Collide Series Box Set

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Collide Series Box Set Page 44

by J. C. Hannigan

  "Perhaps," Andrew sneered, his eyes roaming my barely concealed body hungrily. "I had a good thing going though, and you came to town and ruined it. And I haven't even had the pleasure of fucking you. Seems a bit unfair, no?"

  While Andrew talked, I desperately scanned my room for something I could use as a weapon. Unless I could beat him unconscious with my laptop, I had nothing.

  "First," Andrew told me, undoing the button on his jeans. "I'm going to fuck you. Then," he continued, lifting up the hunting knife tenderly. "I'm going to fuck you with this."

  I gulped, drawing my legs up tight against my chest. I had never been more afraid in my life. He moved quickly, ripping the towel from my feeble hands and throwing it aside.

  "Jax seems to enjoy your sweet little cunt. I wonder how he'll like it once I've ripped it apart?" Andrew asked with a twisted laugh, his vile words making my skin crawl.

  He moved quickly, and I struggled. I brought my knee up hard, connecting with the sensitive spot between his legs.

  Andrew swore, cracking the butt of the hunting knife down on my left cheek. My vision blurred with searing pain and I felt the warmth of blood trickling down my cheek into my ear. I felt him struggling with his pants. I closed my eyes, tears escaping freely.

  Before he could free himself, the door to my bedroom flew open. I felt a lightness as Andrew was lifted from my body and thrown against the wall by an enraged Jax.

  Andrew jumped up, the knife gone from his hands. Jax advanced on him, the rage evident on his face. Andrew rushed at Jax, head-butting him in the stomach. They stumbled backwards, but Jax was stronger from years of training. He shoved Andrew and punched him hard enough to crack a rib. Andrew fell back from the impact.

  "Harlow, run!" Jax instructed, turning his head momentarily to look at me desperately.

  "Look out!" I screamed, seeing Andrew flying at Jax with the knife. Jax raised his left arm, blocking the attack, and punched Andrew in the jaw with such a force that the sickening crunch of his jaw bones breaking could be heard over the sound of my panicked hyperventilating.

  Andrew fell back again, this time hitting his head off of my dresser. He slumped to the floor, unconscious.

  I whimpered, trembling. Jax picked up the towel, offering it to me so that I could cover up my body. He lifted me up, carrying me out of the bedroom just as the police were spilling into the apartment.

  Jax was pale and his eyes searched mine desperately. "Are you okay? Did he...?"

  "No." I couldn’t stop shaking. "You came in time." Tears of relief poured down my face and his. He lifted his left hand shakily to my face, wiping the blood from my check. I looked down. There was so much blood. My head started to swirl when I realized that Jax was bleeding profusely from a massive gash in his forearm. I saw the white of his bone.

  "Jax, you're bleeding," I muttered before the darkness consumed me.

  * * *

  I woke up in a hospital bed some time later. The moment my eyes opened, Jenna was on me, crying hysterically. "Oh my God, Harlow! Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine...I think," I answered. Speaking alerted me to the sensation of tightness on my cheek. I tentatively reached up, feeling tape.

  "You needed stitches," Jenna explained, tears still pouring down her face.

  I dropped my hand, nodding. "Where is Jax? Is he okay?" I asked, suddenly remembering all the blood. My head swirled again.

  "Yeah, he's in the his statement." Jenna's voice shook. "I called your parents, and mine. They're all on their way right now."

  I couldn't even be angry with her. I would have done the same if the roles were reversed.

  Jenna sat down in the chair beside my bed; she was shaking. "I thought I saw him, I could have sworn it was him. I should have said something to the police before...before this."

  "I thought I did too," I said, trying to comfort her. "I called Officer Mike Turner, and he told me that Andrew was nowhere near Ottawa."

  "Well, he was wrong," Jenna said bitterly.

  At that moment, Jax walked into my hospital room. His hair was mused, as if he was running his hands frantically through it. His left forearm was bandaged tightly. "They want to talk to you," Jax told Jenna, gesturing towards the hallway.

  She nodded as she stood up and squeezed my hand."I'll be back," she promised.

