moving out of the house? Is there a problem?” Her Grandma Myra’s concern was eroding her resolve. Stay, Emily’s heart whispered. Gram loves you. She can help you through this. You don’t have to be alone.

  Closing her eyes, she fought the urge to tell Gram she’d made a mistake, and she was staying after all. No, she needed some time to get over the man she’d fallen so hard for. If only he’d cheated on her or something, then she could get righteously angry about it. Instead, he’d just closed himself off from her. I can’t, she told her heart. If I stay, I’ll make a fool of myself chasing him, and he’ll accuse me of getting pregnant on purpose to trap him.

  “No, Gram, there’s nothing wrong with the house. I just need some time. You know I’ve always wanted to travel a bit. I have the trust money from Grandpa, so there isn’t any reason why I shouldn’t use it to do some things I want to do.”

  “Well, okay, dear.” Gram paused for a moment as if she was deciding to proceed or not. “Just be careful. It may seem like a lot of money, but it can go a lot faster than you realize.”

  “Yes, Gram. I’ll be careful, I promise.” Emily smiled and turned her face up to the sky. Gram always seemed to weigh her need for giving her and Matt advice and butting in too much. She always said people learned the best lessons by experience, not nagging.

  “Good girl. I hate to say this, but I am going to have to rent out the house. I can’t take the risk of it sitting empty. Even in Wolf Creek, there can be issues with vacant houses getting broken into. If you’re able to give me enough warning when you’re done seeing the world, I can see if the renters will move.”

  “No, Gram, don’t kick people out for me. That isn’t fair to them to settle into a home and have them uprooted for me. I left the house very clean, so you’ll find renters fast. It’s a beautiful house. I am sure Matt will help you.”

  “Yes, dear, I’ll speak to your brother and ask him to manage it for me.”

  “Okay then. Well, I need to get on the road then. It’s a long drive to California.”

  “So, you’re going to California?”

  “Yeah, for now. Listen, don’t tell Matt, okay.”

  “All right, but why? Did you and Matt have a fight?” Gram’s tender voice had a hint of concern. She hated it when Emily and Matt were at odds with one another. Family stuck together. Emily closed her eyes. She wasn’t sticking with her family; she was running. What choice did she have though? She couldn’t bear to lose her grandma because she’d finally messed up good for the last time.

  “No, Gram, but he would tell Logan. Nothing bad happened; I just let my heart get too involved. I need some time to myself to get over him. Matt wouldn’t give that to me if he knew where I was.” Emily closed her eyes.

  Through some of the worst of her stepfather’s drunken rages, Matt had been her protector. He’d taken a few beatings himself during those awful days before her mother had dumped them on Gram’s doorstep. He still saw himself as her protector, and he liked Logan. He thought Logan was good for her. In most ways, Logan was good for her until he’d seen what a screw-up she was and backed off.

  “I see. Matters of the heart do hurt, sweetie. I have a good sense about Logan. It’s too bad you two didn’t work out.”

  Emily felt tears filling her eyes. She should just tell her grandma the whole story. Her grandma had raised her and cheered her on in life. She couldn’t though. Gram was so old-fashioned. No sex before marriage and definitely no babies while single. She’ll be so disappointed in me. I couldn’t even do birth control right. She couldn’t hide it forever, but at least for now she had to.

  “I love you, Emily.” Gram’s voice shook her out of her musing. “Make sure you stay safe.”

  “I will, Gram. Bye.” Emily put her phone back in her pocket and got in the driver’s seat. She felt the same cramping again and placed her hand on her lower stomach. She’d looked it up on Google, and most likely, it was her uterus stretching. Tears filled her eyes as she put her seat belt on. She may have lost a lot, but she had a baby to protect now.

  She put in the directions from Wolf Creek to the OB office in Chattanooga. Before she took off too far, she wanted to make sure everything was okay. She pulled her sedan onto the highway and headed east over the North Carolina and Tennessee state line toward Chattanooga.

  Two hours later, a nurse in light blue scrubs led Emily into an exam room. “Here you go,” the nurse said while handing her tissue gown and a sheet. “The doctor will be in shortly.’ Emily quickly changed and got up on the exam table. Within a few moments, there was a light knock on the door.

  Emily turned, and a woman in her early thirties walked in wearing a white coat embroidered with her name, followed by MD.

  “Hi, Emily. I’m Dr. Smith. How are you feeling today?”

  Emily smiled nervously. “I’m okay. Nervous.”

  Dr. Smith smiled at her. “That is perfectly understandable.” She sat down and looked at the computer. “We got the blood work from the other day back, and everything looks excellent. Would you like to see your baby?”

  Emily nodded as the door opened and another woman brought in a portable ultrasound. After just a bit of preparation, Emily was watching the screen as the doctor pointed at her baby.

  “There’s the head, and the heart. It’s a good strong rhythm.”

  Emily stared in wonder at the screen as she watched the tiny heartbeat. Her baby. A tiny little human that she and Logan had made together. She felt tears running down her face, and then the nurse placed a tissue in her hand. Emily wiped her eyes. She had a wild range of emotions from fear to elation as she watched her tiny baby on the screen.

  “Gestation is eight weeks and four days. Let me print off some pictures for you.”

  “Okay, thank you. I am leaving for California. If I don’t make it back, how do I see another doctor?”

  “They can just send for your records. I will make sure the receptionist gives you our fax number for their release form.”


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