ISBN: 978-0-141-93528-7
Maps and a Family Tree
The Himling Dynasty
The Roman Empire in AD 264
Prologue I: Gallia Belgica , AD 262
Prologue II: The Island of Abalos in the Suebian Sea, AD 263
Part One: Oikoumene , Spring AD 264
I: The Town of Olbia to the North of the Black Sea
II: Campania in Italy
III: Olbia
IV: Olbia
V: Germania Inferior
VI: Olbia
VII: Olbia
VIII: Olbia
IX: Olbia
Part Two: Anabasis , Spring–Summer AD 264
X: The Hypanis River
XI: The Estuary of the Hypanis and Borysthenes
XII: Rome
XIII: The Borysthenes River
XIV: The Borysthenes River
XV: The Rapids on the Borysthenes River
XVI: Gallia Narbonensis
XVII: The Headwaters of the Vistula River
Part Three: Hyperborea , Summer AD 264
XVIII: The Vistula Delta
XIX: The Vistula Delta
XX: The Island of Varinsey
XXI: The Suebian Sea
XXII: The Islet of Nerthus, South of Varinsey
XXIII: The Alps
XXIV: The Island of Hedinsey
XXV: The Island of Varinsey
XXVI: The Ouiadoua Bank off the Southern Shore of the Suebian Sea
XXVII: The Island of Hedinsey
XXVIII: The Inlet of Norvasund on the Cimbric Peninsula
XXIX: Norvasund
XXX: The Island of Abalos
XXXI: The Island of Varinsey
XXXII: The Island of Hedinsey
Epilogue One: Gallia Lugdunensis , AD 264
Epilogue Two: The Island of Abalos in the Suebian Sea , AD 265
Historical Afterword
List of Roman Emperors of the Time of The Amber Road
List of Characters
The Amber Road Page 40