Vampire University (Book One in the Vampire University Series)

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Vampire University (Book One in the Vampire University Series) Page 2

by VJ Erickson


  “What was that about?” asked Hannah, who had finished making a round of the room.

  “What, those guys? I don’t know. I couldn't hear them, but that guy Joseph was pissed about something,” Taylor said, looking out through the lobby windows to see if she could see them outside.

  “That’s boys for you. First day on campus and they’re already picking fights with each other.”

  “Well, they are brothers,” Taylor said, turning back to Hannah.

  “Oh yeah, I know. Twins, actually.”

  “Really? I wouldn't have guessed. So you’ve met them already? I didn’t see you talk to them when they came in.”

  “I ran into them this morning and introduced myself. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this about me yet, but I’m not shy.”

  “No, definitely not. You’re going to have to teach me how you do it.”

  “You just do it,” Hannah said with a shrug.

  “Oh, well that explains what I was doing wrong this whole time.”

  “Pretty much! Don’t worry; just stick with me. I’ve got you covered!”

  Taylor had never thought of herself as shy, but she could see how that would be the case when compared to Hannah. Taylor always assumed she was as confident as the next teenager, which was to say "not very", so she could appreciate having someone as confident as Hannah on her side.

  “Well thanks,” Taylor replied.

  Just then, the door to the lobby opened, and in walked a pair of teenagers about their age, possibly slightly older. One was carrying a stack of pizza boxes stacked so high that all you could see were his legs. The other was carrying her purse.

  Without waiting for attention, the female addressed the room.

  “I’m Addison, the RA for Summers Hall third floor,” she said. “My friends call me Addie. You will call me Addison.”

  Taylor and Hannah flashed each other an “is she serious?” look.

  “This,” she said, gesturing to the boy besides her, “is your dinner.”

  With that, Addison turned and stepped out through the front door, not making eye contact with anyone as she left the building.

  The boy was still standing there with his arms full. Half a face peaked out from behind the stack of pizza boxes.

  “Hi! You can call me Tom," he said in a breezy contrast to Addison’s brusque demeanor. “I’m the resident adviser for Harris third floor.”

  Everyone just stared at him.

  “So, uh, can I get a hand, maybe?” he asked.

  “I’ve got you, bud,” came a voice from the front of the room as Eric appeared behind Tom, grabbing half the stack. He brought them over to a small table in the corner and set them down with an exaggerated flourish.

  “Hey, thanks man. I...” Tom began, but stopped suddenly as Joseph reached out from behind him and grabbed the rest of the boxes out of his arms.

  Joseph did not look at Tom or anyone else in the room. He kept his gaze fixed on Eric as he followed behind. Joseph set the boxes down next to the others and then proceeded to the opposite end of the room. He leaned against the corner and glared silently at seemingly no one in particular.

  Eric, on the other hand, walked straight for Taylor and Hannah and sat down between them.

  “Okay, guys. If you need anything, I’ll be upstairs," Tom announced. "And I do mean ‘guys’. Ladies, if you need anything, well... good luck with Addison!”

  “Yeah, I think we might need it. That Addison sounds rough,” Taylor said, leaning behind Eric to talk to Hannah.

  Eric leaned back to block their view.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” said Eric.

  Hannah leaned forward around Eric and said, “I think we can handle her.”

  “Oh I have no doubt. You two don’t look like the types who let anyone tell them what to do," he said.

  “Exactly,” Hannah said, her tone and expression flat.

  She then turned to Taylor and brightened up again.

  “Wanna go grab a slice?” she asked Taylor.

  Before Taylor could respond, Eric leapt out of his seat and declared, “Allow me!” and marched off towards the food.

  “You don’t like him,” Taylor said under her breath.

  Hannah shrugged and said nothing.

  “He seems nice enough,” Taylor offered.

  Hannah still did not respond. Taylor wasn’t even sure that Hannah was listening to her. She was staring off in the direction of Eric but didn’t seem to be looking at him. She appeared to be lost in thought.

  When Eric returned, Hannah jolted back to attention, and her easy smile returned.

  “Thanks Eric,” she said cheerfully.

  Hannah took a bite of her pizza and then immediately began to assault him with questions, giving him only a moment to get out an answer.

  “Where are you from?”

  “What are you studying?”

  “What do your parents do?”

