Restart (The Revival Series)

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Restart (The Revival Series) Page 5

by Claire Thake

  Smirking Melissa turned and surveyed the crowd, before spotting Ryan still talking to Cole by the drinks table, and without saying a word walking off in their direction and leaving Leah, staring at her fleeting form wishing she would trip over in those ridiculously high heels she was wearing.

  Glancing back down at her phone, Leah noticed that she had a reply from Greg, and unlocked the screen.

  GregB: Sounds more fun than my evening with a Chinese takeaway and rubbish TV, just have a few drinks and you will cheer up :)

  Leah1982: If only alcohol was the answer. Have a good night and enjoy your TV.

  Putting the phone back in her bag, she stood up and went in search of Ryan, to get a drink. Glancing over to where he was previously stood, she could see Cole there chatting to another gentleman, but Ryan was not in sight. Sighing she made her way over the room to ask Cole where Ryan had gone, but then she spotted them; Melissa leaning back against the wall, her chest pushed out and playing with strands of her hair, and Ryan with one arm leaning on the wall above her head, looking way too cosy for Leah’s liking.

  A wave of nausea hit Leah, and she didn’t know whether to confront them or walk away and go back to her chair in the corner. Scolding herself she pulled herself up straight, thinking that Ryan wasn’t that stupid to do things with Melissa here, if at all and especially in front of her.

  Walking in their direction, Leah put on her best smile. Melissa saw her approaching and leaned towards Ryan, saying something in his ear before running a finger down the front of his shirt. Turning and seeing Leah, Ryan quickly straightened up, a look of guilt forming over his face.

  “Hey, there you are?” Said Ryan, taking Leah’s hand and pulling her under his arm. Leah followed suit and wrapped her arm around him, whilst giving Melissa a look that screamed ‘BACK OFF’.

  Melissa smiled sweetly, ignoring Leah and turned to Ryan “Don’t forget I need that report on my desk by Monday, and I would appreciate it delivered in person.”

  “No problem, It will be done.” Ryan replied, and held Leah tightly to his side.

  As soon as Melissa strolled off, Ryan let go of Leah instantly, and turned and looked her in the face. Leah stared up at her husband, tears stinging in her eyes, threatening to cascade down her cheeks, but she held it in, refusing to let him see how hurt and upset she was.

  “Whats up?” Ryan asked, whilst scanning the crowd over Leah's shoulder.

  “Whats up? You tell me that looked awfully cosy just then,”

  “Oh for god sake Leah, she’s my boss, do you really think I would jeopardize my marriage, let alone my job!”

  Leah looked down and began staring at the floor, she wasn’t an idiot, she could see how he acted around Melissa, and she was sick and tired of being walked over and spending her days feeling worthless.

  “Would you mind if I went home? I have a migraine and I feel very sick,” She whispered towards to floor.

  Ryan sighed and took a step back sighing. “I’ll call you a cab.”


  Once back home Leah let all her emotions take over, she walked into the kitchen and picked up the nearest coffee mug that had been left on the side and threw it hard against the wall.

  Turning she ran out of the kitchen, through the hall and up the stairs to her bedroom, stripping off her dress and dropping it on the floor. Sitting on the bed in just her underwear, she put her head in her hands and took a few deep breaths in and out trying to compose herself and figure out what she was going to do.

  Grabbing her handbag, she frantically searched for her phone, finally finding it at the bottom of the bag and sat with it in her lap staring at it. This was it; this was the moment she knew her marriage was well and truly over.

  Opening the screen on the phone, she quickly typed out a message and pressed send before she could change her mind.

  Leah1982: Meet me in the park in 20 minutes x

  Without waiting for an answer, she quickly got dressed in jeans and a jumper, and pulled on her boots, before brushing her hair through and renewing her makeup. Tonight would be left down to fate and her stomach fluttered with butterflies in anticipation.

