When Two Becomes One

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When Two Becomes One Page 9

by E. L. Todd

“Will I be a grandparent any time soon?” Having kids running around again would be nice. It was amazing how fast my own kids grew up.

  “I would like to,” she said with a sigh. “But we have too much stuff going on. I have my business and Slade has his. Besides, I don’t think he’s ready to be a parent just yet. And I wanted to have our kids when Skye and Cayson have theirs. Then they’ll be the same age.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. It’s what Sean and I did.”

  “Was it on purpose?”

  “Actually, no.” I smiled in guilt. “I knocked your mom up before we were married.”

  My daughter gave me a look full of accusation. “Dad!”

  I shrugged. “Things happen.”

  “Is that the only reason you married Mom?”

  I released a sarcastic laugh. “Does it seem like I only married your mom because she was pregnant? I worship the ground that woman walks on.”

  “Yeah…that’s true.”

  “You were an accident, but you were the greatest accident in the world. When she told me she was pregnant I was very happy. We got married shortly afterward. She didn’t want to be huge on her wedding day.”

  “That’s cute.”

  “And here we are…still madly in love.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she said with a laugh. “You have any marriage advice for me?”

  I sipped my glass while I considered her question. “Not really. Marriage is different for every couple. My experience may not apply to you. But always stand by your husband. And if he ever treats you wrong, you don’t have to put up with it just because you’re married. You tell him off.”

  “Slade is used to me telling him off.”

  “That’s about it…marriage is fun. Of course, there will be bumps in the road. But that’s true of any relationship, as you well know.”

  “Yeah…I’m sure we’ll get through it.” She looked out the window while her eyes stared at something only she could see.

  I watched her, knowing my life would be forever different tomorrow afternoon. I viewed Trinity as a little girl, someone who always needed me to look out for her. But now she was wise beyond her years and had a grace she inherited from her mother. She may not be muscular but she was strong. She may be thin but she wasn’t weak. And she may be young but she wasn’t stupid.

  Now she was an amazing woman, someone I admired and respected. When Trinity first came into my life I was terrified of how to raise her. I feared I would screw up and fail as a parent. But when I looked at her now, I realized I did a great job. She was my child, my legacy. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She turned back my way, her eyes soft. “You should be. You raised me.”

  I smiled. “I don’t know what I did right but I did something.”

  She placed her hand over mine. “You did a lot, Dad.”

  Chapter Eleven


  When I woke up that morning, my heart was racing in my chest. Cold drops of sweat marked my forehead. My t-shirt was damp from the perspiration. Did I have a nightmare? Or was I just under the weather?

  Cayson opened the bedroom door and came inside. “Good. You’re up. You know what today is, right?”

  I slowly sat up and stared at Cayson’s dresser. It was mahogany wood, dark and sleek. The nobs were shiny like someone meticulously cleaned them. I wasn’t sure why I noticed the details. Why did they matter?

  “Dude, you’re getting married today,” Cayson said excitedly. “The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here. Tonight, you’re going to sleep with Trinity, not me.”

  I rubbed the side of my face and felt my facial hair come in. I hadn’t shaved in a few days. “You’re right…” There was no budding excitement inside me. In fact, I just felt weak.

  Cayson’s cheerleader attitude disappeared and he regarded me suspiciously. “Everything alright, man?”

  “Just tired.” I faked a yawn so it would seem convincing.

  “You’re sure?” He took a step closer into the room.


  Cayson sat at the edge of the bed beside me. “It’s okay to be nervous. Everyone is.”

  I stared at his dresser again, like it would give me the secrets to the universe.

  “You want some breakfast?”

  “Not hungry,” I said distantly.

  “Coffee? You’re always in the mood for coffee, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “I’ll make you a cup.” He left the bed and headed back into the kitchen.

  I remained in my spot, staring at the dresser while my heart pounded in my chest. The inked girl from my past came into my mind, along with everything she said. I would grow tired of Trinity like I grew tired of her. The words haunted me. But I’d been with Trinity for over two years and I hadn’t shown any interest in another woman. I didn’t even look at them. She was all I ever wanted. The inked girl was wrong.

  Wasn’t she?

  I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and scanned through the pictures on the screen. Most of them were of Trinity, sleeping or staring out the window because she hadn’t noticed me holding up the camera. Her hair was always perfect, and her smile was even more fetching.

  Somehow, she built an empire from the ground. Investors were already buying stocks through the stock market. People seemed to think this business was going to go the distance. She put her mind to something and accomplished whatever she set out to do.

  I inked for a living.

  She loved reading the classics and cooking fancy dinners. Her words were always so articulate and she carried herself with distinguished grace. She was unlike any other girl I’d ever met. But the only reason why I noticed her was because we screwed when we were both drunk.

  How did I ever get her?

  How did we both get here?

  I stared at the tattooed ring on my left ring finger. I didn’t think twice about it when I asked my dad to permanently mark my skin. Wearing a wedding band wasn’t my style. I wanted something that would last forever.

  But now it didn’t look right.

  Trinity and I were from different worlds. I would always be the asshole jerk who only cared about himself. I wasn’t caring or thoughtful. I didn’t give Trinity what she deserved. She should be with someone like Cayson, who was always perfect in every action he made.

