Finding Charley (Full Circle)

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Finding Charley (Full Circle) Page 3

by Casey Peeler

  I pull myself from my thoughts and make my way into Dr. Cope’s classroom, instantly locking eyes with Jackalope Joe. I quickly look the opposite way to find a seat, but the only available one is my usual chair right beside a guy I love to hate. Although for some reason, I want to have faith in him.

  Dr. Cope begins class, and several students finish their projects. It’s doomsday when she drags me from the thoughts running within my head as I hear her call our names. WTH?!

  “Joe and Charley, you seemed to have created a strong bond and learned a lot about each other this semester. Honestly, I haven’t seen a pair with your type of connection, ever. Can you tell the class what caused it?”

  Joe and I sit in our seats, unsure of who needs to speak first. I decide I’ll be the one to grow a pair, as usual.

  I stand and walk to the front of the room. Looking directly into the eyes of someone I thought I could trust, I speak the truth.

  “Dr. Cope, Joe and I had a connection long before we met at Southern. Little did I know that was the cause until recently. Joe and I worked well because we had trust. It’s almost as if we had been long-lost friends. My advice is to make sure you truly know the people who claim to support you, because in the end, all you have are true friends.”

  I don’t break eye contact with Jackalope Joe as I make my way back to my seat. I wait for him to make a comment, but he doesn’t. Just like I thought, he’s not a true friend; he’s a complete lie.

  Dr. Cope concludes class and gives each of us a hug on the way out the door. I try to make a beeline across campus, but it’s no use. Joe catches me.

  “Look, Squirrel. I’m sorry. I really am.” He continues to talk as I increase my speed while I walk back to Kluft. “Stop and listen for just a minute, please!”

  I stop abruptly and face him. “What?!”

  “I need you to hear me out. It’s not like you think. Well, it is, but it isn’t.” I look at him puzzled. “Yes, originally, it was just a big payoff from Dylan, but then I met you. I knew the moment you opened your mouth with the Cougar Charley comment that it was going to be different.”

  “Whatever, Joe.” He grabs my arm as I turn to walk away. “Let go of me!” I grit through my teeth.

  “No, Squirrel, please listen.”

  I stop. “I’m listening.” I pull my arm from his grip, cross my arms, and wait.

  “This might take a while. Can we go somewhere?”

  “Sure, but I will not be alone with you. Let me text Georgia.”

  Me: Joe wants to talk. Can you come outside?

  GA: U got it!

  Joe and I stand in silence as we wait for Georgia. I see her short self coming out the door and toward us. She might be short, but she looks like she’s six feet tall and ready to beat some ass. She’s on a mission, that’s for sure. Gah, I love her!

  Georgia quickly approaches us. “Joe, what do you have to say?”

  As we make our way to the picnic table that has so many memories of Joe and me, Georgia laughs as if she can’t believe it.

  “Don’t you think for one minute that going to sit at a ratty, old picnic table is gonna fix this! I don’t care if this is where it all started!” she says as if she were spitting fire.

  “Georgia, I just need to talk, that’s all. Yeah, Squirrel and I had a lot of great moments here, but at least it’s quiet. Hopefully, everyone won’t be in our business,” Joe replies, staring at Georgia.

  She takes a step toward him, crosses her arms, and dares him to test her.

  Joe takes a step back and retreats from Georgia. He sits at the table and motions for us to as well.

  “I think we’ll stand!” Georgia states and I nod in agreement.

  Joe looks completely out of his element, but begins explaining himself. This should be interesting.

  “Okay, here it is, but let me start by saying that I was a different person when I made this deal.”

  Georgia and I look at each other and roll our eyes.

  Joe fidgets as he searches for words. “I met Dylan during Senior Week at Myrtle Beach. He seemed like a good guy and was the life of the party. I got pretty wasted one night and told him my darkest secrets. Then, we realized we had a few things in common and became friends on Facebook. I didn’t think much about it because I was having a really hard time with Lucy. My parents pretty much kicked me to the curb after I got in trouble at school. I couldn’t do anything right. If Gran hadn’t taken me in, who knows where I would be by now. I’d probably be in jail. I made some really bad choices. Gran kept her faith in me and helped me find Southern. They took a gamble on me because of my record.”

  As he takes a breath, I put in my two cents.

  “So, what does that have to do with me?” I can’t help but wonder what deep secret they share.

  “Okay, I hadn’t heard much from Dylan all summer. Right before school started, he asked me if I was in need of some extra cash. He knew how hard it was on Gran and me financially. I listened to him. He pretty much told me that his ex was coming to Southern, and he wanted to make sure that she had a friend. He wanted to know the details of her college career and didn’t want another guy getting his girl. I didn’t think much about it, and then he offered to pay me a good bit of change. I was desperate. Without my parents, college was tough on Gran. I didn’t think I had a choice.”

  “Yes, you did, Joe! No matter how much money he offered, spying into someone’s privacy isn’t right!”

  “Charley, he made it look like he was just keeping tabs. Like you two were taking a break.”

  “Let me ask you something.” He nods. “You were talking to him the day I scared you in this very spot. Weren’t you?” He nods again. “You’re an ass, you know that! I trusted you! But, the sad part is you already knew!”

