Medieval Ever After

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Medieval Ever After Page 44

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Brodie and Robbie both turned to Alex for his response. “‘Twas their good fortune to be called out of the room, else they would be dead now. Aye, I would like to put my sword through Kenneth’s heart, and I will not hesitate to act when I see him again.”

  The three brothers sat at the table as the serving maids brought in trenchers of stew and dark bread.

  “When do you suspect that will be?” asked Robbie. “Were there witnesses? Were you followed?”

  “I do not think they saw us,” Alex said as he speared the meat in the trencher. “I do not wish to bring danger upon our clan, but that man is a menace. His keep was in a shambles and his servants feared him. I do no’ have good feelings about Kenneth MacDonald. I expect he will seek revenge when he discovers we have his sister. ‘Twould be a mistake to wait for him to act. ”

  Brodie glanced at Alex, concern etched in his face, “Mayhap if we send a message to the king, he will handle it.”

  “It will be a fortnight before the king gets the message, and who knows if he will act on it. We must make our own plans,” Alex said as he speared another piece of meat. “That bastard will not touch Madeline again as long as I am laird here in Dulnain Valley.”


  Maids brought a tub to Madeline’s chamber and filled it with buckets of steaming water. As the bath was being filled, Brenna helped her remove her torn gown. She wadded up the bloodied clothes and gave them to her maid. “Burn them.”

  Madeline turned her back to Brenna. The moment she saw the welts and bruises all over her body, Brenna gasped out loud. “By the saints, Maddie, what has happened to you?”

  Maddie could not speak. She quickly climbed in the tub in the hopes of preventing Brenna or the maids from seeing all her scars, keeping her body covered with her hands. It felt strange to be unclothed before anyone but Alice. The shame and humiliation she bore from the marks of her stepbrother’s ill treatment were almost too much to bear.

  The permanent scars he had given her had only been seen by Alice. The old woman had tried to use special herbs and salves to prevent permanent scarring, but to no avail. Kenneth had known what he was doing. Maddie blushed when she thought of the reason Kenneth had given her those scars. It would humiliate her for anyone to notice them.

  “Brenna, I have no other gown. We left in a hurry. I was not able to gather my things.” Maddie glanced at the confused look on Brenna’s face. She sighed and lowered her head. “My stepbrother beats me because I have refused to marry the man he has chosen for me.”

  “Och, Maddie,” Brenna squeezed the water from the linen cloth over her friend’s wounds. “I am fortunate my brother is laird here. Alex is a kind and patient man. Many call him harsh, but his heart is soft.” Silence descended over the chamber for a few moments. Finally, Brenna spoke again. “Surely my brothers could have let you grab a few things, Maddie.”

  “Nay, I was in Kenneth’s command chamber when they grabbed me, and I am thankful for their timing. In fact, I have not properly expressed my gratitude to your brothers for bringing me here. Niles Comming, the man Kenneth wishes me to marry, is worse even than my brother.”

  Brenna turned away from her friend, but not before she saw the tears in Maddie’s eyes. “Hush now. We shall talk of this later. You are exhausted, poor thing. Fiona, get my salve and some clean linen strips for her wounds. Maddie, I have plenty of gowns you can wear. You are a bit thinner, but I think they will do until we can make you some gowns of your own.” Brenna helped her wash her long golden locks and then arranged them atop her head, away from her wounds.

  The door creaked open and Jennie proudly carried in a platter of cheese and bread. Maddie jumped instinctively and rose out of the tub, only settling back down when she realized there was no danger. Jennie set the platter down on the chest near the bed, but the moment she saw the bruises and wounds on Maddie’s body, she clutched her belly and ran out of the room.


  Alex and Robbie turned their heads as they heard the small feet pounding down the stairs. Jennie ran toward them, tears pouring down her cheeks. She threw herself at Alex and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Oh, Alex,” she sobbed as she buried her face in his chest.

  “What’s wrong, little flower?” he asked, stroking her back.

  Jennie picked her head up and managed to squeeze out, “Maddieeee.”

