Matakeo: Echoes of the Future

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Matakeo: Echoes of the Future Page 22

by Daniel L. Newcomb

  “I am General Shanks.” The three star general greeted Darius with a firm handshake.

  “Sir.” Darius grasped the officer’s hand.

  “Thank you, Darius.” The general released his grip. “Your warning to the Council did not go unheard.”

  “I have been chomping at the bit to get an update on the attack.”

  “Well, we fought back the Earth Fleet from Trestle. We destroyed close to seventy percent of their ships.”

  “How about the Lumi?”

  In a friendly gesture, General Shanks placed a hand on Darius’ shoulder and roared in laughter.

  “Those freaks got quite a surprise when they came out of hyperspace at Custodian. They had second thoughts about attacking our naval installation when they realized we outmatched them in number of large ships.”

  “We did?” Darius looked confused by the General’s last words.

  “We deployed our newest technology.” He continued to laugh. “Merlin’s Mirror gave the illusion we had four times the ships than what we actually have. Pretty neat trick, eh?”

  “My hat is off to the scientists. Was there any damage to the Lumi fleet?”

  “Minimal. Most of it was from us shooting them in the butt on their way out.” He reached into a pocket and pulled out a cigar. After placing it in his mouth, he continued. “I think we can rest easy now.”

  “Maybe you can,” Darius replied. “I have a friend on Luminescence I need to help.”

  “Well, good luck to you then.”

  “I really need to commandeer a space vessel from you, if possible?”

  “I have just the craft for you. It’s located in hangar five, bay twelve. I will let them know you are coming.”

  “Thank you, General.” Darius turned toward his group and motioned for them to follow. They escorted themselves out of the command center. Shortly thereafter, Darius and Teron were familiarizing themselves with the controls of their newly acquired craft.

  Meanwhile, Mister Jorke and his sons were busy trying to sweet talk Vomica in to sharing her freighter with them. The old pirate tried everything from begging to bribes. After being told about worlds beyond her imagination, she gave in to their request. However, she was in no way intimidated by them.


  “What!” Malign was infuriated. “What do you mean? Why have our fleets retreated?” An image of Captain Tog-Zing was viewable upon the monitor she was yelling at.

  “I’m sorry, your Highness. Admiral Shay-Tok claimed their navy was much larger than our Intel provided us with.”

  Malign took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

  “What about the Earth Fleet?” Artisan Cusp, who was seated nearby, had a look of concern upon his face.

  “Their flagship escaped unscathed. The majority of their ships have been destroyed. There was a few that made it out but with heavy damage.”

  Malign slammed her hand down on the console. It turned off. She then turned to Artisan, who by this time was standing on his feet.

  “Could this day get any worse?”

  “I think maybe I should prepare to leave for home,” Cusp said nervously.

  “I think you are right.” Malign’s eyebrows turned yellow. Then she popped her knuckles and paced the floor. Shortly thereafter, she stopped and screamed at Artisan. “Why are you still here?”

  Mister Cusp had no problem showing his self to the door.


  Scion-Roc was in full sprint for close to five minutes. Fifty locks of brown fibers bounced up and down off his shoulders in sync with his stride. The slick black terrain passing under his feet slowly gave way to rich soil and greener vegetation. The palace city would be over the next ridge.

  A call came through on his communicator. Once Scion came to a screeching halt he needed to catch his breath before he acknowledged the call.

  “Scion, can you hear me?” There was a short pause. “I repeat. Can you hear me?”

  The boy’s throat was extremely dry. He swallowed what small amount of saliva was in his mouth. Several deep breaths later he was able to speak. Even then, he did so in gasps.

  “Rantain? I read you loud and clear.” Scion tried to swallow again. “What’s up?”

  “You need to meet with me.”

  “I am almost to the palace proper. I need to free my human friend.” Scion believed freeing Rimsen the most important issue at hand.

  “That is what I am trying to tell you,” Rantain exclaimed. “They have taken him to the research facility.”

  “Great!” Scion was flabbergasted. “That is too far for me to run. Will you pick me up?”

  “Give me the coordinates to your location.”

  “Okay.” Scion transmitted his coordinates to Rantain via his communicator. Then he sat down on the ground. Tired leg muscles cramped. Standing proved to be a better idea.

  Minutes later, two bullet-shaped skiffs approached him from the east. They came in low and fast, kicking up the dust behind them. As they drew near, Scion could see Rantain on the lead craft. He was waving his hand in the air. Seven Lumi were aboard the skiff with him. There were eight occupying the second craft. Both of the transports had weapons mounted on their starboard and port sides.

  The tan and brown camouflaged crafts stopped within ten feet of the boy. A thin cloud of dust and exhaust fumes swooshed out from under the lead skiff and in his face. Rantain motioned for him to climb aboard with him.

  “Time is not on our side.” Rantain exclaimed. “We need to hurry.”

  Scion placed a foot on the skiffs hull. Grabbing a rail, he pulled himself upon the hovercraft. He accepted the outstretched hand his pride member offered. With Rantain’s help, he was able to lift himself over the side and onto the top of the platform.