  “I’m sorry, Squirrel. I realized he wasn’t who he said he was until too late. By that point, I was too far in it, and I didn’t know how to correct this mistake with Dylan or you. When you told me everything in the Jeep, I honestly didn’t know any of that. I could have killed him for using me.”

  “As much as I’d love to just forgive you, I can’t right now. I need time, but let me tell you something. You could have told me. You saw how he bullied my friends, you, and me, and you still didn’t talk. I just can’t understand it. Georgia, I’m done here. Let’s go.”

  We turn around and I do not look over my shoulder. As soon as we hit second floor Kluft, the waterworks begin, because no matter how mad I want to be at Joe, my heart needs to believe him. The question is, do I follow my head or my heart?

  Georgia stops me and pulls me in for a tight hug. I try to hold in the emotions, but it’s no use. A loud sob erupts from my lungs, and I fall apart in her arms. Before I realize what is going on, every girl on my floor is huddled around me and not letting go.

  After what feels like an eternity, I pull myself together. Using my sleeve, I wipe away the salty tears.

  “I’m so sorry, y’all. You shouldn’t have to deal with this mess.”

  “Charley, you’re one of us, and we will not let you sink. We are a family here, and we will keep you afloat until you can sail on your own,” Caroline says, as she puts her arm around my shoulder.

  “Thanks, I think I’m going to take a nap. Maybe it will help me get over this shit.”

  “I think some retail therapy is just what the doctor ordered!” Anna says with a smirk.

  I know exactly what they are thinking. We need new attire for the Kluft Christmas Party. Guess it’s a trip to The Mills whether I want to or not. I do remember something about an ugly sweater.

  Chapter 5

  After trying to rest for a few hours, we pile into the Love Machine and head to The Mills. Before we get there, we make a detour at the Goodwill to find a tacky Christmas sweater. You know the ones that elementary school teachers or your grandma wears.

  As we all pile into the van, it’s kinda an uncomfortable silence. I don’t know if it’s just me, or if they are terrified to say anything. A
nna begins to sing to “Royals” on the radio, and I fall in sync with her. She looks my direction and smiles. This must be what they are waiting on, because within seconds, we are all singing at the top of our lungs.

  Each song bleeds into the next until the commercial break. We laugh at Hayden’s rendition of “Roar” by Katy Perry. Then, she begins to actually roar like a lion. You just never know what that girl is going to do!

  We roll into the Goodwill and peruse the aisles with one mission in mind. Tacky. Horrific. Grandma-inspired Christmas sweaters. The funnier the better.

  Within minutes, we find one that fits each of our personalities, and of course, mine has Rudolph on it! We spend two dollars apiece, and then move on to a little finer shopping, The Mills.

  We roll in on two wheels and pile out. We decide to take the tacky sweaters and make a sexy outfit, which I’m wondering if it is even possible, considering my blue sweater is equipped with huge snowballs for buttons and the entire sleigh crew embroidered on the front. We know our best bets are Wet Seal, Charlotte Russe, and Forever 21. Which do we hit up first?

  We walk into Charlotte Russe. Nothing is really standing out, so we make our way to Wet Seal. I see exactly what I’m looking for when I walk inside, a white tulle lace mini skirt! It will take me from frumpy granny to hot in two seconds! Now, only if I had a new pair of boots!

  We spend the next two hours trying to find everyone the perfect accessories to complement the tackiness they bought at the Goodwill.

  I continue to look for a new pair of boots and realize that it’s a lost cause. I need to go to Lebo’s like yesterday!

  “Y’all, I need a new pair of boots. Wanna know where I do my shoppin’?” I say as I look through a rack of shirts.

  “Hell yeah, Charley! I’d love to see a few cowboys while we’re at it,” Hayden states as she attempts her best Southern drawl, which isn’t successful.

  After Tori and Anna complete their outfits, it’s on to Lebo’s. As we walk into the store, the smell of leather tickles my nose. I. Love. It. I can feel the excitement of looking through my favorite store for a new pair of boots.

  Glancing at my friends, I can tell they are a little overwhelmed.

  “Y’all, welcome to my world! Don’t y’all just love it? Gah, I could stay in here all day!”

  “Char, this is crazy! I didn’t know there was this much country shit, but I do have to say…that tall, dark and 100% country boy near the jeans is H-O-T!” Anna states with her Yankee attitude.

  “Shhh, Anna, he’s gonna hear you!” I reply as I cut my eyes to her.

  After I take a moment, I glance over to see the eye candy, and damn, he’s fine! Oh, and that ass is perfect! I can’t help but laugh at the fact I’ve just given the Kluft girls a new experience. I pull myself from the hot country boy and make my way to the boots on the wall. It takes me all of two seconds to know which pair I want. They are absolutely perfect except for the price. But, good boots are expensive.

  I pick up the display of a tan with blue design Rouge Ariats. They are gorgeous, and then I look at the price tag. Two hundred and nine dollars. Crap! I take a moment to rationalize the situation. I haven’t bought a new pair of shoes in over a year, and I’m going home tomorrow. Yeah, I think it’s time to splurge. Nothing like a new pair of boots to brighten your spirit!

