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Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)

Page 14

by JF Holland

  Her breath left her in a whoosh as he showed her exactly what he wanted from her in great detail. The picture in his head very explicit and she swallowed and shook her head and bit her lip to hold back her denial. She couldn't hold eye contact and lowered her head and eyes but he took hold of her chin and lifted her face again.

  'Yes. You have had me hard for hours, so now you will relieve it for me.' Again she shook her head trying to lower her gaze but he wouldn't allow it.

  'I could make you beg Maya. I could spend hours, torturing you and not allowing you release and then think how you'd feel. Hot, wet, empty and aching and I wouldn't touch you or allow you to touch yourself either. Would you like that, we you like me to put my mouth on you. To slowly suckle you, lick and tease you only to pull back just before you cum. Over and over until you can't think straight?' He told her and he watched her swallow again, her pink tongue appearing and swiping over that bottom lip nervously.

  "I don't know you," she whispered out loud and again went to shake her head but he held her still so she had to meet his gaze. He purposely spoke out loud too so she would hear what he said.

  "You know me better than anyone, better than you'll ever know anyone, you are in my mind. No one will ever know me as well as you do." He informed her and he again made the command. "Now make good on what you promised me." She blushed, her face heating, and he lowered himself to his knees before her.

  "How about I help you relax a little first hmm" He told her as he took her mouth, deep and wet, tongue sliding into the heated interior to twine around her own. He sucked and nibbled on her bottom lip before kissing her deeply again as he slowly rose to his feet, guiding her up with him. She didn't notice as she was lost in his kiss, in this claiming. His hands went to the waistband of her pants as he unbuttoned and unzipped them while he continued kissing her. Moving her backwards until her bottom hit the seat of his bike then he broke the kiss and gave her a wicked grin as he lay his palm on her chest and gave her a gentle nudge. She dropped, her bottom hitting the seat, and he picked up her feet and turned her so she ended up sprawled across his bike. She blinked a couple of times and he took advantage of her confusion. Picking up her hands he kissed each palm before sucking each finger and swirling his tongue around the tip, then guided them in turn to the handlebars

  'Hold tight,' he whispered in her mind as he undid her jacket and pushed up her t-shirt before pulling the cups of her bra below her breasts. Then he stood back to take a look at her spread out like an offering across the only other thing that gave him pleasure, well until now. He bent over and kissed her again, small teasing ones followed by long drugging ones, his mouth devouring hers as he kneaded her breasts and tugged on her nipples.

  When he pulled back this time, she lay there and blinked, her mind a little cloudy and looked up, her arms stretched out behind her and the sun glinting at them through the canopy of trees above them. The brightness of the sun registered and gasped her shocked eyes shooting to his.

  'Jaden, someone might see.' She whispered in his mind.

  "There's no one around I've checked," then he bent forward again and sucked on one of her distended nipples, tugging with his teeth.

  'To make sure we don't draw any attention, you better keep quiet Maya,' he drawled in her mind on a groan. He then transferred his attention to her other breast and lavished the same attention on that one, biting down and sucking and licking the sting away. He'd already undone her pants, so lifted her hips as he kissed between her breasts, then nibbling his way down her stomach. Standing he drew off her pants - over her shoes, and dropped them by his feet as he trailed a finger up the inside of her thigh, watching he breath catch and her chest rise and fall. Her skin gleamed as it was caressed by the sun peeking through their cover of leaves, dappled shadows playing over the dips and hollows of her body. Lowering his head, he traced the writing etched into her side and over her ribs, the calligraphy letters beautiful, even if he didn't understand the meaning. He sucked the skin between his lips and left a red mark behind as he moved towards her naval, dipping his tongue inside as he again brought his hand up her thigh, just a feather light caress using the tips of his fingers. This time he brushed over her centre as he got to the top of one thigh and continued on down the inside of the other. He lowered his mouth and sucked the tiny scrap of material covering her core, pushing his tongue against her and her hips rose. He placed a hand on her stomach to hold her in place as he used the other to push the material to one side, revealing what had been hidden. His tongue stroked over her, slipping between the folds as her hips once again lifted and her breath whooshed through her teeth. She tried to move away from his mouth as he sucked on the little nubbin of nerves at the top and he against used a hand to stop her.

