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Fifty Shades Freed: Book Three of the Fifty Shades Trilogy

Page 24

by E. L. James

  “Sit,” he orders. Some things never change, I muse, doing as I’m told. Christian sits beside me, and leaning forward, puts his head in his hands.

  Oh no. Is this too hard for him? Then he sits up, rakes both hands through his hair, and turns to me, at once expectant and reconciled to his fate.

  “Ask me,” he says simply.

  Oh. Well, that was easier than I thought. “Why the additional security for your family?”

  “Hyde was a threat to them.”

  “How do you know?”

  “From his computer. It held personal details about me and the rest of my family. Especially Carrick.”

  “Carrick? Why him?”

  “I don’t know yet. Let’s go to bed.”

  “Christian, tell me!”

  “Tell you what?”

  “You are so . . . exasperating.”

  “So are you.” He glares at me.

  “You didn’t ramp up the security when you first found out there was information about your family on the computer. So what happened? Why now?”

  Christian narrows his eyes at me.

  “I didn’t know he was going to attempt to burn down my building, or—” He stops. “We thought it was an unwelcome obsession, but you know”—he shrugs—“when you’re in the public eye, people are interested. It was random stuff: news reports on me from when I was at Harvard—my rowing, my career. Reports on Carrick—following his career, following my mom’s career—and to some extent, Elliot and Mia.

  How strange.

  “You said or,” I prompt.

  “Or what?”

  “You said, ‘attempt to burn down my building, or . . .’ like you were going to say something else.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  What? I frown at him, and my stomach rumbles.

  “Did you eat today?” His voice is sterner and his eyes frost.

  I’m betrayed by my flush.

  “As I thought.” His voice is clipped. “You know how I feel about you not eating. Come,” he says. He stands and holds out his hand. “Let me feed you.” And he shifts again . . . this time his voice full of sensual promise.

  “Feed me?” I whisper as everything south of my navel liquefies. Hell. This is such a typically mercurial diversion from what we’ve been discussing. Is that it? Is that all I’m getting out of him for now? Leading me over to the kitchen, Christian grabs a bar stool and hefts it around to the other side of the island.

  “Sit,” he says.

  “Where’s Mrs. Jones?” I ask, noticing her absence for the first time as I perch on the stool.

  “I’ve given her and Taylor the night off.”



  He gazes at me for a beat, and his arrogant amusement is back. “Because I can.”

  “So you’re going to cook?” I give him an incredulous smirk.

  “Oh, ye of little faith, Mrs. Grey. Close your eyes.”

  Wow. I thought we were going to have a full-on fight, and here we are, playing in the kitchen.

  “Close them,” he orders.

  I roll them first, then oblige.

  “Hmm. Not good enough,” he mutters. I open one eye and see him take a plum-colored silk scarf out of the back pocket of his jeans. It matches my dress. Holy cow. I look quizzically at him. When did he get that?

  “Close,” he orders again. “No peeking.”

  “You’re going to blindfold me?” I mutter, shocked. All of a sudden I’m breathless.


  “Christian—” He places a finger upon my lips, silencing me.

  I want to talk.

  “We’ll talk later. I want you to eat now. You said you were hungry.” He lightly kisses my lips. The silk of the scarf is soft against my eyelids as he ties it securely at the back of my head.

  “Can you see?” he asks.

  “No,” I mutter, figuratively rolling my eyes. He chuckles softly.

  “I can tell when you’re rolling your eyes, . . . and you know how that makes me feel.”

  I purse my lips. “Can we just get this over and done with?” I snap.

  “Such impatience, Mrs. Grey. So eager to talk.” His tone is playful.


  “I must feed you first,” he says and brushes his lips over my temple, calming me instantly.

  Okay . . . have it your way. I resign myself to my fate and listen to his movements around the kitchen. The fridge door opens, and Christian places various dishes on the countertop behind me. He pads over to the microwave, pops something in, and turns it on. My curiosity is piqued. I hear the toaster lever drop, the turn of the control, and the quiet tick of the timer. Hmm—toast?

