The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction

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The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction Page 6

by Mark Dice

  Department of Defense documents drawn up in 1996 detail their plans to implant neural interfaces in soldiers’ brains—and in the heads of the civilian population as well. One document titled Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability outlines technology they hoped to have in place by the year 2025, and reads, “The implanted microscopic brain chip performs two functions. First, it links the individual to the IIC [Information Integration Center] creating a seamless interface between the user and the information resources. In essence, the chip relays the processed information from the IIC to the user, second the chip creates a computer generated mental visualization based upon the user’s request.”120

  The documents claim such things would help increase security, saying, “An implanted microscopic chip does not require security measures to verify whether the right person is connected to the IIC [Information Integration Center], whereas a room, helmet, or sunglasses requires additional time-consuming access control mechanisms to verify an individual’s identity and level of control within the Cyber Situation.”121

  The document addressed the expected resistance to such devices, saying, “Implanting ‘things’ in people raises ethical and public relations issues. While these concerns may be founded on today’s thinking, in 2025 they may not be as alarming,” and goes on to say, “The civilian populace will likely accept any implanted microscopic chips that allow military members to defend vital national interests.”122

  The finale phase of the plan is to replace most human soldiers with Terminator-style artificially intelligent robots. This was thought to be science fiction just a few years ago, but has recently become a serious endeavor by the United States and militaries around the world.123 Robotic soldiers, whether in the form of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, TALON tank-like robots, or android Terminators, would follow orders without question, no matter how unethical or inhumane they were.124

  Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, revealed in his authorized biography that he is concerned that Google’s planned artificially intelligent robot army may end up exterminating the human race if it gets out of control or perceives our species as a threat to its existence. “Please note that I am normally super pro technology and have never raised this issue until recent months. This is not a case of crying wolf about something I don’t understand.”125 He equated creating artificial intelligence with “summoning a demon.”126

  Other leaders working in information technology and science have also recently expressed concerns that the creation of an AI could be disastrous for humans. Stephen Hawking has warned it could be the biggest mistake in the history of humanity,127 Microsoft founder Bill Gates has stated he’s not sure why more people aren’t concerned,128 and Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, who once dismissed such fears as unfounded, has recently changed his mind due to the rapid advance of AI and is now warning an artificial intelligent entity could enslave the human race and treat us like pets.129

  Elimination of Right to Bear Arms

  In the New World Order “socialist Utopia” everyone will supposedly live in peace and harmony, with the global government taking care of everyone’s needs and protecting them like a loving parent or big brother. A primary promise of this new era is that supposedly “nobody needs to own guns” except the government, which is said to be the only group that can be trusted to use them responsibly. In order to finally eliminate crime, officials claim they need to ban citizens from owning guns and repeal the Second Amendment in the name of peace and prosperity.

  Incrementally the Second Amendment of the Constitution has been slowly eroded, and with every gun tragedy that’s turned into a national story, more and more restrictions are placed on gun owners and the types of guns and accessories that can be sold to the public.130 Instead of addressing the underlying causes of violence, the guns themselves are blamed and said to be the problem, not a symptom of it.

  Many have tried to argue that the Second Amendment of the American Constitution does not declare that citizens have the right to own guns.131 This argument is absolutely absurd but continues to be repeated by those on the left who believe it was put in place to authorize the government to own guns, which is 100% the opposite of its purpose.132 It was specifically included in the Bill of Rights to ensure ordinary citizens have the right to own guns as a way to—not only protect themselves and their families from burglars and thugs—but also to serve as a deterrent to prevent the federal, state, or local government from abusing its power and violating basic civil liberties of Americans.

  Rapper Ice-T summed up the purpose of the Second Amendment during an interview on British television when he was asked by Krishnan Guru-Murthy, anchor of Channel 4 News, if he has any guns at home. “Yeah, it’s legal in the United States. It’s part of our Constitution. You know, the right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.”133

  In 1997 Britain basically outlawed all guns and the law has been a blueprint Bilderberg hopes to duplicate around the rest of the world.134 Slowly but surely they are making progress with many political pundits on television repeating their talking points about how now is the time to follow Britain’s lead and round up Americans’ guns for everyone’s safety.135

  Former Attorney General Eric Holder once stated on C-SPAN2 that the government needed a new strategy to change the way people thought about the Second Amendment, and concluded, “We have to be repetitive about this. We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”136

  CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, who is a member of the Bilderberg Group,137 the Council on Foreign Relations, and Skull & Bones’ sister society Scroll & Key at Yale University, argues that the Bill of Rights are outdated and should be “fixed” in order to remove the Second Amendment to “modernize the Constitution for the 21st Century.”138

  China’s official government-run news agency, Xinhua, has also demanded the United States tighten up gun control laws in America.139 The United Nations has long wanted the American Second Amendment repealed, and is attempting to do so incrementally through small arms treaties.140 Before you say “this couldn’t happen in America,” stop and think about all the freedoms that have been lost over the last generation, and see how quickly people forget.

  Population Reduction and Stabilization

  Because of healthcare advances and the continued exponential expansion of the world’s population, many Bilderbergers fear that the earth does not have the natural resources to sustain the current population, let alone if it continues to increase. As far back as the 1970s environmentalists and the political elite were warning the planet’s population would soon balloon out of control and cause a global catastrophe.141

  The billionaire founder of CNN, Ted Turner (who has five children himself), once remarked, “There’s too many people. That’s why we have global warming. We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff, if there were less people, they’d be using less stuff.” After drastically cutting greenhouse gas emissions, he said “We’ve got to stabilize the population.”142

  He went on that, “Not doing it will be catastrophic. We’ll be 8 degrees hotter in 10, not 10 but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals. Civilization will have broken down. The few people that are left will be living in a failed state like Somalia or Sudan. And living conditions will be intolerable. The droughts will be so bad there will be no more corn growing. Not doing it will be like suicide.”143

  Agenda 21 is a program launched by the United Nations in 1992 to deal with what they call “sustainable development” around the world, focusing on changing consumption patterns, preserving natural resources, and moving to more renewable energy sources. Part of Agenda 21 (the 21 meaning the 21st century) includes implementing birth control programs to slow down the population growth. The United Nat
ions Population Fund, which was supposed to provide supplies and services for reproductive health and birth control in third world countries, was discovered to have also been involved with secret sterilizations and forced abortions.144

  President Obama’s chief science advisor John Holdren once wrote a book which proposed adding sterilants to nations’ water supplies,145 forcing women to get sterilized after their second child,146 and making them have abortions if they got pregnant for a third time.147 The book, titled Ecoscience, reads, “Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”148 [Compulsory means forced or mandatory, by the way]

  Some see even more sinister methods on the table in order to accomplish this goal. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument calls for a global population of only 500 million people. The strange monument consists of four giant slabs of granite which stand 19-feet-tall, laid out in a paddlewheel formation, each with 10 different commandments carved into each of their eight faces, each one in a different langue (English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, and Arabic). The structure, sometimes called “America’s Stonehenge,” is also said to contain the “Guides to the New Age.” It was built in 1980 and stands in the middle of nowhere in a field in the state of Georgia and is the creation of an unknown man who said he represented an unnamed group who wanted the monument built. Some call it the 10 Commandments of the New World Order since some of the “Guides” call for a global government, a one world universal language, and says the overpopulation of humanity is a “cancer on the earth.”

  Total Surveillance Society

  There will be no more privacy if Bilderberg gets their way; no more anonymity, no more secrets—at least for the majority of us “regular folk.” Members of the Party [the government] in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four could actually turn off the Telescreens in their homes, a luxury ordinary citizens didn’t have; and the billionaires of Bilderberg will likely include some safeguards to ensure their own privacy remains in place while the rest of the world is forced to live in a fish bowl with everything we say, everywhere we go, everything we do, and everything we buy recorded, catalogued, and stored indefinitely.149

  Facial recognition systems have been beta tested since the 1990s and are now fully operational and being used at Las Vegas casinos,150 hotels,151 shopping malls,152 sporting events,153 airports,154 government buildings,155 and on the streets of major cities.156 Edward Snowden, the NSA whistle blower, confirmed what many had suspected for some time—the U.S. government had a science fiction-like system capable of recording all electronic communications and hacking into people’s email, social media accounts, and cell phones with the click of a few keys, and with virtually no oversight or constraints.157

  Smart TVs and artificial intelligent personal assistants like Siri, Amazon Echo, and Jibo have the capability to remotely record the most personal of moments and conversations within people’s homes and bedrooms.158 Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, which was published back in 1949, reads, “The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard…You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”159

  Of course the argument is always, “if you don’t have anything to hide, then you have nothing to fear,” but as Thomas Jefferson once stated—if you give up liberty in the name of security, you will have neither. In the name of “safety” and convenience, most people have willingly given up every last bit of privacy in our digital age. Most haven’t even considered what could happen if civil liberties continue to slip or if the government were to grow too powerful and get out of control.