  Chapter 6

  Sitting on the cold hard bench in the centre of the park, Leah pulled her jumper tighter around herself and pulled the sleeves down over her hands to keep away the chill. She had underestimated how cold it was and wished she had brought a coat, yet the adrenaline had kept her warm until she stopped and sat waiting

  Staring into the darkness, Leah began to wonder if she had lost her mind entirely, concentrating on the flickering effects of car headlights through the trees. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead on her knees, wondering if Ryan had yet returned home, but knowing deep down he wouldn’t be back until very late, if at all.

  Leah was just about to give up and go home, when she felt a movement on the bench as the weight of a person had sat down beside her, and quickly glanced up in alarm, staring straight into the familiar eyes of Greg.

  “So I can’t say I didn’t find your text a bit strange. I tried to call but you didn’t answer, so here I am hoping I didn’t get a text meant for someone else,” Greg said, fidgeting with a hole in the knee of his jeans.

  “I’m sorry, it must have seemed very random,” Leah replied, slightly chuckling.

  “Random is one word for it,”

  “Were you ever so sure of the path your life would lead, only to find that it wasn’t going in the direction you had planned for, and deciding that if you didn’t do something now that you would be unhappy forever?” she asked, turning to look directly into Greg’s eyes.

  “Truthfully, yes.”

  “Where did you want to end up?”

  “You want an honest answer?” Leah glanced down at her fingers and took in a deep breath.

  “Yes I do, nothing better than honesty.” Greg turned to face Leah straight on and looked directly into her eyes.

  “Well shockingly, I thought my future was with you; up until I had to leave, and, to be honest, I even considered a long distance thing, but my mum convinced me it was best not to, and that without any transport it would never work. I guess at fifteen I didn’t really know any better.”

  “But you never even said goodbye? The first thing I knew was when Carrie told me you had gone,” Leah questioned, remembering the pain of finding out he had left all too real at the memory.

  “I couldn’t face you, Leah. I was a coward I know, but I just couldn’t tell you it was over. I never had another proper relationship until my ex-wife Rebecca, and even then it was never like it was with you. When I was with you, everything felt right and easy, like a puzzle that slotted into place. Rebecca was a close fit but she was still a little bit off, like that piece of the puzzle that you are sure is right, but yet doesn’t quite fit into the space it's meant to go, no matter how you try to force it.”

  Leah didn’t know what to say in response, just stared at Greg and feeling the pieces of her heart that had broke all those years ago begin to mend themselves after hearing the truth of what had happened.

  Before she could stop herself, Leah thrust herself forward and put her lips to Greg’s, and to her relief, he kissed her back. Greg then slowly ran his hand up her arm until it was in her hair pulling her closer and further into the kiss.

  Kissing Greg, felt so familiar to Leah, and so different to how things had ever been with Ryan. Greg was gentle and took his time, devouring her lips, yet Ryan was always rushed and urgent.

  Pulling apart to catch their breath, they both sat and stared at each other, neither of them sure what to say and neither of them wanted to spoil the moment. Leah began to laugh, a nervous giggle and bit her bottom lip.

  “I always thought we would last forever, when you left without saying a word, it broke my heart, Greg. I was totally in love with you and I thought as you had left so easily that you didn’t feel the same.”

  Greg brushed a strand of hair away from Leah's face and stared strai
ght into her eyes.

  “I don’t think I ever stopped loving you Leah. I took the wrong path but the fact that fate seems to have brought us back together seems a pretty big sign,”

  Leah glanced away and stared at the floor, a feeling of dread and guilt, engulfing her. She had cheated on her husband, the man she had said her vows to and promised to be faithful to. But she couldn’t deny herself the happiness she craved so much, and feelings that overtook when she looked into Gregs eyes.

