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Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)

Page 16

by JF Holland

  "Son of a bitch," he snarled. "Maya stay there and don't move. And don't you dare stop fucking breathing again, do you hear me?" Placing a soft kiss on her cheek, the gentleness at complete odds with his gruff manner, he put her in full recovery position. He didn't want her rolling over while he saw to their uninvited guest. Slowly he rose to his feet, and the Jackal looked up, its head turning towards him, then dropping down to Maya, its large pointed ears twitching.

  "Don't you dare fucking look at her, you will die for touching her," Jaden snarled. He reached for his cat yet again, bones twisting and fur taking over as he embraced the change, revelled in it as he let his cat have full reign. He also wanted his justice for what had been done to his mate, he was seething with anger as he now stood on 4 legs. His lips drew back off his teeth and the end of his tail twitched as he crouched, front end lower than his back as he fixed his unblinking gaze on the Jackal. It backed up and made a yapping sound, much like a wild dog as it went to turn bushy tail and run, preservation obviously upmost in its mind. Jaden was on it in a heartbeat, slapping it with his large paw and knocking it back off its feet again. It rolled and came back up trying to nip at him and defend itself, but he snarled and swatted it again with his claws this time, deep furrows raking down its hind quarters. He stepped back and prowled around it as it warily watched him, but he was on it again before it could retreat, and he raked down its other side, deep furrows bleeding freely as it let out a high pitched whine and tried to limp out of reach.

  'Maya don't look,' Jaden sent the command to Maya, sighing in relief as he could once again reach her mind. Then he pounced, his larger Jaguar body blanketing the smaller wild dog. It tried to turn and rake at his belly with its back legs as its muzzle turned and dug under his front leg, biting down but Jaden just snarled. Rearing back he opened his mouth, then closed it around the much smaller head of the Jackal. The bones of the skull crunched under the impact of that colossally strong jaw. He released his hold and dropped its lifeless body to the ground before backing away and beginning to prowl and pace near it again. He swatted a paw at it again a claw swiping across the throat, before he did it again and again, until the head fell from the body. He chuffed and backed up before coming at it again, his claw this time cutting through the chest, tearing it wide open through fur, skin, muscle and bone. Then he used his muscle to get inside and opened his mouth around the now silent heart, dragging it from inside and spitting it out on the ground beside it.

  "Jesus, Jaden, what the fuck." He heard from the backdoor of the house next door and he turned snarling towards the newcomer, his cat, slapping at the grass and hissing before prowling backwards without breaking eye contact. His cat still livid that his mate had nearly died, he was finding it hard to control the rage it felt.

  "It's gone, move back," Balin shouted, holding his hands up in front of him then his head turned. "Shit Jaden, what's wrong with Maya?" at that the cat turned and Jaden shudder as he shook off the cats thrall and shifted back one again. Striding back across the grass, he dropped down beside her, pushing her hair off her forehead so he could check she was still alive. Rubbing a hand in the grass to remove some of the blood, he again gently stroked her face, her eyes slowly blinking open at his voice.

  "Are you back with me properly this time," he asked, and she nodded her head then winced.

  "Jaden what the fuck happened?" Balin demanded from behind him, staring at the carnage over his shoulder before looking back to a still pale Maya. He averted his eyes from her as he spotted the ripped t-shirt. Jaden pulled the sides together and stared in disgust as his brother.

  "She wasn't fucking breathing that's what happened. Where the fuck were you and Sam when I needed you? When my mate wasn't breathing and had no heartbeat. Where the fuck were you then?" He shouted accusingly at him, adrenaline at his near loss still flooding his system. With one last disgusted look he gently lifted her into his arms and headed back towards the house, stopping near the back door.

  "The least you could do is clean up the shit on the lawn," Jaden snarled over his shoulder to Balin. Then he climbed over the shards of broken glass, pushed the now broken door open and stepped inside. Ignoring the cuts to his bare feet he sat her on the edge of the kitchen table so he could get a good look at her.

  "Jaden?" he heard quietly behind him, and he snarled but didn't respond. "What can I do to help?" asked Binks.

  "It's too late," he told him sadly. "There's nothing you can do now, but tomorrow you will need to take over the care of my mate for me." He said quietly, looking towards his younger, loss and sorrow evident in his features. He watched his brothers eyes widened in understanding and he shook his head.

  "No." Balin said.

  "No? You won't take care of my mate, not even to protect her. She nearly died Balin, the least you could do is protect her for me. What kind of brother are you when you refuse this one thing that I ask of you? Especially when I am going to need you to do this." Ignoring his brother he leaned into Maya and used a finger to tilt up her chin. He looked into her eyes so see her glazed, unfocused eyes, he lifted a finger on his other hand and moved it from side to side checking her vision but she wasn't tracking fully. Just as well really with what he'd just done to the Jackal, he thought. The anger and fear he'd tried to push away surfaced again and made him want to go back outside and do it all over again. They were both covered in blood and he needed to get them cleaned up before she realised.

  "Did you move the shit off the lawn?" he asked Balin as he once again lifted Maya into his arms and went to walk out of the kitchen.

