Medieval Ever After

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Medieval Ever After Page 42

by Kathryn Le Veque

  She needed a plan. Somehow, she had to get away.

  Help me, Papa, help me.


  According to the map, the secret passageway started in a cave in the woods and led deep into the MacDonald keep. Alex and Brodie tied their horses in a small clearing not far from the place indicated on the map. They had left his guards a distance away to watch for anyone’s approach. They crept quietly through the trees, surveying the area for signs of the entrance, speaking little as they searched diligently through the forest. Alex crinkled the map in his hand, uncertain how far they were from the MacDonald castle, and stared into the dark night lit only by a wee moon visible through the trees. The black soot he wore on his face for protection itched, but he refrained from rubbing it off.

  “Here, Alex!” Brodie called out.

  As Alex reached his brother, Brodie started to tear at overgrown branches and vines. “I think this is it.”

  “This map had best be accurate,” Alex said as he climbed through the brambles and peered into the darkness. He and his brother yanked on the old wooden door. Rusted hinges creaked as they tugged. The door finally gave way and they crept inside, lighting a torch to see what they could discover about the passageway. After they removed massive amounts of cobwebs, a tunnel beckoned in the dark off to the left. Alex’s heart pounded fast in his chest. The sounds of running critters echoed throughout the cavern. As they carefully made their way, intent on their mission, neither of them spoke. Bristles of the unknown crept up the back of Alex’s neck, forcing a shudder. But visions of the bruises on Madeline’s porcelain skin propelled him onward.

  When they reached a split in the tunnel, Alex checked the map under the torchlight. Following the fork to the left, they inched along until they were close enough to pick up sounds from inside the castle. But while they could distinguish voices, they could not make out any words. Alex motioned for Brodie to stop.


  Madeline relaxed in her chamber, trying to rest even though she knew it was only a matter of time before Kenneth came looking for her. No matter how many times he hurt her, she vowed to remain strong.

  “Do not get up, lass,” Alice said as she patted Madeline’s shoulder. “That nasty man is looking for you again. I think we can keep him away for a few more days if you stay abed.” A knock sounded on the door. Egan, Kenneth’s second in command, yelled out, “Bring me the lass!”

  “Stay there, Madeline, I will send him away,” Alice whispered.

  Madeline climbed out of bed and grabbed Alice’s hands. “It is no use. I will go with him. Kenneth’s rage only increases if he’s made to wait.”

  “But you will be stronger in a few days. Don’t go with him yet. Who knows what he will do to you this time?” Alice sounded almost frantic.

  “I am coming, Egan.” Madeline turned and lifted her chin. “I will be fine, Alice. I must do as my stepbrother bids me.”

  Madeline followed the hulking brute down the dark hallway and the stairway that led to Kenneth’s command room off the great hall. Egan shoved the door open when they arrived. Sidestepping the disgusting man, she strode into the room, her shoulders back and her head held high. Her eyes met her stepbrother’s with conviction. She would not give him the pleasure of seeing her fear.

  Kenneth stood behind a large table covered with various tools. She had been whipped before, but she had never seen some of those tools. Long ones, short ones, pokers, dirty ones, tools that turned her stomach just to look at them. She had no idea how they were to be used. Raising her gaze to meet her stepbrother’s, she saw the rage and the madness boiling inside him. Madeline sucked in her breath as she stared down at the table once more.

  “Well, what say you, Maddie? Are you ready to marry the Comming?” he asked as he picked up a horsewhip from the table.

  Maddie thought very hard before answering. She had never told him about the rape. Mayhap if she did, he would allow her to stay. But Kenneth never had any interest in her feelings or her happiness. He seemed to care for nothing and no one. His horses all had marks on their flanks from frequent whippings. He kicked any dog that got in his way. And he had no more regard for people than he did for animals.

