Sorge, Richard
Sotskov, L. F.
South Africa
Soviet Writer’s Union
Partido Comunista de España (PCE)
Spanish Civil War
Special Operations Executive (SOE)
Spedding, David
Speransky, V. I.
Sperry-Rand (UNIVAC)
SPIRT operation
SPLASH operation
SPRINTER (Canadian resident)
Spy dust (metka)
ST (scientific and technology intelligence)
Stakhov, Petr
Stalin, Joseph (Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili)
Great Terror
Stallmann, Rudolf
Stalnov, Boris Konstantinovich
Stanford University
Centre for Strategy and Research
STAR (Saville Sax)
STARIK (aeronautical design engineer)
STARIK (Leon Trotsky)
STARIK (research scientist)
STARSHINA (Harro Schulze-Boysen)
START (oil pipeline)
Stashinsky, Bodgan
State and the Revolution, The (Lenin)
State Archive of the Russian Federation
State Committee for Science and Technology (GKNT)
Statute of limitations for espionage
Steen, Reiulf
STEFAN (Arnold Deutsch)
Steiner, Julius
Stennes, Walter
STEP (laboratory assistant)
Stephenson, William
Stern, Alfred Kaufman
Stern, Martha Dodd
Sternyuk, Archbishop Volodymyr
Stirner, Eleanore
Stockwood, Mervyn
Stoessel, Walter
STOIC (Latin American diplomat)
Stoph, Willi
Stoyanov, Dimitar
Stoyova, Vesselina
Straight, Michael
Strangers on a Bridge (Donovan)
Strauss, Franz-Josef
STRELA (Alex/Edith Tudor Hart)
Stride Toward Freedom (King)
Štrougal, Lubomir
SUAREZ (Colombian journalist)
Suárez, Adolfo
Subǎs, Ivan
Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatolyevich
Sullivan, William C.
Suomen Kommunistinen Poulue (SKP)
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)
Supreme Military Council (Vysshaya Voyskovaya Rada; VVR)
Surits, Yacov
Suschitsky, Edith
Suslov Commission
Sütterlin, Heinz
SVR (Sluzhba Vnezhney Razvedki)
SWEDE (aero-engine specialist)
Sweeny, Charles
Swinton, Ernest
Sykes, R. A.
Symonds, John
SYNOK (Kim Philby)
SYNOK (youngest Western recruit)
Syroyezhkin, Grigori
Syroyezhkin, Grigori Sergeevich
System Planning Corporation (SPC)
TAFFY (Andrew Revoi)
TAKSIM (Êtienne Manac’h)
Tanaka, Gi-ishi
TANOV (Anatoli Tonkonog)
TANOVA (Yelena Fyodorova)
TANYA (Kira Chertenko)
Tarasov, Lev
Tatuzov, Yuri Yefimovich
Tehran Conference (1943)
TEMNY (Vaclav Cerny)
TEODOR (Pacheco José Castelo)
TERENTY (Czech agent)
TERMIT-P (intercept station)
Texas Instruments
Thatcher, Margaret
THEO (Teodor Maly)
Thieme, Gerhard
Thompson, E. P.
Thorn_EMI Defense Electronics
Three Musketeers
Tiebel, Erwin
Tiedge, Hans-Joachim
Tischner, Józef
Tishkov, Arseni Vasilyevich (Timofeyev)
Tito, Josip (Josip Broz)
Titoist conspiracies
Titov, Gennadi Fedorovich
Titov, Igor Viktrovich
TKACHEV (Eduard Serdinov)
Todman, Terence
Togliatti, Palmiro
Tolkavhev, Adolf
Tolson, Clyde
Tolstoy, Aleksei
Tolstoy, Sergei
TOM (British journalist)
Tonkonog, Anatoli Andreyevich
TONY (Anthony Blunt)
TOPO (typist)
Touré, Sekou
Toye, Eleanor
Toynbee, Philip
Trade Union Council
Treaty of Versailles
Trepper, Leopold
TREST (deception operation)
TREZOR operation
TREZUBET (cache)
Trial Begins, The (Tertz/Sinyavski)
Tribune Group
Trilisser, Mikhail Abramovich
TROP (Argonne National Laboratory researcher)
Trotsky, Leon
Trudeau, Pierre
Truman, Harry S
Trusevich, Georgi Leonidovich
Trushnovich, Aleksandr
TRW Corporation
Tsarev, Oleg
Tserpitsky, Nikolai Lvovich
Tseyrov, Vitali Yevgenovich
Tsimbal, M. S.
Tsvigun, Semyon Konstantinovich
Tsymbal, Mikhail Stepanovich
TULIP (Mark Zborowski)
Turček, Julius
Turing, Alan
Tursevich, Galina Konstaninova
Tutyunnik, Yurko
TVEN (Semen Semenov)
Tverdokhlebov, Andrei
Tyshchuk, Arkadi Rodionovich
Ukrainian Catholic Church
UKUSA Security Agreement (1948)
Ulbricht, Walter
ULEY (beehive)
Ulmann, André
Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich. see also Lenin, V. I.