  "I'm on it now," Balin informed his retreating back, "but then I'll be back and we'll talk." He turned and walked out of the broken back door as Jaden didn't respond as he carried Maya upstairs.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jaden carefully stripped Maya out of her ripped t-shirt and jeans, hissing at the bruising already appearing on her chest. He gently lifted her, holding her against his chest, and taking comfort from her heart beating against his own racing one as he stepped under the warm water in the shower. He slowly lowered her feet to the base and held her steady while he rinsed the blood off them both before tilting her back over his arm so she could do the same to her hair. She also opened her mouth to swill it out, and he hissed as he spotted the long gash on her swollen tongue. The visual signs of her injuries made his livid all over again and he lifted her again, kissed her cheek and ran his face over the top of her head. His heart was still beating too fast in fear. That had been too close, way too close. He didn’t know what he'd do if he'd lost her and then closed his eyes as sorrow swamped him. He may have saved her life, but he'd lost her anyway. Maya stirred against him, feeling his anguish and not understand it.

  'What's wrong?' Maya whispered in his mind, still not quite tracking. Her head was banging, and the room was spinning alarmingly making her want to throw up. She tried to speak out loud but her tongue felt thick in her mouth and her chest hurt.

  "Nothing's wrong, everything is fine. You're alive so everything is fucking fantastic," Jaden answered her out loud. She knew by him doing so that he was hiding something, trying to keep her out of his head. He cleared his throat and spoke again ignoring her silent query as she waited.

  "What hurts Maya? Tell me where else you're hurt, apart from your tongue and chest?" She sighed and closed her eyes, letting go of her thoughts, she couldn't think straight and the light was making her headache worse.

  'The back of my head save me when it took the beating after I landed on the path after he knocked into me.' Jaden's hand was already running over the back of her head and he swore as he felt the egg-sized lump on the back of her skull. He gently probed and apologised as she winced. Luckily the skin hadn't broken it was just grazed and the huge lump was probably due to internal bruising and blood collecting under her scalp.

  "What else?"

  'My chest is sore, I feel sick, and the light is bothering my eyes.' She admitted, placing her forehead against his chest to block it

  "I think you may have concussion, but I'll get a doctor out to check you over" he said as he turned off the water and stepped out again. He was still a little shaky of the near miss so picked up a couple of towels off the rail and carried her through to the bedroom. He threw a towel on the bed and pillow and lowered her gently down onto it. He then patted the moisture from her skin, leaving her hair alone so as not to cause her further pain, her head had taken a beating. After pulling the towel from under her - leaving it on the pillow, he covered her with the quilt as her teeth were chattering. Standing back up he padded over to the window and closed the curtains, blocking out the light before walking out of the room

  'Jaden,' Maya called to him, still using telepathy.

  "Yes?" He called as he stood in the bathroom and dried himself off, checking the bite under his arm and the cuts on his feet. The shift had helped heal most of the wounds so he didn't need to do anything. Plus he wouldn't get an infection from them so he wasn't worried. His main concern at the moment was seeing to her comfort while he was still able.

  'Just give me and hour and I'll be set to go.' May told him as he entered the bedroom again, he stopped in the middle of reaching for his jeans.

  "No Maya, I'm getting a doctor to check you over, then you are going to rest and heal." He tugged his jeans up his legs and heard movement behind him, turning in time to see her struggling to sit up. He left his jeans unbuttoned as he swore and moved back over to the bed.

  "What are you doing?" he grumbled. "I said you need to rest. Now lie down while I go and check if Balin has sorted out the trash. I'll phone for a doctor while I'm there."

  'I said I will be ready in an hour. All you need to do is grab me a couple of pain killers,' she said on a wince, as she lay her head back on the towel.

  "No Maya, you need time to heal. You died, I saw you dead, and that's going to take some time to recover from." He said, jaw tight.

  'You saved me, I'm fine, just a little sore. Once the pain killers kick in, I'll be ready for the binding.' He shook his head, but she went to get up again and he growled taking her shoulder and pushing her back down.

  "Lie the fuck down," he hissed at her.

  'Do you not think I can't see what's going on in your head? You don't get rid of me that easily, I am going through with the binding.' She heard him sigh and shake his head but he wouldn’t meet her gaze.

  'Look Jaden, I don't need this noble shit, I appreciate it, but it won't do either of us any good. I'm not letting you go. Fuck my head hurts,' she whimpered in pain, but frustration at not being able to vocalise her feelings was also evident, even through their telepathic link.

  'I need to talk but my tongue hurts too, so this is going to have to stay in our heads.' She waited until he looked up at her again, and she patted the mattress. Sighing, he sat down beside her and looked at her, displeasure evident in his tight features.

  'Okay now I have your attention. I'm going to say this once, so listen and listen well. I am not made of glass.' He opened his mouth to protest, but she held her hand up until he subsided with a growl.

  'Yes, I know I've had a shit afternoon. I feel a little battered and bruised, but this is important. We either go through with the binding, or I'm going to lose you, and that's not an option. I meant what I said when I thought I was dying Jaden.' He looked up at her again and she smiled, before wincing again. He took hold of her hand and threaded their fingers together so their mate marks touched.

