Relics of Camelot

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Relics of Camelot Page 13

by L. H. Nicole

  Raven protested but she silenced him with a shake of her head. “Merlin can take care of me last.” She looked out at the field where Percival, Galahad, Leyon, and Lancelot were carrying the bodies of the dead men to the wagons. Gawain was supporting another man, the injured man’s arm thrown over his shoulders as they went over to Merlin.

  The Druid had already set up a small area next to one of the few tents that remained standing. Two men were already at his feet, Merlin’s orange magic pulsing as he worked to heal them.

  She looked back at Raven. “Are you feeling strong enough to go help the others?”

  “I am, m’lady.”

  “Then go see what they need of you. I’m going to help Merlin.”

  Raven headed toward the two other servants that had accompanied them. Aliana was glad they had remained safe during the fight. She jogged to Gawain and helped him sit the injured man down before the knight went back out into the field to search for more survivors.

  “What can I do to help?” she asked the Druid.

  He looked up from the groaning man on his left. “I’m using my magic to heal those who are the most desperate.”

  “I can help heal with my magic. I’m good with that.”

  His mouth twitched. “I have no doubt of that. The magic you used was incredible, but I can feel your exhaustion. I can heal those most needy.”

  “Sir Owaine is seeing to the men who are not in need of magic healing. Help him with those men, cut up fresh bandages, whatever he needs,” he said aloud.

  Aliana got up, heading toward her soon-to-be reincarnated cousin. She hadn’t really gotten to be around him since she arrived. It would be nice to get to know him better. He was only a yard away from Merlin, four men leaning against another wagon as Owaine tied off a bandage around a fifth man’s head.

  “What can I do to help, Sir Owaine?”

  “Do you know how to clean and bind wounds?”

  She swallowed down a small pool of bile that rose in her throat. Injuries she could handle, but blood and ravaged flesh? That was a whole other story. But she could do it for the brave men who had survived.

  Owaine motioned to the left as Leyon and Lancelot brought over two more men. “See to them.” He handed her a bowl of water, cloth and bandages.

  Aliana gritted her teeth and set to work. The hours passed as she saw to the injured. A few times the hanging flesh had looked so bad she used a small dose of her magic to help along the healing. Dagg had scolded her, Merlin too after the fourth time he had felt her flare of power. She was feeling the drain that came with using too much magic so she reluctantly pulled it back.

  Working beside Owaine had been great. He was diligent and thorough with his work, his calm manner helping to relax the men when they would get a little anxious. Leyon, Percival, and Arthur had come over a few times to help and check on their progress and the men. Percival had been the first to spot the tear in her clothes, but thankfully Dagg had been working his own magic and had already healed her wound. The bloodstain had seemed to worry him and Owaine, but when they looked her over, and saw no evidence of a wound, they accepted that it was nothing.

  The knights had been the luckiest; besides torn leather, bruises and some minor damage to their hands from the ropes and chains, they had come out of the battle unscathed. The injuries to Galahad’s hands had been the worst. The chains had pinched and torn his gloves leaving welts and small scrapes all over them. Owaine had handed her a salve to soothe the pain and help with the swelling.

  Not daring to look at him, she focused on his hands, trying to be as gentle as possible. Her heart raced, because she could feel him just watching her. Diligently, she wrapped his hands in clean bandages and wiped away the blood and dirt that had covered his arms, all while trying to keep her breathing steady and even.

  He didn’t try to draw her into conversation. She attempted to control the tremble of her hands as she rinsed out the dirtied rag when her work was finished. “All done.” She gathered up the other bandages, still not meeting his eyes, and dumped out the soiled water.

  His large, calloused hand covered hers. Despite her resolve, her eyes shot up to his.

  “Thank you for your care.” His eyes blazed dark blue and her heart stuttered like it always did when he looked at her like that.

  “You’re welcome.” Her voice was breathless and soft. He raised his hand to touch her face, but Lancelot interrupted them before he could.

