Warriors of Ryon: Bayden

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Warriors of Ryon: Bayden Page 3

by S. K. Yule

  A tap sounded at her door, and she jumped. “Come in.”

  The door slid open to reveal Bayden. She finally got her wish to see his eyes unadorned by the sunglasses, and her breath hitched. They were a unique lavender color—a gorgeous shade of lilac, only deeper, richer, and bolder. He was truly a beautiful man, and her skin prickled with awareness as his gaze rested on her.

  “We’ve landed. If you follow me, I’ll show you to your quarters.”

  She looked at Molly. Ellie didn’t want to wake the girl and thought about carrying her, but Ellie wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to handle Molly’s weight.

  “I’ll carry her if you like.”

  She looked at him, at Molly and then back to him. She worried her bottom lip with her front teeth. He’d demonstrated that he wouldn’t hurt her, but he was still a stranger.

  “You can walk right beside me again.” His voice was low, steady, and quiet, a calming melody to her frazzled nerves.

  Finally, she nodded. Ellie slipped off the bed and watched as Bayden scooped Molly and carefully situated her against his chest. She looked tiny and frail snuggled to him, and Ellie’s concern for Molly’s health intensified. Stop it. They’re going to help her get better. Thad said he could cure her.

  “She’ll be all right,” he said as if he knew what she’d been thinking.

  “I know.” Even though hope tickled her heart, she was scared to accept that Molly would be okay until she actually was.

  “Come with me.” Bayden ducked through the doorway to keep from bumping his head.

  Once outside of the ship, she followed him through a maze of tunnels, broken up by a number of metal-looking black doors with keypads. The new place provided a welcome distraction. Otherwise, she’d be focusing too much on the way his black leather pants hugged his delectable backside.

  His back and shoulders were broad, and his waist was lean. Every muscle was outlined by the fitted black shirt clinging to him like a second skin, and his walk…ohhh. She tried hard not to whistle under her breath in appreciation of his predatory stride with a hint of sexy swagger.

  Pay attention to the tunnel, Ellie. She was surprised to find the surface of the walls to be a smooth stone that resembled granite or marble with billions of deep veins in rich colors. The floor looked similar to the walls but was predominately black and charcoal with white flecks here and there.

  She cringed as she struggled to process the fact that there were other planets with life. The fact that she was on one of those planets put her on a precarious teeter between awed and terrified. Within a few hours, she’d been introduced to things she’d only thought possible in dreams, books, and movies. She’d ridden in a spaceship, for Christ’s sake.

  She didn’t have time to dwell on such thoughts. She needed to remain calm and alert for Molly. No harm had come to her or Molly, but Ellie needed to remember that these men were strangers.

  “What is this place?”

  “The royal family that once ruled Ryon lived here. There was an uprising against the family about two years ago. The compound is strong enough to withstand most attacks, but they made the mistake of trusting the wrong person. By the time the traitor was discovered, it was too late, and an attack was launched from inside. Most of the royals fled or were killed. Things settled down after a while, but a group of rogues had overtaken the compound. Stryder and his brother, two of our team members, were determined to make sure the compound was used to benefit others. They were able to infiltrate and eventually defeat the group, then claim the compound. The rest of us were welcomed in over time.”

  After a few minutes, Bayden stopped, punched a code on a keypad on the wall, and a door slid open. She followed him into an enormous room. The walls and floor were the same as the tunnels, and the open design plan included a full-size kitchen. Other than a few strange appliances, everything appeared similar to the kitchens on Earth. Maybe later she could keep occupied by giving in to the curiosity to find out what those few unfamiliar appliances did. The living room was sparsely decorated with plush, black-leather furniture, black end tables and coffee tables, and a television hanging on the wall, nearly as big as a movie theater screen. On the far wall were two doors. The lack of a feminine touch screamed “bachelor pad.”

