Bitch A New Beginning

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by King, Deja


  A New Beginning

  A Novel

  Deja King

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is an acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.

  ISBN 13: 978-0984332564

  ISBN 10: 0984332561

  Cover concept by Joy Deja King &

  Cover layout and graphic design by:

  Cover model: Deja King

  Typesetting: Marion Designs

  Editor: Suzy McGlown and Linda Williams

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data;

  King, Deja

  Bitch A New Beginning: a novel by Deja King

  For complete Library of Congress Copyright info visit;

  A King Production

  P.O. Box 912, Collierville, TN 38027

  A King Production and the above portramesfonyal log are trademarks of A King Production LLC

  Copyright © 2011 by Deja King. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission from the publisher, except by reviewer who may quote brief passage to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.

  Printed in Canada


  I want to thank all my loyal readers and the people who continue to support me. I’ve been on such a long fulfilling journey since getting my first publishing deal in 2005 and my first novel being published in 2006. With all that I’ve been through, the good, the bad and the ugly I have no regrets. I feel blessed and honored to have the most amazing fan base ever and a loyal team that understands my vision for A King Production. You, my readers’ show me so much unconditional love that in those moments in my career where I’ve almost felt defeated, you all gave me the strength and determination to not give up. THANK YOU for that!

  As I start a new phase in my career with publishing my first author I hope you all continue to support me in this journey. I also pray that you all enjoy my newest production, Bitch A New Beginning as this series means a great deal to me. I so don’t want to let you all down as I know many of you have been anticipating the release of this novel. I hope you believe that I’ve done these characters justice as they hold a special place in my heart as you my readers do also. I LOVE you all so much never doubt that. Please hit me up on Twitter for your feedback @joydejaking. Hugs and Kisses J

  This Book is Dedicated To My:

  Family, Readers and Supporters.

  I LOVE you guys so much. Please believe that!!


  The Present…



  “Mommy, it’s me, Aaliyah.” Precious glanced over at the clock to see what time it was.

  “Where are you and why are you calling so late?” Precious wanted to know trying to snap out of her sleep.

  “I’ve gotten myself in a bit of a situation.="0e of@

  “What sort of situation? And where are Amir and Justina? I thought you were supposed to be with them tonight?”

  “I am…I mean I was but something came up.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Aaliyah. What the hell is going on?”

  “I’m in jail and I need you to come get me out.”

  “Jail!” Precious screamed it out so loud that it awoke Supreme from his sleep. “You’re in jail!”

  “Yes. And could you please not yell. I already have a migraine headache as it is.”

  “Aaliyah, what are they charging you with?” Precious asked. She gripped the phone trying to stop herself from wanting to reach through it and snatch her daughter up.

  “First Degree Murder.”



  Born This Way

  The Past…

  My mother came from nothing but was determined to have it all. I was born having it all but wanted more. So in reality mother and daughter were exactly alike or at least I thought so. See in my eyes, my mother was a Boss Bitch. From the time I was a little girl I admired everything about her and knew when I grew up I would be her. For those that don’t know, my mother is the one and only Precious Cummings Mills and I am her daughter, Aaliyah Mills Carter.

  Unlike my mother who was born and raised in the grimiest Brooklyn projects, I grew up in the opulent world of Beverly Hills. The closest I got to Brooklyn was the Upper East Side in Manhattan. You would think with the vast difference in our upbringing that our personalities would be polar opposite but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Although I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth I inherited the fire that would forever brew inside my mother. That trait we shared was made evident at my eleventh birthday party. As I sat in my holding cell I thought back to that day, seven years ago.


  “Aaliyah, come on! Everybody is waiting for you to open your birthday presents.birthdayan>ts.bir

  “They have to wait. I need to change my outfit.”

  “What’s wrong with the outfit you have on?”

  “This was my introduction dress now we’re moving on to part two. I have to give my guest another look,” I explained taking off my pretty in pink silk sleeveless dress with draped ruffles curving down the front. The dress screamed ‘princess’ but now I wanted to put on something that yelled out ‘it girl’. I couldn’t wait to put on the silver and black romper that was artfully embellished with metal studs down the front and around the neckline.

  “Where did you get that from?” my mother barked standing in front of me.

  “Daddy got it.”

  “I know Supreme didn’t get that.”

  “No not that daddy, my other daddy, Nico.” I watched my mother’s face quickly frown up. Even while angry she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to me. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes and I was afraid she was going to demand I take off the romper I had been dreaming about wearing since my dad got it for me a week ago. He had this lady that custom designed clothes for celebrity kids make it for me.

  “Only because it’s your birthday am I going to let you wear that grown outfit but it’s a onetime thing.”