UMNITSA (Elizabeth Bentley)
Union Carbide
Union of the Struggle for Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (SBONR)
Union Treaty
United Fruit Company
United Nations
United States
Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA)
Unrau, Ivan Dmitryevich
UN Refugees Commission
Unshlikht, Iosif Stanislavovich
Urban, Jerzy
Uritsky, Moisei Solomonovich
USACH (Brookhaven National Laboratory employee)
Usatov, Mikhail
USSR at War (film)
Ustinov, Dmitri
U Thant
UTKA (Trotsky assassination plot)
VADIM (Anatoli Gorsky)
VAL (Momo Jurović)
VALDAY (money-transfer operation)
Valoushek, Dalibar
Valoushek, Nina
Vance, Cyrus
Vansittart, Robert
VANYA (Czech agent)
Vasek, Miroslav
VASILI (Georgi Arbatov)
Vasillyev, Geli Federovich
Vasilyev, P. I.
Vassall, John
Vater, Clara
Vatican, the
Vaupshasov, Stanislav Alekseyevich
VAZHDUH (Josop Kopinić)
Velychkovsky, Archbishop Vasyl
VENONA project
VENTZEYEV (KGB police agent)
VERAr />
VERA (Mary Matrosian)
Verzhbitsky, Feliks Klementyevich
VESNA (intercept post)
VESTNIK (Le Monde)
Vetrov, Dmitri Kirillovich
Vetrov, Mikhail Sergeyevich
Vetrov, Vladimir Ippolitovich
Vietnam War
View from the Kremlin, The (Yeltsin)
VIK (Reino Hayhanen)
VIL (Union Carbide employee)
VINT operation
VIR (CIA officer)
VIRGINIA (Yulia Gorankova)
VIRTANEN (Olavi Ahman)
VITOS (director in Latvian Academy of Sciences)
Vivian, Valentine
VIZIR (Cyrus Vance)
VLADELET (Russian-born agent)
VLADIMIR (Nikolai Tserpitsky)
VLADIMIROV (Radimir Bogdanov)
Vlasov, Andrei
Vogel, Wolfgang
Volga German Autonomous Region
Volkov, Konstantin Dmitrievich
VOLUNTEER (Morris Cohen)
Voronin, Yuri Nikolayevich
VORONOV (Arkadi Rodionovich)
Vorontsev, Yuli
VOSTOK operation
Voynovich, Vladimir
Voytetsky, Igor Vitalyevich
Voytetsky, Vitali Panteleymonovich (Emil Evraert)
VOZDUKH project
VPK (Military-Industrial Commission)
VVR (Vysshaya Voyskovaya Rada; Supreme Military Council)
Vyshinsky, Andrei
Wadleigh, Julian
WAISE (Donald Maclean)
Waldheim, Kurt
Waldron, Francis S. (Eugene Dennis)
Walker, John Anthony
Wallace, Henry
Wałsa, Lech
WALTER (Heinz Sütterlein)
Warren Commission
Warsaw Pact
WASP (Ruth Greenglass)
Watergate scandal
Watkins, Alan
WEEKEND (SIS operation)
Wehner, Herbert
Weinstein, Moritz
Weisband, William
Weizmann Institute
Welles, Sumner
WERNER (Wilhelm Kahle)
Werth, Alexander
West Germany
Westinghouse Electric
Whalen, William
White, Harry Dexter
White, Theodore
White Army
White Guards
Wienand, Karl
Wilcott, Jim and Elsie
Wildprett, Wolfgang
WILLIAM (Line PR agent)
Wilson, Harold
Winter War (1939)
Wohlgemuth, Wolfgang
Wojtyła, Karol
Wolf, Louis
Wolf, Markus Johannes (Mischa)
Wolisch, Max (Ignati Reif; MARR)
Wollweber, Ernst
Woodfield, Bill
Workers’ Popular Socialist Party
World Council of Churches (WCC)
World Ice Hockey Championship (1969)
World Peace Council (WPC)
World War II. see Great Patriotic War (1941—1945)
Wormwood Scrubs
Wrangel, Peter
Wright, Peter
Wyzýnski, Stefan
Yagoda, Genrikh Grigoryevich
YAK (journalist)
Yakhontov, General
Yakimov, Oleg Aleksandrovich
Yakir, Pyotr
Yakovlev (Anatoli Yatskov)
Yakovlev, A. S.
Yakovlev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Yakovlev, Nikolai
Yakovleva, Galina Vladimirovna
Yakunin, Gleb
Yakushev, Aleksandr
Yakushkin, Dmitri Ivanovich
Yalta Conference (1945)
Yanayev, Gennadi
Yankelevich, Efrem
Yatskov, Anatoli Antonovich
Yazov, Dmitri
YEFRAT (Ashot Akopyan)
YEFREMOV (Aleksandr Kunosenko)
Yegorov, Alexei
YELENA (Anna Federovna)
Yeltsin, Boris
YERMAKOV (Arkadi Guk)
Yermolev, G. M.
