Book of Curses (The Renning Chronicles)

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Book of Curses (The Renning Chronicles) Page 11

by L. D. Hutchinson

  “Ready to go when you are.” He said to us, bouncing on his feet a bit. He seemed hyper, but I figured it was happiness that he had seen his family for a short while. In the end, I guess I did something for them, more than they did something for me. Smiling to myself at that thought, I waited to see what Talon had to say.

  “Good, then let’s get going.” Talon announced, and without another word he quickly stalked off into the darkness ahead of us.

  “Always a cheery one isn’t he?” I asked Nixon as I rolled my eyes and started after him. I wanted to kick him as hard as I could, repeatedly, for going off like that without us.

  I heard Nixon laugh from behind me, and then he was beside me once more. I envied him that kind of speed, it was unnatural and unfair. I followed him back to the castle, or well, that's all I could really think of to call it.

  When I got back to the room, I slammed the door shut without meaning to. Then I ran over to my bed and collapsed on it. I was immediately out cold, probably snoring.


  “So, you’re one of the chosen?” A man’s voice echoed, asking the question which I assumed was aimed at me.

  I spun around quickly, staring at the new, but strange, figure. I swear he looked like a centaur, but he was made entirely of light, the brightest bits of light. I blinked a few times to see if I needed to clear my vision, but of course it didn't help me one bit.

  This was a dream then, of course. I seemed to be having enough of these crazy, off the wall, dreams; so it wouldn't have surprised me. The centaur bowed, or made a motion that seemed to mimic bowing, in front of me. I blinked my eyes again staring at him, trying to figure out what I was supposed to do or say.

  “I’m sorry for intruding in your dreams; I am Arbael Corbes, one of the four gods.” He told me straightening up slowly. I looked at him, seeming more confused than ever. If this was one of my dreams, then I needed to stop eating before I went to sleep, because they were starting to become some really crazy dreams.

  “You don’t seem like much, but I hope you can do as said. My sister and brothers are causing too much destruction, and too many people are blaming others for it, instead of us. Along with foolishly listening to the gods, and thinking that if they do what they’re told they’re going to be granted immortality, it needs to end.”

  “What, aren’t you supposed to be like the rest?" I shook my head, holding my hands up in front of my chest in a stop motion. I narrowed my eyes a bit as I looked at him. That was how it was supposed to be, right? All four Gods were killers, no mercy shown from any of them.

  “My child, I hate war, and I hate bloodshed.” He told me, shaking his head slowly, but it was more what you'd imagine a swarm of fireflies dispersing would look like.

  I was so fascinated by what he looked like, that I was hardly paying attention like I should've been. He was so strangely beautiful, and I just couldn't help it. “I am not like them, in any way.” I heard what sounded like amusement flickering about in his voice.

  “How are we supposed to fight gods, we’re humans, mortals!” I yelled at him, it was the most random burst of anger I've had in ages. But, if this was all real, I wanted answers. I didn't want to be here in confusion forever, and then be killed one day because of it. I wanted help.

  “For now you are, from what other oracles have seen and said, you and your brother won't be mortals for long.” He slowly stepped forward; I had to squint to see him until he was fully formed once more. It was awkward, but I couldn't help how he appeared. That was up to him, not me.

  “Learn what you can in each region, hone your fighting skills, and make bonds that will last. Make sure they’re with the right people, but be warned, you are in fact running out of time. I suggest no longer than two months at each, that’ll give you ten months to do what you need to do. In the end, you’ll only have weeks before an attack, don’t dawdle girl.”

  “Ten months? That sounds like a long time in my opinion.” I frowned a little, looking at him. How could you not get a lot done in ten months? That was almost a year, I could get so much done in that amount of time, that I didn't get what the rush was for.

  “But two months in each realm cuts out more than half the time you truly need, make sure you use every spare moment.” He began to back up, I watched him intently, and then realized that he was going to leave. “I must leave now, use my advice and you may survive. I pray you will.” He bowed to me once more, and then began to disperse everywhere. Literally his body turned into tiny light practical's that floated in the air, before they disappeared completely.

  “Wait!” I yelled at where he'd been, a little too late. I didn't want him to go yet. I had so much to ask, and so much I needed to know. It wasn't fair that he was already leaving.

  “Until next time child.” His voice echoed around me in the eerie way voices do in movies. Or in your dreams, when you're in the process of waking up or moving from one dream into another. It was creepy, and frightening, because if I didn't ask him and get answers, chances were, I was a goner.

  I woke up almost instantly. My head was throbbing, and I was covered in a thick film of sweat. I threw my head back onto the mountains of pillows behind me, and tried to fall back asleep.

  I just wanted to fall into a dreamless sleep this time. I mean, what kind of dream was that? It wasn't real was it? I'd have to ask if Arbael had a specific form, or if he often visited dreams. Then I could clear this all up for myself, so that I didn't worry any longer.

