Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Sara Anderson

  Don’t sit around too long after your meeting. Someone needs to speak to you and she’s nervous. She’ll run again.

  Logan glanced outside, but he only saw the parking lot lights illuminating the cars and motorcycles of the other lycan enforcers. He picked up his phone and texted back.


  Dude, don’t tell her I told you. I promised her I wouldn’t, but I don’t want her running again.

  Logan was going to punch Matt when he saw him. He hated evasiveness. Did Matt hear something and send a female to him? He kept his status as a reserve deputy active in case his duties as a pack enforcer ever crossed into the human’s world. Sometimes his human friends sent scared females to him.

  While some supernaturals cut themselves off from humans, many lycans enjoyed the luxuries of the human world. That meant they had to adapt and sometimes entangle themselves with human politics.

  Goddammit, Matt, just tell me who. I won’t bring your name up. Did some dipshit beat up his girl again? Is it bad? All of the enforcers are here, including Dylan if she needs to speak to a federal agent.

  Logan glanced over at Dylan, who was a US Marshall and a council enforcer. It helped to make sure the humans were protected as much as lycans. Both supernaturals and humans had their violent predators and needed protecting.

  Fine. Emily is here. I sent her to talk to you. She didn’t want to, but I told her I would talk to you if she didn’t. I don’t think she’ll wait long though. Seriously, don’t tell her I told you.

  Logan read the text several times as shock reverberated through his body. Emily is here, now? He stood up, drawing Derek’s attention. When Derek stopped and tilted his head to the side in a silent question, Logan replied, “I gotta go. A personal matter has come up.”

  Ash looked up from his seat in one of the old recliners. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, Em is in town.”

  Logan noticed how Ash’s eyes darkened slightly. He didn’t have time to sit around and think about them both mating Emily right now. Right now, he just had to get to Emily before she ran again. “If we both ran out there after her, it might scare her off. Let me secure her here for the night, and we’ll deal with her together in the morning.”

  Ash nodded. “Yell if you need me. Don’t let her run again. You know we have the other rooms downstairs if you think we need them.”

  Logan glared at Ash. “I am not putting her in a cell meant for out-of-control supernaturals.”

  Ash didn’t blink or smile. “All the windows open up here. I’m serious. If you think she’ll run, take her down there. We aren’t holding anyone, and the beds are big.”

  Logan shook his head, but Ash did have a point. The cells downstairs weren’t meant for punishment. Sometimes grief sent a lycan out of control, and they needed to be confined for their own protection. Several of the cells were very comfortable, and made just to keep a supernatural safe until they were in control once again.

  “I’ll be back.” Logan turned and several of the enforcers grinned at him. The nosy fuckers had better keep their remarks to themselves. Damn lycan hearing. He was sure everyone knew Emily was here, and they weren’t going to allow her to leave.

  * * * *

  Icy puffs of Emily’s breath hung in the air like smoke from a cabin as she stood outside of her car. The night sky was clear, and an unusual cold front had brought record cold temperatures to the South.

  As an owl hooted in the distance, Emily turned to get back into her car. “This is stupid.” Emily turned to make sure Jackson was still asleep. “It’s freaking cold out here. Matt can go bully Gram’s cat. I am going home.” With a sigh she stopped. Leaving wasn’t fair to Logan. She’d let Matt bully her into talking to Logan, and she would do it.

  She’d point to the baby and say “He’s yours,” then leave. Doubt still nagged her though. What if what Matt had said was true, and Logan had had an emergency come up? Then he would be furious with her. Any chance of him accepting her back was surely as cold as the icy wind that was blowing. Wait, she didn’t care if he was mad and didn’t want anything to do with her, right? She just wanted to do her duty and tell him he had a son, and go back to Gram’s apartment. No, you silly girl. You’re hoping he will sweep you off your feet again. She scoffed at that voice. No, I don’t. I am a strong, independent single mama. I don’t need him. She repeated that to herself and hoped it stuck one of the times.