  Jax sat down in the now vacant chair, smiling at me through the brokenness. His hands cupped around mine.

  "How did you know?" I whispered. I still had no idea how Jax ended up getting to the apartment in time. How did he know I was in danger when I hadn't even known?

  "It was my roommate," Jax answered heavily. "I went out to my truck to head over to your place. All the tires were slashed. I went back to my room, trying to call you. It kept going to voicemail. Then I noticed a weird glint on the poster by my desk...I looked closer, and it was a camera lens. A fucking camera lens." Jax released my hand, running both of his through his hair in aggravation, as if he couldn't believe that it had gone unnoticed. "I pulled on it, and the cords went through the wall into the room beside mine. I fucking broke down the door, and I found all of you, Harlow, and a video." His voice broke.

  "It's not your fault. You didn't know," I said, trying to comfort him.

  Jax smiled at me with tired eyes."No, I didn't. Because if I had known, I would have killed him sooner."

  "He's dead?" I exclaimed.

  "Oh, no," Jax said darkly, as if he wished he was. "He's alive. He's in jail. They are likely going to charge him with breaking and entering, aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, and attempted murder. He's going away for a long time."

  I nodded, feeling numb from all the fear.

  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Andrew Cooper," I said. "It's happened to Jenna; I didn't feel it would be right of me to tell her story."

  "She told me," Jax said, sighing heavily. "It's not like you knew he was in town, either. And I didn't even know him by Andrew. He went by Drew. I barely talked to the guy all year. He kept to himself."

  Tired of lying down, I pulled myself up into a sitting position, leaning out of the bed to wrap my arms around Jax.

  "Thank you," I told him, fresh tears welling up. "I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't there."

  Jax held me close as we both shook.

  The police confirmed that Jenna and I wouldn't have to worry about Andrew Cooper anymore. He would be charged with one count of breaking and entering, two counts of aggravated assault, two counts of assault with a weapon, and one count of attempted murder. Based on the overwhelming incriminating evidence found in his room alone, along with his prior record from North Bay, it would be a slam dunk case.

  The hospital released me after holding me for observation overnight. The doctors feared that I was in shock, and wouldn't let me go until I had spoken to the psychiatrist.

  Speaking to the psychiatrist was painful. She recommended that I see her once a week for at least six months to make sure I didn't develop any systems of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I wasn't exactly pleased about it, but at least my student benefits would cover it.

  Lucas handled Jamie and Mark, explaining to them what happened. They called me when I was still in the hospital, and Jamie told me to take as much time as I needed, but I honestly just wanted to get back to work and move passed it. No harm, no foul. Shortly after, my hospital room was overrun by my mom, Larry, and Jenna's parents. I could tell the nurses were relieved to be handing me my discharge papers.

  The moment we got home, Mom started trying to talk me into going back to North Bay with them, but I refused. The four of them decided to get a nearby hotel for the next week, just to be close by.

  Christmas was in a few short days, and Mom couldn't bear the thought of leaving me so soon. I couldn't bear the thought of enduring another week of having my apartment stuffed to the nines with overly concerned people.

  It was bad enough that everyone—excluding me—was obsessing over
the blood on the carpet and mattress. While Larry and Mr. Burke went out to pick up dinner, Mrs. Burke, Jenna, and my mom tried to scrub the blood out. When it was clear that the stain would never fade, they started to talk about ripping up the carpet and ordering me a new mattress. I hadn't even been home from the hospital for a solid day yet, and I was already ready to toss myself out the nearest window.

  "You guys are being ridiculous," I grumbled, grabbing the edge of the mattress and tugging it out of Mom's hands. I flipped it over, hiding the stain on the other side. "It's mostly my blood and Jax's anyway."

  A loud knock at the door interrupted their argument, but they finally settled for moving the furniture around. I left them to it, intent on answering the door.

  I opened it, staring with my mouth agape at Iain Bentley. "Harlow!" he said, his eyes widening as he took in the taped stitches and massive, ugly bruise on my cheekbone. I glanced behind me, making sure that my mom, Jenna and Mrs. Burke were all still preoccupied in my bedroom. I stepped out into the hallway, closing the door gently behind me.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms to keep my trembling hands hidden. I hadn't told Iain where I lived, although it wasn't impossible to find out that information if he had access to a phone directory and had clued in that I was living with Jenna, which he probably had.