  She spun in a slow circle, taking in the surroundings. “This is amazing. I would’ve never expected all of this to be in a cave.”

  “The royals did like their luxuries,” Bayden said. “When they fled, there wasn’t time to take much. We’ve rearranged things to suit our needs. Each of us stays in what used to be guest or servant quarters.”

  “This was servant quarters?”

  “No. This was guest quarters. The royals treated their guests well.”


  “The members of the royal family lived at the other end of the compound. We used some of the furnishings and such, but mostly, the bigger rooms are storage.”

  Bayden carried Molly to the sofa and gently placed her on the plump cushions. He snatched a throw from the end of the couch and covered her. After placing his fists on his hips, he stared down at her with drawn brows.

  “Is something wrong?” She rushed to his side and knelt on the floor beside Molly.

  “No. I was just wondering when she’d wake up from the sedative.” Bayden pulled a wire from his collar and placed an earbud in his ear.

  “Thad. Come in.” A few seconds later he continued talking. “When’s the girl supposed to wake?” He listened for a few seconds. “Affirmative and out.”

  “What did he say?” Ellie had only agreed to let Thad give them a mild sedative because he told her it would help with the stress and keep the nausea at bay for their first time flying.

  Bayden placed a hand on her shoulder. “She’s fine, Ellie. Thad said that she’d sleep longer because of her condition. He’s going to come down in about twenty minutes to take her to the infirmary for treatment.”

  “Oh.” Ellie chewed at her bottom lip, and worked it between her teeth—surprised she had a bottom lip left.

  “Come on. I’ll show you the rest of your quarters.”

  She cast Molly one last worried glance before rising and following Bayden to the first door on the far wall. “There’s more?”

  He didn’t answer, simply pressed another button on the wall to open the door and stepped through to the next room. She barely kept her jaw from dropping to the floor when she saw the phenomenal bathroom that greeted her. A sunken tub the size of a small pool sat in the corner, a shower with an abundant amount of jets was in the opposite corner, and the double sink with full-size mirror looked to be about eight feet in length. The toilet was tucked nicely into another corner with a half wall for privacy. All the fixtures were shiny nickel, and the countertop matched the walls and floor and was showcased by the dark cabinets.

  He motioned for her to follow him to the shower. When she was beside him, he pointed to a digital panel with buttons. “If you use the shower, put in the desired temperature of the water here, and then hit the green button to confirm or red to clear. Eighty-five unas is usually about right. He pushed eight and five, then touched the green button to confirm. Within thirty seconds, the jets blasted on. “They won’t turn on until the temperature reaches your requested setting.”

  She was at a loss for words. A hot shower would be heaven after months of bathing in a tepid to cold stream. She fought the urge to fling herself under the warm water as he pushed the red button on the panel and the jets turned off.

  “Towels are in the closet over there.” He pointed to a door in the wall beside the shower she hadn’t noticed.

  “What’s that door for?” She pointed to another door on the opposite wall.

  “That leads to my room. Everything else is yours to use exclusively while you’re here, but the bathroom we have to share.”

  “You won’t be using the kitchen?” she asked.

  “No. There’s another one I can use elsewhere.”

y.” Suddenly an image of him standing naked under those steamy jets assaulted her, and she barely bit a groan back.

  She followed him to the last room. It was the bedroom. The bed was bigger than any she’d ever seen, and she itched to run and flop on it and feel the cushy softness beneath her. She refrained from doing so…for the moment. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you for your kindness.”

  “It’s nothing more than I’d do for anyone else in need.” He raked her with those cool lavender eyes.

  She didn’t believe him. She had a distinct feeling he rarely let anyone into his personal space. He struck her as a guarded and private man, but she wasn’t going to approach the subject with him at this time. “Is there someplace I can wash our clothes? This is all we have,” she said tugging at her tattered shirt.

  “There’s a laundry room down the hall from the kitchen to the left, but I’ll have some new clothes delivered for you and Molly by this afternoon.”