  Alex continued to rub her back, murmuring to her softly until she was able to catch her breath between sobs. “Alex, someone beat her. Maddie has bruises everywhere. I saw her in the tub for her bath. She is bleeding, too. How could anyone do that to her? She is so nice. I love her!”

  Alex wiped the tears from Jennie’s face, “I know, little flower, but I will not let anyone ever beat her again. Do you trust your brothers to protect you and Brenna?”

  Jennie nodded emphatically.

  “And now we will protect Maddie, too.”

  “Thank you, Alex and Brodie, for saving my friend.” Jennie gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

  “What about me, squirrel?” Robbie asked, pointing to his face.

  Jennie grinned and leaned over to give him a kiss, too. “And thank you, Robbie, for protecting Brenna and me.”

  Though he was gentle with Jennie, who settled onto his lap, Alex stared at his brothers over his wee sister’s head. The thought of the bruises and welts on Madeline’s tender body made his blood boil. He didn’t need to explain to his brothers what the storm in his face meant.

  They knew.



  Kenneth paced the chamber, his arms swinging in every direction. He glared at Egan. “Who could have done it? Madeline never leaves the keep, and who could possibly know what goes on here?”

  “I warned you not to beat as you do. The servants love her, and servants talk,” Egan explained.

  Kenneth continued on in a rage. “Then bring the servants to me again. Mayhap some more beatings will help move their tongues. I will beat them until they talk!” Fury filled Kenneth. Normally, he was fastidious about his fair hair and his clothing. Now everything about him was in disarray. Perhaps venting his anger would help calm him. It was the only thing that ever did.

  His mother had taught him at a young age that his blood was noble, and someday he would claim his heritage. In the meantime, she had shown him how to keep the servants in their place, carefully demonstrating the use of various belts and whips. If Kenneth did not beat them enough to satisfy her, she would turn the whip on him. He quickly learned. Servants weren’t smart enough to do anything but follow orders, so what difference did it make? The only way to have a well-run castle was to keep the servants in line.

  Stupid Madeline! She always treated the servants with respect, and now they were all keeping their mouths shut to protect her. She was always so nice. That stupid maid of hers had to know something. He had whipped her until she could not stand, and yet she had still kept quiet. Somebody must have seen something.

  “Do we know anything about the kidnappers, Egan?”

  “All we know is that they came through the old tunnels. I cannot believe the old door still opened. We only tracked two sets of footprints. One of them must have carried her out. The prints were too big for a lass. Then they rode away on two horses.”

  “Saddle the horses. We leave for the Comming’s. Aye, he will know who did this.” Kenneth smirked.

  “And then we will kill them all!”



  Alex paced another circle around the table as Brodie and Robbie proceeded to eat everything in sight. He could not think about eating, not until he found out how Madeline fared. He had been unable to sleep all night. His desire to walk down the corridor and peek inside Maddie’s chamber to ensure she was comfortable had been strong enough to chase away any rest.

  Alex ran a hand through his hair again and then crossed over to the door to visit with wee Jennie and her dogs for the thir
d time. He had sent the rest of the men outside to the lists so he could enjoy a few minutes of treasured family time.

  “Alex, why are you still walking around the great hall? Don’t you want to break your fast?” Jennie raised her head to stare at her brother. “You are very nervous today. Why does Maddie upset you so?”

  “Upset? I am not upset, and I am certainly not thinking about Lady Madeline. As laird, I have many things to think about.” Alex gave a huff to try to convince himself of that fact. In truth, he knew Jennie was right. He had many other things he should be thinking about—he just couldn’t remember them at the moment. He scowled at Jennie’s dogs before snapping his head around to glare at his brother.

  “Aye, Jennie, something else has upset Alex,” Brodie offered with a grin. “’Tis the same thing that has stirred him these last few days. If only I could determine what plagues our laird.” Brodie glanced at Robbie as he choked on his food.

  Alex looked toward his brothers. “Enough, or we will settle this in the lists. I’ll take on both of you.”