  I was just a dick.

  She was an aristocrat. If you put a line of pearls on her neck with a soft cardigan she would look like royalty. I looked like I just came out of the back alleyways of the ghetto. When we stood next to each other at the alter, we wouldn’t match. Actually, we couldn’t look more different.

  Was this all a mistake?

  Cayson poked his head back inside. “Black, right?”

  I hardly heard what he said. “Sure.”

  He disappeared again.

  My heart hadn’t slowed down whatsoever. It still pounded like a distant drum. It thudded in my ears, constantly reminding me that something wasn’t right.

  The front door opened and voices came into my ear.

  “Man, I can’t wait to get this over with,” Conrad said. “Trinity has been bossing me around for the past month. I’m not even in her wedding party.”

  Arsen’s voice came next. “I’m excited. This wedding is going to be a lot of fun.”

  “Have you ever been to a wedding?” Conrad asked incredulously.

  “No,” Arsen said seriously.

  “Anyway,” Cayson said. “We got a lot of things to do today. No messing around.” He turned toward my door. “Your coffee is ready, Slade.” He turned back to the guys.

  “You’re his bitch just because he’s getting married?” Conrad asked.

  “Don’t push me today,” Cayson snapped.

  I pulled on my jeans and t-shirt then walked into the kitchen.

  “Hey, man.” Arsen clapped my shoulder. “Today is the big day.”

  You think I don’t already know that?

  “Today is the end of your life,” Conrad sa
id. “It was nice knowing you.”

  I pushed past them and got to my coffee.

  “Just give him some space,” Conrad said quietly.

  Arsen put his hands in his pockets and remained quiet.

  Conrad rolled his eyes.

  I sipped my coffee then ran my fingers through my messy hair. I didn’t look at any of my friends. I just wasn’t in the mood.

  “Over here,” Cayson said to them. “Let’s talk about everything we need to do.” They moved to the living room and sat down. “We need to tie cans on the back of the truck.”

  “Got it,” Conrad said. “I got green bean cans. Trinity hates green beans.”

  “We need to pick up the suits from the dry cleaners,” Cayson said. “Arsen, can you manage?”

  “I can manage anything,” he said in his typical cool voice.

  “I can take care of the rest of the stuff,” Cayson said. “And Roland can check on the girls.”

  I stood there and felt sick. The coffee tasted like acid and my fingers felt numb. My heart was beating fast in my chest and it wouldn’t slow down. My mouth was particularly dry. Every sound and feeling was amplified tenfold. My hands started to shake.

  Could I do this?

  It didn’t feel right.

  Something was off.

  I couldn’t go through with it. I would just be a mistake. Trinity would realize it eventually and leave me quicker than I could say goodbye. She would find a suit and settle down with him in the country. I’d go back to my old ways and live a miserable existence. But that’s what I deserved—she didn’t.

  I grabbed a piece of paper and notepad and scribbled a few words along the lines. My hand was surprisingly steady as I did it. After I signed my name and gave it a depressing look, I left my phone on the counter and walked out.

  Too absorbed in their conversation, the guys didn’t notice.

  Chapter Twelve


  “If you’re going to make me run around like a dog at least give me some coffee,” Conrad said with a growl.

  “I’m already Slade’s bitch,” I said. “I have to be yours too?”

  “Well, I’m Trinity’s bitch,” Conrad countered.

  “Apparently, everyone is somebody’s bitch,” Arsen said in a bored voice.

  I headed into the kitchen and poured him a cup of coffee. When I turned to grab a napkin, I noticed the note on the counter. Scribbled in a rush was Slade’s handwriting.

  I can’t do this. Tell Trinity I’m sorry.

  I almost dropped the cup on the tile. “What the fuck?”

  Both Arsen and Conrad turned my way.

  “What?” Arsen asked with raised eyebrows.

  I thought quickly on my feet. Conrad was the last person I’d want to see this note, other than Mike. “Burned myself…hot coffee.”

  “Get it over here before it gets cold,” Conrad said.

  I was too dazed to care about what he said. I casually grabbed the note and stuffed it into my pocket. Then I carried the mug to the coffee table. My eyes were wide and my heart was beating a million miles an hour.

  Arsen and Conrad kept talking like they didn’t notice anything.

  I kept replaying the note in my mind. Slade clearly took off and he was backing out of the wedding. I knew he was behaving oddly today but I just assumed it was pre-wedding jitters. If I’d known how doubtful he was I would have said something. Now I needed to find him and talk him off the ledge before he made the biggest mistake of his life. “Conrad, get started on the cans.”

  He looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. “Can I finish my coffee first?”

  “No,” I blurted. “I have other stuff I need you to do.”

  He gave me an irritated look. “I’m only letting this go because our two friends are getting married today.”

  I hardly listened to what he said. All I could think about was Slade and getting him back as quickly as possible. I needed to get rid of Conrad to do that. He was particularly protective of his sister, but he would definitely murder Slade if he knew he was running out on Trinity. “When it’s your wedding day, I’ll be your little bitch.”

