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Autopilot Page 13

by Andrew Smart

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  Söderlund, Göran, Sverker Sikström, and Andrew Smart. “Listen to the Noise: Noise Is Beneficial for Cognitive Performance in ADHD.” Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 48, no. 8 (August 2007): 840–847.

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  Stella, Federico, Erika Cerasti, Bailu Si, Karel Jezek, and Alessandro Treves. “Self-organization of Multiple Spatial and Context Memories in the Hippocampus.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 36, no. 7 (August 2012): 1609–1625. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.12.002.

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  Wong, Chi Wah, Valur Olafsson, Omer Tal, and Thomas T. Liu. “Anti-correlated Networks, Global Signal Regression, and the Effects of Caffeine in Resting-state Functional MRI.” NeuroImage 63, no. 1 (October 15, 2012): 356–364. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.06.035.

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  Zemanová, Lucia, Gorka Zamora-López, Changsong Zhou, and Jürgen Kurths. “Complex Brain Networks: From Topological Communities to Clustered Dynamics.” Pramana 70, no. 6 (June 1, 2008): 1087–1097. doi:10.1007/s12043-008-0113-1.

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  Zhu, Xueling, Xiang Wang, Jin Xiao, Jian Liao, Mingtian Zhong, Wei Wang, and Shuqiao Yao. “Evidence of a Dissociation Pattern in Resting-State Default Mode Network Connectivity in First-Episode, Treatment-Naive Major Depression Patients.” Biological Psychiatry 71, no. 7 (April 2012): 611–617. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.10.035.

  Zuo, Xi-Nian, Adriana Di Martino, Clare Kelly, Zarrar E. Shehzad, Dylan G. Gee, Donald F. Klein, F. Xavier Castellanos, Bharat B. Biswal, and Michael P. Milham. “The Oscillating Brain: Complex and Reliable.” NeuroImage 49, no. 2 (January 15, 2010): 1432–1445. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.09.037.


  1 Robert Hitchcock, as cited in Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly’s Worthy Efforts: Attitudes to Work and Workers in Pre-Industrial Europe (Boston: Brill, 2012). In 1580, Hitchcock, “an Oxfordshire gentleman,” proposed forming a fleet of four hundred herring boats to employ ten thousand of the poor.

  2 http://­tpmmuckraker.­talkingpo­­/2012­/09­/south_­carolina­_voter­_id­_laz­iness­.php­?ref­=f­pnew­sfeed

  3 This would be analogous to blaming the financial crisis on bankers’ laziness.

  4 Not to be confused with Object Oriented Programming, also abbreviated as OOP.

  5 The study, “Global Capital, the State, and Chinese Workers: The Foxconn Experience” details the horrific conditions in which the workers who make Apple products must live and work. It reveals Apple’s complicity in keeping wages low and worker rights to a minimum. Before you buy your next über-cool Apple product or read Walter Isaacson’s gushing biography of Steve Jobs, I highly recommend reading this study, available for free online.

  6 As a scientist, I am interested in measuring things. I have been studying measurements for nearly fifteen years. Granted, I’m usually measuring things like brain waves. I am not an economist, though, and when I try (albeit not very hard because it’s boring) to understand measurements like the GDP it becomes very clear why. I cannot understand what is really being measured or how it is being measured. For example, we often hear that China has been experiencing exceptional economic growth. China has been increasing its output of goods and services at a rate of about ten percent every year. According to this measurement, every year there are ten percent more goods and services in China than the year before. Does this include things like hamburgers, massages, weddings, and drug dealers? China is also a great example of the theme of this chapter: unchecked economic growth leads to environmental disaster—even in the short term.

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