  It was the smart way to go, and it was what I planned on doing tomorrow, when we started our training. Joy, you'd think we could escape school here? But no, we end up in a paranormal version of it, made sense.


  Sleep didn't last as long as I wanted it to. I woke up to a loud rapping on the wooden door to my bedroom. Groaning I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Then, I heard Nixon's voice flow into my room. "Raine, time to get up, your training begins in less than a hour." I groaned again, rolled onto my stomach and pressed a pillow over my head trying to keep from screaming into it.

  After a few minutes, I pulled myself up, even though to be truthful I didn't want to do anything but curl up into the fetal position and sleep more. I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to train, I wanted sleep. I needed sleep, badly.

  I had managed to find some clothes in my dresser this time. Apparently someone had come into my room at some point and stocked the drawers for me. I pulled out a pair of pants that fit my body nearly perfectly, and was frightened by that fact.

  They looked like a strange mix between jeans, and the leather pants that I had worn here originally. Pulling off my shirt and setting it down, I hunted through my dresser until I found a light blue shirt made of a thin soft fabric. It was better than wearing nothing.

  When I pulled it on, I realized it was a tunic. It was longer than I thought it was, just going a few inches past my thighs. It was cut down the front of it, deeply, and then was pulled back together by a few strings.

  The sleeves ended at my wrists, but hung loosely around them. I shrugged and pulled on a pair of boots, lacing them as fast as my small fingers would let me. I was really starting to miss my own clothes; they were simpler, and easier to put on than half this stuff was.

  “Ready Raine? Talon’s already there.” Nixon called into my room from out in the hallway. I tilted my head towards the door and let out a sigh, frowning a bit I walked to the door.

  “Yeah.” I walked to the door, opening it, and walked out into the hallway smiling towards him. I smoothed down my shirt, and then pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Nodding my head at him, I was ready. “Let’s go.”

  We walked down the hall, until we ended up making a sudden turn. He went towards an area that was lit up brightly, there was so much space it felt empty, and yet it was full of plants. I looked around slowly, and then saw Tom sitting in the center of the room.

  I walked over to him and noticed he seemed zombie like, he was just sitting there, starin
g at something. Fang and Talon were nowhere to be seen.

  “What are you looking at Tom?” I asked him as I walked up to him, blinking in confusion.

  He looked over at me, and then beckoned for me to come closer with his fingers. I stared at him until he actually spoke, so I knew he wasn't spacing out on me completely, and actually understood me. “Them.”

  When I got closer to him, I looked where he was pointing and saw it. Towards the back of the room, you could barely see through the many plants. There were two men, who I presumed were Fang and Talon, fighting. It was a strange sight to see.

  I watched as Talon swung his sword, watching Fang and waiting for him to make a move. When he finally made one it was swift and graceful, Fang lunged forward, arching his sword slightly, and it came down at him from the side. His own leg flew out at Talon.

  Talon turned to the side, dodging his foot and raising his arm with his sword in it, both of the swords clanged off one another. Without any hesitation he spun and aimed at Fang, metal clashed again and then again. I didn't understand how Tom could watch them, and be so bored with it.

  They looked like they were in a strange dance. Gliding around on the floor, countering each other. I saw something then that shocked me, and chilled me to the very bone.

  Talon was smiling. Not a fake smile, but a very real, happy, smile while they fought. It made him look lethal, and at the same time made him that much more attractive. I was enjoying watching them fight; I realized Fang seemed to be enjoying it too.

  The normally cruel and rude guy seemed relaxed. He was smiling too, and moving around so fluidly that it almost seemed unreal. He dodged each blow, then turned and attacked him again. It was a constant repeating of movements that were so beautiful, that they were scary.

  “You guys going to do that all day, or help train these two? I’ll do it on my own if I have too.” Nixon cupped his hands around his mouth, calling out to the two men that had been fighting.

  I saw Talon glance back for a brief second. Then he slid forward in a quick movement that I could barely keep track of, knocked Fang onto the floor, and pointed his sword at him. There was a huge grin on his face as he stared down at Fang.

  “Fine, next time.” Fang spat as he got up and shook his head. His dark hair moved a bit with the motion. He started back towards us with Talon, and I could see the strands of sweat that were running down his face.

  “If you say so, Half-blood.” Talon replied to him, moving closer to us. His smile was now gone, and replaced by his blank face. It made me sad to see the two of them back to this, but at the same time I knew what they loved now. They enjoyed fighting… The competition, the battle.

  It was something both of them had a common love for, even if they tried to act like they didn't. The way they moved out there when we were all watching, was enough to tell anyone how much they loved what they were doing.

  “So, what about Fang and you show them the basics?” Nixon tilted his head, asking Talon and Fang both. He rolled his neck and I heard a loud pop. He looked relaxed after that.

  “What are you going to do, Dhampire?” Fang snarled at him, I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him. He was so attractive looking, but if you knew him even for a minute, you'd regret thinking that.

