The Good Dom

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The Good Dom Page 5

by Paul Preston

  The guy raised his voice again, but I stopped listening. I couldn’t believe that Wagner was allowed to serve the public as a police officer even after what she did to the homeless man while I was stuck here managing this ridiculous bar. I looked at my computer screen and ignored the wannabe Dom and his sub.

  Then another thing happened that was highly irregular. I had met and conducted well over a hundred orientation interviews at my club. Based on my experience, the submissive always sat silently while allowing her Dom to speak for her. But Ms. Madsen was different. She straightened her spine and spoke directly to me in a respectful, yet flirtatious manner.

  “Pardon me, My Lord, but may I say something?”

  It was strange and somewhat intoxicating to hear the pretty sub address me as “My Lord”. Her deferential tone gave me a unique warming sensation, like sipping expensive liquor. No woman had ever spoken to me in such a way. I looked over at Mr. Anderson and he didn’t seem to mind that his sub was speaking me without his permission or addressing me in such a provocative manner.

  “You may say whatever you wish Ms. Madsen. But please call me Jim, James or Mr. Jefferson if you wish. You needn’t call me “My Lord”. I’m not a Dom; nor do I ever wish to be.”

  “Why?” she asked, quite innocently.

  I raised my eyebrows. Most subs could look forward to a prolonged spanking session for such saucy behavior as questioning another man in front of their Dom. As far as I understood from my casual observation, it was about who was in control. If the sub attempts to take over control, in this case of our conversation, she is “topping from the bottom” as they say in BDSM vernacular. It doesn’t mean the sub wants to be in control necessarily, but that she desires her Dom to assert more dominance over her. By breaking the rules and being firmly disciplined as a result, she experiences the sublime sensation of total submission to her Dom. Perhaps Ms. Madsen was placing me in the midst of this little game of theirs.

  “Why what, Ms. Madsen?” I asked.

  “Why do you wish never to be a Dom? You’d make a rather… good one, it seems to me,” Ms. Madsen said with a smile.

  I returned the smile.

  “Well thank you, Ms. Madsen, that’s very kind of you to say, but for the time being, I am simply the owner and manager of this night club, so you needn’t address me so formally.”

  “OK… Mr. Jefferson.”

  “So, what is it that you wish to say?” I asked.

  “I just wanted to say…”

  Ms. Madsen turned to face her Dom, took his hand and placed it over her heart.

  “Though our contract is short; it doesn’t mean I’m not seriously committed to my relationship with Mr. Anderson. In fact, the last two days with Charles have been the most exciting in my life. He is my Dom and I’m proud to be called his submissive. Though reluctant at first, Mr. Anderson has proven himself to be the perfect Dom. He has given me the courage to explore these… needs of mine and I will never forget him for that. I’ve pledged my obedience and devotion to Mr. Anderson and he’s taken care of me, both emotionally… and sexually… It took a good deal of courage for us to come here and I think it’s wrong of you to make us feel bad by excluding us from visiting your club. And from the reaction of your guests, you may be the only one who doesn’t want me here. I’m curious to know why that is, Sir…”

  I was rendered speechless by her comments. Turning back to me, she spoke in a soft feminine purr.

  “Would you allow us to visit Obsessions just for a day or two, Mr. Jefferson? We’d be ever so grateful...”

  I took a breath. Though my attraction to her grew with each delicious syllable she uttered, I held my position.

  “Ms. Madsen, this is not Disneyland where one can purchase a day pass to get in. As owner of Obsessions it is solely under my discretion who I will or will not allow to remain in my establishment. And it is for your own protection that I must ask you to leave. Right now…”

  “For my protection? Are you saying I’m too sexy for your club? That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, Sir…”

  I was now convinced the young sub was flirting with me for some obscure reason. I addressed the Dom.

  “What game is your sub playing, Mr. Anderson?”

  “I didn’t know we were playing games, Mr. Jefferson,” Ms. Madsen said, cocking her head slightly and lifting her eyebrows.

  I focused my eyes back on the computer screen.

  “Good evening to you, Ms. Madsen,” I said, bringing an end to the orientation.

