Mage Assassin

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Mage Assassin Page 25

by Logan Jacobs

  “I know,” I replied with a patient nod.

  “Not just that,” Cinis continued, “but they’re known for tampering with all forms of magic, and what’s worse is they twist it to their advantage that most beings don’t know nearly as much as them. They’re secretive about their true knowledge, so anything could happen around them.”

  “How do you even know that?” I furrowed my brow.

  “Just because the citizens of Ocadia stay away from us, doesn’t mean we don’t know about you,” she coolly retorted. “Everyone within the Ardere of Ignis despises necromancers as much as most do, and that’s saying a lot. Normally, we admire cunning and deadly beings.”

  “Does that mean you admire me?” I smirked at the comment, but she said it in all seriousness, and she was admittedly right. Even with the fires looming, and Ignis planning to descend on Ocadia, it was still the necromancer I worried about more now.

  I didn’t have much experience dealing with their kind.

  “I… well… I am here… aren’t I?” She looked away from me, and I couldn’t help but trace my eyes down the creamy skin of her elegant neck.

  “I must go,” I whispered.

  No distractions. Vengeance would be mine.

  “Dex…” Cinis sighed, and she stepped closer as she clutched the sling of my crossbow. Her pupils swirled with stars while she gazed into my eyes, and I found myself leaning closer as my hands settled on her warm hips. “Are you really going to do this?”

  “Yes,” I answered. “It’s the nature of my job.”

  Cinis pursed her lips, and her freckles began to gleam. I held her gaze for a moment as I realized how upset she was about my plan, and without thinking twice, I stooped to kiss her.

  The Ember Priestess’ lips were three times hotter than I expected, but it was a welcome discovery, as was the way she kissed me back. Her lips immediately parted for me as she pulled me close by the sling of my crossbow, and I felt a spark against my tongue when I delved into her heated mouth.

  Just this one kiss with the fire descendant overwhelmed all of my senses, and I only allowed myself to kiss her passionately for a moment before I pulled away and turned for the door.

  “I’ll return,” I said over my shoulder. “You can wait in here if you wish.”

  “Give me one moment, and I will be prepared to leave with you,” Cinis hotly replied.

  I spun around.

  Cinis stood hip cocked with her arms crossed under her breasts, her eyebrow raised, and a challenging smirk on her lips. Her stubborn stance only made her more incredible to behold, and I tried to ignore how much I did want to keep her as close to me as possible.

  And how much I wanted to kiss her again.

  “You’re not coming with me,” I informed her. “I work alone, and you’re staying here.”

  “What about Ignis descending?” Cinis challenged. “You said you would handle it, but now you’re after this necromancer. It’s too much to handle all at once, and you’re already putting yourself in great danger dealing with either of them. I’m going with you.”

  “Cin, I can handle it,” I repeated more firmly. “And you need to think this through instead of being impulsive. You’ve fled your home because you knew if Ignis found you, the consequences would be dire not only to you, but to all of us. It’s not safe to have you just strolling around Ocadia. I doubt Ignis would grant you any kind of immunity if he shows up and sees you among us, and what about the citizens? If anyone knew there was someone from the Ardere here, they would sell you out in a second so they could protect themselves.”

  “So, you’re locking me away here?” she seethed as her red-amber eyes flashed.

  “No, I’m protecting you and everyone else,” I reminded her as I glanced out the window at the thickening smoke. “This is temporary, Cinis. As I’ve said, I’m handling the situation.”

  “How?” she growled through gritted teeth, and I sighed as her wings began to glow.

  Then I decided it’d be best to explain myself if only to keep the fiery woman’s temper in check.

  “I have tungsten bolts coated with Jupiter glass,” I told her. “Xerzor, my alchemist friend, is making a little concoction for me to help with the slaying of the titan. I am going to check on the brew now, and everything should be in place and ready for Ignis’ defeat. It’s just a matter of waiting for him to come here. In the meantime, I will address my other mission to avenge my murdered Master as I should.”