  Robbie cackled with laughter and stood abruptly, knocking over his bench. “Come, Alex, what upsets you so?”

  Alex ignored his brother, though, for he finally heard footsteps on the stone stairwell. Brenna’s face was somber as she descended the steps.

  Alex could not wait. “How bad is she, Brenna?” The jesting stopped as soon as his sister reached the bottom of the stairway.

  “Och, Alex, it was hard to keep my composure when I helped Maddie with her bath last night.” Brenna made her way to the table, wringing her hands. “She has been beaten many, many times. Some of her bruises are quite old. I do not know how the lass manages to walk. She has a few bruised ribs. How did she manage to ride a horse?”

  Jennie ran to the table. “I asked you last night to protect Lady Madeline, Alex, you have to promise.” She grabbed her brother’s hand as she said the words.

  Alex whispered to Jennie and Brenna, “Madeline is a strong lass. Her strength of character was evident the moment I saw her. Her brother is a sick man, but she never once cringed from his attack or uttered a cry.” Alex squeezed Jennie’s hand. “Aye, I will protect her, lassie. I would not forget my pledge.” His gaze returned to Brenna’s. “How does she fare this morn?”

  “I tiptoed into her chamber, and she is still asleep. She has had an exhausting few days. We must allow her time to rest and heal. I need to eat, Alex. May we sit, please? My stomach has churned since last night.” Brenna motioned for more food to be brought, then sat down beside Brodie and pulled Jennie to her as she waited for the porridge.

  Alex lowered himself to the bench, deep in thought. He needed to focus on training his men for battle. There was no reason for him to share his concerns with them just yet, but preparation was paramount to protecting his clan.

  Still, before he did aught, he needed to see Madeline. He covered both eyes with his hands as he tried to calm the turmoil raging through his mind.

  Brodie’s voice brought him back to reality. “Do you think the MacDonald laird is planning an attack?”

  Alex played with his food and answered, “Nay, not yet. Kenneth is a coward. I worry more that Niles Comming will come for the lass. She tells me that she has refused the betrothal MacDonald arranged for her. Comming’s numbers are large enough to be a threat if he decides to come after her.”

  “I have not even met her. Is she bonnie, Brodie?” Robbie asked. “What is she like? I do not remember her from when she visited here years ago.”

  Brodie gave Robbie an elbow to the side, then stared at him and said, “Aye, she is very bonnie, indeed. You will meet her soon. She could be your kin someday, Robbie. Mayhap I will marry the lass.”

  “You will not be marrying her, Brodie, nor will Robbie!”

  Brenna turned to her brother, her eyes wide with surprise. “Alex, do you not see that it could be a perfect solution? If she agreed to marry Robbie or Brodie, the Comming would not have any reason to come for her, and she would be out of Kenneth’s reach. Or mayhap you would prefer to send her to a convent?”

  Alex quickly stood and snarled, “The lass will not be going to a convent, and if there’s any marrying to be done, it will be to me. Maddie is mine, brothers! And you both best remember that!”

  Not wanting to see their reaction, Alex strode to the door of the keep, only halting at the sound of movement to his left. Madeline was slowly descending the stairs. His heart stopped in his chest as he gazed at the true vision dressed in blue velvet. What was wrong with him of late? Women had never preoccupied him this way before. He was a warrior, a laird, chief of his clan. How could this mere slip of a lass stop him in his tracks each and every time he saw her? He redirected his path toward Madeline and bowed to her. “Good morn to you, my lady. I trust you slept well?”

  Madeline took a step back before answering, “Aye, I slept very well, Laird Grant, thank you.”

  Alex did not miss the way she stepped away from him. What the devil, why did she always do that? She acted as a timid little rabbit around him. He leaned forward and whispered, “I trust you know by now that I would not hurt you, my lady. There is no reason to be frightened of me.”

  “I am not frightened of you, Alex. It is just, well,” she stammered, “you are so tall… It hurts my neck at times to look at you.”