  “So what is going on?” Scion had a look of concern. “Is this all of the supporters you could rally?”

  Rantain found the boy’s impatience amusing.

  “Actually, everyone you see here is your father’s cousins. This is Roc Pride!”

  “That is great,” Scion seemed confused. “How can a handful of us take down Malign and our very own military?”

  “Trust me,” Rantain reassured the boy. “All is being taken care of. Once we infiltrate the facility grounds we will set up a perimeter around the building where your human friend is being held.”

  “Then what?”

  “We wait for reinforcements.”

  The driver glanced over at Scion and nodded his head. “My Lord, I see your father in you.”

  Scion was taken back. This fellow pride member was already acknowledging him as, Lord.

  “This is, Brendal.” Rantain interjected. “He is a great strategist.”

  Scion took a deep breath. This was the first time his lungs fully expanded since he stopped to wait on Rantain to pick him up. The boy tried to visualize what was about to go down. There was nothing. All he knew was there would be fighting involved. He was mature enough to understand conflict and its consequences, yet not on the level of a seasoned soldier. Not through the eyes of one who has seen the body bags of fallen comrades. Little did he know, death is no respecter of persons. The skiffs funneled dust into the air once more as Roc Pride sped away from the setting sun.


  A Giefan ship entered Luminescence’s atmosphere. The cloaked craft flew through their radar without incident. It settled down outside the south end of the research facility. A door on the port side opened before the engine ceased its monotonous thrum. Two people stepped out of the craft and onto the planet’s surface they had escaped from only four days before.

  “Keep up with me,” Darius said to Teron. Double timing it, they ran toward the entrance. There was no activity around the south gate. As they drew closer to it, they pressed themselves up against the thick, block wall that encompassed the complex. The coolness of the cement penetrated the backs of their shirts.

  Incredulously, Darius stared at the gatehouse. To his surprise, the small shack was empty. The coup
le used caution with every step they took.

  Darius motioned toward the cloaking device on his waist. Activating it, he became invisible. Teron did the same. As he moved up to pass through the gate, Teron tugged at his shirt tail.

  “What is it?”

  “Something is not right here.” She whispered. “Where is the guard?”

  “Who cares?” Darius shrugged his shoulders. “One less distraction we have to deal with.”

  “I guess you are right.” The anxiety she had been experiencing dissipated. “Let’s see if we can find our friend.”

  The two Matakeo made their way through the entrance and into the yard. Darius was beginning to get the same feeling Teron expressed a few seconds ago. Eerily, there was no one in sight. Everywhere they looked, there was no one to be seen. Not only the gatehouse, but the entire facility had the aura of a ghost town.

  “All we need now are some tumbleweed.”

  Teron snickered. Even at the worst of times, she appreciated his sense of humor.

  They searched every nook and cranny. They peeked in through windows. After eye balling three-fourths of the facility, Darius stopped.

  “Where is everyone?”

  Teron was about to reply, when something from up the street caught her attention. A quarter-of-a-mile ahead, where the road ended at the facilities wall, there was a barricade made from several crates. She pointed toward a partially hidden Lumi, whose head could be seen above the crates.

  Being invisible had many advantages. One of which allowed them to run up the street undetected. In no time at all, they were standing directly behind the Lumi. He was sitting on a small box. Perched atop the shipping canister was a sniper rifle. The barrel end rested upon a bi-pod stand while the stock was tightly gripped in his hands. He pressed his left eye up against the telescopic sight mounted on the long range weapon.

  Darius was confused by all of this. The gate, the streets and buildings seem to have been vacated with the exception of this out-of-place sniper. At this point however, it did not matter to him. He had someone to interrogate as to the whereabouts of Rimsen’s location. He quietly pulled his repeater from its holster. Ever so carefully, he placed the barrels end to the back of the alien’s head.

  All at once, the muscles on the Lumi’s neck twitched. This was a proof positive sign the alien knew what was pressed against his crown.

  “Are you going to execute me?” There appeared to be no fear in this sea-colored alien’s voice.

  “That all depends.”

  “On what?”

  “If the answers you give me are to my liking.”

  Without releasing his grip from the rifle, he kept his eyes focused upon his target down the street. The alien nodded for Darius to continue.

  “We are looking for a human.” Darius pressed his pistol snugly into the alien’s head and gave it a slight twist to encourage an answer out of him.

  “Have any idea where he might be?”

  “Actually, I do.”

  Darius grabbed the alien by the shoulder and turned him around. He used enough strength to force the alien to the ground upon his buttocks. A startled look appeared upon the alien’s face when he realized his interrogator was cloaked. He could not see the weapon either but could feel it pressed between his eyebrows.

  “Now that you are aware of the fact I have the advantage, I suggest you not do anything stupid.”

  “I would not think of it.” Then the Lumi crossed his arms across his chest. “I am here to help rescue your human friend, so could you kindly remove the weapon from between my eyes?”

  Darius contemplated the alien’s request. He relaxed his arm but did not holster the weapon. Then he deactivated the cloaking device attached to his belt. The two stared at each other. They both attempted to speak at the same time.

  “My apologies,” the Lumi said.