  I’m going home. I will send him a letter. She moved to get back into her car so she could leave, but then she closed her eyes just as her fingers closed around the door handle. Logan had a right to know that he was a father in person, not a letter.

  Emily paced as she waited for the meeting to get out and began talking to herself. “I’ll just tell him and make it clear that I don’t expect anything from him. There is no reason to be angry with me or accuse me of trying to trap him.” It sounded like a good plan, and then the door opened and there was no mistaking Logan’s large frame as he filled the open doorway.

  Emily’s body went from freezing to ready to go into a fusion melt down at the sight of him. His gaze fixed on her, and even after all the months that had passed, she had the desire to fall to her knees in front of her Master.

  As their gazes locked on one another, a spark of electricity traveled through her as if they had never been apart.

  “Emily,” Logan whispered, and he reached out as if he was afraid she wasn’t real.

  A breeze ruffled Emily’s hair, and she swept her blonde hair out of her eyes as her feet moved toward him. All the plans to tell him and leave evaporated as quickly as water on hot asphalt in August. She could almost see the steam as they met at the front of her car.

  Logan held his arms open for her, and she fell into his warm embrace without a second thought. She almost heard the click as if they were two pieces of a puzzle that had been lost and finally paired together again. The pain and loneliness lifted as if a terrible weight had been lifted from her chest, and her head rested against the firm muscle of his chest under the soft fabric of his fleece shirt. She felt tears running down her face. Surely, she was just being hormonal. Hadn’t she just done this with Gram this afternoon? She hiccupped and fisted his soft shirt as she started to let out all her loneliness and pain from the last year.

  “Shhhh, baby. It’s okay. I have you now. You’re okay.” Logan stroked her hair and back gently. “Let it all out, baby.”

  Emily’s arms tightened around his muscular body, and she heard the steady beat of his heart. His scent of woods, soap, and aftershave hadn’t changed either. A feeling of peace she hadn’t felt since she left enveloped her, and she was able to start to get a hold of her emotions.

  “I’ve missed you.” Logan’s lips lowered until they pressed into her hair. “God, I’ve missed you, Em. I looked everywhere for you. I called you and tried to track DMV records.”

  He looked for me? He really looked for me. She’d blocked his number and ditched her phone so she wouldn’t be heartbroken any more by seeing he didn’t care. Instead, he’d looked for her. She’d spent this last year alone and in her own hell for nothing. Logan wanted her. Emily ran her hands over his chest just to make sure he was really here.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” she said, She didn’t realize how much she missed him until now. “I didn’t change my driver’s license and I used cash mostly.”

  “Come inside, out of the cold, Em.” Logan started to pull her toward the log cabin where she’d interrupted his meeting.

  “No, I can’t leave Jackson in the car.”

  * * * *

  Logan stiffened. Did she have another man in her life now? She wouldn’t for long, since Emily was his. He felt the pull as strong as ever, and this time nothing would get in the way. He would make some puny human male vanish if he thought he could take what was his. It looked like he’d be using those cells after all. He’d lock the bastard up until he agreed to run far away and never so much as look at Emily again.

kson? You brought someone with you?”

  “Yes.” Emily said and then turned her head to look back at her car she’d left running.

  Logan’s gaze moved over her head and to the car. Now he was really confused since there wasn’t anyone in the front seat. Did her new guy sit in the back like a pup? Well, this was going to be easy to expel the human that dared to try and claim what was his. He’d toss his ass out of pack lands with strong words about what happens to those who did not heed the warning to never come back. He wouldn’t even need to feed him.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this, Logan. I had always planned to, but then you didn’t answer my texts or calls, and I got mad at you. Then, once I’d cooled off, I couldn’t think of the words to say.”