  “Thank you, mommy,” I smiled wrapping my arms around her tiny waist. As I held her tightly I wondered when I got older and had a couple of kids would I still look that good. Her chain-stripe print dress with a tassel-tie waist and layered hemline highlighted her figure perfectly without overexposure.

  “How can I look in those eyes and deny my baby girl.”

  “Mommy, daddy said bring Aaliyah to open her presents.”

  “Here we come, Xavier. We can all go down together.”

  “Mom, I don’t want to go back out there escorted by my mom and little brother. You all go first and I’ll be right behind you to make my entrance.”

  “Girl you a mess,” my mom laughed, “Just like I was. We won’t stop you from making your entrance,” she continued as she took my five-year-old brother’s hand and walked out.

  align="> I twirled around one more time in the mirror and hurried out. I was anxious for all my friends to see me in my specially designed just for me outfit. When I stepped out into the lavishly decorated courtyard I was devastated when I didn’t see a crowd of well-wishers waiting patiently for my entrance. Instead everybody was gathered around the waterfall
. I started walking towards the commotion when Justina and Amir approached me.

  “Aaliyah, you don’t need to go over there,” Justina said grabbing my arm.

  “And why not?” I asked yanking my arm out of her grasp.

  “Because my dad said they were over there handling grown folk business and we needed to stay out the way.”

  “Well T-Roc ain’t my daddy! So you stay right here, I’m going over there.”

  “Aaliyah, I really think you should listen to Justina,” Amir added.

  “Justina doesn’t run me! This is my birthday party,” I stressed. As I hurried forward, from the corner of my eye I could see Justina and Amir trailing right behind me. I began carefully maneuvering my way through the crowd of adults hoping not to get noticed by my parents or grandfather. As I got closer I could hear what sounded like my mother raising her voice and my dad trying to calm her down. When I got to the forefront I could see my dad holding my mother back and I immediately ran by her side to see what had her so upset.

  “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

  “Supreme, let me go! I don’t need you holding my arms like I’m some uncontrollable child!”

  “But you are out of control right now. You can’t get to fighting up in here. Think about Aaliyah and Xavier.”

  “They’ll understand!” my mom growled. I could tell the claws were about to come out.

  “Mommy, mommy, what happened?” This time I screamed out desperate to get her attention. When she finally met my stare, my mother could see the tears swelling up in my eyes.

  My dad let her arms go and she cupped my face in her hands. “I’m so sorry, Aaliyah. Please don’t cry.”

  “Why are you upset?”

  “It’s nothing you need to worry yourself about, it…”

  “Look at my beautiful niece,” I heard a female voice say interrupting my mother. I turned my head around and noticed a familiar face that I hadn’t seen in years.

  “Maya, what are you doing here?”

  “That’s Aunt Maya,” she smiled. She stepped near me and my Grandpa Quentin quickly pulled her back.

  “Don’t you dare speak to my daughter! You ‘bout to regret that you ever stepped foot in this birthday party!” My mother was ready to step out her open-toe stilettos and jump on Maya in front of everybody. I knew my mother could get upset because occasionally I would hear her arguing with my dad but never did I see her like this. She seemed ready for war.

  “All I came to do was wish my niece a happy birthday and give her a present. I haven’t seen her since I first came home.”

  “You mean since you got out of jail, you psychopath!”

  “Precious, calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down. She probably found out about this party through you. You know how I feel about her! You’ve made it clear that you embrace her as your daughter but that heffa ain’t no sister of mine. And once I drag her ass up outta here she’ll learn not to listen to what you say when it comes to me!” Right before my mother lunged at Maya my dad grabbed her again.

  “Listen, if you put your hands on her she might try to press charges or some dumb shit like that,” I heard my dad trying to whisper in my mom’s ear. “Think about the kids, she ain’t worth going to jail over. Instead let’s lock her up for trespassing.”

  “I don’t want to cause any problems. Here, Aaliyah, take my present and then I’ll leave,” Maya offered as if she heard what my father was planning to do. I walked towards Maya and my mom reached out to grab me but I turned around and smiled before continuing on my way.

  “Let the child take the present,” my Grandpa Quentin suggested wanting to be the peacemaker.

  “Here’s a beautiful present for such a beautiful girl,” Maya said bending over to hand me over a small Tiffany box with a white ribbon. With one hand I took the present and with the other hand I swung it back as far as I could and slapped her face so hard that my hand was hurting.

  “That’s for disrespecting my mommy,” I belted after my hand left an imprint on h onimprinter face. “And this is for ruining my birthday party,” I screamed out again, tossing the Tiffany box she just gave me in her face.

  Everybody went silent and Maya stared at me as if in complete shock. I stared her back down daring her to even look as if she wanted to slap me back. She and I both knew that everybody in this party would jump on her if it even appeared she had any intentions of doing that.