  Night was already in full swing by the time all the injured were seen to. The field had been cleared, dinner cooked and tents reset up. Aliana sat between Galahad and Arthur, her brown cloak helping to battle against the chill night breeze. Aliana ate the rabbit stew that Raven handed her. The boy was very attentive, and only left after Arthur ordered him to go eat his own supper.

  “I think the boy is infatuated with you,” Galahad whispered, leaning into her slightly. “He cannot seem to stop fawning over you.”

  She pursed her lips. “Galahad, I think you’re exaggerating just a bit.” She thought she had noticed him staring at her throughout most of the evening. Her discomfort ratcheted up a little.

  “Merlin,” Arthur’s voice drew her attention. “I have not said it yet, but without your magic today, we may not have killed the Manticore. Thank you.”

  Merlin’s gray blue eyes cut to her quickly. “I am not comfortable with taking all the praise. Your magic is what trapped the beast.”

  She frowned. “They can’t know. You deserve to take the credit. Your magic was just as effective as mine.”

  He smiled at Arthur, but it was a little strained. “Thank you, sire. We were fortunate.”

  Leyon spoke up, setting down his empty bowl. “What we need to worry about is how the Manticore came to Camelot.”

  Owaine nodded. “Yes, Merlin said himself that the Manticore is a creature of the Underworld.”

  “One of its three guardians,” Aliana added almost absently, remembering the passage from her book.

  The guys regarded her for a moment, but none said anything.

  Arthur spoke up, his hand rubbing his jaw in thought. “If it is a guardian, then it was most certainly sent by someone.”

  “Not the Underlord,” Merlin said quickly. “Of all the rulers of the magic realms, he has never shown any desire to claim more kingdoms for himself.”

  Merlin’s words felt true to her. The book had said that the Underlord was one of the four strongest powers in existence; his realm was far larger than any of the others. During the war eons ago that had resulted in all the realms sealing up their gates, he had never actually attacked any of the realms, only defended his own with his army of death.

  Aliana shivered and pulled her cloak tighter. It made no sense that the Underlord would attack Camelot.

  “Then who is powerful enough to release such a deadly creature on Camelot?” Percival’s question fell on heavy silence.

  Aliana thought of Mordrid and Morgana. It had to be one of them; it was the only thing that made sense. But did it make sense? By all appearances, Morgana hadn’t yet turned against Arthur, why would she send this monster? She wasn’t even here to control it!

  “We should all get some rest,” Arthur said, standing up and taking Excalibur in hand. “I want us back on the road to Camelot at first light.”

  Everyone stood and went their separate ways. Aliana’s head was still spinning from the events of the day. She needed some space from the camp, but knew she couldn’t go far.

  Aliana edged her way toward the trees lining the clearing, right where she’d saved Raven earlier. Her stomach was a tangled mess, so worried about them being attacked again, and wondering who had sent that Manticore after them in the first place.

  “Why have you wandered alone from the camp, Aliana?”

  Aliana whirled around, frightened by Arthur’s silent appearance, stumbling off balance.

  Arthur’s hot hands gripped her waist, helping to steady her.

  Her own hands came up to rest on
his hard chest. “You scared me.”

  “Good. You should not be off on your own. I told you I would only allow you here if you stayed by me or Merlin or Galahad.”

  Aliana’s cheeks heated. “I’m sorry, I just needed some space to shake off…everything.”

  His temper cooling, one of his hands came up to twist strands of her hair around his fingers. “Since I am here, is there any way I can help you?”

  Her pounding heart tightened in her throat. Her breath came a little faster as desire for the king raced through her. Being wrapped in his arms was making the stress of the day fade away. “You holding me seems to be helping.” The words slipped out before she could stop them.

  Tiny tingling sensations brushed her skin. She hadn’t been this close to Arthur since her Arthur had kissed her on the beach. She couldn’t help her eyes dropping to his mouth quickly, remembering the way he’d kissed her, with such pent up passion. His summertime scent, slightly sweet and fresh like morning dew, surrounded her. A part of her healing heart ached for Arthur to kiss her again.

