A Flawed Jewel (A Marsden Romance Book 1)

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A Flawed Jewel (A Marsden Romance Book 1) Page 6

by Dawn Brower

  He still needed to make sure the comte paid for his treachery. The modification was in how much of it would destroy the humanity that remained of his soul. What he was doing to gain retribution wouldn’t blacken him to the core. It was something he could, and would, happily live with. Some things were worth whatever price needed to be paid. This was one time there would be no regrets. There were times when he thought he would never be able to make Renny Dubois pay for his betrayal, and it was finally within his grasp. He just had to reach out and take it. He was so lost in thought he hadn’t heard his bosun approach until he started to speak.

  “Captain we are almost to the harbor of Bordeaux. I have Timmy getting ready to take a dinghy to shore. Is your message ready?”

  Thor pulled out the missive. He had carefully written all of his instructions on the day he’d gotten his first taste of Pia. She had been so occupied with her own thoughts she hadn’t even been curious about what he had been writing. At first that had disappointed him until he turned around and saw the expression on her face.

  There had been such a look of longing in her eyes as she chewed her bottom lip. He lost control when her tongue slowly rolled over her lips leaving them a shiny invitation to be kissed. He couldn’t restrain himself after that. He had to taste her. It was nice to see a lighter side of her personality emerge. If she had never stuck her tongue out at him, he may never have given in to his desire to kiss her.

  He rolled the missive between his fingers remembering how much that day had transformed his outlook. His needs had altered so much because of that one moment of weakness. He wouldn’t go back and change any part of that day, even knowing how much it would change him or what it forced him to admit about himself. After spending the past two weeks with Pia, he knew she was meant to be his. That day had sealed it for him. Thor turned to his bosun and handed him the message.

  “Tell Timmy to wait for the reverend and bring all our guests back with him. The crew and I will await their arrival. Also, make sure he is aware I would like them here as quickly as possible. I want to have enough time to make sure Pia is back below deck before the sun sets tonight. It will be too dangerous to allow her to remain on deck after the ceremony.”

  “I will make sure that Timmy follows your directions, sir. After all it is a good night for a celebration.”

  Thor laughed. “It is indeed, Corny. It is indeed.”

  “The cook also wanted me to let you know that tonight’s meal would be remembered for a long time to come. We got quite a haul from the galley of the ship we plundered, including a nice case of brandy and scotch. He wants to know if you’d like us to break it open for the celebration tonight.”

  “I think that’s a fine plan, Corny. Also, any unnecessary crew can have shore leave for the night. Tell them they can go after tonight’s celebration and remind them they need to be back on the ship before sunset tomorrow night. We will set sail after everyone’s returned.”

  “Aye aye, Captain. I will take care of everything.”

  Thor found himself smiling in anticipation. Soon he would have everything he desired, including the alluring Pia. Her charms were something he ached to sample. After the blazing kisses they had shared, he knew her desire was equal to his. Pia was full of a fire that would consume with the right amount of fuel feeding her flames. It would be his honor and pleasure to share that bliss with her. After the ceremony just before dusk, she would be his in every way. Once the formalities were out of the way, they could explore what made each other burn.


  If Pia didn’t stop walking back and forth, she was bound to wear a hole in the cabin floor, clear through to the cargo hold. If that damn pirate showed his face today, she was going to pummel it with her fists. He needed to let her out of this cabin. He could at least have given her something to read. Then again, he did have that locked cabinet.

  Staring at the cabinet as if seeing it for the first time, she analyzed it for weaknesses. Maybe it is possible to unlock it. With little to amuse herself, she was desperate enough to try anything. She scoured the room, looking for a tool that could help her pry it open. She turned the bunk inside out, throwing things on the floor. The blankets and pillows hit the ground with a soft thud. There was nothing there. She pulled the mattress up and pushed it against the wall. She looked beneath it. When she did not find anything of use, she let it flop back down haphazardly on top of its wooden frame. She turned and spotted the pirate’s trunk. Rushing over to it, she tried to lift the top with her bare hands. The bloody thing was locked too, and she kicked it in frustration.

  Nothing. There was nothing in the room. This was the worst torture ever imagined. She moved over to the cabinet to see if she could pry it open with her hands.

  Pia kept trying to tear it open unaware that Thor had entered. He watched her for several seconds before he spoke. “Perhaps I could help you with that?”

  Pia jumped back, startled by his voice next to her.

  “Must you be so damned quiet?”

  A chuckle rumbled out of his chest, developing into a full blown laugh. It was like a bolt of lightning striking the ground and spreading a light through a dark room.

  “It was not my intention. I can see you have idle hands. Perhaps, I can give you something to keep them busy.”

  “Really? What? Do you have any books? I would love to have something to read. It would go a long way in curing the chronic boredom I’ve developed while being held captive.”

  “Sadly, pirates have little use for books. We don’t have time for any leisurely pursuits. I might have a map or two you could entertain yourself with, but that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

  “I am almost afraid to ask. What exactly do you have in mind?”

  “Well we could always continue where we left off the other day. That wall there was quiet handy in keeping you in place and what you were doing with your hands—purely inspirational.”