  “I think it’s best you leave,” my Grandpa Quentin finally said, breaking the silence.

  “Yes, Grandpa, I agree with you,” I said before turning back to Maya. “You need to leave and don’t ever come back. You’re not welcome in this family.” I walked back over to my mother and stood by her side. “I love you, mommy.”

  “I love you too, Aaliyah.”



  Groomed This Way

  My father taught me at a young age that it’s not what you do but how you do it. My dad is Genesis and his persona reflects the same power as his name. From the moment my dad started to allow me to really be around him in not only his personal dealings but business I wanted to follow in his footsteps. But he always reiterated that I should study what he did and learn how to do it better. That kind of bothered me because I didn’t think it could get any better than him. He seemed to provide it all and then some. We lived extremely well but he made it clear that if I worked hard I could live even greater. Growing up I didn’t know how much greater it could get. We had a palatial penthouse in Philly and another in New Jersey and New York since he did a lot of business with Nico Carter. Nico lived in a crazy mansion in Alpine, NJ. We could’ve easily had one too but my dad said we were bachelors and bachelors didn’t need all that space because it would turn into another unnecessary headache.

  With all that we had, the one thing missing was my mother. I never knew her as my dad explained she was murdered while pregnant with me…she died but yet I somehow lived. That sometimes haunted me and for a long time it haunted my father. I think that was one of the reasons it took him so long to include me in his life. For most of my younger years I remembered first spending the majority of time with a woman named CoCo, who one day just stopped coming around. When I asked my dad what happened to her he simply said she went away and I left it at that. I later found out there was much more to that story. After that I basically had nannies and my Aunt Nichelle who became like a mother to me. But that couldn’t replace the void I knew my father had. He would never admit to it but I felt it was there. Mainly because he always stressed to me how important it was that I find my soul mate, get married and raise a family. If he wanted that for me then he had to want it for himself. My father understood how being in love cole g in lould lift you up but losing it could also tear you apart. That became obvious to me a year earlier when a business associate and friend came to visit my dad after getting out of jail wanting his help.

  As I sat in my car outside the police station waiting for my dad, Nico, Precious and Supreme to arrive to try and get Aaliyah out of jail, I thought how that visit from my dad’s friend a year ago seemed like yesterday. At that time I had no idea the impact his friend would have on each of us. His visit seemed to redefine all of our lives.


  “Dad, we need to be heading out in a little while. We don’t want to be late for the game.”

  “What game?”

  “Knicks…Lakers. We’ve been talking about it for the last month.”

  “Damn, I forgot about that. I can’t go.”

  “What! Why not?”

  “Someone is coming over to discuss something important with me.”

  “Someone like who? And they’re important enough to miss this big game for?”

  “You don’t know him, Amir, but yes he is important. Not only do we do business together but I also consider him a friend.” Hearing the word friend come out my dad’s mouth instantly got my attention and piqued my interest since I rarely heard my father ever refer to s
omeone as a friend. When he would reminisce about some of the fun times while on the come up, he always mentioned who he considered his best friend and brother, Deuce. I knew he considered Nico, T-Roc and Quentin to be close friends. So I was dying to know who this mystery person was he felt was important enough to miss the game over.

  “I understand.”

  “I appreciate that. But you go ‘head to the game. Take one of your friends.”

  “That’s okay. I have some studying I need to catch up on anyway.”

  “Are you sure? I know how much you were looking forward to going,” he said giving me a peculiar look.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. They’ll be other games.”

  “You know I’m never gonna stop you from studying.” And that was the exact reason I used studying as my excuse to stay home. One thing about my dad, he always emphasized the importance of an education. Even though he figured out how to make millions and millions of dollars with only a GED to his name and never stepping foot in a university he told me that striving for a great education was the best gift I could ever give him.

  “I know dad,” I laughed before hearing the doorbell. “That must be your friend now.”

  “Let me introduce you to him before you go study.”

  “Sure,” I grinned. Knowing the only reason I was skipping the game was to see who this friend was. I could hear my dad talking as he was walking back down the hallway towards me.

  “Amir, this is Lorenzo. Lorenzo, this is my son.” He gave me a firm shake.

  “He’s a handsome young man. You should be proud, Genesis.”

  “I am and he’s smart too,” my dad beamed making me feel extra good about myself.

  “It was nice meeting you, Lorenzo. I’m going to do some studying now.” I headed in the direction of my bedroom waiting until I heard my father close the door to his office before I turned around. I stood for a few minutes and then slightly cracked the door open so I could hear what they were discussing. From the looks of Lorenzo I knew my dad wasn’t exaggerating when he said what they had to discuss was important. Lorenzo had important written all over him. He had a commanding presence much like my father. And although he had on some simple black pants and black shirt, the fabric and fit was meticulous as if tailored made.


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