  “You can’t look at me like that. I’m not strong enough to resist,” he moaned gruffly. Arthur leaned in slowly, his intense eyes searching hers for any sign of rejection. But she didn’t have the resistance to deny him. She closed her eyes as his lips brushed hers. He was gentle and sweet at first; he bit her lip softly. He pulled back a fraction, his half hooded gaze finding hers. His mouth came down on hers again, more passionate and slowly, deliciously taking over.

  She circled his neck with her arms. His hands cupped her cheeks then burrowed into her hair as they kissed over and over again. His taste was sweet and warm and addictive. It stole through her, drawing her in that much more.

  It felt like his kiss was claiming a part of her very soul, binding them even closer. She felt the tickle of strings glide over her skin. He shuddered against her, like he felt the same sensations. Aliana pulled back a fraction, sucking in air. She could almost see the golden threads weaving together, between and around them.

  She gasped as her clouded brain realized what she was seeing. Before she could fully process it, Arthur took her mouth again. His warm tongue danced with hers before he slowly pulled back.

  Aliana looked up at him, feeling dazed and blissfully content for the first time since arriving in Camelot. They both stayed in each other’s arms for a long moment before it finally dawned on Aliana what had just happened.

  Her pulse spiked again. She stepped back, feeling the reluctance in Arthur’s hold before he let her slip away. She’d just kissed Arthur! Again.

  “I’m sorry,” she stammered, “I shouldn’t have…” She felt the desire to both run from him and go back into his arms. But the latter wasn’t an option. Arthur had Delphina, his green-eyed ghost girl, waiting for him back in Camelot. “I should go back to the camp.”

  The king looked confused and frustrated but she forced herself to ignore it. She scurried through the camp, ducking into her tent, trying to understand what had just happened but failing. She couldn’t let it happen again. Arthur had Delphina, and like it or not, this wasn’t her Arthur. She needed to remember that. And that she was here to fulfill her quest for Titania and find a way to locate the Grail of Power. That had to be the only thing that mattered.

  Aliana woke from her restless slumber when a heavy hand shook her awake. Not even opening her eyes she pulled her cloak over her head. “It’s too early! Five more minutes.”

  Merlin’s amused chuckle filed the tent. The guys had all insisted that she have one of the five that had survived the attack. “You need to get up. We are getting ready to depart for Camelot.”

  Aliana peeked out from under her cloak that had served as her blanket. Merlin set down a metal cup of fresh water next to her bedroll. He knelt there, staring at her with a raised brow.

  She sighed heavily and sat up. “I’m up. Happy now?”

  “Immensely,” he said dryly.

  Aliana drank down the chilled water, grateful to get rid of the cottony feel in her mouth. “Why did he have to wake me up?” she muttered quietly.

  Merlin snorted. “Were you hoping for someone else? Galahad or Arthur maybe?”

  Aliana felt her face turn hot as a cooked crab. Flashes of Arthur’s kiss from last night returned. “N-No that’s…that’s not what I meant.”

  Merlin’s chuckle did nothing to ease her flustered mood. “I did not get the chance to ask last night, but do you think this Manticore attack may be tied to your purpose for being here in Camelot, Aliana?”

  The thought had crossed her mind last night, while she was trying to nod off. “Possibly. But I don’t see how. What reason would I have to get involved, to any degree, with the Underworld?”

  “I do not know. But the Underlord is not the only powerful being in the Underworld. His son is his top general. He is rumored to be fierce, deadly, and even more cunning than the Underlord himself.”

  Great! Aliana sighed. “Have any other magical creatures ever attacked Camelot?”

  Merlin sat back on his heels. “A few, but none that have ever been so closely tied to one of the four rulers.”

  Aliana looked down at Dagg, still in his bracelet form on her wrist. When they got back to Camelot she needed to go to Morgana’s bad-magic-potion-lab-secret-hidey-hole, as Lacy had called it. She hoped with all her heart that she was wrong and Morgana hadn’t sent the Manticore.

  Merlin stepped out of the short tent as Aliana retied her cloak around her shoulders and straightened her clothes. She had no idea how Arthur was going to react this morning, but right now she was determined to pretend like nothing had happened.

