Brooke, Gerald
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Browder, Earl
Brown, Jerry
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchanan, Pat
Buchholz, Ernst
Buchman, Henry
Buikis, Yan (Shmidkhen)
Bujak, Zbigniew
Bukharin, N.
Bukovsky, Vladimir
Bulgakov, Mikhail
Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Bulletin of the Opposition
BUMBLEBEE (David Greenglass)
Bunker, Ellsworth
Bunyk, Ivan Ivanovich
Burdin, Vladimir Trofimovich (Borodin)
Bureau of People’s Protection (OZNA)
Burgess, Guy
BURGOV (Yuri Linkov)
Burtakov, Saveli Vladimirovich
Buryen, Oleg Petrovich
Bush, George
Butenko, John
Butkov, Mikhail
Buyevsky, Alexei Sergeyevich
Bystroletov, Dmitri Aleksandrovich
Cadogan, Alexander
Cairncross, John
CALIBRE (David Greenglass)
Callaghan, James
Callan, Robert
Cambridge Five. se also Blunt, Anthony; Burgess, Guy; Cairncross, John; Maclean, Donald; Philby, Kim
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Camp David agreement
Communist Party of Canada (CPC)
Canadian Broadcasting Company
Canaris, Admiral
Cancer Ward (Solzhenitsyn)
Capital Couples
Cappelloni, Guido
Carey-Foster, George
Carmichael, Stokely
Carr, E. H.
Carr, Sam
Carrillo, Santiago
Carter, Jimmy
CASE 39 (capture of Zayarny)
Casey, William
Castelo, Pacheko José
Castillo, José Maria (Chema)
Castillo, Ramón
Castle, Barbara
Castro, Fidel
Castro, Teodoro
see also Grigulevich, Iosif Romualdovich
Ceausescu, Nicolae
Cecil, Robert
Central Control Commission
Černik, Oldřich
Cerny, Vaclav
CH (Russian maid)
Chaban-Delmas, Jacques
Chalet, Marcel
Chalidze, Valeri
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambers, Whittaker
Chamoun, Camille
Chamoun, Don
Chaoui, Nicolas
CHARLES (Klaus Fuchs)
CHARLIE (Cedric Belfrage)
Charter 77
Chase Manhattan Bank
Chebrikov, Viktor
Chehab, Emir Farid
e Cheporov, Edgar Anatolyevich
Cherepanov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Cherkashin, Viktor
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chernyayev, Anatoli , Alekseyevich
Chertenko, Kira Viktorovna
Cheysson, Claude
Chiang Kai-shek
, Chichayev, Ivan Andreevich
Childs, Eva
Childs, Jack
Childs, Morris
Chilston, Viscount
Chirac, Jacques
Chizhov, Mikhail Timofeyevich
Christian Peace Conference
Christie, Agatha
Chronicle of Current Events
Churchill, Sarah
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Ciosek, Stanisław
Citizens’ Committee of Inquiry
Clark, Ramsey
Clemens, Hans
CLIP (FBI agent)
COBRA operation
COBRA-2 operation
Coggan, Donald
Cohan, Barbara J.
Cohen, Leontina (Lona)
Cohen, Morris
Colby, William
Colombi, Arturo
Columbia University
School of International Relations
Colville, John
Commander of Submarine Forces in the Atlantic (COMSUBLANT)
Committee for Human Rights
Committee of Information (KI; Komitet Informatsii)
Committee of Party and State Control
Committee of Twelve
Communist Party of Canada (CPC)
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA)
Communist Youth League (Komsomol)
COMSUBLANT (Commander of Submarine Forces in the Atlantic)
Congress of the Writers Union
Constantini, Francesco
Constantini, Secondo
Conyers, John, Jr.
COOPER (Hans Christian Pieck)
COOPER (pharmaceuticals employee)
Cornford, John
CORSICAN (Arvid Harnack)
Cortellazzo, Galeazzo Ciano di,
Cossit, Thomas
Cossutta, Armando
Costa Rica
Costello, John
Costello, Paddy
Costello, Seamus
Cot, Pierre
Council of Foreign Ministers
Council of People’s Commissars
Courtauld Institute
Courtney, Anthony
Couve de Murville, Maurice
Covert Action Information Bulletin
CPC (Communist Party of Canada)
CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
CPUSA (Communist Party of the United States)
Crankshaw, Edward
Cranston, Alan
Crémet, Jean
CRESCENDO operation
Cross, James
Crown Books
Cunhal, Alvaro
Currie, Lauchlin
Custine, Marquis de
Cyrankiewicz, Jozef
Cywiński, Bohdan
Prague Spring (1968)
Czechoslovak StB
DACHNIKI (Lona and Morris Cohen)
DAEDALUS (Pierre Cot)
Daix, Pierre
DAKS (Iosif Grigulevich)
Daladier, Edouard
DAN (engineer)
DAN (journalist)
DAN (Robert Lipka)
Daniel, Yuli (Nikolai Arzhak)
Danilov, Anatoli Aleksandrovich
DARYA (typist)
DAVID (Eugene Maki)
Dawson, Geoffrey
Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, A (Solzhenitsyn)
Debré, Michel
Decker, Erna Helga Maria
De Gaulle, Charles
Dejean, Maurice
Dekanozov, Vladimir Georgievich
Delbrouck, Leopold Lambert
DeLoach, “Deke,”
DEMID (Communist civil servant)
Denisov, Boris Vasilyevich
Dennis, Eugene (Francis S. Waldron)
DEREVLYOV (Oleg Buryen)
Deryabin, Pyotr
Deutsch, Arnold
Deutsch, Josefine
Deutscher, Isaac
Dewavrin, André (Passy)
DEYEV (Gennadi Kotov)
Diakite, Mussa
Diestel, Peter-Michael
DIF (US businessman)
DIM (Vitali Lyampin)
DIMA (Vitali Lyampin)
DIR (Mary Wolf Price)
Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST)
Dirty Work: The CIA in Wes
tern Europe (Agee)
Dirty Work II: The CIA in Africa (Agee and Wolf)
Djilas, Milovan
DLINNY (Aleksandr Korotkov)
Dmitriev, V. A.
