Without realizing it, Sara rushed towards them. The first woman kept her gaze on Sara as she approached, and the sense of loss and sadness deepened. Sara struggled to ignore the disgusting odor around her as she stood several feet away.
“Can you speak?” Sara asked.
The woman didn’t reply but looked over at her sister once again.
“I’m sorry,” Sara said as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. “We will give you peace. I’m certain we can release you from this.”
Sara glanced at Darian, knowing he followed her into the group of swaying bodies.
“Will they pass on?” Sara asked her partner. “Or will they still be tied to whatever keeps them here?”
“They will be released from the Citadel’s grasp,” Darian replied.
A wave of relief from the dozen of undead who appeared to be semi-coherent washed over Sara. She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned away from the emotions that assaulted her. Darian walked with her to the edge of the group and gently laid his hand on her arm.
“Could you feel them?” he asked.
“Only a few, but their sadness and remorse is…” She paused and looked at her Watcher. “My pain is nothing compared to theirs.”
He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. She let the emotions overwhelm her, grateful he understood without any more words between them.
After several minutes, she cleared her throat and forced back her tears.
“Thank you,” she said, gently pushing away.
“Let’s finish our task here, then go find your neighbors,” Darian said, “There’s still a lot more to do if we plan to exact revenge on the bitch.”
Sara let a smile spread across her face. “Indeed.”
He raised his arms. Fire ignited at his fingertips, and he turned towards the undead waiting for peace.
Find out what happens next in The Watcher’s Reckoning
Thank you for reading Sentinel’s Rise, the first book in The Watcher and the Sentinel series. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads.com. Reviews are very important for both readers and authors.
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Sentinel's Rise: Book 1 - The Watcher and the Sentinel Series Page 38