  “Yes. I am eager to talk,” I murmur, distracted. An assortment of exotic, spicy aromas fills the kitchen, and I shift in my chair.

  “Be still, Anastasia,” he murmurs, and he’s close to me again. “I want you to behave . . . ,” he whispers.

  Oh my. My inner goddess freezes, not even blinking.

  “And don’t bite your lip.” Gently he tugs my bottom lip free of my teeth, and I can’t help my smile.

  Next, I hear the sharp pop of a cork being drawn from a bottle and the gentle glug of wine being poured into a glass. Then a moment of silence followed by a quiet click and the soft hiss of white noise from the surround-sound speakers as they come to life. A loud twang of a guitar begins a song I don’t know. Christian turns the volume down to background level. A man starts to sing, his voice deep, low, and sexy.

  “A drink first, I think,” Christian whispers, diverting me from the song. “Head back.” I tip my head back. “Further,” he prompts.

  I oblige, and his lips are on mine. Cool crisp wine flows into my mouth. I swallow reflexively. Oh my. Memories flood back of not so long ago—me trussed up on my bed in Vancouver before I graduated with a hot, angry Christian not appreciating my e-mail. Hmm . . . have times changed? Not much. Except now I recognize the wine, Christian’s favorite—a Sancerre.

  “Hmm,” I murmur in appreciation.

  “You like the wine?” he whispers, his breath warm on my cheek. I’m bathed in his proximity, his vitality, the heat radiating from his body, even though he doesn’t touch me.

  “Yes,” I breathe.


  “I always want more, with you.”

  I almost hear his grin. It makes me grin, too. “Mrs. Grey, are you flirting with me?”


  His wedding ring clinks against the glass as he takes another sip of wine. Now that is a sexy sound. This time he pulls my head right back, cradling me. He kisses me once more, and greedily I swallow the wine he gives me. He smiles as he kisses me again.


  “I think we’ve already established that, Mr. Grey.”

  The troubadour on the iPod is singing about wicked games. Hmm . . . How apt.

  The microwave pings, and Christian releases me. I sit upright. The food smells spicy: garlic, mint, oregano, rosemary, and lamb, I think. The door to the microwave opens, and the appetizing smell grows stronger.

  “Shit! Christ!” Christian curses, and a dish clatters onto the countertop.

  Oh Fifty! “You okay?”

  “Yes!” he snaps, his voice tight. A moment later, he’s standing beside me once more.

  “I just burned myself. Here.” He eases his index finger into my mouth. “Maybe you could suck it better.”

  “Oh.” Clasping his hand, I draw his finger slowly from my mouth. “There, there,” I soothe, and leaning forward I blow, cooling his finger, then kiss it gently twice. He stops breathing. I reinsert it into my mouth and suck gently. He inhales sharply, and the sound travels straight to my groin. He tastes as delicious as ever, and I realize that this is his game—the slow seduction of his wife. I thought he was mad, and now . . . ? This man, my husband, is so confusing. But this is how I like him. Playful. Fun. Sexy as hell. He’s given me some answers, but I’m greedy. I want more, but I want to play,
too. After the anxiety and tension of today, and the nightmare of last night with Jack, this is a welcome diversion.

  “What are you thinking?” Christian murmurs, stopping my thoughts in their tracks as he pulls his finger out of my mouth.

  “How mercurial you are.”

  He stills beside me. “Fifty Shades, baby,” he says eventually and plants a tender kiss at the corner of my mouth.

  “My Fifty Shades,” I whisper. Grabbing his T-shirt, I pull him back to me.

  “Oh no you don’t, Mrs. Grey. No touching . . . not yet.” He takes my hand, pries it off his T-shirt, and kisses each finger in turn.

  “Sit up,” he commands.

  I pout.

  “I will spank you if you pout. Now open wide.”

  Oh shit. I open my mouth, and he pops in a forkful of spicy hot lamb covered in a cool, minty, yogurt sauce. Mmm. I chew.

  “You like?”


  He makes an appreciative noise, and I know he’s eating and enjoying, too.


  I nod. He gives me another forkful, and I chew it enthusiastically. He puts the fork down and he tears . . . bread, I think.

