theory of computing 245, 281
theory of evolution 29, 116
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior 108
theory of problem solving 234
theory of programming languages 211
thinking machine 40, 167, 172–174
Thomas J. Watson Astronomical Computing Bureau 68, 71, 74
Thompson Publications 280
Thompson, V.A. 238n
Thomson, J.J. 57
Thomson, W. (Lord Kelvin) 82, 105n
thought 158, 234
thought experiment 234
thought process 282
Time Sharing Computer Systems 280
time sharing system 257, 260
timing diagrams 22
Toole, B. 27n
top down programming 267–269
topology 49
Torres y Quevedo, L. 39–41, 42n, 162, 167, 234, 292
total correctness of a program 271
transcendental function 18, 69, 70
transcreation 138
transistor circuit 243
translation 138, 145, 147n, 169–171
Traub, J.F. 279, 285n
trial and error 225
trigonometric function 29, 63, 69, 70, 112
Trinity College, Cambridge 10, 142
triode circuit 243
Trowbridge, W.P. 30
truth value 64
Tucker, S.G. 262n
Tukey, J. 165
Turanski, W. 205
Turing award 48
Turing computability 54, 77
Turing machine 4, 51–56, 79, 87, 88, 134, 181, 206, 214, 245, 278, 281
Turing test 172–174, 234
Turing thesis 56
Turing, A.M. 47–58, 59n, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 112, 113, 117, 118–119, 120, 129, 131n, 134, 141, 147n, 150, 154, 162, 165, 169, 171–174, 176n, 177n, 181, 192, 206, 229, 234, 245, 250, 270, 271, 276n, 278, 292
Tutte, W. 77
Ulam, S.M. 130n
Ullman, J.D. 245, 261n, 263n
ultrasonic memory 110, 184, 187n
Uncertainty Principle (Heisenberg) 47
unconditional branch 208
undecidability 47, 57
unification 163
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 207
UNIVAC 1 185
UNIVAC 1103 185
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) 178, 185, 203
universal computing 28, 29, 54–55, 79, 125
universal decision maker 228
universal host machine 186
universal language 171, 205, 206, 215, 216
universal laws 6, 7, 163, 284
universal Turing machine 54–55, 79, 115, 117, 154, 164
universality as a scientific ideal 205, 206
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 39
University of Amsterdam 265
University of Bologna 241
University of Cambridge 119, 120, 149
University of Chicago 72, 226
University of Dublin 65
University of Edinburgh 79
University of Göttingen 44
University of Illinois 235
University of Leyden 265
University of Manchester 78, 119, 120, 123, 149, 178, 241, 258
University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology viii
University of Michigan 91, 193
University of Paris 241
University of Pennsylvania 89, 93
University of Toronto 241
unsolvability 55, 57
Uranus College 24
U.S. Army 63, 74
U.S. Bureau of Census 30
U.S. Navy 70, 74
U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordinance 128
U.S. Patent Office 30
Use of High Speed Vacuum Tube Devices for Calculating (Mauchly) 97
user interface 28, 38
Usher, A.P. 43n
vacuum tube technology 66, 73, 75, 77, 90, 95, 100, 109, 116, 118, 161, 163, 243
value judgment 116
valve 78
Van Horn, E.C. 263n
van Wijngaarden, A. 223n, 224n
Vassar College 69
Vauquois, B. 223n
vector data type 218
verifier 34, 35
Vienna Definition Language (VDL) 273
virtual address space 258
virtual machine 136, 167, 194, 250
virtual memory 258–259, 260, 269
virtual process 268
Voltaire 24
von Eckerdt, B. 240n
von Neumann, J. 58, 91, 102, 108–113, 115, 118, 121, 130n, 131n, 133n, 135–139, 143, 147n, 150, 161, 162, 164–165, 167, 174n, 175n, 176n, 178, 179, 181, 190, 191, 196, 225, 228, 234, 238n, 241, 250, 271, 278, 292
von Neumann’s first computer program 136–137, 144
Walk, K. 276n
walk-through 22
Wallace, A.R. 13, 29
Wallace, D.B. 285n
Warren, S.R. 130n
water clock 40
Watson, T.J. Sr. 33, 68, 292
Watt, J. 9
Wattenburg, W.H. 262n
weapon system 61
Weaver, W. 65, 165, 169–171, 175n, 176n, 201, 292
weaving 32
Wegner, P. 155n, 276n
Wegstein, J.H. 222n, 223n
weight-driven clock 40
Weinberg, A. 220n
Weiss, E.A. 133n
Welles, O. 57
Western Joint Computer Conference 228
Wexelblat, R.L. 147n, 222n, 240n
Wheeler jump 143
Wheeler, D.J. vii, 107n, 122, 123, 126, 141, 142–145, 146, 146n, 147n, 148n, 149, 149–154, 155n, 169, 178, 188n, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 253, 255, 280, 281, 292
whiggism 7, 8, 28, 104
While statement 218
Whirlwind I (computer) 182, 185, 195, 196, 203
White Noise (novel) 32
Whitehead, A.N. 45, 47, 229, 230, 233, 277, 292
Whorf, B.L. 235, 240n, 292
Wiener, N. 157, 158, 166, 174n, 179, 226, 292
Wilde, O. 48
Wilkes, M.V. vii, viii, 22, 23, 26n, 27n, 74, 81n, 111, 119, 120–124, 126, 129, 130n, 132n, 133n, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147n, 148n, 149, 150, 156n, 158, 162, 171, 174n, 176n, 178–186, 187n, 188n, 189n, 250, 264n, 280, 281, 283, 293
Wilkinson, J.H. 82n, 131n
Williams tube 124, 149, 184
Williams, F.C. 123–124, 126, 132n, 149, 184, 196, 250, 293
Williams, S.B. 60, 61, 64
Wirth, N. 216, 224n, 293
Witt, B.I. 263n, 264n
Wolfflin, 156n
Wollheim, R. 156n
women in computer science 283
Womersley, J. 117, 119, 129
Wood, S. 27n
Woodger, M. 223n
Woolf, V. 24
word 82n
word length 76, 86
World War I 35, 38, 77, 162
World War II 57, 58, 61, 72, 74, 76, 79n, 83, 86, 91, 108, 110, 117, 121, 158
Worsley, B.H. 283
Wortman, D.B. 262n
Wössner, H. 191, 219n, 220n
Writable control store 186
Wynn-Williams, C. 77, 293
Younger, D.H. 223n, 262n
Yourdon, E.N. 275n, 276n
Yovits, M.C. 224n
Z family of computers 76
Z1 75
Z2 75
Z3 75, 76, 90, 191
Z4 76, 191
Z5 76
Zach, R. 58n
Zachary, G.P. 105n
Zierler, N. 195, 196, 203, 220n
Ziller, I. 221n
Zuse, K. 74, 75, 81n, 82n, 85, 87, 90, 191–193, 196, 219n, 220n, 293
It Began with Babbage Page 49