  The ability of government agencies to profile, Orwellianly discriminate against, or target individuals for IRS audits, ordinance violations, or other forms of harassment based on their religious, personal, or political views is a reality everyone is now vulnerable to getting swept up in.160

  Most major software developers and hardware manufactures have been coerced into building backdoors into their products so the government can easily remotely access people’s devices and cloud accounts, as well as bypass any encryption that has been applied to their files.161 The NSA even has a program where they intercept laptop computers and other products customers order online and then install special spyware and hardware on them and then package the items back up and send them on their way.162

  William Binney, a former high-level NSA official who worked for the agency for more than 30 years, resigned in 2001 after he discovered the surveillance systems they were using gave the government the potential for what he called “a turnkey totalitarian state.”163 His home was raided by the FBI in 2007 after he was suspected of leaking classified information to the New York Times about the NSA’s spying programs. He was never charged with a crime and the read was seen as a show of force to intimidate any potential whistleblowers from reviling what the NSA was doing.

  Some even see the omnipresent surveillance system growing far beyond just eyes and ears, into something so strange it sounds like science fiction. Tech titans are working to give birth to an artificial intelligent “God” that they hope will solve humanity’s problems and intimately watch over everyone like a guardian angel, using its super intelligence to do “what’s best” for humanity.164

  See my previous book Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True if you would like to read the details of the shocking parallels between George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and our current society in terms of actual NSA high-tech spy systems, mind-reading machines, secret government projects, advanced weapons, and emerging artificial intelligence systems.

  Mainstream Media Uniformity

  To manage the minds of billions of people, the information those people receive about the world must be carefully managed. Information is power, and mass communication systems are central sources of this power. People often point to Communist countries and their state-run media as examples of propaganda, while thinking places like the United States has a “free press,” but the fact is the mainstream media in America is carefully controlled as well.

  Edward Bernays, considered to be the ‘father of public relations,’ wrote, “Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”165

  He went on to admit, “Whatever of social importance is done today, whether in politics, finance, manufacture, agriculture, charity, education, or other fields, must be done with the help of propaganda. Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”166

  In America this is done through a combination of the centralization of media ownership and through secret government programs which work to influence the news and entertainment media. In the 1970s a Senate investigation uncovered the CIA’s media manipulation program called Operation Mockingbird, which was paying a billion dollars a year (in today’s dollars adjusted for inflation) to the top editors and journalists of every major newspaper and television network to function as covert gatekeepers and propagandists for the government.167

  The director of the program, Thomas Braden, would
later admit, “If the director of the CIA wanted to extend a present, say, to someone…suppose he just thought, this man can use fifty thousand dollars, he’s working well and doing a good job—he could hand it to him and never have to account to anybody...There was simply no limit to the money it could spend and no limit to the people it could hire and no limit to the activities it could decide were necessary to conduct the war—the secret war...It was multinational.”168

  According to the Congressional report into the matter, which was published in 1976, “The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.”169

  Of course the CIA and top media figures deny such thing continues today—a claim which is absurd and demonstrably false. The Mockingbird program [or whatever codename it operates under today] keeps certain stories out of the news or at least prevents them from being a top story, and also functions to direct the news networks to highlight specific stories or cast them in a certain light. Top stories and issues stuck circling in the news cycle for days or weeks are often carefully chosen for specific purposes.

  Even seemingly innocent entertainment is often covertly controlled and carefully crafted to function as propaganda. It’s an open secret that the CIA and the Department of Defense have Entertainment Liaison Offices which work directly with Hollywood producers and writers to help them make TV shows and blockbuster movies that deliver certain political messages in their story lines.170 Shows like 24 and films like Zero Dark Thirty were used to promote the idea that suspected terrorists need to be tortured in order to save people’s lives, and that the heroes sometimes have to break the rules in order to save the day.171


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