  She gazed up at him with her blue eyes and smiled nervously. Alex lost his ability to reason. How he ached to lean forward and taste her sweet lips. Footsteps interrupted his thoughts as one of his guards entered the hall. He found he could not tolerate the sight of another man so close to her. He glanced around the entire hall. No one appeared to be a threat to her, but he did not like the mere thought of someone else hurting her after all she had been through. His brow furrowed as he considered how he might best protect her.

  Before he made a complete fool of himself, he bowed and said, “Your pardon, but I must tend to my men in the yard, my lady.” Alex turned, beckoned for his brothers to follow, and left the hall.


  Madeline walked to the dais and curtsied as Brodie introduced her to his brother, but she could scarce pay attention. “Did I do something to upset your brother, Brodie?” she finally burst out. “He seemed angry.”

  Brodie and Robbie chuckled and exchanged glances. “Upset? No, my lady, you have not upset him,” Robbie said with a smile. “Why, Brodie and I couldn’t be happier with how our brother is feeling today. Is that not right, brother?”

  Brodie nodded as he turned to Maddie and his sisters. “My ladies. We must do as our laird bids us.”

  Brenna’s face registered shock, but Maddie had no idea why. Had she missed something?

  “Good morning, Maddie,” Brenna said, finally recovering from whatever had surprised her. “How do you feel?”

  Jennie tore herself away from the dogs she was cuddling and shouted, “Good morn to you, Maddie. I am so glad you are here with us. Would you like to play with my dogs?”

  Maddie laughed and said, “I would love to meet your dogs, but for now, I am quite hungry.” She sat at the table and turned to Brenna. “Thank you for the use of your beautiful gown. I have not worn anything this lovely in a long time.” She had not had a new gown made since her parents had passed away. Kenneth always told her there was not enough money for new cloth. Dressed in this soft velvet gown, she almost felt pretty.

  “You are stunning in it, Maddie. I think it was made for you. I hope it is not too tight against your back.”

  “Nay, Fiona placed extra linen on my back. I am comfortable. Thank you for your concern.”

  “I will change your bandages later and apply more salve. Why don’t you have some porridge and we can talk if you like.” Brenna patted Maddie’s hand and said, “Mayhap you would like to tell me what has happened to you.”

  Maddie sighed. “It pains me too much. I would rather not talk about Kenneth yet.”

  “Can you tell me about Niles Comming? How long have you been betrothed to him? Have yo
u even met him?”

  Maddie’s gut clenched at the very thought of the man. Would she ever be able to discuss anything about the Comming without feeling ill?

  “Aye, we have met, and it was not pleasant. I will not marry the man, no matter what Kenneth says.” Maddie’s face turned red as she stared at her hands in her lap. She wanted to forget everything that had transpired between them. “I will find my way to a convent if I must.” Unable to stop her fidgeting, she whispered, “May we discuss this later?”

  “Aye, we will do whate’er you wish today,” Brenna offered. “Mayhap you would enjoy a walk outside and I can show you around the bailey.”

  “I would appreciate that. Thank you.” Maddie nodded, forcing a smile. She fought back tears, determined not to cry in front of Brenna. How had she gotten to this point? Now she was dependent on people not of her clan. They would be feeding her, clothing her. She would take up a chamber in a place where she did not really belong. How she hated her stepbrother for putting her in this situation.

  What was she to do with her life now? She had no other relatives, at least, not to her knowledge. She had no dowry, and she had lost her maidenhead to the Comming. Who would marry her now? Her life was in a shambles and she had nowhere to turn. She reminded herself of one of her mother’s sayings: worry about the little steps, not the big ones.

  She decided that would be her goal for today, to focus on the little steps, not the big ones—like Alexander Grant.



  As Brenna and Maddie stepped outside, a warm fall breeze blew their skirts into the air. Maddie giggled, grabbing her skirts before they reached the tops of her knees. Wee Jennie skipped along beside them, the dogs following at her heels. Maddie noted the pride in Brenna’s eyes as they made their way through the herb garden. Since Brenna was the clan’s healer, naturally she would spend a great deal of time here. She caught the faint aromas of parsley and basil as the wind whipped around them.


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