  He had not always been this way. Their father had been able to control him. But no one had been able to reach him since her parents’ death. His twisted actions were escalating. She was sure Kenneth would not offer her any compassion, regardless of circumstances. Telling him about the Comming would only give him another reason to humiliate her. Nay, she would not allow Kenneth that pleasure. Sweat broke out on her forehead as Kenneth caressed the horsewhip. But she refused to cower before him. She would remain strong. “Nay, Kenneth, I will not marry him,” she said, daring to lock eyes with him.

  Kenneth’s grin grew as he peered over the table. “We will see how long it will take for you to change your mind. The Comming will be here in a few days with a priest, and you will marry him. You will not leave this room until you agree. ‘Tis up to you how much pain you withstand. Egan, get another guardsman in here immediately.”

  Egan left the room quickly. Kenneth smirked at her, probably hoping she would beg for mercy once they were alone together, but she refused to relent. When Egan returned with another guard named Iain, the men immediately moved to either side of Maddie. Their nearness made her tremble with fear. She could handle the beatings, but what else did Kenneth have planned for her? Her stomach turned as she thought of the many possibilities.

  Why did he do this to her? Madeline closed her eyes to draw strength from within. A quiet prayer echoed through her bones. Please, God, let it be quick. Truth was, she didn’t know how much more she could endure. Her mind retained its strength and quickness, but her pain tolerance had been overloaded of late. A brief vision of the man from her dreams—her knight— entered her thoughts, but it left quickly, chased away by the sound of a metallic clink in front of her. Her eyes flew open.

  Kenneth picked up a long tool with a sharp point and arranged it so that the end was sitting in the fire. He picked up the horsewhip and said to Iain and Egan, “Hold her tight.” Then he stepped behind her and tore the back of her gown so that it fell below her waist. As he snapped the whip on the floor twice, Madeline felt her legs start to give way. When he raised his arm to bring the first stroke of the whip across her back, Maddie glanced over her shoulder in time to see his smile.


  Alex and Brodie held completely still. Alex thought he heard the swish of a whip, but it was difficult to discern where the sound originated. He listened again, then followed the secret passageway in the correct direction. As they approached the source of the sound, they could hear the whip connecting with flesh, but naught else.

  Brodie whispered, “It cannot be a lass, or we would hear screaming or sobbing.”

  Alex crept forward and motioned for Brodie to be silent. A slice of light peeked out near the stones on the left. Inching across the floor silently, he made his way close enough to take stock of the situation inside the chamber. His whole body tensed as he realized what was happening. Madeline was facing him, he thought restrained by two men, though it was difficult to tell through the small opening. Her head was down, so Alex couldn’t see her expression, but he had a partial view of Kenneth standing behind her with a whip in his hand.

  Alex stilled as his whole world went into slow motion. Kenneth raised the whip over his head with a sneer. He swore he saw the bastard smile as the whip tore into his stepsister’s flesh. She made no sound at the contact. Kenneth set the whip down and grabbed her by the hair, “Do you agree, Maddie?”

  Slowly, Maddie opened her eyes. Her lashes fluttered, revealing the blue eyes that had been haunting Alex’s dreams. He had trouble focusing. Tears trickled down her face, and her blonde hair curled from the sweat on her brow. She never made a sound, but as her chin came up, fire sparked in her eyes. “Nay,” she said.

  It took every ounce of control Alex possessed to prevent him from doing something foolish. He tu
rned to Brodie, who glanced at him and mouthed, “Is it her?” Alex nodded and searched the tunnel for a doorway.

  At the same time, two guards rushed into the chamber yelling, “Laird, there’s trouble! Fire in the cottages!”

  Kenneth turned to Maddie and said, “We will finish this later.” Glancing at Egan and Iain, he said, “Leave her.” And with that, they rushed into the great hall and out the doors into the courtyard.


  Maddie reached for the table for support. She wanted to scream as fire tore through her back where the whip had connected with her tender flesh. She needed to get away and soon. How much more could she endure? Her gaze ran over the tools on the table. This could have been much, much worse. Before she turned to leave, she ran her arm across the table, flinging the various paraphernalia onto the floor.