  “Wait, you had this guy around when you lived here?” Now Logan’s fury was reaching a new level of inferno. It must be a human that knew about them, and he’d tried to steal his female. No wonder the coward was hiding in the back seat, but there was no hiding now. Once he got the scent of the bastard, he’d make sure he paid dearly. Logan envisioned tossing the asshole over some trees and seeing how well human scum could bounce. Who the fuck had disappeared at the same time as Emily? Logan couldn’t think of anyone, and Wolf Creek wasn’t that big.

  Emily shook her head as she watched his thunderous expression. “This isn’t going as I planned. No matter what I say, it’s coming out wrong. Come with me.” She gripped his hand and pulled.

  No one had to tell him twice to follow Emily. He was all too eager to get his hands on the dirty rat that had stolen his female. True, he’d helped in their relationship troubles, but what kind of an asshole moved in on a woman when her man was out on pack business? A dead one.

  Emily opened up the car door to the back seat and leaned in. “Oh, you woke up,” she cooed into the car. “There’s Mommy’s big boy. Are you tired of sitting in this old seat?”

  Logan had heard about events happening that made time stop, but he’d never witnessed it himself, until now. As if Emily was moving in slow motion, he saw her put a blue knit blanket over her shoulder, and then she pulled a bucket car seat out. She threw the blanket over it to shield the infant pup from the icy wind. Logan stood there completely stunned as Emily set the bag down and opened the front door to shut the car off.

  She picked up the large bag again and smiled at Logan. “Now we can go in. Jackson had a cold last week, and I don’t want him getting a chill.”

  Instinct took over as Emily struggled with the car seat, blanket, her purse, and diaper bag, and he took the seat and large bag before turning to go back into the meeting hall. There were several rooms, and they would have some privacy to discuss this shocking turn of events.

  He would have to use the two-bedroom suite the lodge held for visiting enforcers. Some of the enforcers who were visiting the pack for training would just have to sleep somewhere else tonight. There were other rooms and pull-out beds; they wouldn’t suffer, but he needed the privacy the suite offered. Emily, my Emily, had a baby.

  He made it back to the building in a few long strides. The wind picked up, and he knew a tiny pup didn’t handle cold well. He got to the door and entered with Jackson before turning and extending his hand to help Emily up the stairs.

  “There is a room just down the hall,” Logan murmured while he scanned the room. He met Ash’s gaze and saw the same surprise light up his features as Logan held the infant seat and helped Emily with her coat.

  Logan nodded at Ash and pointed to the rooms. Ash nodded back. They’d both been bonded together long enough for Ash to know that he was taking Emily into the back rooms. They had plenty of beds around for visiting lycans to use, and there would be a full breakfast served in the morning. They would not be out any place to sleep, but someone had to set up new sleeping quarters for them.

  “Thank you.” Emily smiled up at him, and he felt his world tilt again. No matter what had happened, they would work it out, even if it took all night to convince her. He could love another man’s pup, or rather child. More than likely, she’d hooked up with a human. He’d probably dumped her and left her penniless and alone. Logan would make sure to catch his name so he could teach the whelp some manners.

  “No problem.” Logan was thankful for this private space. Ash would make sure the visiting lycans knew an emergency had come up, and he would ensure the enforcers were comfortable.

  He slid open the slider that separated the more public meeting hall from the private living quarters, which thankfully didn’t appear used, and closed and locked the door. He set the infant seat on the table, and Emily took the blanket off.

  Logan couldn’t take his eyes off Emily though. She was here, really here. Now that the shock was wearing off, a new satisfaction was setting in. Emily was in trouble, and she had come running to him. Keeping his tone as soft as he could manage he asked, “Where have you been, Em?”

  “California,” she said without turning to look at him. “I needed some space after everything.”

  A million excuses ran through his mind, but he knew the truth. He had pushed her away. He’d convinced himself it was to protect her. It was partly true—an enforcer’s life was dangerous. It wasn’t the only reason, though. He’d been scared at the depth of his feelings for her and what could happen, knowing he’d have to reveal his true self to her and possibly face her rejection. He’d spent some time telling himself it was for the best that she left, but he’d missed her more than he’d ever missed anyone before. It had become an ache that time wouldn’t ease.

