Vampire University (Book One in the Vampire University Series)

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Vampire University (Book One in the Vampire University Series) Page 11

by VJ Erickson


  Hannah insisted that they get Addison and Eric back to the dorms so that they could recover, and Taylor and Joseph didn’t object. Hannah and Taylor worked together to support Addison back up to the dorms, as Joseph carried Eric over his shoulder.

  As they approached the dorms, Hannah stopped and turned to Joseph.

  “Are you going to take care of his memories?” she asked him.

  “What? Yeah. I guess that’s best," he replied. "But if he’s human, then...”

  “Then you need to dig deep until we figure out what’s going on. It's best if he doesn't remember being anything but human. When was he turned?"

  “When? Recently. A few months ago.”

  “Then go back to then. If he’s human, then he probably shouldn't remember any of the last few months.”

  Joseph looked unconvinced but agreed.

  “And Addison?” he asked.

  “I’ll take care of her memories. She’ll be fine.”

  Joseph sighed and then left towards Harris Hall with his brother in tow. Hannah and Taylor continued to drag Addison along to the building.

  “You know, she’s surprisingly heavy for such a skinny girl,” Taylor remarked. “Aren’t vampires supposed to have super strength or something?”

  “Nah, that’s a myth,” said Hannah.

  “Oh, that’s a myth. It’s good to know we still have those.”

  Hannah flashed her a weak smile.

  “Nope, no super strength, no super jumping, no super speed. Just,” Hannah said, pointing at her temple, “lots of mind tricks.”

  “Is that what you mean when you talk about their memories? Using your... vampire powers to erase them?”

  “We can’t erase them. It all still just tricks. It’s more like we convince them it was a dream, and then they bury it in their subconscious.”

  “Oh... so why doesn’t that stuff work on me? I mean, that’s how Eric was trying to manipulate me, right? That’s what you mean when you say I don’t listen.”

  Hannah sighed and said, “C’mon. I’ll explain when we’re inside.”

  They dropped Addison off in her room, and Hannah said a few words to her that Taylor couldn’t make out. Taylor noticed that though Addison’s neck was caked in dried blood, there was no sign of a wound. She wondered if Joseph had healed her too.

  “What about all that blood?” Taylor asked.

  “I put a glamour on it. She won’t see it and neither will anyone else. Besides, it only has to last until she takes a shower. She’ll be fine.”

  "A 'glamour'?"

  "An illusion. Another one of our mind tricks."

  “What happened to the cut on her neck? It's gone. Did Joseph do that? I thought vampires killed people, not healed them.”

  “Vampires don’t have to kill to live. You can lose a lot of blood before you die."

  “Oh... well, that’s... comforting, I guess. But the healing?”

  “That’s how we live indefinitely. Our bodies are constantly in a state of self-repair. When we bite others, we can pass it on. We can’t cure cancer or anything, but we can heal a topical wound. That’s how we don’t get caught. We don’t leave a mark,” Hannah replied.

  “And her memories?”

  “Already taken care of.”

  “Well that’s comforting... I think."

  “It should be. This would be a real mess otherwise."


  “Yep. C’mon,” Hannah said, leading Taylor back to their room.

  Once inside, Taylor wanted to collapse onto her bed in exhaustion, but she knew she wasn’t going to be able to sleep without answers.

  “What exactly happened back there?" Taylor asked.

  Hannah looked at Taylor for a moment, considering her response.

  “I'm not exactly sure,” Hannah replied. “But there's a reason I think that he has no effect on you.”

  Taylor stared at Hannah blankly, waiting for her to explain.

  “Your father,” said Hannah, “was a vampire.”

  “He was a... wait, you knew my dad?”

  “Well yes, but mostly your mom. She was a dear friend. And she asked me to look over you. That’s why I’m here. I’m older than this school. It’s not like I need to go to college!”

  “You’re... older than... and my mom is... ”

  "Your mom was not a vampire. Just your dad," said Hannah.

  Taylor suddenly felt lightheaded, and Hannah rushed to her side to prop her up.

  “Look, that’s a lot to process, I know," said Hannah. "She loved you very much. She only wanted your safety. That’s why I’m here. Come lie down.”

  Taylor was too overwhelmed to argue.

  “Look Taylor, I think you should rest. I will explain everything in the morning.”

  “But will I... my memories?”

  “I couldn’t touch them if I tried. Vampires have no effect on each other that way.”

  Taylor was relieved for a moment that her memories would be safe but jolted up in her bed when she realized that Hannah had said “each other”.

  “Are you saying that I’m a vampire?” Taylor asked.

  “No,” replied Hannah, “I’m saying that your father was a vampire.”

  “So what does that make me?”

  “Well, there’s not really a word for it because you’re not supposed to exist. You’re half of one and half of another.”

  “But what does that mean?”

  “I don’t know,” Hannah said. “Like I said, you’re not supposed to exist. Apparently we’ve learned this evening that your blood turns vampires back.”

  “But that’s a good thing, right? That will protect me from vampires.”

  “You assume vampires want only one thing. We’re not animals. We don’t do all of our thinking with our stomachs.”

  “I’m not following."

  “Imagine how powerful a vampire would be if he had the ability to render his enemies mortal. You would be extremely popular. And not in a good way,” Hannah explained.

  “Oh...” Taylor replied and put her chin down.

  “That’s why I’m here to help you keep a low profile. I’ll keep you safe."

  “So is that it? I learn that my father was a vampire, that I’m a half-vampire... or something. You’re a vampire here to protect me...”

  Taylor came to a sudden realization, and her eyes widened.

  “Wait, if I’m... then my brother?” she said.

  “Yep, him too. Don’t worry. He has someone looking over him as well. Your mother loved you both very much."

  Taylor felt tears welling up in her eyes. It was all just so overwhelming. Hannah sat down on the edge of her bed and stroked Taylor’s hair.

  “I know, Taylor. I remember the day my whole world changed too. It gets better,” Hannah assured her. “At least you’ve got me!”


  “Don’t mention it. I know you must have a lot of questions, and I promise I’ll do my best to answer them. But for now, we should get some rest.”

  “Vampires sleep?”

  Hannah giggled.

  “Of course they do. God, can you imagine staying awake all the time? How exhausting!”

  “There’s a lot of things I wouldn’t have imaged before today."

  Hannah passed her fingers once more through Taylor’s hair and then stood.

  “Well keep imagining, hon. Your life will never be the same,” said Hannah.

  “Uh... thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. Good night.”

  There was no response; Taylor, exhausted, had already drifted off to sleep.


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