  Her head jerked up in surprise as a man rushed through a hidden door in the wall and caught her by the arms. Maddie shoved against him and whimpered, “Nay!” But she wasn’t strong enough to fight the muscular arms that gripped hers.

  “Leave me be, please! Who are you? Go away.” Maddie stared into steel gray eyes, shaking her head in denial. She knew her will was dissolving, but she had to fight this new threat. Where had he come from? Who was he? But then she realized she recognized him from her dreams. She had seen his kind face there.

  He lifted her into his arms and carried her back into the tunnel. She pushed against his chest, but her hands met rock. Tears fell as she realized she had once again been overpowered by a man. This man seemed different, but that did not make the situation any more welcome.

  As she continued to squirm, he said to her, “Madeline, I am Alexander Grant from Dulnain Valley. I will not hurt you. Mac asked for my help. My brother and I will keep you safe. Trust me!”

  His eyes reached into her soul, begging her to heed his words. Trust him? A man other than her father? Other than Mac? Was such a thing possible? But this was the man from her dreams… She realized her fingers were digging into his shoulders, so she forced herself to relax.

  Madeline searched his face, but she could not see through the dirt on his face and the darkness of the tunnel. He had a strong chiseled jaw, long, dark hair, and an intense gaze. Her arm wrapped around his neck and brushed the soft locks. When she touched the skin on his neck, she jerked her hand away as if it had been burned.

  So this was Brenna’s brother? He stirred strange feelings in her belly. He was talking to her, but she couldn’t understand him. Her head leaned against his shoulder. She was having trouble focusing. All she could feel was the pain in her back and a pair of strong arms supporting her. They continued down a dark corridor, but she knew not where they were headed. She decided to trust him. At least for now.

  Resting her head against him, she asked, “Are you my knight? No, you cannot be. You are not blonde.” He smelled familiar, of pine, horse and leather, not at all like the stench that came from her stepbrother’s guards. The man radiated heat, so she wrapped both her arms around his neck and closed her eyes, his breath warm against her forehead. “I will come with you, Laird Grant, but only for a bit,” she whispered against his chest.


  Alex pulled Maddie tightly to him. He looked down at her angelic face and immediately lost track of his thoughts, distracted by her full pink lips as she sighed. How would they taste?

  What was happening to him? Why couldn’t he just focus on the task at hand? She let out another little sigh and reached up to run her fingers through his hair. Alex brushed a quick kiss on her forehead and forced himself to keep moving.

  At the end of the tunnel, Brodie went ahead to make sure all was safe. As soon as he got the clear sign, Alex carried a sleeping Madeline to his horse. Whether she was asleep or passed out from pain, he did not know. He set her on her side on the ground as they readied the horses and she never once moved.

  When he picked her up, she awoke briefly and said, “Where are you taking me?”

  “Away, my lady, to a safe place,” Brodie answered. He nodded at Alex, a grin on his face, “I’ll carry her while I ride. She is a bonnie lass.”

  Alex gave his brother a hard look.

  “She rides with me,” he growled.



  Alex and Brodie caught up with the guardsmen and rode furiously for several hours. Madeline slept with an occasional squirm in the saddle. Alex kept her leaning on her side to protect her wounded back. She was dead to the world. Her pain tolerance had to be incredibly high. He had pulled the back of her gown up to protect her skin, but blood had seeped through the rough material. His mother would never have allowed such tender skin to be clothed with coarse threads. She belonged in only the finest garments.

  Maddie’s ability to sleep while riding with open wounds told him how exhausted she must be. He had no idea how many lashes she had endured, but even one was too many. How could her own kin treat her in such a heartless manner? Alex’s jaw clenched every time he thought of Kenneth MacDonald.