  “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  Hannah’s change in demeanor was so sudden that Taylor wondered if she had imagined any awkwardness before. Taylor only caught a few of the answers. He was undeclared, his favorite color was green, and his parents were vacuum salesmen or veterinarians. Taylor didn’t catch which. Something with a "V". Maybe. Instead of giving her full attention to Eric, she was distracted by the figure of Joseph brooding in the corner. He seemed to be fixated on Eric, but at the same time tried to mask it by appearing disinterested in everything.

  Taylor wondered why the boys were fighting. Joseph didn’t seem even vaguely interested in her, so she assumed that she wasn’t the object of their dispute. For lack of a better explanation, she chalked it up to sibling rivalry.

  She stopped looking at Joseph for a moment and turned back to Hannah and Eric. They were both staring at her expectantly.

  “Well, Taylor? What’s your major?” Eric asked.

  “Oh sorry,” she replied. “Biology.”

  “Hey, me too!” he said eagerly. “I’m pre-med!”

  “I thought you just told Hannah you were undeclared.”

  “Well yeah, I wouldn’t want you to think I was a science nerd the first time you met me, would I?”

  “Or maybe you just made that up right now?” Hannah offered.

  Eric ignored her.

  “Give me your phone,” he said, holding his hand out to Taylor.

  Taylor didn’t budge.

  “What for?” she asked.

  “So I can give you my number, silly. Now hand it over.”

  Taylor handed the phone over to Eric. Hannah did not take her eyes off the phone as he entered his number, flipped the phone around, raised an eyebrow and the opposing corner of his mouth in a smirk/smile, and then took a picture.

  “There you go,” he said, handing the phone back. “No need to be so cautious. Your phone is safe and sound!”

  “Thanks. That was a close one,” Taylor joked.

  Just then, the door slammed behind them. Taylor turned to see an older man standing just a few feet from the door. He had dark hair, shoulder length and unkempt, and a comically thick mustache. Taylor guessed from his sports coat and tie that he was a professor.

  He stood quietly for a moment, arms crossed tightly across his chest as he scanned the room with a sour expression. The room fell to a hush in his presence. Even Eric, for once, was quiet.

  "Good evening, boys and girls," he finally spoke, his voice dry and impatient sounding. "It is my unfortunate responsibility to welcome you to our esteemed campus. Though since you little orphan Annies are clearly the motley crew of the freshman class, I can't be bothered to pretend to care that you are here. I can't imagine that any of you are here on anything but government assistance anyway."

  "Now wait a second," Eric began to interrupt.

  "MANNERS!" the man shouted while knocking over a chair. The unexpected outburst caught everyone off guard, and Eric seemed too surpr
ised to continue.

  "So congratulations on being a drain to society," the old man continued. "Perhaps we can do something about that here, but I'm not optimistic. Do avail yourself of the freshman orientation activities. I'm sure that while these activities are an onerous drain on our university's resources, you will find them quite... tolerable."

  The room was completely silent.

  "And do partake of the free food. No need to put off for tomorrow what can begin today, someone of some importance said at some point, I'm sure. So best get started on the freshman fifteen right away, ladies. At least then you can achieve something while you are here. Good day."

  With that, he left as abruptly as he had arrived. The room remained quiet for a moment, as if everyone was anticipating that he could barge in again at any moment, but slowly conversation began to resume around the room, though considerably more muted in enthusiasm.

  "So, who was that?" Taylor asked.

  "Don't know," said Hannah.

  "And what is the freshman fifteen?"

  "It's the fifteen pounds of weight everyone gains freshman year," said Eric.

  "Well, that's rude," replied Taylor. "I hope whoever he is, he's not someone we have to see again."

  “I’ll say,” said Eric. “Well, big day tomorrow, so I’m going to turn in. It was nice talking to you both.”

  “Yeah, you too,” said Taylor.

  Hannah didn’t say a word, but Eric didn't seem to be paying attention to her anyway. He gave an exaggerated wave goodbye and then stepped outside. Taylor hadn’t noticed Joseph move, but he was right behind his brother as they left.

  “So really, you don’t like him,” Taylor said once the door closed behind them.

  “What’s to like?” replied Hannah.

  “Well, I don’t know yet.”

  “Me neither. You ready to head up?” Hannah said, standing.

  “So ready. I could use some sleep.”

  “Yeah me too.”


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