  “No. You’ve done enough for us already.”

  “Don’t argue, Ellie. It’s already done. Besides, you two can’t wear the same clothes forever.”

  “I won’t need them forever. Only until we get back home.”

  “We’ll talk about that later,” Bayden murmured.

  “I’ll pay you back.”

  “I don’t need you to pay me back.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s your money. It wouldn’t be right for me not to reimburse you somehow. Besides—”

  “It’s a moot point, nela. If you need me, knock on my door or press the intercom button on the wall by any of the main doors. If I don’t answer, code in 77, then press Call. That’ll get someone’s attention somewhere.”

  She tried hard not to stare at his drool-worthy ass as he swaggered from the room but couldn’t help taking a quick peek. Regardless of what he said, she’d find a way to pay him back…some way.

  You don’t have anything worth a dime, and you’re on another planet. She was going to have to do some research. She wanted to understand more about where they were. Until then, she was going to take a shower in that glorious bathroom.

  * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, Thad had come to get Molly as promised. After she’d been taken to the infirmary and hooked up to the medication that would save her life, he’d assured Ellie that Molly would sleep until the next morning. He’d also promised to come let her know if Molly’s condition changed at all.

  Ellie stood under the steaming water, and a lump formed in her throat. She planned to check on Molly again before going to bed. She still couldn’t believe that within a week, Molly would be cancer free. Thad assured her the process would be slow at first, but once Molly’s good cells fused with the treatment, the newly formed cells would form a counterattack on the cancer cells.

  The stress of what had happened slammed into her. She hadn’t allowed anything to break her despite everything, but she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this safe. She was sure that was why the barriers she’d built around herself finally cracked.

  Tears ran down both cheeks, and she allowed herself this one weakness. She’d get it out of her system because, safe or not, she had to be strong for Molly. A new surge of hurt shot through her, and she wept harder when she realized she’d probably never see her friends again. Even if she eventually returned home, nothing would ever be the same, and there was no guarantee any of her friends were still alive.

  * * * *

  Bayden was in deep shit. Ellie appealed to him as no other woman had come close to. When her clear blue eyes rested on him, his blood heated until it was a boiling inferno of need clawing to get its hands on her. Yeah, and you aren’t going to do a damn thing about it. You can’t have her, you worthless bastard. He ground his teeth, willing his overexcited cock to behave. It didn’t listen. Deciding a cold shower would help alleviate his current predicament, he pulled clean clothes from his dresser and closet and headed for the bathroom.

  After programming the shower for fifteen unas he stripped off his clothes and stepped under the spray, wincing at the biting drops that hit him like ice pellets. He didn’t know how the hell he was going to right the situation he’d gotten himself into. He’d never be able to return her to Earth as it’d take lifetimes for the planet to recover from being turned into a barren wasteland. The safest place for Ellie and Molly was here with him.

  So be it. You got yourself into this. Now deal with it. He soaped his body, and after a few agonizing minutes, the cold shower convinced his cock to wither. He rinsed the suds from his body, stepped out of the shower, turned the water off, and snatched a towel from the closet. He’d barely gotten it wrapped around his hips when Ellie walked in. Son of a bitch. He’d forgotten to lock the door.

  Her eyes widened as she stared at him, and her jaw dropped. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were in here.”

  “Obviously.” With amusement, he noticed she didn’t avert her eyes. His cock twitched again at her perusal of his body. “Get a good enough look, or would you like me to drop the towel?” He reached for it and almost laughed when she spun around.

  “I-I didn’t know you were in here.” Her voice was shaky.

  “So you said.” He was such an ass for goading her, but he couldn’t help himself.

  She headed for the door. “I’ll just leave.”