  He glanced at her face as she slumbered. Bruises, whippings, what more had she been forced to endure from her own stepbrother? Clearly, the man did not respect his own kin. She looked so innocent, so bonnie. He vaguely remembered the MacDonald family visiting them a number of years ago. His wee sister, Jennie, had clung to Madeline. Alex recalled a thin, quiet girl with yellow hair. The endless legs and the pale golden hair were the same, but much had changed in between. Gone was the awkwardness of the young girl he remembered—the softness brushing against him now was all woman. Her curves felt wonderful in his arms, as if she belonged there.

  They rode off the path into the forest, seeking a stream. It was still dark, but it was time to wake Madeline and cleanse her wounds. The horses needed watering and he hoped to eat something before they continued their journey to his keep. He did not think they were being followed, and they were now far away from the regular path.

  After they halted, Brodie got off his horse and reached for Madeline. She awoke with a start, and after a quick glance around, fear crept into her eyes. “Put me down,” she snapped at Brodie.

  “As you wish, my lady,” Brodie replied as he lowered her to the ground.

  “Where am I?” she asked, staring up at Alex and Brodie and their guardsman, who had gathered around the clearing.

  Alex motioned for Brodie to back away. “We are but half a day away from your stepbrother’s keep. You do not remember last night?”

  Maddie shook her head. “I recall going to see my stepbrother.” She winced as she turned away from Alex. “My back!” she exclaimed. She stared at him as her memory filled in the missing pieces. “You took me into a tunnel off Kenneth’s chamber. Who are you?”

  “As I told you last night, my lady, I am Laird Alexander Grant and this is my brother, Brodie. We received a missive from your stable master saying your life was in danger. We are trying to help you escape your stepbrother.”

  Maddie shook her head in disbelief. “’Struth? I am away from my stepbrother? You will not return me to him?”

  “Nay, he will never touch you again. I promise you that, my lady.” Alex reached up to brush a leaf from her hair. He wanted to do more, to wrap his arms around her and hold her tight, but he was sure she would bolt if he did such a thing. Caution ruled her every movement, and for good reason.

  She bowed her head slightly toward him. “Forgive my manners, Laird Grant. I thank you for rescuing me from my stepbrother’s hands. I don’t know if he would have stopped this time. But where are you taking me?”

  “I think it best to return to our keep for the moment. My sister, Brenna, is a healer, and she can help you with your injuries. ‘Tis all we need to decide for now,” Alex stated. “I think it best we wash your wounds so they do not fester, my lady. There is a stream nearby you may use.”

  She nodded, so Alex led her to the stream. “You have much dried blood on your back. Do you wish my assistance? You have my word that I will act hono

  The lady stepped away from him, staring at him with eyes so blue they almost took his breath away. “Nay. I thank you, but I can manage. If you will allow me some privacy, please? Send your men in the other direction?” Madeline stood by the water with her chin held high.

  The lady did have spirit, which he admired. Most lasses in her situation would be sobbing uncontrollably .

  “If you need anything, my lady, please ask. I will not be far. Here is a sliver of soap you may use.” Alex turned and walked back to the clearing where the others waited. He kept his back toward the river—and insisted that the others do the same—but he still heard Madeline’s pained gasp as she entered the water.


  Maddie removed her dirty gown and stepped into the stream. The water was brisk but bearable. She lowered herself slowly into the water, crying out a little from the way it burned the angry, raw skin. She finally managed to get her upper body in the water, but her thin chemise still clung to her back. After several attempts to free it from her wounds, she realized it was probably stuck. If she didn’t get it cleaned soon, she feared it would fester.

  Tears gathered in her lashes, but she held strong. She really didn’t know any of these men. Should she really put this much trust in them?

  They certainly were handsome, especially the one called Alexander. When she’d first seen him, she’d thought he was the man in her dreams, but now she wasn’t so sure. Was he named after their king? Somehow, that seemed appropriate. Whenever he glanced her way, she felt unnerved. Her father had kept her sheltered and protected, so she was unaccustomed to strangers, but she still felt it was not normal to feel this unsettled by an attractive man’s gaze. It wasn’t just his face, but his size—Alex was a large, powerful man. Yet she knew—without quite understanding why she knew—that he was an honorable man.


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