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Condi Page 27

by Antonia Felix

  231 “During the last four years…” “President Nominates Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State,” White House press release, November 16, 2004, (

  232 “Thank you, Mr. President….” Ibid.

  233 “One is that she will…” “To Europeans, Rice Brings Mitigated Hope of Harmony,” New York Times, November 20, 2004, p. A1

  233 “Having someone like her choose…” “Uterine Fibroid Surgery; Rice to Undergo Procedure,” Newsday, November 19, 2004, p. A44

  234 “Dr. Jacob Cynamon…” Ibid.

  234 “The first viable female candidate . . .” “The Bush Look” web site, February 28, 2001 (

  235 “I am not a very good long-term planner . . .” “Academic Style: Stanford’s New Provost Brings a Different Perspective to Campus,” Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1993

  235 “I’d like to think of myself as passionate . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001

  235 “We look at her as . . .” Interview with Reverend William Jones

  236 “There were no role models for her . . .” “National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Chosen for Special NAACP Image Award,” Associated Press web site, February 24, 2002 (

  236 “I had a different reaction . . .” Public speech given at the Capital Rotunda at the 2002 National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

  237 “As I travel . . .” Ibid.

  238 “We do not choose our circumstances . . .” Ibid.


  ABC News

  Adelman, Jonathan

  Aegon N.V.

  affirmative action issues


  African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)

  African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)

  Akhromoyev, Sergei

  Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights

  Albright, Madeleine

  American Academy of Arts and Sciences

  Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty

  Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)

  Armitage, Richard

  Arrau, Claudio

  Aspen Music Festival

  Aspen Strategy Group

  atomic bomb

  A World Transformed (Bush)

  Baker, James A.

  Barth, George

  Ben-Veniste, Richard

  Berger, Samuel

  bin Laden, Osama

  Birmingham, Alabama

  Civil Rights struggle and bombings in

  Birmingham News

  Black Codes

  Blacker, Coit

  Blackman, Ann

  Blackwill, Robert

  Blanton, Thomas

  Boston Globe

  Boy Scouts

  Boys & Girls Club

  Brahms Piano Quintet in F minor

  Branick, Karen

  Brest, Paul

  Brewer, Moses

  Brezhnev, Leonid

  Brinkley, George

  Brockovich, Erin

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew

  Buchanan, Pat

  Bush, Barbara

  Bush, George H.W.

  Bush, George W.

  campaign for presidency

  first meeting and work with C.R.

  September 11 attacks, aftermath of

  working style with advisors

  Bush, Laura

  Business Week

  Camp, Walter

  Camp David

  Cannella, Albert A.

  Carnegie Corporation

  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

  Carson, Deborah

  Carter, Jimmy

  Cash, Herman

  Casper, Gerhard

  Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)

  Castro, Fidel

  Center for a New Generation (Palo Alto)

  Chambliss, Robert

  Change magazine

  Charles Dickens and the Seven Deadly Sins (Love)

  Charles Schwab Corporation

  Chavez, Andrea

  Cheatham, Margaret

  Cheney, Lynne

  Cheney, Richard

  Cherry, Bobby

  Chevron Corporation


  Civil Rights Act of 1964

  Clarke, Richard A.

  Cliburn, Van

  Clinton, Bill

  Clinton, Hillary

  Cohen, William S.

  Cold War, end of

  Collins, Addie Mae

  Colored Methodist Episcopal Church

  Commonwealth Club

  Connor, Bull

  Cox, Archibald

  Crane, Stephen

  Cuban Missile Crisis


  Daalder, Ivo

  Dallin, Alexander

  Davis, Jack

  Davis, Mark

  de Larrocha, Alicia

  Democratic Party



  Dobbs, Michael

  Dole, Elizabeth

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  Dowd, Ann Reilly

  Downing, Ann

  Dukakis, Michael

  Efron, Brad

  Eid, Troy

  Ellington, Duke

  Erickson, John

  Fairfield Industrial High School

  Ferejohn, John

  Feste, Karen

  Fifty Years in Gospel Ministry (Steward)

  figure skating

  Financial Times

  Fitzwater, Marlin



  Ford, Gerald R.