  The young Dom finally got the message and started to leave my office, followed by the attractive sub. Near my office door Ms. Madsen whispered something in her Dom’s ear which I couldn’t hear. Anderson nodded and turned to me.

  “Mr. Jefferson, would you mind if I used the rest room for a moment before we leave?” Mr. Anderson asked.

  “Be my guest. It’s down at the end of the long corridor on your right, near the bar,” I said.

  “Thank you. My submissive would prefer to wait here in your office while I’m gone if you don’t mind,” Anderson said.

  “Fine. Take a seat Ms. Madsen,” I said, ignoring them both.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Anderson kiss his sub’s cheek in a tender fashion and leave my office. Ms. Madsen took a few steps into the center of the room and I could feel her watching me. She continued a few tentative steps closer. Though I tried not to, I couldn’t help but look up. My eyes swept over her body through the sheer dress, from the curves of her breasts to the open lips of her sex. Even though she was still a few steps away I could detect the sweet, earthy scent of her arousal. Before I lost myself in the intoxicating aroma, I refocused my gaze on the liquor inventories in my notebook. I knew I was running low on my stock, but it was hard to concentrate with the lovely woman just a few feet away from me. I felt her presence, this vision of female beauty staring down at me. What did she want from me? Why didn’t she just sit down on the couch and wait for her Dom to return?

  “Is there something I can do for you Ms. Madsen?” I asked.

  “What exactly do you propose, Sir? I hope I won’t have to call “security” on you, Mr. Jefferson.”

  I looked up and couldn’t help but crack a smile. It felt good to be alone in my office with this woman. I wish she could’ve come to Obsessions without a collar, alone.

  “No, Miss. That won’t be necessary. I was simply going to offer you refreshment from the bar, if you’d like.”

  “No thank you. I’m not thirsty at the moment. Maybe you could offer me… something else… a little later, perhaps?”

  What did the she mean by that? The submissive looked at me with what seemed like a deep flirtatious glance, and then I cast my eyes back down to my paperwork. I tried to focus, but her presence was a major distraction.

  God, I liked everything about this woman. Her pretty feminine voice, her lovely body, her personality. I liked how she looked into my eyes without fear or disgust. But what I most liked about was her kindness. I wished I could have her near me all night so I could get to know her better, but she was accompanied to the club by another man, not to mention the fact that she was engaged to be married. “Just do your paperwork and ignore her Jefferson,” I thought to myself.

  “You seem very busy this evening, Mr. Jefferson,” she said.

  I nodded curtly.

  “It seems your club is doing wonderful business. It’s packed here,” she said.

  “Obsessions is doing very well, thank you. Now if there’s nothing else you’d like to discuss, I have a great deal of work to -”

  “There is one little thing I was curious about, if you don’t mind my asking…”

  I looked up from my paperwork, feigning annoyance.

  “Well, I suppose if you won’t allow me to focus on my work until you get every last one of your questions answered. So, go ahead. What is it you’d like to know Ms. Madsen?”

  I assumed she was like everyone else and wanted me to provide the
gruesome details of how I got my scar, etc… What she actually said caught me completely by surprise.

  “Are you afraid of me, Mr. Jefferson?”

  As I pressed the pencil down upon the paper, it snapped in half between my fingers like a dry twig. I threw it out in the dustbin under my desk and grabbed another one from the drawer.

  “I’m not afraid of you or anyone else.”

  “Then why are you so nervous around me?”

  “I am not nervous. I simply have a tremendous amount of work to do, Ms. Madsen.”

  “Call me Cassandra please.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “As you wish…”

  Ms. Madsen sidled slowly around my desk and sat on its edge in close proximity to me. I momentarily put the pencil down and involuntarily breathed in her musky feminine scent.

  “If you’re not afraid of me or nervous Mr. Jefferson, why did you look so uncomfortable when I touched your cheek earlier?”

  I backed up my executive chair slightly to gain some space from her.

  “I was actually wondering about that. Why did you touch my cheek Ms. Madsen? Do you enjoy flirting with the deformed?”