  Cinis was still glowing, but her scowl eased up a little, and she bit her lip while she thought through my response.

  “Well… I am impressed,” she finally admitted. “I didn’t think you’d be so prepared.”

  “In this line of work I have to be,” I said with a smirk. “And I never just storm off without thinking things through. Don’t worry. I promise you that you’ll be safe if you stay in this estate, and I will be safe while I conduct my business within the city. I always am.”

  “You’re not being safe by protecting me,” Cinis murmured. “You’re taking a huge risk, Dex.”

  “Yeah, well, so are you,” I pointed out. “It’s not safe getting caught up with an assassin, either.”

  “Touché,” she chuckled. “I just… I just don’t want this to be the last time I ever see you.”

  “It won’t be,” I promised her. “I have too many people relying on me to allow it. Yourself included. I’ll return when the job is finished. Can you trust me on that?”

  Cinis slowly nodded, and we stood opposite each other for a moment without saying a word. My heart was beating faster than normal, and although I knew I should turn and leave now that I’d said my piece, I couldn’t make my boots move.

  “Before you go…” Cinis moved toward me, and her hips swayed tantalizingly with each step. Her red-amber eyes glimmered as her wings cooled to a warm, blackish-red, and she didn’t slow her pace. She kept walking until her black nails hooked on my shirt and her lips locked with mine, and in one quick movement, I pulled her up so her legs wrapped around my hips.

  I let her feel her way around my body as our tongues moved rhythmically with each other, but I was already carrying her toward the bed.

  The heat radiating from her body warmed every part of me.

  Something primal screamed in my chest as I palmed her luscious ass, and when I tossed her onto the bed, she immediately reached for the clasp on my sword belt.

  I tore my quiver and crossbow off and let them slide to the floor, and by the time I wrenched my shirt off over my head, my sword belt had clanged down near my boots. The heat of Cinis’ fingers trying to tug my pants down over my hips made me shiver with arousal, though, and I couldn’t wait another moment to hold the fiery woman.

  Before I was completely undressed, I pushed her back onto the bed, ripped the front of her bralette open, and let her magnificent breasts burst free. Her large nipples gleamed a deep red like her eyes, and when I wrenched at the clasps on either side of her scant leather skirt, her naked body was finally exposed to me.

  Well, almost.

  The Ember Priestess didn’t have any undergarments on, but the strappy leather garters she wore were still fastened taut around her wide thighs and impossibly narrow waist.

  By the gods, her body was perfectly designed for pleasure.

  I drew a shaky breath as I slowly hooked my fingers around the edge of a strap, but I didn’t remove them. I slid my hand along the leather and admired the delicious sight of the naked priestess, and her pale curves contrasted starkly against the dark wings beneath her.

  The longer I looked her over, the more heat seemed to radiate from her, and her ample breasts rose and fell rapidly with the passing moments. Then I met her fiery gaze, and her nails latched onto my arms to pull me down on top of her.

  Feeling her satiny skin against me was like sinking into a perfect bath. She was warm, soft, and delicate, but sinful, and she writhed eagerly as I let my hands rove all over her.

  “I’ve been wanting this,”
she whispered.

  “Have you?” I growled in her ear.

  Cinis answered me by catching my lips with hers, and the heat of her pressed so firmly against me made my breaths come raggedly. I traced my hand up her leg, over her leather straps, along her toned abdomen, and up to her ample breast, and when she moaned in response, the sound pushed me over the edge.

  It was a smokey, seductive timbre that resonated through me, and I roughly released her lips to kiss her deep red nipple instead.

  Every inch of her was heating up, and each time I flicked my tongue across her perked nipple, she gasped and heated another degree. Her legs were clenched around me, and her exposed pussy felt like flames against my pants, but when she reached down to grasp my already hard cock, the heat shot through me and up my spine.

  “Fuck, you’re hot,” I groaned as I almost collapsed onto the woman, but then her black nails scratched along my back, and I shook with pleasure.

  “Have you ever been with a descendant of the deities before?” Cinis murmured.