Yermolov, Vasili Ivanovich
Yerofeyev, Ivan Alekseyevich
YESAULENKO (Iosif Pustoutov)
YEVDOKIMOV (Eduard Koslov)
YEVROPA operation
Yevseyev, Dmitri Gavrilovich
Yevstafeyev, Gennadi Makhaylovich
Yezhov, Nikolai Ivanovich
Young, Andrew
YUNG (aeronautical/computer engineer)
YUNG (Iskhak Akhmerov)
YUZ (Ivan Morozov)
Zabínski, Andrzej
Zaitsev, Lev Sergeyevich
ZAK (KGB police agent)
Zakharov, Aleksandr Demyanovich
Zamoyska, Hélène
Zamoysky, Lolly
Zamuruyev, Anatoli Alekseyevich
Zarubin, Vasili Mikhailovich
Zarubina, Yelïzaveta Yulyevna
Zaytsev, Leonid Sergeevich
Zborowski, Mark
ZEFIR (intercept post)
Zelenin, General
Zeman, Jaroslav
ZENIT (Christopher Boyce)
Zhdanov, Andrei
Zheleznov, Anatoli Mikhaylovich
Zhenikhov, Vladimir Vasilyevich
Zhivkov, Todor
Zhizhin, Vyacheslav
ZHORA (William Weisband)
Zhukov, Yuri
Ziegler, Philip
ZIMIN (Anatoli Zamuruyev)
Zimmermann, Phil
ZINA (Valentina Rush)
Zinovyev, Grigori
Zionist conspiracies
ZOLUSHKA (Elizabeth Ghazarian)
Zorin, Valerian
Zujovic, Streten
Zujović, Streten
ZVENO (oil pipeline)
ZVUK (Jacob Golos)
Théophile Delcassé and the Making of the Entente Cordiale
The First World War: Causes and Consequences (Volume 19 of The Hamlyn History of the World)
France Overseas: The Great War and the Climax of French Imperial Expansion (with A. S. Kanya-Forstner)
The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in ihe Twentieth Century (with David Dilks)
Her Majesty’s Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community
Codebreaking and Signals Intelligence
Intelligence and International Relations, 1900-1945 (with Jeremy Noakes)
KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev (with Oleg Gordievsky)
Instructions from the Centre: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations, 1975-1985 (published in the USA as: Comrade Kryuchkov’s Instructions) (with Oleg Gordievsky)
More ‘Instructions from the Centre’: Top Secret Files on KGB Global Operations, 1975-1985 (with Oleg Gordievsky)
For the President’s Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush
Eternal Vigilance? Fifty Years of the CIA (With Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones)
Copyright © 1999 by Christopher Andrew
Introduction to the Paperback Edition © 2001
Published by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
Unless otherwise credited, photos are from the authors’ collections.
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for from the Library of Congress.
sp; eISBN: 978-0-465-01003-5
1 By the time I gained access to the archive, the greater part had been translated and carefully checked by SIS officers working in close collaboration with Mitrokhin. The Security Service and US intelligence officers also assisted in the translation. The translated archive was made available to me in an SIS office both in hard copy and on a computer database with sophisticated indexing and search software. While I was writing the book, Mitrokhin worked three days a week with an SIS officer completing the translation and checking process.
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2 On the Magnificent Five, see below, Chapter 4.
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3 Intelligence and Security Committee, The Mitrokhin Inquiry Report, Cm 4764, June 13, 2000, pp. 44-5, 47. The authorization doubtless had something to do with the fact that I had earlier written a KGB history and edited two volumes of KGB documents (listed in the Bibliography) with Oleg Gordievsky, a former KGB colonel who for eleven years had been one of the most important SIS agents of the Cold War.
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4 Some details of the briefing of senior ministers and civil servants are given in Intelligence and Security Committee, The Mitrokhin Inquiry Report, Annex E.
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5 Hollander, Political Pilgrims, p. 102.
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6 See below, Chapter 5.
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7 David Rose, “‘I would do everything again,’ says the agent from suburbia,” Sunday Telegraph, September 12, 1999. While interviewing Mrs. Norwood on August 10 for a BBC2 documentary based on The Mitrokhin Archive, Rose had obtained the first confession that she had been a Soviet spy.
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8 John Symonds (interviewed by David Rose), “I told you I was a spy,” Guardian (G2), September 14, 1999. Cf. below, pp. 559-63.
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9 Interview with Oleg Kalugin on ABC Nightline, September 9, 1999.
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10 ABC News report by John McWethy, September 9, 1999.
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11 New York Post, 7 November 1999. Philadelphia Daily News, 8 November 1999.
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