  Pia glared at him. Is he serious? Please let him be serious. She wanted to kiss him again and feel his hands roaming over her body. She wanted him to suck her nipples and squeeze her breasts. Wait, where did that idea come from? It was a fine idea indeed, and it needed to happen. I really, really need it to happen. She was about to make her demands when she remembered she was supposed to discourage such actions. She had to be sensible, and the pirate had already proven his kisses made her brainless.

  “That is not what I had in mind and you know it.”

  “Pia, love, you are the most amusing woman I have ever encountered. I can see the conflicting emotions all over your face. No worries, my dear, I do have something else in mind. I thought perhaps you would enjoy a bath and a change of clothes.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Is this some kind of trick? What’s the catch?”

  “No trick or catch. I want you to be comfortable and feel your best today. We are having a celebration tonight, and you will be able to come on deck.”

  “Really? I can leave the cabin now? I’d been starting to think you were lying about allowing me out of this blasted room.”

  “Yes, for an hour or so. Your attendance at the celebration is much desired.”

  “Then yes, absolutely, I would love a bath. But, I don’t have any underclothes or another dress that I can put on when I’m done.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you have something besides that drab dress you choose to wear.”

  “Are you serious? It isn’t like you have given me a change of attire since I have been on your ship.”

  “I didn’t have a reason to before. I was commenting more on your choice of attire, period. It’s dreadful, and you need to wear something with more color. Black, my dear, does nothing for you.”

  “I’m in mourning, my father died. That’s what you wear to honor the dead.”

  “I know. All the same, you will no longer wear black. I don’t like it.”

  Pia pursed her lips together, letting her displeasure be known. She looked at Thor. “All right, Captain. A
s I have no choice but to follow your dictates, I guess I will have to agree if I want a bath and a change of clothes.”

  He smiled at her, and she felt her heart flutter faster. Damn him and his alluring smile. It should be illegal, not that it would stop him. He was a pirate after all. They never followed any laws, unless they were of their own making. If there was one thing Pia was more than aware of, it was that this particular pirate made his own rules. This ship was a nation of its own making. Any regulations were enforced by the one and only sovereign pirate, Thor.

  “As always, Pia, you make things more interesting. I will send my cabin boy up with your hot water. Do not give him any trouble. If you try to leave the cabin before you are supposed to, you will regret it. Take this small peace offering and enjoy your bath.”

  Pia sighed. “I can’t very well argue with your logic.”

  “Of course you can’t, it won’t take you long to realize that I am generally right in most situations. One more thing before I go, please clean up the mess you made before Gus comes with your bath. I know that you didn’t have anything to do, but tearing the cabin apart isn’t an acceptable form of entertainment. It wouldn’t do very well for us to sleep on wet things tonight.”

  He turned and walked out the door, making sure it was secured behind him. Once it was closed, Pia stuck her tongue out at him. She didn’t dare do it to his face any more. Even if she wanted him to kiss her again, she couldn’t allow it to happen. They almost went too far the last time.

  After reflecting on her situation, she didn’t think it was wise to get too attached to the pirate. He was undoubtedly handsome and his kiss was an experience she would always treasure, but her heart would break if she allowed him to have it. She did not believe it was possible for her to have an affair without letting herself feel something for the other person. She had already begun to care about the pirate, and all they had done was kiss.

  Pia sighed and looked at the room. She had made quite a mess of the small cabin. On this one occasion she conceded that Thor had a point. The room’s current chaotic state needed to be set to rights. She had no idea how long it would be before her bath was brought to the cabin so she immediately began to clean up the room. It didn’t take her long to put everything back where it belonged and decided she needed a break from the exertion.

  Pia was lying on the bunk when the door opened. She turned to see a boy of no more than twelve come in carrying a wooden tub. He placed it near the bunk and walked out of the room. He wasn’t much of a conversationalist.

  Pia got up to inspect the tub. It wasn’t very large. Looking at it, she wondered how anyone larger than her could possibly fit inside of it. She wondered where the captain got the tub, and if he had intended for her to bathe all along. Where did the rest of them bathe? Did they even bother?

  It wasn’t long before the boy returned. This time he was carrying two large buckets of steaming water. He quickly poured them into the tub. When he was done, he looked over at her and set the buckets down.

  “Miss, I will be back with more hot water. Once the tub is half full, then a couple of pails with cooler water will be available so you can make it to your liking. I’m to bring you some soap and drying cloths as well. After I bring you everything, you are free to take your bath. I just wanted to let you know so that you can bathe in peace.”

  “Thank you, what’s your name?”

  “Gus, ma’am.”

  “Thank you, Gus. Are you bringing me a change of clothes too?”

  “I don’t rightly know, ma’am. I suspect the captain has everything you need ready, and you will get it when he decides you need it.”

  “Hmm. Of course he does. Thank you again, Gus.”

  Odious man.

  When Gus left, Pia silently fumed. Give it to her when he wants her to have it, will he. It was time to share her frustrations with him. Thor had no idea how much he drove her insane. The pirate would soon learn exactly what Pia’s capabilities were. This was definitely going to be an amusing day.

