Medieval Ever After

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Medieval Ever After Page 54

by Kathryn Le Veque

  “Oh, yes, I love pastries,” she answered.

  Alex unwrapped the pastry and held it to her mouth. She reached for it, but Alex pulled back and shook his head.

  “Nay, you must eat it from my fingers. Do you trust me, Maddie?”

  “Aye,” she whispered. She leaned forward and took a tentative bite from the pastry. She chewed it slowly, savoring the taste in her mouth, never taking her eyes from Alex’s.

  “More?” he asked.

  She nodded and leaned forward for another bite. Sweet juice ran over her lips as she bit into the fat pastry. But when Maddie reached to wipe it off her face, Alex said, “Nay.” He leaned in and licked the sweetness off her bottom lip. Madeline gasped, but did not move as Alex continued the gentle assault. He nibbled on her bottom lip and tugged on it to pull her toward him. The pastry crumbled to the ground as he pulled her down on top of him. He groaned as she timidly responded by touching her tongue to his. Eager for more of her, angled his mouth to kiss her deeper.

  Alex cradled her face in his hands, enjoying the sweet taste of her. His hands ran down her spine and brushed her buttocks lightly to pull her in close to him. He was hard and did not want to frighten her, but she had to get used to him. He did not want to see any fear in her eyes on their wedding night.


  Maddie’s senses were on overload. This was not a tender kiss. Alex was hot and demanding. And she liked it. She was a little embarrassed when she realized the high-pitched moans she heard were from her. He didn’t let up.

  Confusion roiled in Maddie’s mind as sheer pleasure coiled in her belly. This was nothing like what had happened with Niles. Did this mean she would actually enjoy the touch of her betrothed? Would she be a good wife to Alex?

  Alex rolled over, tucking her beneath him, and leaned his weight on his elbows. He kissed her cheek and trailed a line of kisses down her throat. A light sigh escaped her lips at his tender ministrations. Stopping abruptly, he drew Maddie to her feet with him. Where was he taking her?

  “The loch, Maddie. Let’s get wet together.” He held his hand out to her and she grasped it. As they reached the edge of the loch, he reached down to untie the ribbons on her gown. What was he doing?

  He coaxed her toward the lapping water. “Come in with me, the warmth is wonderful.” She nodded her head, trusting him completely. Alex drew the fabric of her gown over her head and tossed it to the grass. Then he unhooked the broach on his plaid and pitched them into another pile before removing the rest of his clothes.

  Maddie’s breath hitched as she realized her betrothed was completely nude. Too stunned to move, she glanced down at herself and realized she was only clothed in a chemise, her taut nipples clearly visible. She glimpsed at Alex’s nude body again before gasping. What were they doing?

  “Like what you see, sweeting?”

  She could not help but giggle as he tugged her into the water.

  “Alex, it’s cold!” When the water was almost to her shoulders, he stopped and pulled her in close, brushing his arms over hers to warm her.

  “Remember that I will never hurt you, Maddie. If you ever want to stop, just tell me. I will accept it. But remember that married people do enjoy each other’s bodies. I need you to understand that love and marriage is about giving each other pleasure.”

  Had she heard him correctly? Did that mean he really loved her? The thought sent waves of eagerness through her. Alex was to be her husband soon. He was right—she needed to get used to touching him and being touched. Their gazes connected and she was amazed at what she found in his eyes: pure desire.

  Her courage grew. She ran her hands over his shoulders, loving the way his muscles felt under her fingers. Alex had his own aroma, and she breathed deep to savor it. The sensations he stirred in her were warm and wonderful—and she felt safe. She hoped they would always have these moments together.

  Her body started to tingle in places she had never felt before as she stroked every inch of his hard body. It did not frighten her because it was Alex. Why had she always fought this part of their relationship? Exciting possibilities entered her thoughts. She had not expected to want his touch so much. The water was a little cool, yet she was hot. How could that be? He stopped for a moment and gazed into her eyes, and all she could say was, “Alex, don’t stop.”

