Calendar Girl: October: Book 10

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Calendar Girl: October: Book 10 Page 3

by Audrey Carlan

  He gripped my ass check and ground against my clit. Jesus, he could zero in on my hot spots without even trying. “Okay, sweetheart, but you’re mine. All day, all night.”

  I snorted, pulled my hair up into a messy knot at the crown of my head, and secured it with the hair tie I had around my wrist. Tendrils fell around my face as his eyes seemed to travel up my bare legs, where I was giving him a generous amount of thigh to take in, and along my chest, where the fabric separated and pulled against the width and weight of my naked tits. He eye-fucked me up and down, which immediately resulted in me clenching my thighs together to relieve some of the pressure.

  “Neanderthal,” I shot back and winked.

  He stalked toward me, looped a hand around my waist, and crushed my chest to his. He leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea. I’ve survived on nothing but the thought of this body, your pink fucking lips wrapped around my dick, and the tight heat of your pussy locking down around me. I’m going to go straight fucking caveman on your ass.” His breath was harsh as it tickled the shell of my ear. His words served to entice and excite until he finished with, “I need it. I need you. Always.”

  I melted around him. “We could skip breakfast?” I offered hopefully and loudly, my sex already quickening with excitement, eager for the intrusion.

  “Oh, no, you don’t! I’ve made a feast for my Sonny’s homecoming. Get over here, you two!” Judi chastised with an exaggerated humph. Wes and I both couldn’t contain the laugher. Our exhausted states, mended hearts, and out-of-control need for physical connection to each other made us delirious.

  “Okay, Judi, we’ll eat, we’ll eat,” Wes acquiesced.

  I wanted to pout, and I did, until I sat at the breakfast bar and was presented with a steaming plate filled with bacon, eggs, and pancakes with a side of fruit. Glancing over at Wes’s plate, I saw the same. Something about it struck me with a heaping dose of joy. Suddenly I was famished. Hungry for the first time in what felt like years, but was actually mere weeks. Watching Wes moan around a bite of fresh pancakes catapulted my hunger to extreme proportions. Before long, I’d stuffed so much food into my gullet I’d need to be rolled out of the kitchen.

  “Judi, you’ve outdone yourself,” Wes said, clearing his own plate. His eyes started blinking sleepily. He’d been through more in one month than most people would go through in their lifetime.

  “How about a shower?” I suggested.

  His eyes opened fully. The green swirled into the stunning fresh-cut-grass-green I knew signaled he was turned on.

  He stood and grabbed my hand, helping me off the stool. “By all means. Lead the way.”

  I chuckled and swayed my hips as I walked ahead back to the master bedroom. “You just want to look at my ass.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Chapter Three

  Steam encompassed the enclosure as I stepped under the stream of water. Wes had one of those rain-style sprayers that rose way above the stall and blanketed the space in comforting streams of warm water. There were two other nozzles fixed to each side of the rectangular space to give maximum force against sore backs and chests. With Wes’s primary hobby being surfing, I was certain the need for the massaging spray against back and front were necessary to work out some of the tension after a long bout in the frigid Pacific Ocean.

  Wes entered the bathroom, dropped his pajama pants, and opened the glass door. I let my gaze wander shamelessly all over his naked body. He’d removed the bandage at his neck. A line cutting from the front of his jugular all the way around to the backside of his neck was marred with tons of tiny stitches.

  I got as close as I dared, his thick erection poking me in the stomach when I maneuvered close enough to see the aftermath of his gunshot wound. Tentatively, I lifted a hand toward his neck. His entire body stiffened, but he allowed me to survey the wound unhindered by a bandage.

  “How did you survive this?” I asked, knowing that most people who got shot in the neck bled out instantly.

  “Gina,” he said as if that answered the question.

  I frowned, realizing I hadn’t even asked if she was alive. “Did she make it?”