  'Move again and I'll spank you,' he promised in her mind without moving his mouth from her and was rewarded with a trickle of moisture.

  'Oh, Maya we are going to be spending lots of time with you tied just like this, like an offering as I play with your body. I'm going to spend hours keeping you on edge before I allow you release. Hours of using my hands and mouth on you,' he whispered as he again swiped through her folds and stabbed deep. Her hips rose again, and he again pressed her back into the bike seat. She went to lower her hands to his head to move him and he snarled against her flesh as he sucked that little nubbin and bit down gently with the edge of his teeth.

  'Put them back, I said hold on and I meant it. Don't move again or I'll make you sorry,' he told her as he flicked and licked down again, around her entrance and stabbed deep, she whimpered and her head twisted but she didn't move her hips or let go of the handle bars. He gave one last lick and then straightened as he watched her through hooded lids, his eyes glowing from beneath his lashes.

  Her chest rose and fell and she bit her lip as she watched him watch her, her breathing laboured and her lower limbs twisting. She was trying to rub her thighs together to get some relief. He raised a brow and brought his hand down on her butt cheek that was closest to him, the sound loud in the silence, then rubbed his palm over it soothingly.

  'I told you not to move,' he said as he lowered his head and took her mouth, his tongue pushing through her swollen lips, and sharing her own flavour with her.

  'My turn, he said straightening his hand going to the fastening in his jeans. The sound of his zipper going down sounded loud in the quiet, the only other sound her erratic breathing. His erection sprang free, and he moved to the side of her head.

  'Open,' she watched him, her tongue going over her bottom lip as her eyes moved from his eyes to his erection and back again.

  'I haven't done this before I don't know what I'm doing,' she admitted her lashes lowering and his hand went into her hair, loosening it further and messing up her previous hairstyle. Not that the bike helmet hadn't already loosened it on the journey.

  'Open,' he repeated, holding her head where he wanted it, he nudged the head against her plumb bottom lip, a drop escaping from the slit and he coated her with it, her tongue appeared and swiped over the bulbous head as well as her lip. He groaned low in his throat and nudged again.

  'Open Maya, I want inside your mouth. I want to feel the heat and warmth surround me, I want you to suck me deep. Let me fuck your mouth, then once you've taken the edge off I'll bend you over the seat and fuck you too. Now make good on your promise and suck.' He grit out from between his teeth.

  Maya could feel her heart beating in her chest like a bass drum as she looked up into his heavy-lidded eyes. A tick beat in his rigid jaw and his cheeks were flushed with colour, his eyes nearly glowing from beneath those long black lashes. He looked a little savage, but it wasn't all fear of the unknown she was feeling, there was excitement there too and intrigue. She could see the lust stamped into his features, and she blushed as his crudeness but she didn't feel fear or threatened by him. She knew if she told him no, he'd back off. He wouldn't force her but he really wanted this, needed it even, and she didn't understand why? What was driving him,
what did he hope to achieve? She heard him laugh a little bitterly and looked up.

  'Hell honey, I ache like a bastard. My dick is so hard my skin feels tight, it's beyond anything I've felt before and I hurt. I just want relief,' he lowered his eyes to hers, his teeth grit, and she searched his mind.

  'There's something else there, something else is prowling in the back of your mind.'

  'Just do it Maya, I need this from you, I need you to surrender to my will. Now open your fucking mouth and relieve me,' he ground out. Her hand moved from one of the handle bars and his hand in her hair tightened in warning. A growl rumbled up from his throat and she ignored him and put her hand to his sac, and stroked, her tongue running over the tip again.