  “I don’t know what this is Greg. All I know is I want this, but I’m still married and even though it's not a happy marriage I have to think of my kids. I don’t want them to be from a broken home, I don’t want them to not have their dad around, but at the same time, I don’t want to be unhappy either.” Tears appear at the edge of Leah’s eyes and she tried to blink them away not wanting Greg to see how upset she was.

  “I’m not expecting miracles Leah, I know how things are and I’m prepared to wait. Hell, I've been waiting the last sixteen years in some kind of way. Let's just see where this goes, it’s the only option we have. If it's not to be then we go our separate ways and just have a few happy memories, but if it is something, something bigger then we cross that bridge when we come to it, and the kids will always be a priority. But Leah now I have you back, right now I never want to let you go again, even if I have to share you with Ryan for now.”

  Leah took in a deep breath and nodded her head, unsure of what to say and worried about the words she wanted to come spilling from her mouth.

  Greg placed his arm around Leah’s shoulders and pulled her close to his side, leaning his chin on her head. She breathed in the scent of him and closed her eyes, just enjoying the moment.

  After what felt like hours, Leah sat up before standing up and standing in front of Greg.

  “Okay, so we see where this takes us, maybe we both have a chance of happiness, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Ryan cannot find out until I know this is right and then I will pick the time to end things so that it's not hard on the kids, I can’t be pushed on that, and I have to have your patience in the matter, no matter how long that takes.”

  Greg stood and wrapped his arms around Leah and pulled her close.

  “I will wait forever if I have to Leah, you have my word.”


  Opening the front door, Leah glanced at the clock on the wall and wondered if Ryan had returned home yet. Padding as quietly as she could through into the kitchen, she noticed there was no suit jacket dumped anywhere and the kettle was cold, so she assumed Ryan still wasn’t home.

  Slumping into a kitchen chair, she stared into space, running her index finger over her lips. Less than 15 minutes ago, she had Greg’s lips pressing against hers, and she smiled at the thought. Her heart was smiling and the butterflies in her tummy were dancing at the thought of what had happened, but yet her head was telling her this wasn’t how she behaved. She was a responsible adult, a mother and a wife, she shouldn’t be kissing old flames and instead, she should be working to fix her marriage. But deep down she knew she had tried that route already and was sick and tired of being unhappy. She still loved Ryan, but that love just wasn’t enough anymore.

  Hearing the key in the lock, dread overtook Leah, and she stood and clicked on the kettle.

  Ryan wandered in slowly, his tie hanging loosely around his neck, and he had obviously had a bit to drink.

  “How come you're up?” He questioned, leaning against the door and yawning.

  “Couldn’t sleep,” Leah replied, trying to avoid his gaze, certain that if their eyes met, that he would see straight through her.

  “Hows your head?” He asked, and Leah could feel his stare burning into her back.

  “A little better, but I need more sleep so just making a hot chocolate and I will be going to bed.” she whispered, busying herself with cups and milk.

  “Would you like one?” She asked Ryan, not even turning to look at him.

  “Nah it's fine, thanks, babe. I think I’m gonna crash. Mel has me working on this big project and if I don’t get it finished and to her on Monday she will have my head.”

  Mel…the way he said her name in such a familiar tone, aggravated Leah. She really did hate the woman.

  Ryan, crossed the room and put his arms around Leah’s shoulders and kissed her neck.

  “Goodnight gorgeous.” He said, and turned and left the room, running up the stairs, and seconds later Leah heard the boiler kick in for the shower.

  Sitting back at the table with her hot chocolate, she noticed her phone lying on the table where she had left it before she ran out to meet Greg earlier.

  Retrieving it she unlocked the screen to see messages from Greg.

  GregB: Sweet dreams Leah. I know I will have xx

  Leah locked the phone and smiled to herself. This was going to be fine, just seeing how things would go, didn’t mean she was jumping into anything, although she could already feel herself falling.

  Chapter 7

  The weekend went by in a blur of housework and helping the kids with homework they had left until the last minute for Leah, although she did it all with a huge smile on her face. Ryan spent the weekend pretty much locked in his office and only came out for dinner, before disappearing once again.