  He reached up to the front of her chemise and cupped her breasts. He kissed her hard again, and when he rubbed his thumb over her nipple, she groaned and moved into him, trying to get closer. As he continued his assault on her breasts through the chemise, she threaded her fingers through his hair and leaned back and moaned. She let go and floated on the water, letting the unknown sensations send delight radiating through the very pores of her skin.

  Alex’s hands kneaded her inner thighs, working their way up her body slowly until he kissed her neck and whispered, “Sweeting, you are so soft. I need to feel your skin. I want to feel your skin against mine. Maddie, I want to see the rest of your luscious body.” He started to pull on the ribbons of her chemise to free her breasts.

  And Kenneth interrupted her thoughts. “Nooooo, Alex! Please do not!”

  Shoving against him, she bolted toward shore. Before leaving the water, she realized she was only clothed in the chemise, so she sank back into the loch. Still, she kept far away from Alex. She couldn’t let him see what Kenneth had done to her. Perhaps she would never be free of her tormenter. She slapped the top of the loch over and over as she thought of all her stepbrother had done to her.


  Alex’s fists were clenched at the side of his body. He was still panting and tried to slow his breathing. By the saints, but she had felt so good in his arms. Would they ever work through this problem? Mayhap this was hopeless.

  He stared at his betrothed across the water. Her movements erratic, and a moment passed before he realized what she was doing. She had seemed so afraid a moment ago, but now she was angry and swinging at the water. Somehow he knew he was not the focus for her anger. Mayhap it would help her to express her anger at her stepbrother and the Comming. Mayhap that was what she needed. He waited, giving her the time she needed to work through her feelings.

  Her breath was still coming out in fast puffs, but she would not look him in the eye yet. She was in a different world, fighting someone. He was going about this completely the wrong way. But who could offer him advice? Who did he trust enough to confide in?

  Before he sought advice, however, he needed to understand what she was going through.

  “Maddie? Talk to me. I would hear your thoughts. Help me understand. We are to be married in less than a fortnight.”


  Maddie forced herself to meet the gaze of the man she loved. How could she explain? She was so humiliated. Her arms wrapped tight around her middle. She hated Kenneth for what he had done to her. She knew God did not want her to hate anyone, but she could not help it.

  And what would Alex say about this? She was aware there was a possibility he would be so disgusted he would walk out of the water and never return. Then what would she do? Her humiliation would be complete. Maddie buried her face into her arms and reached back with her hands to fist her hair. Everyone would hate her, just like Kenneth had always wanted. He had always been jealous of the affection and respect people gave her, and he had tried to ruin her in every way possible. Mayhap he would have the last laugh.

  But if she gave up now, when she was this close to happiness, she would be letting him win. Alice had advised her to always be honest with Alex, and this was the time for honesty, even if it hurt.

  “I need to tell you something,” she said, her arms still crossed in front of her.

  Alex’s head dropped momentarily, but then rose to look at her. “I am listening.”

  Madeline fought to keep herself from crying. “My stepbrother was very angry that I refused to marry the Comming.”

  “I know that, Maddie,” he whispered. “I bore witness to his brutality.”

  “I ha
d refused him two times before the night you rescued me. Kenneth said if I would not marry the Comming, he would make sure and mark me so no other man would want me.”

  She studied Alex’s face, trying to gauge how he was taking the news. He did not react to her words.

  “Go on,” he said.

  “He had a tool that he heated in the fire while he whipped me.”

  Alex’s jaw clench and he closed his eyes for a moment, but she forced herself to continue.

  “After he finished whipping me, he turned me around, and while his guards held me, he held the tool to the skin under my breast. He said he would do it each time I refused him, so that my chest would be completely scarred if I never relented.” She wrung her hands as she thought carefully.

  Alex turned his face to the heavens and let out a deep breath.

  “I was not running from your touch, Alex. I was afraid if you saw my scars, you would not want me anymore.” A single tear rolled down her cheek. Her hands shook as she reached up to wipe her face.