  Ford, Susan

  Foreign Affairs

  Forshee, Jessi

  Frazier, Jendayi

  Galie, Jason

  Gates, Bill

  Gates, Robert

  Gender Integrated Training in the Military, Federal Advisory Committee on

  George magazine

  Gerasamenko, Dmitri

  German reunification

  Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (Zelikow and Rice)

  Gilbert, Arthur

  Glover, Evelyn

  Gonzales, Alberto R.

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  The Gorbachev Era (Rice and Dallin, ed.)

  Gorell, Fred

  Gould, Glenn

  Greenspan, Alan

  Gulf War

  Hadley, Stephen

  Hamer, Fannie Lou

  Hampton Institute

  Harriman Institute

  Hart, Gary

  Haskil, Clara

  Hastorf, Albert

  Haygood, Will

  Heath, Edward

  Helsinki Accords

  Hesburgh, Theodore

  Hewlett Foundation

  Hewlett-Packard Corporation

  Hewlitt, Walter

  Hills, Carla

  Hoover Institute fellowships

  Hughes, Karen


  Hunt, Swanee

  Hutchings, Robert

  Hutchison, Richard

  Iceland summit (1986)


  INF Treaty


  Jackson, Samuel L.


  Jaruzelski, Wojciech

  Jim Crow statutes

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Johnson C. Smith University

  Jones, William

  Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

  J.P. Morgan

  Kaplan, Lawrence


  Kelleher, Catherine

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kertesz, Stephen D.


  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King, Pam

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kohl, Helmut

  Korbel, Josef


  Kubasov, Valeriy

  Ku Klux Klan

  Laitos, Robby

  Lamont School of Music
br />   Latvia

  Lee, Spike

  Lindblaum, Karen


  Love, Angela Theresa Rice (aunt of C.R.)

  Lowe, Vivian

  Lyagushka, Tsarevna

  McFaul, Michael

  McNair, Denise

  McNamara, Robert S.

  McNichols, W.H., Jr.

  McPhatter, Genoa Ray (aunt of C.R.)

  Ma, Yo-Yo

  Malta Summit

  Mandelbaum, Michael

  Marshall Plan

  Masaryk, Jan

  Maxim Gorky (ship)

  Mays, Willie

  Mfume, Kweisi

  Middle East

  Miles College

  Miller, Arthur

  Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

  Montgomery Advertiser

  Montview Presbyterian Church (Denver)

  Morehouse College

  Morgan, Becky

  Morgenthau, Hans

  Moseley-Braun, Carol

  Mosely, Philip

  Moses, Edwin

  Muir Quartet

  multicultural education

  Muskie, Edwin


  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Endowment for the Humanities

  National Public Radio

  National Review

  National Security Council

  National Security Advisor, C.R. as. See Rice, Condoleezza

  Nèmeth, Miklòs

  New Presence

  The New Republic

  The New York Times


  Nixon, Richard

  Nordlinger, Jay

  Notre Dame, University of

  O’Neill, Paul

  O’Reilly, David J.

  Owens, Bill

  Paglia, Camille


  Parks, Gordon

  Pautler, Sylvia

  Perle, Richard

  Phillips, Channing


  Politics Among Nations (Morgenthau) The Politics of Client Command: The Case of Czechoslovakia, 1948- 1975 (Rice)

  Powell, Alma

  Powell, Colin

  Prados, John

  Putin, Vladimir

  Raisian, John

  RAND Corporation

  Ray, Albert Robinson, III (grandfather of C.R.)

  Ray, Alto (uncle of C.R.)

  Ray, Connie (aunt of C.R.)

  Ray, Mattie (aunt of C.R.)

  Ray, Mattie Lula (grandmother of C.R.)

  Reagan, Ronald

  Republican Party

  Rice, Angelena (mother of C.R.)

  Rice, Clara Bailey (stepmother of C.R.)

  Rice, Condoleezza family background

  Rice, Condoleezza

  academic career

  on affirmative action issues

  birth and childhood

  in Bush I administration

  in Bush II administration See also Bush, George W.

  in California

  as candidate (possible)

  Center for a New Generation (Palo Alto)

  church and religious faith

  Civil Rights movement and

  corporate board work

  in Denver

  education of

  exercise/workout routines

  father’s death

  figure skating and

  first government work

  football and

  foundation and cultural board work

  on gun control

  honorary degrees

  Hoover fellowships


  media/public exposure

  mother’s death

  and music

  naming of

  as National Security Advisor (NSA)

  National Security Council work (pre-Bush II)

  and Notre Dame University

  oil connections

  personality of

  personal/romantic life

  political and foreign policy views

  in presidential campaign

  provost work at Stanford

  public service work

  published work

  racial issues

  racism, life experience with

  research work

  as Secretary of State

  Rice, Condoleezza (continued)

  September 11 attacks, aftermath of

  Soviet/Russian studies and Russia

  speeches of

  sports, passion for. See also football

  and Stanford University


  as teacher

  women in foreign policy roles and

  Rice, Constance “Connie” (cousin of C.R.)