  He was your classic tall dark and handsome. Dark hair, slight stubble on his face, gold eyes, pale skin. He was at least six foot five, maybe six foot six. Talon was maybe an inch taller than he was.

  “Sit back, and wait till they get the basics down enough that I can teach them how to put Demon’s like you on their asses.” Nixon simply shrugged towards him. I could already see it, these guys probably all wanted to kill each other most of them time.

  Fang let out a low, feral sounding growl at Nixon then looked away. “Why in the cold hell, do we have to teach them basics? If they need to be taught it, you can do it Dhampire.”

  “Fang, just do it.” Talon let out a sigh, looking over at Fang with a pleading look.

  Fang grumbled for a moment, and then stood up as straight as he could in front of me. Talon was in front of Tom. They both handed us a sword, tip down so that we were given the handles to grab onto.

  I grabbed the one that Fang was handing me, seeing Tom swinging his own in his hands. Talon and Fang stepped next to us; Talon on Tom's left side, Fang was on mine.

  “You’re going to need to get used to holding and swinging the sword, so, defense first.” I nodded my head, trying to listen to Fang. He looked so furious with everyone; I thought he was going to take off my head. But, when he spoke, he sounded calm. “Try to mimic my motions the best you can.”

  Fang began to step forward, and then did a slow motion with his arm. Lifting it up and shifting his legs, I matched him step for step. He changed his position, his other foot came forward, and the other one moved back, his arms switched to move behind his back.

  We began to pick up the pace towards the end; we ended up moving faster than Talon and Tom. It was sort of funny how fast I picked up on this stuff, but I found it fun, and it was similar to dancing.

  The more I actually thought about it, it really did seem like a series of dances. You had to be extremely graceful, quick, and you had to remember the exact moves, or you'd be doomed by the fall of a sudden swords blade bearing down on you.


  It wasn't too long after we finished up, that we were taken to another room. Nickel traded off with Fang, and flanked Tom's side with Layre now. Talon and Nixon both were quiet as they stood on both of my sides, leading me down the hall beside my brother.

  We ended up in the library, and I'll tell you this now. I didn't think I would've ever been so happy to see the extremely cranky Eyloff or Dolphus. Though, Dolphus was practically bouncing when he saw us enter the room. I forgot yet again that he was a Lycanthrope soldier. Sometimes he just made it so easy to forget, I didn't think he belonged there, but he was there still.

  “Raine!” He yelled happily, drawing out the syllables in my name and in one quick motion striding over to me. “Isn’t this place just grand?”

  “It’s sickening, is what it is…” Eyloff grumbled, sounding as angry with the world as ever.

  I looked over at Eyloff frowning at his remark, before looking back at Dolphus and smiling happily. “It’s nice.”

  “So, where exactly do we start teaching you?” Nickel asked aloud to Tom and me, I looked over at him.

  “We could teach them the guardian stuff.” Layre simply said, shrugging her shoulders as she sat down.

  Nickel nodded his head slowly, as if he was thinking. His finger grazed over a tattoo that sat under his right eye, when I got a good look at it, it looked like a dragon and when he touched it, I swore it moved a little. “Sit everyone, this could take a while.”

  I sat down, still looking at him before my eyes shifted over to Layre. I was trying to figure out what they were doing when they started exchanging words and searching through some books.

  Tom stood behind me, leaning on the back of the plush couch. I could feel his hands right next to where my shoulders were, making me look back at him for a moment. Nixon was sitting on my left side, and Dolphus on my right. When I looked for Eyloff and Talon I found them hovering close by us, but giving one another dirty looks.

  “How much do you know about guardians?” Layre asked, her voice was almost like a bell ringing across the room. She was holding onto a well-aged book, I was trying to see what it looked like, but I could only catch glimpses of the yellow pages.

  Giving up, I looked back at Tom and he shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing.” I answered her, watching to see what they'd both do now.

  Nickel closed his eyes, nodding his head again as he leaned back into his chair. His dirty blonde hair was pulled back from his face. He looked up at us with cloudy grey eyes before he moved his right hand to shut a book next to him. Once it was shut he let out a bit of a sigh, and began to speak.

  Chapter 8


>   “Guardians are the people who take on the legacy of others, they’re marked at birth, and that’s how we tell them from others. I’m sure you realize their births are rare. Two out of however many were born or reborn in each region. Talon was our first, reborn if you need to know specifically, then Nixon.

  The mark is an obvious one to everyone from the gods, a scar that looks more like a tattoo. It can be anywhere, Nixon's is at the base of his throat, and Talon’s is under his right eye." Nickel explained

  “Guardians take on the duty of protecting the chosen, only if they are of age. If they are not, the region picks the next strongest person, and they protect them instead. There is only ever as many guardians as there are chosen, in our case there are two of you, so two guardians come from each region to help you.


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