  “Open,” he orders.

  This time it’s pita bread and hummus. I realize Mrs. Jones—or maybe even Christian—has been shopping at the delicatessen I discovered about five weeks ago only two blocks from Escala. I chew gratefully. Christian in a playful mood increases my appetite.

  “More?” he asks.

  I nod. “More of everything. Please. I’m starving.”

  I hear his delighted grin. Slowly and patiently he feeds me, occasionally kissing a morsel of food from the corner of my mouth or wiping it off with his fingers. Intermittently, he offers me a sip of wine in his unique way.

  “Open wide, then bite,” he murmurs. I follow his command. Hmm—one of my favorites, stuffed vine leaves. Even cold they are delicious, though I prefer them heated up, but I don’t want to risk Christian burning himself again. He feeds it to me slowly, and when I’ve finished I lick his fingers clean.

  “More?” he asks, his voice low and husky.

  I shake my head. I’m full.

  “Good,” he whispers against my ear, “because it’s time for my favorite course. You.” He scoops me up in his arms, surprising me so much I squeal.

  “Can I take the blindfold off?”


  I almost pout, then remember his threat and think better of it.

  “Playroom,” he murmurs.

  Oh—I don’t know if that’s a good idea.

  “You up for the challenge?” he asks. And because he’s used the word challenge, I can’t say no.

  “Bring it on,” I murmur, desire and something that I don’t want to name thrum through my body. He carries me through the door, then up the stairs to the second floor.

  “I think you’ve lost weight,” he mutters disapprovingly. I have? Good. I remember his comment when we arrived back from our honeymoon, and how much it smarted. Jeez—was that just a week ago?

  Outside the playroom, he slides me down his body and sets me on my feet, but keeps his arm wrapped around my waist. Briskly he unlocks the door.

  It always smells the same: polished wood and citrus. It’s actually become a comforting smell. Releasing me, Christian turns me around until I’m facing away from him. He undoes the scarf, and I blink in the soft light. Gently, he pulls the hairpins from my updo, and my braid falls free. He grasps it and tugs gently so I have to step back against him.

  “I have a plan,” he whispers in my ear, sending delicious shivers down my spine.

  “I thought you might,” I answer. He kisses me beneath my ear.

  “Oh, Mrs. Grey, I do.” His tone is soft, mesmerizing. He tugs my braid to the side and plants a trail of soft kisses down my throat.

  “First we have to get you naked.” His voice hums low in his throat and resonates through my body. I want this—whatever he has planned. I want to connect the way we know how. He turns me around to face him. I glance down at his jeans, the top button still undone, and I can’t help myself. I brush my index finger around the waistband, avoiding his T-shirt, feeling the hairs of his happy trail tickle my knuckle. He inhales sharply, and I look up to meet his eyes. I stop at the unfastened button. His eyes darken to a deeper gray . . . oh my.

  “You should keep these on,” I whisper.

  “I fully intend to, Anastasia.”

  And he moves, grabbing me with one hand to the back of my neck and the other around my backside. He pulls me against him, then his mouth is on mine, and he’s kissing me like his life depends on it.


  He walks me backward, our tongues entwined, until I feel the wooden cross behind me. He leans into me, the contours of his body pressing into mine.

  “Let’s get rid of this dress,” he says, peeling my dress up my thighs, my hips, my belly . . . deliciously slowly, the material skimming over my skin, skimming over my breasts.

  “Lean forward,” he says.

  I comply, and he pulls my dress over my head and discards it on the floor, leaving me in my sandals, panties, and bra. His eyes blaze as he grasps both my hands and raises them over my head. He blinks once and tilts his head to one side, and I know he’s asking for my permission. What is he going to do to me? I swallow, then nod, and a trace of an admiring, almost proud, smile touches his lips. He clips my wrists into the leather cuffs on the bar above and produces the scarf once more.

  “Think you’ve seen enough,” he murmurs. He wraps it around my head, blindfolding me again, and I feel a frisson run through me as all my other senses heighten; the sound of his soft breathing, my own excited response, the blood pulsing in my ears, Christian’s scent mixed with the citrus and polish in the room—all are bought into sharper focus because I can’t see. His nose touches mine.