  “Perfectly alright,” Darius replied. “Please elaborate some more about you being here to help my friend.”

  “In all actuality, my family is here for two different reasons but both are linked together.”

  “Why are you speaking in riddles?” Teron forgot she was cloaked. The Lumi looked in the direction of her voice.

  “You need not worry.” The Lumi turned his attention back to Darius. “Seems we are here for the same reasons?”

  “I am here for one thing and one thing only.” His voice was firm. “I am here to rescue my friend. Tell me what you know and do it quickly.”

  “Your friend is being held in that red building at the end of the street I have been observing.” The alien pointed it out with an extended finger. “Malign is in there as well. We are here to take her into custody to stand trial for murder.”

  “No kidding?” Darius could not believe what he was hearing.

  “To make a long story short, the Banimpire sits on the throne unlawfully. One from my Pride is the rightful heir.” He continued, “His name is Scion of Roc Pride. The human you seek after befriended him.”

  “Sounds to me like we are on the same team?” Teron chimed in.

  “I believe you are correct.” The tensed expression on the Lumi’s face relaxed. “You might want to take cover so you are not seen.” Darius activated his cloaking device.

  “Or you could do that instead.” The alien said.

  In invisible mode, Darius could see Teron once again. There was that familiar yellow glow the device caused about ones frame. This was a natural occurrence when a cloaked individual looked upon another using the same technology.

  “So does your team have a plan for infiltrating the building?” Darius wanted to know. He wanted to make sure they were actually on the same page. “Or are you going to wait for them to come out of it?”

  “By the time they come out, your friend may be in many pieces.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Information travels fast amongst our species. Word has it, that he took out an entire troop of fifty with a single blast of energy.”

  “What is out of the ordinary with that?” Darius said sarcastically. “So he kicked some butt. What about it?”

  “They say the blast originated from within him and fired from out of his arms.” The alien could not see the human rubbing at his head in disbelief. “Maybe a biotic implant? No matter, the Banimpire wants to know what caused such destructive firepower.”

  Darius had a hard time trying to fathom what this Lumi had just orated. A biotic implant? A destructive beam of energy out of Rimsen’s arms? All of this sounded like vain imaginations stemming from a survivor’s ability to stretch the truth. He was not buying into it.

  Suddenly, a message came through the sniper’s communicator. The device was fit snugly over the top of his ear. It resembled a fang from a large cat. A narrow tube of ivory jutted off it and ended at the side of the alien’s cheek. Mounted to the end was a small aperture to speak into. The volume of the communicator was loud enough that it broadcast outside the earpiece for the two humans to hear as well.

  “Kusher, can you hear me?”

  “I am here, Rantain.” Before the aliens’ squad leader could speak again, Kusher cut in to tell of the turn of events with the Matakeo. “There are two humans with me.”


  “Seriously, they’re here to rescue their human friend.”

  “Well ask them if they will wait until our reinforcements arrive.”

  “I give my word,” Darius interrupted. Kusher confirmed this to Rantain.

  “Good. As soon as…” Rantain’s voice drifted off. It became quite apparent he was no longer communicating with Kusher. Now he was yelling at someone from his own party. “…Scion. No! Get back here.” There was a short pause. The screaming was louder now. “Scion! Wait!”


  “We are hot. I repeat, we are hot!” Rantain’s voice was much louder through the headset now than before. “I need for everyone, with the exception of the two snipers, to converge on the target, right now. Scion has run into the build

  Darius could sense the urgency in Rantain’s command. There is no way I am going to let a rescue attempt go down without me being involved. He turned to Teron and pointed up the street. She nodded in agreement. The two Matakeo sprinted for the building where their friend was being used as a guinea pig.

  “Would it be too much to ask for you humans to wait here with me?” Kusher frowned when he did not receive a reply.

  Darius observed a Lumi enter the red building before he and his female counterpart reached it. As they neared the three-story structure, he heard several people shouting from within. He ran up the steps. The door was left wide open. Teron was on his heels.

  Inside the facility, Darius could see the rebels plan had gone horribly wrong. A Lumi, whom he assumed was the one named Rantain, had his rifle aimed at Banimpire Malign. He was pleading with her to let a boy go. She had a knife to the young Lumi’s throat.

  “You drop your weapon,” Malign demanded. “Drop it now, or your would-be king here will choke on his own blood.”

  “Just shoot her,” Scion screamed.

  Darius was not about to stand around and do nothing. Being cloaked had a lot of advantages. Looking left and then right, he made a quick assessment of the room. Rantain stood directly in front of him. Forty feet the other side of the rebel leader was where Malign was threatening to kill the boy. An echo blade was lying on the floor next to Scions feet.

  An examination table was situated off to his right with his friend Rimsen strapped to it. Several technicians were busying themselves about it. Mecurial stood at the head of the table. About eight of the royal guard were scattered about the room in strategic points. The rebel group had entered as well and took up offensive positions.


  Malign addressed Rantain again. “I was alerted to your sorry attempt to overthrow me about an hour ago.” Rantain looked puzzled. “If you look out the door you so rudely barged in through, you will see a contingency of my loyal commandos are surrounding the building.”


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