  Ms. Madsen leaned over, picked up the pencil and wrote a note on a blank sheet of paper. It read:

  “I wanted to flirt with you because I find you extremely attractive, Mr. Jefferson.”

  After reading her message, I wrote her a note of my own.

  “Then perhaps you need to have your eyes examined, Ms. Madsen.”

  She chuckled and leaned forward, brushing her breast lighting against my shoulder, sending a delightful chill up and down my spine. I never experienced anything quite like that sensation, not even during my courtship with Bette. She picked up the pencil.

  “I find you physically attractive not despite your appearance, but because of it, Sir,” she wrote.

  I stared down at the paper, reading but not understanding the words. How could it be that this woman was attracted to me? Was it some sort of joke? Was she being paid by one of the patrons to flirt with me for some reason? Out of pity perhaps?

  She reached out with her hand, brushed her fingers through my hair and looked me deep in my eyes. Was she trying to seduce me? Me? I felt nervous, averting my eyes from her gaze and looking over her shoulder to see if her Dom had returned. I slid back on my chair and made a move to stand up.

  “Please don’t get up Jim…” she whispered.

  As before, Ms. Madsen placed her palm over the scar on my cheek in an almost sacred manner, as if she could by some miracle sweep the slash away with her healing touch. As before, I felt my eyelids grow heavy in response to the soft touch of her palm making contact with the chasm on my face. Though I fought the impulse, I could not stop my eyes from closing this time at her touch. I sensed her move off the edge of my desk and sit directly on my lap. I felt the soft opening between the curves of her backside press directly down upon my stiff erection. The thought crossed my mind that my office door was unlocked and anyone, including Mr. Anderson, could walk in on us at any moment. But the feeling of being close to Ms. Madsen and her fragrant floral scent made the nervous thoughts drift peacefully away.

  I sensed her body lean over and her soft moist lips touched mine delicately, as if it was the first kiss of our lives, with a degree of tenderness I’ve never felt before. After she fluttered kisses upon my eyelids, I experienced the most sensual moment of my life. Above my left cheekbone, where the sharp blade first sliced through my skin and disfigured my young boyish face, I felt the wet tip of Ms. Madsen’s tongue enter between the exposed folds of skin. She licked down as deep as she could into the crevice and followed the crescent-shaped cut across my ruined face with her tongue. I pinched my eyebrows together, shivered and let out a quiet moan of pleasure. She lingered in the depths of the scar and seemed to enjoy the pleasure she was giving me. After tracing the arc with her tongue she embraced me, pulling my face into her abundant cleavage. I comfortably rested my cheek against her breasts. She shifted her hips and I felt the small fingers of Ms. Madsen’s hand touch my erection, close over the outline of my shaft and hold me there. I suddenly realized I had been squeezing the soft tender underside of her upper arms rather firmly with both of my hands. I saw the fingerprints I left behind when I released my grip over her flesh. Then I heard her whisper sadly into my ear.

  “It’s too late for us… I’m engaged to be married…”

  I nodded and opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Ms. Madsen’s Dom standing patiently against the closed doorway of my office, watching us. She made eye contact with her Dom and moved herself off my lap. When Mr. Anderson met my eyes, he looked down to the floor in despair. I instantly felt remorse for allowing myself to lose control. I discreetly adjusted myself and stood up with Ms. Madsen at my side, deeply embarrassed. With her head down, Ms. Madsen squeezed the fingers of my hand once and walked across the office to stand next to her Dom. Though Mr. Anderson looked to be in some kind of emotional state, surprisingly, it didn’t appear like he was angry at his submissive or me in the slightest for catching us in the midst of a dalliance. Or at least he wasn’t outwardly showing his anger. I was relieved Mr. Anderson hadn’t caught us in an even more compromising position. Still, I thought an apology was in order.

  “Mr. Anderson, I must apologize. I… don’t know what came over me. I was… doing my paperwork and suddenly… Ms. Madsen and I were… I assure you, I’ve never kissed another man’s submissive before. Ms. Madsen is, as I’m sure you’re aware, very attractive, but I certainly never meant to… It won’t happen again… Please accept my apology, Mr. Anderson…”

  “There’s no need to apologize. Cassandra mentioned to me that she was attracted to you. I gave her my full permission to share an intimate moment with you, if she wished. It’s in the contract we signed. She… likes to share,” Mr. Anderson said, possessively placing his arm around his sub’s waist.