  Rice, John Wesley, Jr. (grandfather of C.R.)

  Rice, John Wesley (father of C.R.)

  Rice, John Wesley (great-grandfather of C.R.)

  Rice, Julia Head (great-grandmother of C.R.)

  Rice, Theresa Hardnett (grandmother of C.R.)

  Robertson, Carole

  Robinson, Howard

  Roosevelt, Teddy

  Rosenthal, Joel H.

  Ross, Dennis

  Rove, Karl

  Rubinstein, Arthur

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Russia. See also Rice, Condoleezza; specific individuals

  St. Mary’s Academy (Denver)

  Sandow, Greg

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San Francisco Symphony

  Saracino, Therese

  Sawislak, Karen

  Sciolino, Elaine

  Scowcroft, Brent

  Scowcroft, Marian

  Sepolen, Brenda

  Secretary of State, C.R. as. See Rice, Condoleezza

  September 11, attacks of


  Seymour, John

  Shambry, Henry Lee

  Sharon, Ariel

  Shelton, Henry

  Shockley, William

  Shores, Arthur

  Shultz, George P.

  Shuttlesworth, Fred

  Singh, Jaswant

  Sisters of Loretto

  Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (Birmingham)

  Smith, Juliemma


  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

  Souers, Sidney William

  Stanford University

  provost job for C.R.

  Star Wars programs

  Steward, Theophilus Gould

  Stillman, Charles Allen

  Stillman College

  Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT I & II)

  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

  Sununu, John H.

  Tagliabue, Paul

  Taylor, Darcy

  Tenet, George

  Texas Rangers baseball team

  Time magazine

  TransAmerica Corporation

  Truman, Harry

  Tuskegee Institute

  Tutu, Desmond

  Uncertain Alliance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-1963 (Rice)

  University of Alabama

  University of Denver

  USS Belknap


  The Volunteer Army and the Revolution in South Russia (Brinkley)

  von Hagen, Mark L.


  Walesa, Lech

  The Wall Street Journal


  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, Gene

  Washington Post

  Watergate scandal

  Wateska, Mark

  Wehner, Russ

  Wesley, Cynthia

  Westminster Presbyterian Church (Birmingham)

  Wild, Earl

  Wilson, Pete

  “W is for Women” program

  Wolfowitz, Paul

  Women’s Foreign Policy Group

  World Trade Center attack. See September attacks of

  Yeltsin, Boris

  Yugoslav crisis

w, Philip

  Zoellick, Robert


  Antonia Felix is the author of fourteen nonfiction books, including Wesley K. Clark: A Biography; the national best-seller Laura: America’s First Lady, First Mother; Andrea Bocelli: A Celebration; and Silent Soul: The Miracles and Mysteries of Audrey Santo. She has also edited a number of movie books including Windtalkers: The Making of the Film About the Navajo Code Talkers of World War II and Pearl Harbor: The Movie and the Moment. In addition to her writing career, she is an operatic soprano who performs throughout the United States and Europe. She lives with her husband, Stanford Felix, in Lawrence, Kansas.

  Copyright © 2005, 2002 by Antonia Felix

  All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, without written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to Permissions Department, Newmarket Press, 18 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017.

  This book is published in the United States of America.

  New updated edition

  eISBN : 978-1-557-04963-6

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Felix, Antonia.

  Condi : the Condoleezza Rice story / Antonia Felix

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. Rice, Condoleezza, 1954- 2. National Security Council (U.S.)—Biography 3. Presidents—United States—Staff—Biography. I. Title.

  UA23.15 .F45 2002

  355’.033073’092—dc21 2002012206


  Companies, professional groups, clubs, and other organizations may qualify for special terms when ordering quantities of this title. For information, write Special Sales Department, Newmarket Press, 18 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017; call (212) 832-3575; fax (212) 832-3629; or e-mail [email protected].




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