  “Never,” I panted as the heat of her palm against the crotch of my pants radiated through my cock.

  Then Cinis began stroking me faster through the fabric, and I groaned as I pulled her nipple deep into my mouth to suckle harder at her breast.

  “I think you’re strong enough to handle it,” the Ember priestess managed through a shaky breath. “But Dex… you can’t tease me like this for long. I have no patience. I need to feel you deep inside of me. Now.”

  I looked up to find raw lust burning in her eyes. The irises had turned a flaming red by now, and she bit hard on her plump bottom lip while she looked down at me from above her pale cleavage.

  I immediately started kissing every inch of her breasts, chest, and neck, and I wrenched my pants down in the process. I didn’t even get them or my boots off before my cock found the searing-hot entrance of the Ember Priestess, but then I had to pause and recollect myself.

  She was slippery with arousal, and her heated labia sent another spark through my dick without me even entering her. Mind-bending warmth washed over me as the heat poured from the pale priestess beneath me, and her eager body writhed impatiently as her fiery eyes begged for me.

  “Please, don’t make me wait,” Cinis moaned in a husky tone. “I need you.”

  “Then you will have all of me.” My cock throbbed against her entrance, and I thrust myself into the heated sheath of her pussy all at once.

  Then we both cried out as our bodies merged completely, and suddenly, there was nothing else in the world around us.

  All I could focus on was the satiny and flaming hot body pinned under me, and the sensation of Cinis’ tight and scorching pussy clutching my shaft. I began fucking her hard without a moment’s hesitation, and as she gasped from my girth, her thighs clenched tight around me.

  “Sooo… goooood…” Cinis arched her back and rolled her hips with abandon as she clawed her fingers across my shoulder blades, and with each scratch, my cock grew harder inside her velvet tightness.

  “Yesss…” I felt almost possessed by the heat of her as I drove deeper and deeper into the Ember Priestess, and the fire her body held coursed through me as if it was my own now. I could feel the descendant’s power vibrating through my veins and blooming in my mind, and it spurred me on as her moans turned into breathless shrieks.

  Cinis’ large breasts shook from the force of my thrusts while her red eyes burned up at me, but her clawing was getting more intense, and I finally had to tear one of her arms away and pin it to the bed.

  Then I shifted my weight and clamped my other hand on her pale neck, and a sinful smile spread on the Ember Priestess’ lips as she clutched my wrist.

  “I guessed you’d know how to handle me,” Cinis whined with pleasure.

  I grinned and brought my lips to her ear as I tightened my hold on her neck.

  “You do strike me as a woman who could use a firm hand once in a while,” I growled.

  “Ohhh, Dex,” she immediately moaned, and she writhed against my hold on her wrist and throat.

  I could tell she didn’t really want me to release her, though, and I admired the hungry look in her fiery eyes as I leveraged myself against her.

  Then I started fucking her with deep and unrelenting thrusts as she quaked in my hold, and she moaned with pleasure as our bodies urgently tried to become one.

  Her warmth resonated in my body with every hammering beat of my heart, and her sharp breaths were warm against my lips as I delivered a few biting kisses. She was so wet now that each thrust made a delightfully beautiful slap when our bodies came together, and the sound mixed with her panting, moaning, and whining to make a song capable of ending my willpower.

  But I wasn’t nearly finished enjoying the fiery descendant yet.

  With a last kiss, I roughly released my grip on her, and I straightened up, grabbed the leather straps around her thighs, and threw her legs up so they were pinned apart.

  “Yessss… take me like that… so deep. Soooo deep inside of meeee…” Cinis moaned as the tip of my cock scraped across all the sensitive parts of her tunnel, and I kept thrusting hard into her while she scrunched her eyes closed. At first, she desperately tried to roll her hips for more, but she couldn’t even keep up with me. All she could do was stay pinned there while I gripped the leather straps and repeatedly hammered my aching cock deep into her scorching tunnel.

  “Ohh… you like that, don’t you?” I growled.