  He nodded curtly. His body went from stiff to stone with that one question. “Technically, yes.” That was all he said, and I didn’t ask him to elaborate. Wes was home, and he would tell me what happened when he was ready. I didn’t know a lot about these things, but I knew enough that pushing someone to relive it right away could be damaging, too. I didn’t want to push Wes away. Instead, I’d use the hold-him-close-and-wrap-him-in-love theory. The one he’d used on me when I admitted what had happened with Aaron. I’d push for information later.

  “That’s good, baby.”

  He swallowed and put his hands on my waist, crushing me against his slick chest. “When they shot me, she acted quick. Covered the wound and used enough pressure to prevent me from losing too much blood until the team got to me. I was the first one out.”

  I traced the wound with a finger. “Does it hurt?”

  “Yes. Every time I move or swallow,” he admitted.

  Wanting to take his mind off the pain and get back into our celebratory mode, I leaned forward and kissed around the stitches, moving toward the front to his chest. “How about I make you feel better?”

  Wes grinned, his eyes sparkling with lust. He licked his lips, and I watched that slip of flesh longingly but there was another piece of him that demanded attention.

  Kissing his chest, I dragged my tongue down the center all the way to his navel before clambering to my knees on the cold wet tile. Wes grabbed the towel I’d hung over the stall and dropped it to the floor. Water splattered across the beige fabric, darkening it. I frowned, and he nodded down at my legs.

  “For your knees. I don’t want you hurt.”

  I smiled, shoved the folded towel under my knees, and gripped his hips. I leaned forward, sliding my open mouth all over his lower belly. He braced himself between the tile and glass on opposite sides. Eagerly, I wrapped my hand around the root of his cock and held firm. His shaft strained toward my face, the wide helmet tip just grazing the edge of my bottom lip. Without taking my eyes off his, I tongued the tiny slit.

  “Fuck!” He closed his eyes and groaned.

  “Open your eyes, Wes.” The words came out rushed and pained.

  One of his hands tunneled into the back of my hair, and he grabbed a handful. “Mia, sweetheart, I’m right here, waiting for my woman to wrap those pretty pink lips over my dick and make me forget everything but the sweet heaven of her mouth.”

  When Wes talked dirty during sex and used that commanding tone, I lost my mind. Ribbons of electricity sizzled at the tips of my fingers and down through my body to zap at my clit where it ached and throbbed.

  Before he could say another word, I took his fat cock down my throat in one go.

  “Sweet, fucking hell. So goddamned good.” He roared as I hollowed out my cheeks while tonguing the underside.

  I loved how vocal he was during sex. Made me feel like a queen to take my man to the height of bliss over and over again. Running my tongue along each side, I played with him. A litany of curse words and long drawn out sighs left his lips as I pleased him. Lifting a hand to his sac, I rubbed and rolled the heavy weight of his balls, taking him deep. He continued to fist my hair, which was a new sensation. Not something he’d done before. Almost if he were afraid I’d leave him hanging. Either that, or he wanted the control. Something niggled at the back of my neck as he thrust shallowly into my mouth.

  When I looked up, I didn’t like what I saw. His eyes were open, but they weren’t on me. They were staring blankly at the wall. I pulled back, and he tightened his hand in my hair, trying to force me back onto his cock. I wasn’t sure he was anywhere near the vicinity of our Malibu mansion in the hills or in this shower with me. Shaking my head, I jerked back hard, letting his cock slap against his abdomen.

  “Baby, come back to me,” I said over the
sound of the water falling down around us. He didn’t respond. “Wes!” I spoke louder.

  He jolted and shook his head. “What’s the matter?” He blinked a few times and caressed my face with delicate touches, using only the pads of his fingers. That was better. More like the man I’d chosen to give my life to.

  “Eyes on me. I want you to watch me love you.”

  He smiled, and it was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in what felt like forever. That smile was long walks on the beach, surfing in the ocean, eating gourmet dinners, making love, and kissing until our lips were chapped. It was my guy, alive and whole, completely with me in the moment.

  Wrapping my lips around him, I doubled my efforts. I took his length in my mouth and kept my eyes on his, never looking away. His fingertips trailed along my face as he sucked in gulps of air, gasping, panting, moaning, and encouraging.