  Merlin offered his hand to her as she came out, helping her to her feet. Galahad was already looking in their direction as he tightened the saddle on his horse.

  Raven and another servant boy came up and started to pack up the tent and bedroll. She and Merlin went to Galahad, her own horse next to his and Arthur’s. I’m so over this cruel joke of yours, Universe.

  “Did you sleep well, Aliana?” Galahad asked as Merlin went to his own mount.

  “I did. How about you? How are your hands?”

  Galahad stepped to her side, holding them out for inspection. Trying to control the trembles in her fingers she untied the bandages. She released a soft breath when she saw they were almost healed. Only a few patches of red skin remained. She retied the bandages as Arthur came up to them.

  “Good morning.” His golden eyes were weary but there was also a glint of hope.

  She smiled, trying to pretend like her heart wasn’t pounding. “Morning.”

  That little spark of hope seemed to fade. “We are going to ride ahead of the rest of the men,” he informed her, his tone all business. “Merlin, Percival, Leyon and Owaine are going to see the wagons with the dead and injured make it safely back to Camelot.”

  Aliana frowned. “Why won’t we stay with them?”

  Galahad answered her. “The wagons will be slower because of the extra weight.”

  Arthur nodded, his face set in his I’m-appearing-calm king mask. “I want to get back to Camelot as quickly as possible and see if we can’t find out who sent this creature to attack my kingdom.”

  “I hope you are ready for a fast paced ride, Aliana.” She nodded at Galahad and mounted her horse with Arthur’s strong hands on her waist helping her up.

  Lancelot and Gawain directed their mounts next to Galahad’s, along with two other soldiers. “Are we ready, sire?” Lancelot asked.

  “Yes.” He looked back at Merlin who was securing his shield to his saddle. “Be sure you return to Camelot by tomorrow. My cousin will be furious that I am returning without you, Merlin.”

  He grinned broadly. “Tell Morgana I’ll be back with her soon.”

  Aliana remembered the beautiful bond she had seen between Merlin and Morgana as they left Camelot. Their souls mate bond. She couldn’t help but wonder if either the golden, net-like bond between her and Arthur, or the sparkling silver one she sh
ared with her Galahad wasn’t something similar. But how could she share such a pure connection with two men? There were a few rare moments since she had felt the connections to both her warriors, where she felt their feelings were almost forced on them. But that was foolish. No one could be powerful enough to do that.

  Dagg spoke up in her mind. “I am afraid I may have a theory about that. We will discuss it once we’ve returned to Camelot.”

  Aliana’s heart lurched, her hands tightened on her horse’s reins. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”


  Olympus is all it was said to be, but in the few weeks we’ve been here, I cannot seem to enjoy it. Every night I wake to my Guinevere’s soft voice. I look at all the young people here, see a girl with red hair and expect it to be her. I’m trying my best to aid Merlin in our search for any clue to find this Atlantian, but between my visions of Guin and the assault of memories of Aliana, I can scarcely focus. Just this morning I saw my love walking in a garden. I had raced to follow but I only ended up at a locked Grecian-like temple in a lesser-known area of Olympus. I fear my madness is finally taking over and that I will finally succumb to its torturous depths.


  WIND RUSHED PAST HER, blowing Lacy’s hair out in a wild tangle. She knew she was going to hate it later, but right now she didn’t care. She was flying on a Pegasus! This was just too much fun!

  Hopefully she, Arthur, Leo and Percy would finally be able to track down Queen Titania and get some answers about Aliana. Could she really be in Camelot’s past? It’d scared the holy daylights out of her when the guys had doubled over in pain from the memories. Things can’t get much stranger at this point.

  Lacy and her pack of knights were searching across the Isle and Aliana was suddenly a time traveler! If I wasn’t living it, I wouldn’t believe it!

  Surprisingly, the whipping wind didn’t sting her eyes as she looked at the jewel-colored ground and forest below them. They hadn’t been flying long when she felt the tingling and bursting power she felt last time they were in Notien.


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