  Gus continued to fill her bath. He completed his task efficiently, working as fast as his small frame could manage. Once he was gone, she didn’t waste any time because the water would cool and make her bath a miserable experience. She adjusted the water to her desired temperature. While she was finishing that task, Gus came in one last time with a couple stacks of dry cloths and a bar of soap.

  “Here be your soap, ma’am. I will be by later to collect the water and tub. I will knock first so as to make sure you’re decent.”

  Pia looked over as Gus left the room. The door shut with a quiet click. She heard the key turn, locking her inside once again. She began to undress, and it wasn’t until he left that she realized she had a dilemma. How the heck am I going to get my corset off?

  Chapter Seven

  Thor had decided he needed to give Pia something to occupy her time with. When he had walked in earlier and found the cabin a mess with her attempting to yank open his cabinet, he knew she was at her wit’s end. So he dug through one of her trunks, locating some books for her. He had heard her expound at length about how much she loved every one of her damned books. Apparently, she really loved mythology. So it was with some amusement he picked up a book titled: Thor, God of Thunder. He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when he handed it to her. Yes, he was attempting to do her a favor, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find humor in giving her that book just to get a reaction out of her.

  When Thor walked into the cabin, he found Pia struggling to untie her corset. Thor leaned on the frame of the doorway and watched her with amusement. He let out a laugh that echoed throughout the cabin like a roll of thunder, much like the god he was named after. The boisterous sound succeeded in gaining her attention.

  Pia glanced back at him briefly only to turn back around, still struggling to loosen her stays. “I’m glad I can amuse you. What are you doing here anyway? I thought I had privacy to bathe?” She waved her hands motioning him to come to her. “Never mind, make yourself useful and untie this blasted thing. I don’t have a maid, as you left her on the other ship, so you can act in her place.”

  Her face was turned away as she stood quietly with her back to him. Thor took his packages and set them on the table. He walked over and pulled at the laces of her corset, loosening them. He leaned over her shoulder, his breath hot on her neck and whispered in her ear. “Oh, I assure you I have no problem acting as your maid. I have wanted to undress you for days.”

  “How crude, just unlace this thing. Then you can leave. Did you bring me a change of clothes? Forget the corset. I am not wearing it again. I don’t have a maid to help with the blasted thing. It’s far too much to deal with on my own.”

  Thor laughed as he listened to her ramble on without giving him a chance to respond. Pia talked so fast it was impossible to get a word in. Once she stopped to take a breath, Thor took the opportunity to speak.

  “It was good of you to remember to straighten up the mess you made earlier. I did remember how agitated you were and thought perhaps you would like one of the books from your trunks. Yes, I did remember your clothes. They were especially made for you. I hope the dress pleases you.”

  “Wait, you have my trunks? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? There are things in there I could use. Why wouldn’t you let me have my things?” she demanded. Her agitation showed as Pia swung her hands around in circular motion, emphasizing her disapproval through the movement.

  “I didn’t see any reason before now.”

  “I don’t know why I’m surprised. Nothing you do shocks me anymore, just leave the stuff on the table and leave so I can bathe in peace.”

  “I have no intention of leaving.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Thor raised an eyebrow, mocking her. It was clear he had her backed into a corner. She could not find a way to extricate herself from. He didn’t budge on anything once he set his mind to it. Thor knew Pia would acquiesce to his demands.

�Well, love, it is as simple as this. I am going to go take a little nap over there on the bunk. I’m weary and want to rest before tonight’s celebration. I won’t bother you while you bathe. Go ahead and do as you planned.”

  Pia stared at him with her mouth gaping. Shock riddled her face, turning it a bright shade of red. It would be interesting to see what she would do. He was actually looking forward to it. He loved teasing her.

  Thor watched as she reached down to check the temperature of the bath water. The water had a little steam billowing over the tub as she ran her fingers over it. Seeming to be satisfied with the temperature, she grabbed the soap and a dry cloth and set them near the tub. Her pantaloons and chemise hit the floor, leaving her completely naked before him. Her pert backside was in full view as she climbed into the tub keeping her back to him the entire time. It took everything he had not to walk over, pull her back out of the tub, and explore every inch of her body. Instead, he laid there in silence and watched as she scrubbed her body clean. Pia poured a bucket of water over her head to rinse herself off. When the water flowed over her head dousing every inch of her, Thor’s eyes remained on her back as tiny droplets of water slowly trailed down the curve of her spine.

  She was completely thorough in her bathing, washing every inch of herself. Thor was entranced as she slowly brought a washcloth across her neck and it disappeared from his view, down toward her bosom. He had never been so jealous of a piece of cloth in his life. He wanted to touch everything it brushed against. The longer he lay there watching her, the harder he got beneath his trousers. Siren’s were fabled to tempt sailors to their doom. Pia could very well be one put on Earth to bring about his demise. The beautiful temptress scrubbing her skin pink in front of him was surely created to torture him with pleasure.

  It took every ounce of his will not to strip his clothes off and pull her out of that blasted tub. His need for her grew with every breath he took. Thor assured himself he would have her soon. He could be patient and wait for the appropriate time. Thor gritted his teeth in frustration as he rubbed a hand over his aching member.


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