  'Jaden it's your cat, your cat is too close, pull him back, you're hurting my head. Your hands are too tight in my hair,' she felt his shock and heard him take a breath.

  'Shit, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' He went to pull away and release her but she held him to her, her tongue again stroking over the tip, then running beneath the crown. He groaned in the back of his throat and his hips bucked his hand tightening again as he pushed against her lips, the tip breaching and slipping inside.

  'So good, that feels so fucking good,' he whispered in her mind.

  'Take more, I need you to take more Maya, open up and let me in.' He looked down at her, watching as she complied, allowing him to thrust slowly into the tight, hot, moist cavern of her mouth. His hips bucked again as she rubbed her tongue over his length as he pulled back and he thrust forward again taking it a little deeper.

  'Breathe through your nose, you can do it, take more for me,' he ground out, his eyes squeezing tightly as her mouth stretched to accommodate him.

  'Put your hand back on the handle bars for me, do it now Maya.' He felt her breath hiss over him as she slowly lifted her arm above her head again, gripping the handlebar as he asked.

  Using the hand he still had in her hair he began to move her head in the rhythm he craved. Moving her up and down his length, watching her eyes before lowering his own to watch her breasts rise and fall as her nostrils flared with each breath she took. He'd never seen anything as hot as the sight of her lay there trusting him not to hurt her, not to take it too far before she was ready. He looked down the length of her body, and groaned as he touched the back of her throat, it wasn’t enough he needed more suction. He'd no sooner had the thought than her mouth tightened around him and he looked back up to see her cheeks hollow out as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. He thrust a little deeper, and he felt her panic and pulled back.

  'It's okay Maya you'd have to learn to control your gag reflex for me to go further. This is enough for now, you've no idea how good this feels, so fucking hot.'

  His thigh muscles were burning, and he had to pull back or he was going down her throat, and he wanted inside her body. He pushed back the cat and pulled out, then carefully slung his leg over the seat of his bike and lifted her hips, sliding beneath her.

  'Hold on, don't let go.' He lifted her and positioned himself at her entrance then slammed home, holding still once he was fully seated inside her. Savouring the feeling of her tight muscles and flesh as it slowly stretched, making way before squeezing around him. A tight, snug fit that strangled him as he began to move, lifting her hips up and into him. He held her to him, keeping her hips snug against his groin and her thighs wide as he maneuvered her with a hand on each buttock. Watching himself disappear and reappear from her body as he sped up, her knuckles white from gripping onto his handle bars. Her jacket open and top still above her breasts but he'd left them on purposely so the top for the gas tank filler didn't cause any damage to her skin. He could feel her shaking as he slammed into her to the hilt over and over but she wasn’t getting there, she wasn't tipping over the edge. His balls were so tight he could feel the tingle in his spine and he grit his teeth trying to hold off because he refused to go without her. He made sure she was looking at him as he gave her a cocky grin, then made the most of his flexible spine. Bending forward as he sank into her and sucked that little bundle of nerves into his mouth at the top of her sex on his inward glide, flicking it with his tongue as he gave a lazy deep thrust. That was all it took, her inner muscles clamp down on him like a vice and he had no choice but to let go with her. He sat back and held still as that first explosive release left him, making him light headed then continued to thrust, each one another jet shot high inside her, bathing her inner walls until he was spent. She wasn't though, and he continued to push through her orgasm with her, enjoying the burn of the rhythmic squeezing. All he wanted to do now was roll over and sleep but his body had other ideas, his body was far from finished.

  'You and me both Tiddles,' she whispered in his mind. Maya was absolutely wrung out, no energy at all, her legs felt like jelly and her breath was sawing in and out of her abused lungs. He watched her from slumberous eyes, his hands releasing her buttocks as his thumbs now played where they were still joined, he ran them up and down her folds, spreading all the moisture now pooled there.

  'Round-two?' he asked raising a dark brow as he continued to thrust into her, not quite as hard as before but definitely not flaccid either.