  “I’m going to drive you wild,” he whispers. His hands grasp my hips, and he moves down, removing my panties as his hands glide down my legs. Drive me wild . . . wow.

  “Lift your feet, one at a time.” I oblige and he removes first my panties, then each sandal in turn. Gently grasping my ankle, he tugs my leg gently to the right.

  “Step,” he says. He cuffs my right ankle to the cross then proceeds to do the same with my left. I am helpless, spread-eagled on the cross. Standing, Christian steps toward me, and my body is bathed in his warmth once more though he doesn’t touch me. After a moment he grasps my chin, tilts my head up, and kisses me chastely.

  “Some music and toys, I think. You look beautiful like this, Mrs. Grey. I may take a moment to admire the view.” His voice is soft. Everything clenches deep inside.

  After a moment, maybe two, I hear him pad quietly to the museum chest and open one of the drawers. The butt drawer? I have no idea. He takes something out and places it on the top, followed by something else. The speakers spring to life, and after a moment the strains of a single piano playing a soft, lilting melody fill the room. It’s familiar—Bach, I think—but I don’t know what piece it is. Something about the music makes me apprehensive. Perhaps because the music is too cool, too detached. I frown, trying to grasp why it unsettles me, but Christian grasps my chin, startling me, and tugs gently so that I release my bottom lip. I smile, trying to reassure myself. Why do feel uneasy? Is it the music?

  Christian runs his hand from my chin, along my throat, and down my chest to my breast. Using his thumb he pulls on the cup, freeing my breast from the restraint of my bra. He makes a low, appreciative humming noise in his throat and kisses my neck. His lips follow the path of his fingers to my breast, kissing and sucking all the way. His fingers move to my left breast, releasing it from my bra. I moan as he skates his thumb across my left nipple, and his lips close around my right, tugging and teasing gently until both nipples are long and hard.


  He doesn’t stop. With exquisite care, he slowly increases the intensity on each. I pull fruitlessly against my restraints as sharp ple
asure spikes from my nipples to my groin. I try to squirm but I can hardly move, and it makes the torture all the more intense.

  “Christian,” I plead.

  “I know,” he murmurs his voice hoarse. “This is what you make me feel.”

  What? I groan, and he begins again, subjecting my nipples to his sweet agonizing touch over and over—taking me closer.

  “Please,” I mewl.

  He makes a low primal sound in his throat, then stands, leaving me bereft, breathless, and squirming against my restraints. He runs his hands down my sides, one pausing on my hip while the other travels down my belly.

  “Let’s see how you’re doing,” he croons softly. Gently, he cups my sex, brushing his thumb across my clitoris and making me cry out. Slowly, he inserts one, then two fingers inside me. I groan and thrust my hips forward, eager to meet his fingers and the palm of his hand.

  “Oh, Anastasia, you’re so ready,” he says.

  He circles his fingers inside me, around and around, while his thumb strokes my clitoris, back and forth, once more. It’s the only point on my body where he’s touching me, and all the tension, all the anxiety of the day, is concentrated on this one part of my anatomy.

  Holy shit . . . it’s intense . . . and strange . . . the music . . . I begin to build . . . Christian shifts, his hand still moving against and in me, and I hear a low buzzing noise.

  “What?” I gasp.

  “Hush,” he soothes, and his lips are on mine, effectively silencing me. I welcome the warmer, more intimate contact, kissing him voraciously. He breaks the contact and the buzzing noise gets nearer.

  “This is a wand, baby. It vibrates.”

  He holds it against my chest, and it feels like a large ball-like object vibrating against me. I shiver as it moves across my skin, down between my breasts, across to first one, then the other nipple, and I’m awash with sensation, tingling everywhere, synapses firing as dark, dark need pools at the base of my belly.

  “Ah,” I groan while Christian’s fingers continue to move inside me. I’m close . . . all this stimulation . . . Tilting my head back, I moan loudly and Christian stills his fingers. All sensation stops.

  “No! Christian,” I plead, trying to thrust my hips forward for some friction.


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