  Logan walked closer to her and placed his hands on her arms. He struggled with his need to dominate her. She’d run from him for a reason, and he needed to take things slow with her. If he let his wolf loose and forced her submission, he’d lose her again. He could lock her away, and still lose her heart.

  “Emily,” he said then paused. A scent hit him like a fast-moving train into a brick wall. The infant smelled like a lycan. Another lycan had dared to touch what was his! Logan saw red for a moment, and his skin tingled as his wolf came to the surface. He’d shred the cur that dared to touch Emily. Every lycan knew Emily was his. Someone was going to pay soon. He forced his thoughts to clear, so he could get a better scent of the pup and know who the father was. Even Ash who’d had every right to chase her had kept his distance despite the pull he felt to her out of respect to him.

  Logan inhaled deeper, and the floor dropped from under his feet. Logan could only scent himself and Emily on Jackson. He inhaled again, and he caught traces of Emily’s grandma, Myra, and her brother, Matt, and him. The baby Emily had just pulled from the car seat was his. Jackson was his pup. There’d been no other lover; no other man was this infant’s father. Jackson was his. His knees felt weak for a moment, and he moved his feet to brace himself.

  “That baby—” Logan continued.

  “Is yours,” Emily said, cutting him off. With his son cradled in her arms, Emily turned to face him. When her gaze met his, he felt a shock that almost staggered him backward. “Logan. I hate to just spring this on you. I’d planned to be a bit gentler, but my brother is being a bully. This is your son, Jackson.”

  Logan felt like he couldn’t breathe. The air in the room was too thick to inhale. My son, my pup. He’s mine! I’m a father! He held his shaking hands out.

  “Can I hold him?”

  Emily nodded, and she held him out for him to take. Logan quickly sat down, suddenly scared he’d drop his own son. Emily placed his pup in his arms, and he stared into Jackson’s brown eyes. There was no mistaking that those were his eyes. He knew even if Jackson wasn’t his biological son, he would have loved him as his own, but looking into his son’s eyes sparked something in his heart. A love and fierce protectiveness for his pup flamed to life and quickly grew. He had an image of Emily, Jackson, and himself building a life together, and he liked the feelings that image created. How could he have ever thought he was free by being alone? He’d found a piece of himself that had been missing with Emily,
and now his son, Jackson, as well.

  Logan looked up at Emily. “You gave me a son!” He felt a light glimmer in his soul that had been dark, and for the first time in a year, he had a genuine smile on his face. All the hurt he’d felt over losing Emily didn’t matter anymore. She was back, and she’d given him the greatest gift a lycan could want. They had a pup together. He knew in that moment what love at first sight felt like, and to know without a shadow of a doubt he’d die for someone. He would for Emily and Jackson. He’d fall to his knees and say “kill me” if it would spare them.

  His gaze met Emily’s before his lips caressed hers. “I love you, Emily. You and Jackson, more than you’ll ever know.” He pulled her close to him and kissed her again as joy flooded his heart. A son, he and Emily had a son together. His hands wrapped around her. She was his, and he never had to let her go again.

  * * * *

  Snow began to fall softly outside, but inside it was warmer than Emily had felt in a year. He loved her! She’d never expected this reaction out of Logan, or his declaration of love. She watched Logan holding Jackson and thought about how she’d had every intention of telling him she didn’t need him. She’d intended to tell him that she had Matt if her son needed a male role model, and Gram could be her support system now that she was home.

  None of that mattered now though, because that part of her heart she’d closed off was burning hot again. God help her, because she loved this man and seeing him holding Jackson made the fires burn brighter, and he loved her, too. Whatever pain and heartbreak they’d created for themselves could be dealt with later. He loved her.

  Jackson lifted his tiny fist to his mouth and began to suck on it, so Emily walked over to the diaper bag and pulled out a bottle of pumped milk. It was still warm from when she’d warmed it on the stove at Gram’s apartment.


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