  “No need. I’m done. It’s all yours.” And in two seconds flat, he was right back where he’d started before taking the damn shower with a hard-on from hell. He wanted to strip her down and drag her back into the shower with him. He wanted to pound into her until they both screamed for mercy. He wanted to feel the continual buildup of tension drain from him as she gave him pleasure. He wanted to feel the frustration and sadness of the things she’d undoubtedly been through seep from her satiated body. But he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. She was too good for him. Eventually, she’d hate him.

  He opened the door to his room and stopped. “Did Thad come see Molly?”

  Ellie kept her back to him. “Yes. She’s fine. He said she’d be awake soon. She’s already moved around some, so I don’t think it’ll be long.”

  “Good. Do you know how to use everything in the kitchen?”

  “I think I can figure it out. Maybe.”

  “I’ll come over later and show you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Without saying another word, he left. The sound of the door sliding shut taunted him, as though it wasn’t merely an everyday noise, but more of an omen of what his future held where Ellie was concerned. He frowned. After dressing, he started down the tunnel.

  * * * *

  Bayden found Stryder outside the tunnel situated in the back of the compound. “What’s up, nelo?” Stryder leaned against the wall and looked out over the dark horizon.

  “You should’ve left her.”

  “I understand your logic, but this is out of character, even for you. Come clean.” Bayden knew Stryder had a hot temper, but there was more of an edge than usual to his friend. “You haven’t eaten for a while, have you?”

  “Haven’t exactly been offered a buffet of souls to feast on lately.” Stryder rubbed at his jaw with jerky movements.

  “You shouldn’t go so long.”

  “What are you, my matra? I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. I don’t need you telling me what I should and shouldn’t do.” Stryder blew out a sharp breath. “You’re the one in need of parental guidance.”

  “No.” Bayden faced Stryder. “And what the fuck does that mean?”

  “I’ve known you for a while now, and I never pegged you as dense.” Stryder paced back and forth. “You want to end up like my brother? You know what Faylinn did to Rohoman.”

  “Faylinn’s a lita, and Rohoman was blinded by a nice ass and thick eyelashes.”

  “Watch it, nelo. You may have saved my brother’s life once, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you disrespect him.” Stryder’s fangs poked out from under his top lip.

  “I meant no disre
spect, and you know it. I’m glad he finally got rid of her. She was bad for him. We all know that.”

  “No. She was worse. She destroyed him. All he wanted was her love, and she couldn’t even give him that.”

  “He’s strong. He’ll recover.” Bayden said.


  “What do your brother and Faylinn have to do with me?”

  “You want the woman. Your fucking pheromones were going crazy around her. No matter how tough we act, all of us crave to be loved, even though we’re too damaged for any decent woman. The wreckage of our pasts has left scars that can never heal.” Stryder put his hand on Bayden’s shoulder. It was a rare gesture for Stryder to touch anyone. “I don’t want to see you hurt like my brother was.”

  “No one’s going to hurt me. Least of all Ellie.”

  Stryder started for the door to the tunnel. “She’ll turn on you,” he said over his shoulder. “Men like us aren’t exactly ideal for everlasting love.”

  “Stryder,” Conlan said as he walked toward Bayden.

  “Tell me you haven’t come to lecture me too,” Bayden said.

  Conlan placed his hand over his heart. “Please. We’ve known each other since we were boys. Am I the lecturing type?”

  “No. Thank Kodo.”

  “What’s up with the vamp?”

  “Stryder thinks I’m hot for Ellie and that she’ll end up hurting me like Faylinn did Rohoman.”

  “Didn’t think Stryder was the caring type.”

  “I can’t say he didn’t have some good points.”

  “Such as?” Conlan rolled a smoke and lit the end. He took a deep drag, then blew out a cloud of green smoke.

  “You know, the ‘we’re all damaged therefore we’re incapable of being loved’ speech.”

  “Ah. That one.”

  Bayden pinched the bridge of his nose, willing the oncoming ache in his head to subside. “He’s not wrong. I’m attracted to her, but I’m not stupid. I know nothing will ever come of it.”


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