  Monday morning closed in, and Cara picked the kids up at eight fifteen, and Leah waved them off, looking forward to a day to herself, after the crazy weekend, especially as they were having dinner at Cara’s as well so she would be childfree until early evening.

  Leah jumped into the shower and daydreamed about life when she was fifteen. How she and Greg would walk hand in hand and just sit and talk for hours, and how she always felt she could tell him anything. When he had moved away, she had truly felt as if she had lost a limb, she had been so lost.

  Getting out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her hair and around her body and strolled into her bedroom perching on the edge of the bed, contemplating what to wear. Whether to go for comfy joggers and hoodies or to make a bit of an effort.

  Whilst staring into space her mobile vibrated on the bedside table, and so she leaned over the bed to grab it.

  Greg: Good morning. I wondered what you are doing for lunch today?

  Smiling to herself Leah typed out a reply and realized that she would be making an effort today after all.

  An hour later Leah pulled up outside an address Greg had texted her, excitement bubbling in her tummy and making her feel slightly sick at the prospect of seeing him, but in a good way.

  Checking her reflection in the car mirror, she smoothed her long brown hair down with her hands and applied a layer of clear lip gloss to her thin lips.

  Feeling herself being watched, she turned to see Greg leaning against the open door, watching her with a big grin on his face. Embarrassment flooded her system and she quickly jumped from the car, grabbing her handbag and walked up the gravel drive to where Greg was standing.

  Greg smiled down at her and took a step closer, so they were mere inches apart.

  “I don’t know why you bothered with the lip gloss Leah, as it’s not going to stay on for long,”

  Leah felt the heat spreading through her cheeks and her breath caught in her throat. Greg giggled at her embarrassment, and grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the house.

  The house was an old building, with cracked brickwork on the outside and it was way overdue a paint. Entering the hallway, it felt homely, decorated nicely in cream and burgundy.

  “This is my brothers house if you were wondering, but he's at work so it's all good.”

  Leah smiled at Greg, not knowing what to say and finding the whole situation very strange, but feeling that being with him just felt right. Before she could contemplate anymore, Greg wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. Leah dropped her handbag to the ground and hugged him back, enjoying the warm feeling of his body pressed against hers.

  Tipping her head up to look at Greg, he rested his forehead
against hers and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “You have no idea how good this feels Leah,” Greg murmured. “I’ve dreamt of how it would feel to have you back in my life and this is more than I could have imagined. I know it’s going to be hard and I know everything isn’t straight forward but I know I want you and that’s all that I care about right now.”

  Before Leah could say anything in response, Greg pressed his lips to hers and all thoughts of anything outside of that room floated away. Leah just enjoyed the feeling of being wanted and craved it more every second.

  Memories flooded back of being fifteen, and how it felt to be in love with Greg, to be experiencing everything for the first time. Even though they had aged, it still felt as right as it had all those years ago. His kiss and his touch still sending shock waves through Leah’s body and she knew in that moment that she had made the right decision.

  Before they both knew it, the time had flown in a blur of kisses and talking, and Leah needed to get back home before Ryan. Pulling herself out of Greg’s arms was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do, but she was content in the knowing that this was only the beginning and that it wouldn’t be long until she got to see him again.

  Driving home, Leah had a huge grin on her face, and no matter what she did she couldn’t hide it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt this loved and this content at life. She had her family and her children, yet she always felt as if something had been missing with her and Ryan, or, at least, something had disappeared the last few years of their marriage. If things had been the same as they had been when they first got married, she knew deep down that she would not be feeling this way about Greg, or, at least, she tried to convince herself that.

  Arriving at home, she unlocked the door in a hurry, after hearing the house phone ringing. Kicking off her boots and dropping her handbag by the door, she ran through to the kitchen and grabbed the receiver.


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