Dobrovosky, Alexei
Dobrynin, Antoli
Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak)
Dodd, William E.
Dolbin, Grigori Grigoryevich
Donovan, James
Donovan, “Wild Bill,”
Doriot, Jacques
Dorogov, Vasili Georgyevich
DOROZHKA (runway)
Doss, William E., Jr.
DOUGLAS (Dalibar Valoushek)
Dozhdalev, Vasili Alekseyovich
DRGs (sabotage and intelligence groups)
Driberg, Tom
Droujinsky, Dmitri
DROZDROZ (Aleksei of Tallinn)
DRUG (Vasili Fronchenkov)
Drummond, Eric
Dubček, Alexander
DUDLEY (Secondo Constantini)
Duggan, Lawrence
Dulles, Allen
DUNCAN (Francesco Constantini)
Dunlap, Jack E.
Du Pont de Nemours
DURANT (André Ulmann)
Durzhavna Sigurnost (DS)
Dutov, Ataman A. I.
Dyakonov, Nikolai Vasilievich
Dynomit Nobel
Dzerzhinsky, Feliks
Dzhirkevlov, Ilya
Dzhugashvili, Joseph Vissarionovich. see also Stalin, Joseph
East Germany
EDDING operation
EDELWEISS operation
Eden, Anthony
EDITH (Edith Suschitsky Tudor Hart)
EDUARD (KGB police agent)
Einaudi, Luigi
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eitingon, Leonid Aleksandrovich
ELLI (Leo Long)
EMIL (Manfred Rotsch)
EMMA (Erna Decker Kohler)
EMMA (female agent in Canada)
ENIGMA machine
ENORMOZ project. see also MANHATTAN project
Enterprise G-4598
EPIGONI operation
ERBE (Peter Herrmann)
ERIKH (U.S. State Department employee)
ERWIN (Aleksandr Kopatzky; Igor Orlov)
Evans, Gwynfor
Everett, Raymond Franci
Evraert, Ernst
Falcon and the Snowman, The (film)
Falk, Elke
FAREWELL (Vladimir Vetrov)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Feder, Heinz Walter August
Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information (FAPSI)
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
Federovna, Anna
FEDOR (Ivan Borcha)
Fedorov, Andrei Pavlovich
Fedotov, Pyotr Vasilyevich
Feklisov, Aleksandr Semyonovich (Fomin)
Felfe, Heinz
FELIPE (Iosif Grigulevich)
FELKE (Du Pont de Nemours employee)
Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo
Figueres Ferrer, José
Filatov, Nikolai
Filippov, Aleksei Frolovich
Filippov, Viktor Mikhailovich
Filonenko, Mikhail Ivanovich
FILOSOV (Ivan Bunyk)
Suomen Kommunistinen Poulue (SKP)
FIRMA operation
First Five Year Plan
Fisher, Peter Carl
Fisher, Vilyam (Willie) Genrikhovich
Fitin, Pavel Mikhailovich
Five, The. see also Blunt, Anthony; Burgess, Guy; Cairncross, John; Maclean, Donald; Philby, Kim
FLAMINGO operation
Flanders, Ralph E.
FLEET (Goronwy Rees)
Fletcher, Raymond
FOGEL (Communist engineer)
Folik, Josif
Fonseca Amador, Carlos
Fonteyn, Margot
Footman, David
FOOT operation
FORD (Albert Friedman)
Ford, Gerald
FORST (Raymond Everett)
Fourcaud, Pierre
Fourth International
Frachon, Benoît
Parti Communiste Français (PCF)
Franco, Francisco
François-Poncet, Jean
FRANK (East German illegal)
FRANK (Lawrence Duggan)
FRANYA (female Polish student)
FRED (Ivan Gladysh)
FREDDI (Leo Lappi)
Freeman, John Frederick
Friedman, Albert
Friedman, Litzi
FRIEND (James Morrison)
Fritz, Geinrich
Frolik, Josef
Fronchenkov, Vasili
FROST (Boris Morros)
Frydenlund, Knut
FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front)
Fuchs, Klaus
Fulbright, William
Funk, Herbert
Fyodorova, Yelena Timofeyevna
Gaitskell, Hugh
Galanskov, Yuri
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gallego, Ignacio
Gallo, Fausto
Gandhi, Rajiv
Garcia, Eduardo
Gardner, Meredith
Gardner, Richard
Garnitsky, A. V.