  The sales associate walks over and asks if she can help. I don’t need any help. I just need a size eight.

  “Yes, ma’am, I need these in a size eight, please.”

  “Sure.” She turns and goes to the storeroom and reappears with a box that holds my new love.

  She opens the box, and it’s as if I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. She hands me one, and I slide off my boot and try it on. Perfect. Absolutely Perfect. I tell her that I want them and then take a moment to look around the store. I notice a pair of Tuff Jeans on the sales rack for less than forty bucks. Those have my name on them, and then I check the tops. I find the perfect pearl snap. It’s brown plaid with just enough blue and white. It’s embellished on the back with wings and a heart. Something about the heart and wings draws me in like it’s talking to me. I have to have it. I grab it and pay before any more damage is done.

  As I make my way to the register, the hot country boy that Anna was drooling over gives me a nod and smile. I return the smile. I do not want to hear this total.

  “That will be two hundred eighty-seven dollars and thirty-five cents.” I break out the plastic and swipe. I hope my mama doesn’t kill me.

  Everyone is still looking around, but it’s more like they are looking at all the fine country boys that walk into the store. I gotta get them outta here before they get the courage to say what they are thinking.

  “Y’all ready?” I ask.

  “Damn, Charley, why have you been holding out on us?” Tori responds.

  I just shrug my shoulders, smile, and let out a giggle. “What am I gonna do with y’all?”

  We make our way back to Southern and get ready for the party. We have a lot to do and not a lot of time. Luckily, the girls did a little prep work while I tried to clear my head.

  Georgia and I finish decorating the entrance, while Caroline checks on her famous PJ, and Anna and Tori play DJ. Within thirty minutes, we have our hallway looking like Santa and his elves came to visit.

  Hayden and Sarah arrive because they are honorary Kluft girls, and of course, they aren’t empty-handed. They have pizza and a case of Bud Light.

  “Please tell me you picked up the pizza in that get-up?” I ask as I add one last piece of tape to a streamer.

  “You know it! Who wouldn’t want me all wrapped up as a present?” Hayden says assuredly.

  “You ain’t right, but I’m about to starve!”

  We all pile onto the middle of the floor, eating straight from the box and each popping a top on a Bud Light. Nothing like pizza and beer.

  One by one we excuse ourselves to put our hot twist on our tacky Christmas sweater.

  I enter my room and turn on Pandora to Today’s Country. I sing to myself as I get ready. I put on my sweater, skirt, and take my time doing my makeup and adding accessories. Then, I slide on my new boots. I look into the mirror, and for the first time, I see a girl with strength and courage in her eyes. I can do this.

  I text Cash a quick pic and wait for a reply, because there is always a reply. Instead, I hear “Crash my Party” blaring through my phone.

  “Hey, Cash Money.”

  “You know Santa’s leaving you coal, don’t ya?”

  “What do you mean? I’m on his good list this year.”

  “Well, if you can take something that hideous and make it look that hot, there’s no way you’re still on his good list!”

  “You ain’t right! I’ve done nothin’ wrong,” I say in my sweetest Southern drawl.

  “I know you haven’t, but you sure are KILLING me! I just keep telling myself twenty-four more hours! Then, it’s you and me.”

  “I know, but I really think this has been good for me. It’s like a brand new me.”

  “Charley, just make sure that new you includes me.”

  “Cash Money, there’s nothing that can keep me away from you.”

  “I’ll let you get to the party. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I love you, Char-coal.”

  “I love you too, Cash Money.”

  After placing my phone onto the dresser, I take another look into the mirror. It’s time for one night where I don’t worry about Dylan or Joe. It’s time to have a little fun with the girls.

  Tori and Anna put on a little R&B Christmas music to get the night going. We all drink Caroline’s PJ from Christmas Solo cups. Before long, this Christmas party turns into just a typical Southern Friday night.

  After the third cup of PJ, I realize that I should have stopped about two cups ago. I look at Georgia, and she has the same look on her face. What do we do? We refill our cups for one more, then another, and then another.

  Before I know it, I’m dr
unk as a skunk. I try to sit down but that makes it worse. Everything is spinning. I do not like this feeling.

  “Get your butts up, girls! Only way to sober up is to eat some bread and dance your ass off!” Tori yells.

  “Yes, ma’am!” I slur as Georgia and I use each other to stand up. We grab what pizza is left and inhale it and then drink a bottle of water.

  Tori has now turned the Christmas music to Hank’s style music. It’s almost as if everyone knows where the party is because every athlete on campus is on Kluft second floor except… Joe. I wonder where he is?

  As soon as the thought enters, I see those piercing blue eyes walking down the hallway. I begin to shake my head no, but he completely ignores me. He heads straight for me and begins to grab my hand when Georgia puts in her two cents.

  “Uh, no, you don’t! She’s done with you.” She takes her time so the words aren’t slurred.

  “No. She’s. Not. I need to make this right before tomorrow morning. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”

  I can feel my heart rate increase, and the pool of tears build. This was supposed to be a night without this mess, and yet again, Dylan seems to be in control.


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