  'You are not getting rid of me. I'm going to love you whether you want me to or not, so you need to get used to it. Although I appreciate the worry but need stop the macho bullshit.' She told him crossly.

  'I won't break, you'll just have to be a little gentle with me tonight that's all. I am not going to lose you, I can't take that.' She swallowed and closed her eyes as if the thought caused her pain.

  Jaden blinked a couple of times and really listened to what she was saying. Not that it was easy as his stomach was still knotting with worry and fear. He ran his knuckles down her cheek and her eyes opened again. He dropped his gaze and frowned as he released his hold on her hand and ran his finger over her mark. When he looked up his eyes were a little shiny, and he smiled, just a twist of his lips.

  "Are you sure about this Maya, absolutely sure?" She nodded and winced at the action and he swore again. Then bent forward and kissed her mouth very gently, just a light brush with his own lips.

  'I love you too,' he whispered into her mind as he leaned down and put his forehead to hers. His heart was beating double time again, not in fear this time, but in hope. Hope that just maybe he was going to get a chance to have some kind of future with her.

  Maya couldn't follow his thoughts, it hurt too much to try to figure out what he was thinking. Giving up, she blinked a couple of times, trying to clear her vision and found herself trapped in his gorgeous amber gaze. As he smiled she let out a relieved breath and returned it.

  Jaden had just gone to kiss her again when they heard footsteps downstairs. He sat up ad turned, placing himself in front of her, just in case it was another attack

  'And that's why I love you,' she whispered as she ran her hand over his back as they heard Balin shout.

  "Jaden, I refuse to look after your mate because you're not going anywhere. I know you're a stubborn bastard, but I want to get to know my brother." Jaden looked over his shoulder at Maya and grinned, giving her a wink.

  "Hey Balin, that witch Agatha, is she any good at healing?" They heard his feet on the stairs now as he made his way towards them.

  "I think I need her skills to make Maya better. She has a slit tongue, concussion with an egg on the back of her head and a headache. That's no good to me, I need her in tip top shape for our ceremony. I'm finally going to claim my mate tonight." He told him just as he appeared at their bedroom door.

  Balin stood by the doorframe and froze, blinking as he looked at them in puzzlement. Then it cleared and a huge grin split his face. Then he turned around, and they heard him jump down the stairs and then say.

  "Hey, Sam, get Agatha on the phone. We need her services, my brother claims his mate tonight."

  About the author

  J F Holland is a stay at home wife and mum with six children and a menagerie of animals. She still lives in her small home town of Partington, in Manchester (UK), where she was born, raised and attended school. She’s always had a love of romance books and spent a lot of time as a child re-writing the fairy stories she read. She also confused the hell out her children as they grew and learned to read themselves. The stories read to them growing up never matched the books she'd read from.

  She can be contacted through her Facebook page at:-

  Website Http://jf-holland-romance-author


  You can e-mail her at:

  Special note.

  I'd like to thank Jay Woolaway for allowing me to use his image for the cover of Moon Sworn. Jay is a sports person and can be found here on his facebook page:

  Message from the Author:-

  This is the 1st book in my first paranormal series, The Bound Series. I was first given the idea many years ago, but I had to find my feet first and get comfortable again writing.

  I've been listening to stories of big black cats roaming the British countryside for years. Obviously that got me thinking why so many sightings of Big Cats? What was going on that so many people had claimed to see them? Some even caught on camera while conservationist still insist that the cats aren't indigenous to the country and there was no real proof (and not just cats either). Cover up or is there something else going on? So my shifter stories were born, add in all the stories and media attention due to crop circles and it all kind of clicked for me. Surely these crops circles must have been around for centuries, planes, helicopters and satellites have only
been around for the last century (starting with the Wright Brothers first flight in 1903), so maybe these crop circles have always been around. Maybe we only really discovered them after man found a way to take to the air. Just how long have they been appearing and what could their significance be? Yep, it definitely piqued my interest and gave me something to work with.

  If you’d like to read more in the Bound Series, Jaden and Maya's story continues in book 2, 'Bound by the Moon' which is due out December 2016.

  If you enjoyed my first paranormal heated romance, maybe you'll also enjoy my Contemporary Series. A Dennison Property Story Series.

  Read on for the first chapter of Book 3 'Second Chance, this came out on the 4th May 2016


  Second Chance

  Chapter One

  Jeff Haneran absently thanked his secretary Joan as she dropped yet more paperwork onto his desk. He was chasing his tail so didn't have time to check what it was just yet. Busy trying to sort out the payroll for the new hotel Blake Dennison had just purchased. From day one trying to buy the Bellville had been a complete nightmare as some toe-rag had stuck a spoke in the works. He'd tried to put a stop to the sale, all down to a class grudge he'd had with Blake, as he himself was from a title and money and Blake was not. The toe-rag was now out of the picture and on the run, due to police interest in a few of his dodgy business dealings. Now it was all hands on deck as they steamed ahead to put the finishing touches and training in place. The final push towards completion and the big reveal of the now modernised hotel.


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