  Alex held his hand out to her. “Come here, Maddie.”

  She hesitated, but then walked over and placed her hand in his. Alex led her into the shallower water and sat in the pebbles, where the water reached his chest. He settled Maddie onto his lap, wrapped his arms around her tight, and rested her head on his shoulder. Maddie reached her arms around his back and leaned into him. There was nowhere else she would rather be.


  Neither one of them spoke. Alex willed himself to rid the anger from his body. He knew Maddie needed him more. They held each other silently.

  Alex, totally undone by the unfairness in the world, could not fight the deep sadness that enveloped his body. How could anyone be that cruel to a helpless woman? Although Maddie was not totally helpless, she could not fight the brute strength of three men. In some ways, though, his wee Maddie was stronger than all three men combined. Her strength was an inner strength, a strength of character. He was so proud of her. After all the pain she had been forced to endure, she still had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. She was wonderful with the bairns, adored by his sister Jennie, and she always held her head high. He knew many strong men who would let such constant torture defeat them. But not his Maddie.

  “Maddie,” Alex whispered several minutes later.

  “Yes, Alex?”

  “Is there anything else you have not told me? I would know everything now, please.”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Aye, Alex. They are not things I would ever forget.”

  Another minute of silence followed. Alex rested his chin on the top of her head.



  “Are you going to cancel our betrothal?”

  “Nay, Maddie, I am no’ going to cancel our betrothal. But I must ask you something.”

  “Anything, Alex.”

  “I would see the scars under your breasts. I want no surprises on the day of our wedding. I know this is much to ask, but we need to put this behind us.”

  Maddie pulled back and gazed at him. He knew this would be hard for her, but he was afraid of the anger that might explode inside him when he saw the marks. Even though he prided himself on his strong control, this wee lass could send every ounce of control he possessed out of his body in an instant. He did not want to spend his wedding night in a fury.

  She slowly nodded and reached down to untie the ribbons of her chemise. Covering her nipples, she held each breast up so Alex could see the scars. On each side, a small angry curved welt sat just above the fold where her breast met her abdomen. He leaned down and kissed each one with tenderness.

  Alex breathed a sigh of relief. He could handle this. He stood, tugging her shivering body with him.

  “I think it is time we head back, you are cold.” He dressed and helped her into her gown, then secured the basket on his horse. Once he was mounted, he reached down and scooped up Maddie. As soon as she was settled on his lap, he tied her horse’s reins to his.



  “I feel better now. I do not have any more secrets.”

  He kissed her forehead and nudged his horse forward. As they moved away from the loch, his men dropped in behind them.

  After they dismounted at the keep, they continued to walk hand in hand, much to the surprise of his clan.



  “I think I would like to stop at the chapel. I have much I need to be thankful for.” She gave him a tentative smile.

  “I will go with you, Maddie. I will go with you.”



  Over the next several days, Alex continued to roam the countryside in search of Kenneth MacDonald. Convinced that finding the man would be the answer to Maddie’s troubles, he brutally drove his guardsmen. Each day he returned, he barely had enough time to go over important clan matters with Robbie before eating and heading straight to bed. His exhaustion was so complete he was often asleep before his head hit the pillow. Of course, this prevented him from seeing the disappointment in Maddie’s eye.

  But he had to find Kenneth MacDonald before the wedding.

  After wearing himself—and his men—out with the constant searching, Alex returned to the keep early one day. When he entered the great hall, Maddie was sitting at the hearth with Jennie. As soon as his wee sister saw him, she bounded up from her spot and threw herself into his arms.

  “Alex, look at the beautiful book that Maddie made for us. She plans to teach me how to read. Isn’t it magnificent?”

  Alex glanced over Madeline’s shoulder before she snapped the book shut. The splendor of her work stunned him. He couldn’t believe she had drawn more sketches on parchment and tied them together to create a book.