  “God, Mia, your beauty breaks me in half. I’m not whole without you,” he said when I hummed around his cock. His body shook where I held his hips. “You’re gonna make me come. Pull off, and I’ll fuck you against this shower wall,” he ordered, but I didn’t listen.

  Instead, I shook my head. I was going to rock his world. Sucking hard, I put the Hoover lockdown on his cock and let my teeth skim along his oversensitive length. His hips thrust forward in small bursts. One hand rested against the tile wall, and the other cupped my face. Wes traced my lips with the pad of his thumb where they were stretched over his length.

  “You gonna swallow me, baby?” He continued his tiny thrusts as I encouraged him by leading the pace.

  I nodded around his shaft, took him down my throat, and moaned. I knew he was close, and the vibrations and the tight ring of my throat would tip him over the edge.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” His eyes never left mine as he pumped his hot seed down my throat. I swallowed with each spurt, sucking down his salty essence.

  When his hips slowed to a gentle rocking rhythm, I stayed with him, letting my tongue glide all over his softening length, licking and kissing, until he finally stopped. He hooked his strong hands under my arms and lifted me up. He embraced me, hugging my naked body to his when his lips descended. He took control of this kiss, taking his time with it.

  We kissed in the shower until the water went lukewarm and his cock had hardened again. My arousal coated his blunt fingers as he pushed two deep inside and groaned at the ease with which my body let him enter. I was soaked between my thighs and not only from the shower. No, the act of taking him there, getting on my knees for him, submitting to his pleasure made me impossibly turned on. I loved giving blowjobs, but more than that, I loved having that bit of power over such a strong man.

  “Come on. There are parts of your body I need to get reacquainted with.” He tugged me from the shower and wrapped me in a fluffy towel.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, now go get on the bed and spread your thighs nice and wide. I want to bury my face between those long legs. Watch you wither under me as I make you come. Get ready, Mia, because once will not be enough.” His gaze traced my curves as I dropped the towel, lay on the bed, and opened my thighs. Wes’s eyes went dark, so dark it looked as if there wasn’t any green left.

  When the towel around my man’s hips dropped, I tried not to salivate. I’d just sucked him off, and I already wanted him in my mouth again. Maybe he’d opt for a little sixty-nine tonight so we could both get lost in one another.

  One of Wes’s knees hit the bed and then the other as he prowled up between my open legs. His fingers spread the petals of my sex wide as he leaned down and licked me from bottom to top.

  “Mmm. You know what I’m going to do to you tonight baby?” His voice was soaked in desire.

  Breathing deeply I waited. His thumb swirled around the knot of nerves, and I thrust up shallowly seeking more.

  “I’m going to play with your wet pussy until you pass out. Then I’m going to push inside and fall asleep with my dick nestled inside of you and my head within licking distance of your tits. That okay with you, sweetheart?”

  “Fuck,” I whispered, his words painting a devastatingly hot picture in my mind’s eye.

  “That’s the plan,” he said and smacked me on the ass hard before he dipped his head.

  * * *

  Blood curdling screams ripped through the serenity of the best dream of my life. Wes and I were on a tropical island with nothing but one another to feast on day and night. It was sexy, dirty, and a honeymoon idea in the making. Until the sounds coming from the man lying beside me shredded through happy land to plop me right down in the center of hell.

  Wes’s body was twisted around the blankets, his head jostling back and forth, his body arching up a foot off the mattress as he continued to scream. Sweat soaked his skin, and I tried to touch him. The second I put an arm on him he shoved it off.

  “Don’t fucking touch me! Get away from her!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.

  What the fuck was this? I hopped out of bed, hit the lights, but he didn’t stop thrashing. The evil clutches of the nightmare held tight. I had read somewhere that you shouldn’t touch someone when he was flailing around in his sleep because he could hurt you. Not knowing what else to do, I grabbed the glass of water I had by my bedside, sent up a prayer to the big guy, and poured the water over my man.