  "I had to see you," Iain said, still staring at my cheek. "What happened to you?" Iain stepped towards me, gently cupping my left cheek and turning my face so he could inspect the wound.

  "I'm fine. I just had a run in with the butt of a knife." I tried to shrug it off, turning my face away from his hand.

  "What?" Iain demanded, his eyes hardening at the thought of someone hitting me.

  Sighing, I rolled my eyes. "Andrew Cooper paid me a visit. Don't worry, he's been arrested and is sitting in jail. Aside from the fucked up cheek, I'm fine."

  Suddenly, Iain was pulling me towards him. I collided into his chest, his arms tightening around me in a hug that stopped my heart. "I almost lost you again," he muttered into my hair. I felt his hot breath on the top of my head, and I felt him losing control.

  Iain's hands tangled gently in my hair, tipping my head back to bring my lips to his. He kissed me as if he was starved for me, and he must have been. With tears burning behind my closed eyelids, my body responded naturally, as it would have two years ago, before the arrest, before the silence, and before Jax.

  The thought of Jax sent an electrical current through my body. This is wrong, I thought, the tears spilling freely from my eyes as I pulled away. It hadn't been quick enough. I had kissed him back, and the part of me that wasn't twisted with guilt over Jax had enjoyed it.

  "Iain..." I choked on my words, heartache and confusion evident on my face. He touched my chin, turning my face to his again as he searched my eyes.

  Iain opened his mouth, about to speak, when voices drifted up the stairs. Larry and Mr. Burke turned into the hallway. Both of them stopped talking when they saw Iain with his hands on me. Larry's face went from smiling to enraged in mere seconds.

  "What in God's holy name is going on out here?" he demanded, pointing at Iain threateningly. "Haven't you put her through enough?" he added, as if every bad thing that had ever happened to me was Iain's fault.

  "Calm your tits, Larry," I shot at him. "Iain was just leaving." My voice broke. He pursed his lips, nodding once.

  "I'll see you later, then," Iain said to me, his Caribbean blue eyes raw with emotion.

  I shook my head, unable to tell him no. I didn't know if I wanted to see him again, or if I wanted him to remain in the past. I was angry, confused, and reeling from our kiss.

  Iain nodded tightly, understanding. I could tell that it broke him.

  I didn't bother waiting around to watch him go. I went back into the apartment, finding Jenna, Mom and Mrs. Burke still obliviously debating the blood stain problem in the kitchen.

  "Did you have any idea that she was out in the hallway with that monstrous teacher?" Larry bellowed, slamming the door behind him while Mr. Burke stood awkwardly off to the side. I stiffened, turning very slowly around to glare at Larry. Anger surged in my veins, and it far exceeded his own.

  "Don't presume that you can come into my apartment and carry on like that, Larry. I'm a grown woman, capable of my own decisions. Step-father or not, you need to realize that," I told him through the narrowed slits of my eyes.

  "What was he doing here?" Mom asked, glancing from Larry to me. She looked as if it was her I had betrayed, not Jax.

  "Does it matter?" I retorted, throwing my hands up in aggravation.

  "Of course it matters!" Mom said in utter disbelief. "You have a wonderful, caring boyfriend who probably literally saved your life, and you're still sneaking around with that teacher?"

  "I am not sneaking around with him!" I practically shouted, my blood boiling. Or at least, I hadn't been, and I wouldn't. The kiss had caught me off guard. I hadn't had time to process anything before I was being pounced on for answers.

  I couldn't think with everybody staring at me with accusation. I looked to Jenna for help. All of the Burkes seemed completely shocked at what was transpiring in front of them.

  "She isn't," Jenna backed me. "She didn't even know he was here until the other day."

  "Then why was he touching you?" Larry roared.

  "Because I had my face smashed in with a knife!" I retorted, shouting just as loudly.

  Our massive family argument was interrupted by someone knocking at the door. Jenna opened the door. Jax was standing at the threshold.