Gasperi, Alcide de
Gast, Gabriele
Gates, Robert
Gdánsk Agreement
GEC Hirst Research Centre
Gee, Ethel
Geheimschreiber messages
Gehlen, Reinhard
Geldart, Richard
General Dynamics
GENNADI (Gayk Ovakimyan)
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich
Georg (Kurt Simon)
GEORGE (Robert Lee Johnson)
Georgetown University
Centre for Strategic Studies
George VI, King
GERA (Nina Bitnov)
GERDA (Inga Valoushek)
German Communist Party (KPD)
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Ghazarian, Elizabeth Aghasapet
Ghirey, Sultan Kelech
GIDEON (Yevgeni Brik)
GIDROLOG (Carlos Fonseca)
Gielgud, John
Gierek, Eduard
GIGI (French communist mechanic)
Gilbert, Jean
Ginzburg, Aleksandr
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry
Glading, Percy
Gladysh, Ivan Vasilyevich
Gleason, S. Everett
Glemp, Józef
Gleske, Heinz
Globke, Hans
GNIDA (Yevgeni Runge)
Godlevsky, General
Goering, Hermann
GOGOL (Nikolai Dyakonov)
Gold, Harry
Goldfus, Emil Robert
GOLD operation
Goldstäcker, Eduard
Goleniewski, Michał
Goliath, Inge
Golitsyn, Anatoli Mikhailovich
Golos, Jacob
Golubev, Sergei Mikhailovich
GOMEZ (Spanish cipher clerk)
Gómez, Agustin
Gomułka, Władisław
González, Felipe
GOOSE (Harry Gold)
Gorankova, Yulia Ivanovna
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Raisa Maximovna
GORBATY (Anatoli Golitsyn)
Gordievsky, Oleg Antonovich
Gordievsky, Vasili Antonovich
Gordon, B. M.
Gorkhin, A. F.
Gorskaya, Yelizaveta Yulyevna (Lisa)
Gorsky, Anatoli Veniaminovich
GOT (Percy Glading)
Gott, Richard
Goulding, Cathal
Gouzenko, Igor
Grabski, Tadeusz
Grachev, Andrei
GRANIT (target)
Grankin, S. M.
Gratsiansky, Yuri Vasilyevich
Great Britain
Cambridge Five. see also Blunt, Anthony; Burgess, Guy; Cairncross, John; Maclean, Donald; Philby, Kim
Great Illegals
Magnificent Five . see also Blunt, Anthony; Burgess, Guy; Cairncross, John; Maclean, Donald; Philby, Kim
Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Great Terror
Greek Communist Party
Greene, Graham
Greenglass, David
Greenglass, Ruth
Greenhill, Dennis
Gregennik, K.
Grenville, Robert
Gribanov, Oleg Mikhailovich
Gridina, M. M.
Grigulevich, Iosif Romualdovich
GRIN (Anatoli Chernyayev)
GRIN (Sandinista agent)
Grinchenko, Vladimir Vasilyevich
Grishin, Viktor
Groesser, Josef
Grohman, Jozef
GROMOV (Vasili Gordievsky)
Gromyko, Andrei
Gronchi, Giovanni
GROSS (Goronwy Rees)
GROT (secret arms dump)
GRUM (Irish Communist)
Grushko, Viktor Fedorovich
Guernsey, terry
Guibaud, Louis
Guillaume, Günter
Guinea, republic of
Guk, Arkadi Vasilyevich
Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn)
Günes, Turin
Gurgenev, Vacheslav Ivanovich (Artemov)
GURYEV (Valentin Gutin)
Gusev, Nikolai Pavlovich
Gusev, S. I.
Gutin, Valentin Aleksandrovich
Gutzeit, Davidovich
Guy Burgess (Driberg)
Habash, George
Haddad, Wadi
HAGEN (Hans-Jurgen Henze)
Halifax, Lord
Hall, Gus
Hall, Joan
Hall, Theodore Alvin (Ted)
Halperin, Morton
Hambleton, Hugh
Hamilton, Victor Norris
Hanes, Dalibor
Hankey, Lord, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
HANS (Dmitri Bystroletov)
HANSEN (Günter Guillaume)
Hardinge, Charles
Harnack, Arvid
Harriman, Averell
Harrop, William
HARRY (Valeri Makayev)
Harsch, Joseph
HART (Yevgeni Brik)
Hart, Alex Tudor
Hart, Edith Tudor
Hart, Judith
Harte, Robert Sheldon
Harvey, Libby
Hatfield, Mark
Hayhanen, Reino
HE (Hans-Thilo Schmidt)
Healey, Dennis
Healey, Dorothy Ray
Heath, Edward
Hebrang, Andriya
HECTOR (Ivanovich Filonenko)
Heinz, Leonore
Helmer, Oskar
Helsinki Accord on Security and Co-operation (1975)
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