  His eyes opened and he sat up swinging his arms, one hand fisted and ready to strike. Yeah, I’m super glad I read that article about night terrors. I could have been on the floor with a black eye right then.

  “Mia! Mia!” he hollered, looking around, his eyes blank, unfocused, his tone desperate. I got close enough that he could see me. “Oh, thank God you’re okay.” He grabbed my hips, flung me on the bed, and was on me in two seconds flat. The sheets and comforter were kicked off the bed as he kissed, bit, and nipped his way over my neck, shoulders, and down to my breasts. He didn’t take the time to remove my cami, just pushed down the straps and freed my tits. His mouth locked on one at the same time his hand slipped into my panties and two fingers sank into my heat. It was a tight fit, the tissue swollen from earlier escapades, but it didn’t deter him. He was lost in his mind, and I was the antidote.

  He roughly pushed my panties down, and in less than a minute from the time I woke him, I was pinned to the mattress and his cock was ramming home. He was a machine, plowing into me over and over with absolutely no finesse. His single goal seemed to be the need to wash away whatever was clawing at the frail edges of his subconscious mind.

  “Love you, love you, love you,” he chanted as he pounded into me. “Don’t go away.” I clutched him tighter, his pelvis grinding hard on my clit as tendrils of excitement ripped painfully through me even at the punishing pace. I was a slave to this man’s body, and he was my master.

  Wes’s eyes were closed tight, his bottom lip clenched between his teeth as he mindlessly fucked me. Firm hands held my hips, crushing our bodies together over and over. While he jackhammered into me, he started speaking quick words, nonsensical heartbreaking pleas, as if I weren’t even there to hear them.

  “Want you.” Thrust.

  “Need you.” Thrust.

  “Stay.” Thrust.

  “Don’t leave.” Thrust.

  “Love you.” Thrust.

  “My Mia.” Thrust.

  Wrapping my arms and legs around his body, I held him as tight as I could, a full body vise to protect the man I loved.

  His hips stopped moving so fast and hard as he opened his eyes. “Mia, you’re here. My Mia.” The words were reverent, as though if he blinked I’d disappear.

  “Wes, baby, I’m here, right here.” I clung to his body, wanting him to feel the heat of my skin and the strength of my limbs wrapped around him.

  Small lines appeared around his glassy eyes. “Make it go away. Need to make it go away.” His tone was desperate, and I’d have done anything to take whatever it was away, fill the space with love and light, and everything that was us.

  “Take what
you need from me,” I whispered and kissed along his hairline, his forehead, and anything I could reach until the thrusts of his body into mine prevented me from doing anything other than holding on.

  Wes slipped both of his arms under my back to curl around my shoulders. The leverage this gave him was insane. He ratcheted up the pace and rocked me on his velvet-covered-steel cock so hard my teeth rattled. There was nothing I could do but hang on for the ride, and holy hell, was it rough. Toward the end, when the thin sliver of his sanity was about to fracture, he ran his hand between our bodies and circled my clit until I found pleasure. That one little speck of decency—Wes’s need to please—reminded me that the man I loved was, for the moment, a lost soul, and with my help, he’d find his way out of the darkness and back into the light.

  * * *

  For the next few days the pattern was the same. Wes would make love to me in the daylight when he was more himself and fuck me raw at night, taking from my body whatever he needed to push away the nightmares so he could find his way back home.

  Exhausted after he rode me hard that fourth night home, I turned, lying on his chest. The anxiety and fear that had controlled him the moment I woke him from his nightmare through the rapid fire fucking finally left when he came deep inside me. For a longtime after, he’d worship me with soft kisses and whispers of regret and love. Regret that he’d used me for selfish reasons, and love because he knew I’d do it over and over again until he was free of the evil that lived inside his memories. The broken words he whispered through the act revealed that he’d been through a horrifying ordeal. He needed more help than the temporary respite in the body of the woman he loved. That monster crawling around in his head needed to be eliminated, the same way I’d had to eliminate mine after being hurt by Aaron.


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