  Though Anderson wasn’t making eye contact with me and I certainly couldn’t blame him for that, he spoke in a surprisingly calm voice. I was impressed with the Dom’s acceptance of the situation and I was happy and relieved to avoid an uncomfortable scene. Though her Dom appeared somewhat stricken, Ms. Madsen appeared completely comfortable with the situation. She took his hand and smiled at me.

  “So, what do you say, Mr. Jefferson? Do you really want to kick us out in the cold when it’s so warm and cozy in your nice club?”

  Still tingling from my moment of intimacy with Ms. Madsen, I abruptly changed my mind.

  “Mr. Anderson, I’d like to extend an invitation for you and Ms. Madsen to visit Obsessions this week as my personal guests.”

  “OK Mr. Jefferson,” the Dom said.

  “Call me Jim.”

  “Alright, Jim.”

  “Would you both like a drink? I asked.

  “Sure,” Mr. Anderson replied. “Cassandra?”

  “I’m not a big drinker, but something bubbly sounds nice,” Ms. Madsen said, staring deeply at me.

  I looked away before I became lost again in her hypnotic green eyes.

  I explained the basic layout of my club, with the three basic areas and handed over a small silver key to Mr. Anderson. He placed it carefully in his pocket as I went over the basic ground rules.

  “This is a master key to all the various handcuffs and locks in Obsessions. Please don’t lose it. In Area 2, various Doms may engage Ms. Madsen in polite conversation only. Other than a casual greeting, there is absolutely no physical contact of any kind permitted in Area 2. No article of clothing may be removed from the submissive in this area. Is that understood Ms. Madsen?”

  She made a pouty face with her lips and nodded, her thick wavy hair catching the sheen of my overhead office lights.

  “On the raised platform in Area 3, sexual touching between the sub and her Dom, as well as other men the Dom chooses, is permitted. This is a clothing optional area for the submissive. Our patrons often watch the encounters between the men and women in th
is area and you may as well. There is additional seating in this area for this purpose. Although submissives placed in Area 3 can be brought to orgasm by consensual touching and kissing, under no circumstances will oral, anal or vaginal penetration of the submissive be permitted by a man’s sexual organ here in Obsessions. Orgasms by the men in the club are strictly forbidden as well. Keep it zipped up here, Mr. Anderson. Despite what people think, this is a sex club for women, but not for men,” I told him.

  Mr. Anderson nodded.

  “Normally it is up to the Dom’s individual discretion in what area he chooses to place his sub. But for this evening, since you are both new to my club, and due to the fact that Ms. Madsen has already drawn particular attention especially from some of the more disreputable Doms, I will only permit her to be unaccompanied in Area 2. She is not permitted to be placed in bondage in Area 3 this evening. Is that clear, Mr. Anderson?”

  “It is,” the Dom said.

  “Good. Let’s begin the tour then, shall we? On the way back to the main area of Obsessions, we can take a peek into the two private rooms where there are fantasy scenes currently being played out. Then I’ll buy you both a drink at my bar. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for us in Area 2 Ms. Madsen, while your Dom signs an additional form and I pick up our drinks. Before we go, would you mind signing these consent forms? It’s just a formality. The forms basically state you are both here of your own free will and you agree not to hold Obsessions liable for any physical or emotional distress that may result from your consensual behavior with each other or from the interaction with the invited members and guests of the club. Don’t worry, Ms. Madsen. I will keep my eye on you at all times while you are here. Please feel free to contact me or my security staff if the need arises.”

  I exchanged a look with the submissive and she smiled in a sweet manner to me, while brushing a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Every time I made eye contact with Eloise Madsen my heart skipped a beat in my chest. I wondered if there was actually a connection between us or if I was just imagining it. I still felt the moisture in the crevice of my scar left behind by the tip of Ms. Madsen’s sweet wet tongue. Why did she feel compelled to kiss me there? Whatever the reason, it was the most wonderful sensation of my life.


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