  He gazed at Maddie as a sharp surge of pure lust shot through him. She was breathtaking even in repose, and he stared at her for a few minutes before he was able to collect his thoughts. Madeline blushed from his perusal.

  “Maddie, the book is beautiful. What talent you have! I am sure the wee ones in the village must enjoy your storytelling even more with such vivid pictures to accompany them.”

  Maddie fussed with the pages, ignoring Alex’s comment, but Jennie whispered in her brother’s ear, “There isn’t any storytelling anymore.”

  Alex gaped at Maddie. “What are you talking about? Maddie, you have been weaving tales with the wee ones, have you no’?” he asked.

  Madeline refused to make eye contact with him. “I have been busy with the wedding plans.” She rearranged her materials around her.

  “Nay, Alex, the mothers will no’ let their bairns near Maddie. Tommy told me his mama said that Maddie is dirty. She said she isn’t good enough for you. I told him that Maddie takes a lot of baths and she isn’t dirty at all.”

  “Maddie, is this true?” he demanded, his gaze boring into her.

  Her lack of an answer was almost answer enough.

  “Brenna?” he roared.

  His sister bolted down the staircase. “What’s wrong, Alex?”

  “Is this true, Brenna? Is Maddie being shunned by members of our clan?”

  Brenna glanced at Maddie. “I think you best direct your questions to Maddie.”

  He turned again to look at his betrothed. “Maddie?”

  “Alex, I can handle my own problems,” she said quietly.

  “Nay, Maddie. This is my clan, you are to be my wife. I will not allow them to speak of you in such a way. Has anyone spoken to you directly?”

  “This is my affair,” she insisted, staring at her hands.

  Alex’s patience came to an end. “Maddie, I want names!” he bellowed.

  “So you can whip them like Kenneth whipped me? Nay, Alex, I will not give you any names.” Maddie glared at him.

  His voice softened when he spoke next. “I do not whip women and children, Madeline.”

  Alex reache
d for her. His instinct was to pull her close to him to protect her. But she flinched. Her reaction horrified him. Was his betrothed truly still afraid of him?

  Madeline turned and tore up the stairs.

  “You know I would never hurt you?” he called out after her. Shocked by his own behavior, he paced in front of the stairway.

  “Alex, it’s instinctual,” Brenna said. “She knows you would never hurt her. The sad truth is that flinching is habitual for her. You have to help her heal.”

  “I know that, but I want to touch her. I want to hold her and help her. I cannot stop myself. I wish she would not stop me.”

  Jennie tugged on her brother’s plaid. “Alex, you are very loud sometimes, but when you yell at me, I know you don’t mean it because you love me. Mayhap Maddie does not know you love her yet.”

  Startled, Alex turned to wee Jennie and hollered, “Jennie, you don’t know what you are talking about!”

  Jennie smiled up at her huge brother, “I know you love me, so I don’t mind if you have to shout at me to feel better about loving Maddie.”

  Alex stared off over his sister’s head, befuddled. What was happening to him? Did his wee sister know his mind better than he did?

  Skipping off to play with her dogs, Jennie said, “Just tell her, Alex. Then she won’t think you are mad at her when you yell so.”

  Brenna raised her eyebrows at him and smiled.


  By the time Madeline came down the stairs to break her fast the next morning, Alex and his men had already left on horseback. Perhaps he did not want to be around her. She had hardly seen him since the day at the loch. Maybe her disfigurement was more than he was willing to accept. But then why had he kissed the marks on her breasts so tenderly? Confusion muddled her thoughts.

  Of course, they had also argued last night. She had defied him, which was no small thing since he was now her laird. Had one of his guardsmen refused to give him information, she could not imagine the consequences. She was still eager to improve her relationship with the clan, but as the wedding grew closer, the animosity toward her only worsened. Yesterday, a small stone had grazed her back as she strolled to the gardens. Wee Tommy had been in the area, but she had decided not to confront him. She realized now that it might have been a mistake. What if the stone was larger the next time? Too late to rethink it now.


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