  “Good one,” Conrad said as he stood up. “We both know that’ll never happen.” He grabbed his keys before he walked out. “You better not sit on your asses while I’m out.” He walked out and shut the door.

  Arsen sipped his coffee then pulled out his phone. “I can go to the dry cleaners now. But they don’t open for another thirty minutes.”

  “Forget the suits.” I tried to keep my cool but it was hopeless. “Listen to me and keep this knowledge to yourself. Tell anybody, even Silke, and I’ll break your jaw.”

  Arsen stared at me like he wasn’t the least bit intimidated by me. But he understood how distressed I was. “What’s up?”

  I paced the room and ran my hand through my hair. “Slade took off.”

  “Where’d he go?” Judging the calmness in his voice he didn’t make the right assumption.

  “I don’t know.” I pulled out my phone and called him.

  His phone rang on the counter where he left it.

  “Shit.” I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket.

  Arsen heard the ring and his eyes widened. “What’s going on…?”

  “Slade left a note and walked out. He isn’t going through with the wedding.” Why the fuck was this happening? Slade wanted to marry Trinity. I knew he did.

  “What?” Arsen rose to his feet. “What the hell is he thinking?”

  “I don’t know,” I hissed. “I don’t know where the hell he is. Arsen, I need you to help me find him.”

  “I’m on it,” he said. “Where should we look?”

  “His apartment with Trinity,” I said.

  “But isn’t Trinity there?” he asked. “Did he go there to break it off?”

  Damn, I hope not. “No, in the note he told me to tell Trinity he was sorry. I’m pretty sure he’s just taking off.”

  “Then he probably wouldn’t go there,” Arsen said.

  “But I know Trinity is getting ready at Sean’s place,” I said. “So, he might go there and grab his things…”

  “Let’s take a look,” Arsen said. “If he’s not there and Trinity is, we’ll make something up.”

  Could I really hide the fear on my face? Could I look at Trinity and act like everything was normal? “Yeah.”


  We knocked on the door when we arrived.

  “Slade, are you—” I realized I shouldn’t say his name just in case Trinity was home. “I mean, anyone there?”

  Arsen stood beside me, his shoulders tense.

  There was a shuttle of feet from the inside.

  Please be Slade. Please be Slade.

  Trinity opened the door, wearing sweats and a t-shirt. “It’s my wedding day!”

  Arsen and I both pretended to be excited.

  “It’s finally here,” Arsen said. “It’s going to be amazing.”

  “So amazing.” My voice broke because I was a terrible liar.

  Trinity had her bag over her shoulder and she was on her way out. “How’s my man doing?”

  “Slade?” I said in a high-pitched voice. “He’s great. He’s over-the-moon. He’s totally excited.” My words came out in a jumble.

  Arsen stared at me and silently told me to keep my cool.

  “Good,” she said. “I’m glad he’s doing well. So, why are you guys here?” She locked the door behind her.

  “Just to check on you,” Arsen said casually.

  “Check on me?” she asked. “I think Skye and Silke are doing that.”

  “Slade just wanted to make sure you had everything you need,” I lied.

  “Well, that’s sweet,” she said. “I’m great. But I need to run and get ready. I have a hairdresser appointment and a make up appointment.”

  “You don’t even need make up,” I said nervously, blurting things out because I was terrified. “You look great without it.” I didn’t know why I said
that. I guess I was making up for the fact that Slade wasn’t even planning on showing up. Boosting her confidence would lessen the blow.

  “Uh, thanks,” she said. She shouldered her bag and walked away. “I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  “Totally,” I said. “Because the wedding is still on.”

  Arsen shot me a glare.

  Trinity laughed. “Of course the wedding is still on. The question is, when will it be off?” She chuckled then disappeared around the hallway.

  Arsen turned to me with a furrowed look. “Dude, you need to chill.”

  “I was terrified she could see right through me.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t see right through that stupid act of yours.”

  I was too stressed to care about the insult. “He’s not here. Where next?”

  Arsen crossed his arms over his chest while he thought.

  I brainstormed for a few minutes. “His parents. It’s where he usually goes when he has a fight.”

  Arsen was doubtful. “I find that unlikely.”

  “Why? He’s close to his dad.”

  “He is,” he agreed. “And he knows him really well. There’s not a doubt in my mind that Ryan would beat the shit out of him if he knew Slade was running out on Trinity. And don’t get me started on Janice…”

  He had a point. “We still need to check.”

  “And what’s the purpose of our visit?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” I said immediately. “We’ll think of something.”


  Ryan was reading the newspaper when we walked inside. Judging his calm attitude and the fact he was sipping his coffee like he didn’t have a care in the world, Slade hadn’t stopped by. “What’s up?”

  “Just checking in…” Shit, if he wasn’t here where was he? Did he skip town? Without his phone I would never find him.

  “Because…?” Ryan looked at us with a raised eyebrow.

  Arsen stepped in. “The suits are going to be a little late but they’ll be ready before the wedding.”

  “Okay,” Ryan said. “But you could have called.”

  “We’re killing time while Slade gets ready,” Arsen said like he was a professional liar.

  “Well, we should get going…” I headed back to the door when I realized this was a dead-end.


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