  “So much. Please. Don’t stop. I’m… going… to… Ohhh!” Her long black nails ripped at the blankets, and her shaky moan echoed around the ivy-covered room. I groaned at the sound as I watched her supple breasts bounce with our movements, and even the wings underneath her quivered with pleasure now.

  Then her body suddenly became so hot, I started seeing stars in my vision. Her wings blazed scarlet as she arched her back, and a smoky scream tore from her throat as her satiny walls clamped around my shaft like a hand milking a cow’s udder.

  A jolt of fiery energy rushed through me as we both climaxed at the same time, and she let out a wavering whimper and convulsed around my throbbing cock like her body was possessed.

  Every spasm of her body seemed to force another stream of cum out of me, and her powers blazed through my loins as I looked down on her. The Ember Priestess’ wings seared a brilliant orange as heat rays billowed from her pale figure, and the blankets started to smoke underneath us as our climaxes climbed higher and higher.

  I’d never felt so much heat in my core in my life, and part of me doubted I could withstand it, but the ecstasy overrode the carnal fever taking over my body. All I could do was keep my dick buried deep in Cinis and let her hungry pussy milk more and more of my seed from me, and my first climax rolled into another as she panted toward the ivy-covered ceiling.

  We were lost in our pleasure, but then we found each other again as our lips met, and our joined bodies finally descended from euphoria.

  I collapsed against her while my seed finally stopped spraying into her accepting womb, and her heavy breasts swelled desperately against my chest. The two of us could hardly catch our breaths, and I held her against me as she softly trailed her nails up my back. Her heat was still surging inside of me and against my skin, but it was the most pleasant torture I’d ever experienced, and I refused to let the Ember Priestess go.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Cinis finally moaned against my neck, and I grinned at how stunned she sounded. “Dex… that was incredible.”

  “You’re incredible,” I panted as I raised myself up to look in her eyes.

  “That was just what I needed. I love that you knew exactly how to fuck me. Deep and hard and powerful.” She gave me a smirk that was both adorable and coy.

  “I love that you let me fuck you like that,” I chuckled.

  She was flushed from arousal, and her freckles were gleaming like embers, but her eyes slowly started to fade back to their normal red-amber. Then she gently kissed me, and the tend
er moan she let out made my arms tighten around her warm body.

  I rolled to the side as our tongues danced together, and when I finally pulled my cock from the heated sheath of her, the Ember Priestess whimpered and went limp in my bed.

  “You filled me with your seed. There is… a lot. It is warm and spreading through me.” She gazed up at me with blatant adoration written all over her perfect face, and I stroked her cheek while we quietly laid together for a moment.

  “Is that what you wanted?” I whispered.

  “Very much,” she whispered. “We will see what comes of it.”

  “What do you want to come of it?” I asked as I traced my fingers over her pouty lips.

  “Well… I did not want or ask you to pull out. Sooo… you had better return to me alive, Dex.”

  “Of course, I will,” I murmured.

  Then I left a kiss on her forehead and each of her cheeks, and she giggled softly when I bit lightly at her bottom lip.

  “Now… do as I say, and stay here,” I murmured, and I rolled off the bed before she could protest.

  My body felt jittery all over from the result of the descendant’s powers, and my eyes kept raking over her pale and flawless body as I quickly got dressed.

  All I wanted to do was rejoin Cinis in the bed, lay with her for hours, and ensure she was pregnant while her heat possessed every inch of me, but I knew I couldn’t.

  I still had a job to do, and I gathered my crossbow, quiver, and sword belt before I threw on my cloak.

  The Ember Priestess sat upright as her eyebrows pinched in worry again, but her concern only made her that much more beautiful.

  “Dex, I don’t want you to do this alone,” Cinis said, and I noticed her husky voice sounded smaller than before. “Necromancers are dangerous, and Ignis’ powers-”

  “I always work alone,” I told her again. Then I hunched over the bed and kissed her once more, and she clung to my neck until I made her release my lips. “It’s my job, and it’s safer this way. I can’t risk anything happening to you, and I’d never forgive myself if you were harmed because of my work. I promise, I’ll be back.”


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