  Jax walked in, carrying a massive bag from Sears in his right hand. His left arm was still tender and bandaged. In addition to the deep gash on his arm, he was slashed on his ribs when the knife cut downward. That had also required stitches. The man had literally suffered stab wounds for me. My heart felt as if it was caught in my throat.

  Jax could sense the tension in the room. He looked from Larry's red face to mine, from my mother's tears to the white faces of Jenna, Mrs and Mr. Burke.

  "I got you a new bed set," he finally said, breaking the heavy silence.

  "Thanks," I said, my voice shaking as I accepted the bag from him and set it down beside the island. I was overly aware of all of the eyes on us, of the thick tension that swirled about in the room. "Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked, sending him a pleading look. My eyes were red from crying, and I was certain my face was all blotchy from anger. Guilt and confusion were eating me up, and I knew I had to talk to him.

  Jax looked at me, nodding once.

  I grabbed my coat, leading the way out of my suffocating apartment building. I took a shaky breath as we stepped out onto the snowy street. Jax's truck was parked against the curb. I had a desperate urge to get in and drive somewhere, anywhere with him. Leave it all behind—my parents, the trauma of Andrew, Iain...

  As if reading my mind, he pulled his keys out from his jacket pocket and hit unlock. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

  "No, I just need to get out of here for a bit. I don't care where," I answered, my voice raw. I climbed into the passenger’s seat.

  Jax ended up driving to Nepean Point. He parked the truck and I unbuckled my seatbelt. I slid over to face him and he wrapped his right arm around me, pulling me closer.

  "Does it hurt?" I asked, referring to his knife wounds. I knew what I was about to tell him would.

  "I've been through worse," he answered, smiling charmingly at me.

  "Really?" I raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

  "Well...kind of. Breaking bones hurts more than getting stabbed, although both suck." Jax shrugged.

  I took a deep breath, watching the sun set over the bridge. We were silent for several minutes, both of us lost in our own heads.

  "I feel like I should tell you about twelfth grade," I finally said, breaking the silence. I shifted so that I could turn my body to face him. "Actually, I feel like I should tell you a lot of things," I added, thinking about my recent run in with Iain. My
eyes felt hot with fresh tears, and I blinked, furiously trying to keep them at bay.

  Jax looked at me curiously, but waited in silence for me to continue. The patient, caring warmth in his eyes got me talking. I told him about Lauren, and Lauren's death. I told him about spiraling into depression, and then moving to North Bay.

  I told him about the party, about Jenna and Andrew, and I told him about Iain Bentley. I told him about running into Iain at the mall, and how he had appeared at my door earlier.

  "He kissed me, Jax," I said, my voice shaking. I couldn't meet his eyes. The whole time that I was talking, Jax held my hand, gently tracing his thumb across my palm. At my last admission, this action stilled.

  Jax drew in a pained breath. I finally met his eyes.

  I thought I would find him angry, but he just looked hurt.

  "I can't blame him," Jax said after several moments of agonizing silence. "Did you...kiss him back?"

  I let out a choked sob, nodding my head as the tears spilled freely from my eyes. "Only for a moment, Jax. I was just shocked that he was there."

  Jax inhaled again as if the action burned his lungs. He turned his gaze away from my face, his jaw clenching and releasing. He had let go of my hand to run it through his hair in aggravation as he processed what I just finished telling him.

  "Do you still love him?" Jax looked at me, pained.

  "A part of me does, Jax," I admitted, imploring him to understand. "Iain was my first love, and it was a complicated situation...but I do know that I'm in love with you, and I don't want to lose you."

  The expression on Jax's face could only be described as tortured. I had yet to tell him about my feelings for him, and it seemed almost unfair to admit them in this circumstance, but I had to tell him.

  I held my breath, waiting as my heart pounded frantically. It was a different kind of terror than what I had felt when Andrew Cooper attacked me. It was the terror of the very real possibility that I could lose Jax, and the realization that I didn't want to.

  "I knew you were holding onto something," Jax finally said, his voice raw with heavy emotion. "I told myself I understood, because I do. It doesn't make it hurt any less, hearing it from you."


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