  'I can't move, I think my hands are welded to your handle bars,' she admitted and half laughed, which made him groan and that semi hard erection he'd had, went instantly solid as he came back to screaming life. He bent forward, over her, so he could prise open her fingers, pulling her over his lap so she was straddling him on the seat. He was still moving as he wrapped her still limp arms around his neck and put his around her waist.

  'Now if this was legal, it would make a hell of a way to get around,' he informed her as he again picked up the pace. His hands dropping from her waist to her backside once more so he could move her on and off his body. He nuzzled his way down her neck to her breasts so he could suck and nibble at them as he continued riding her. He gave her left nipple one last lick and kissed his way back up her chest to her mouth as he increased his speed, using a hand to slam her down on him as he rotated his hips on the upwards glide, groaning as she sucked on his tongue. He felt his dick kick up inside her and swell, the tingle starting in his balls again as she again began to tighten around him. On each movement he made sure to keep her flush against him so the angle put pressure on that little bundle of nerves. Her mouth opened breaking the kiss as her eyes locked on his, they were wide and shocked as he sent her over again before following her.

  Maya lay sprawled all over Jaden, limp as a rag doll and feeling like her bones were made of jelly, she didn't even have the energy to hold up her arms. Her breathing was still a little quick, and he held her to her, running a hand down her hair that had completely come out of the confines she's had it in. Not that his rough treatment or the helmet had helped its state either. His breathing was nowhere near as laboured as hers, his heart rate had increased slightly but was still beating strongly beneath her ear. She was plastered to him and he was the only thing stopping her from collapsing to the floor in a heap.

  'Round three?' he asked hopefully, and she just snorted and felt him grin against her hair.

  'I think we need to stop feeding you Tiddles, you have far too much energy.' His stomach took that moment to protest.

  'Actually, you haven't fed me at all. Look at me I'm wasting away,' he told her and pulled back slightly.

  Maya leaned back against his arms and let her eyes trail down his still fully clothed body. The tight t-shirt, hugging every line and dip in his body from those lickable pecs that ran into those ridges that ran down his abdomen. His waist and hips were slim and his thighs again were muscular, but not overly so, they looked powerful.

  Jaden felt her eyes on him like a brand, one that scorched him everywhere they landed. He felt himself harden again at the blatant appraisal and his dick jerked again inside her. Her eyes flew to his, showing shock and a little trepidation and he couldn't blame he, he really couldn't. He should have been well sated but his body really wasn’t co-o
perating at the moment. He knew she wasn't up to it though, she really wasn’t. She was too new to all his, which in itself made his chest swell knowing he was the only man who'd ever seen her like this, well-loved and satisfied. He'd done that, he'd given her that heavy lidded look and bee-stung lips, he'd definitely done her thoroughly but now he needed to leave her to rest.

  He slowly pulled his body from hers, hissing as he again slid along those tight muscles that seemed to want to keep him there, as they tried to pull him back.

  "Come on Maya, let's get you cleaned up. Then I'll take you back and you can rest for an hour. I'll keep my eye on the place and keep your safe."

  She just nodded, she was incapable of movement, there was no way she would be able to control her limbs, they still felt like rubber, there was no way they were going to hold her weight.

  "Will it be like this when you bind us?" Maya asked with a yawn and she tried to look at him through blurry eyes, but her lids were too heavy to keep open.

  "You want to take the bond?'

  "Of course, I mean I get a man who's willing to put his life before mine. I'd be mad not to," she shrugged. "Plus I've always wanted to climb these trees, I guess as a cat I finally get that chance huh Tiddles?" she said on a yawn. Jaden smiled against her mouth as he gave her a gentle kiss.

  Her resilience amazed him, she didn't seem to let things phase her at all. She just took it and moved on. No drama, no theatrics, nothing. She absolutely fascinated him and that worried him slightly, but he'd work with it, he'd think of something.

  Maya could hear the gears working in his brain as he tried to work out the angle. She nearly laughed out loud at that one, she'd explain it to him one day but not today she was too tired.


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