Medieval Ever After

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Medieval Ever After Page 57

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Alice stopped her advance and gasped, her hand going immediately to her mouth as she took in Maddie’s dazed look and drew her own conclusions. Only then did Alex notice how red and swollen Maddie’s lips looked. The maid picked up one of Maddie’s storybooks made of parchment and promptly swatted him across the back of his head.

  “Just as I thought, you swine. This is not proper. You will not treat her like this. You are not to be alone with her until after you are wed. Why, her mother is probably rolling in her grave as we speak!”

  Maddie’s eyes were big as saucers. “Alice, you hit Laird Grant. That is not your place!”

  Alice’s chin jutted forward. “Perhaps not, but I won’t take it back. I promised your mother that I would take care of you, Madeline, and I will not let this man, laird or not, take advantage of you.”

  Alex squelched the grin on his face, and before he knew it, he was shoved out of the door by the petite commander. From the quick look he got of Maddie before he was ousted, she was fighting a smile, too. He was propelled right into Robbie.

  “Huh!” Robbie said. “What do you suppose that is all about? Any ideas, brother?” His eyes sparkled as he ducked Alex’s swing and turned and ran down the stairs, laughing all the way.


  Eventually, Alex returned to carry Madeline downstairs to the great hall. He sat her at the main dais, but he moved her chair away from the table, tuning it to face the door. Robbie, Brodie, Brenna, Alice, and Mac were all present, and it felt as if they were waiting for something. They were acting in a peculiar manner, but she could not fathom their intent. Jennie positioned herself at Maddie’s side, a big smile lighting up her face.

  “What is this about?” Madeline asked as she searched everyone’s faces.

  Alex motioned for Brodie to go to the door, then turned to Maddie and said, “There are some members of my clan who have been asking to speak to you.”

  The door opened and Moira rushed in with Emma in her arms. She marched up to the dais and curtsied to Maddie. “My lady, I came to thank you for saving my wee Emma.” She set the bairn down and tucked a package into her tiny hands. Emma waddled over and offered the package to Maddie with a big smile.

  As Emma walked back to her mama, Moira continued. “I also wish to apologize for the way I treated you. I was wrong, and I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. You are truly a fine lady.”

  Tears welled in Maddie’s eyes as she opened the package. Inside, she found a bar of lavender-scented soap.

  “I made it with me own hands, my lady. I hope you like it.”

  Madeline held the soap up to her face to take in the sweet scent. “It is lovely, Moira. Thank you, I will treasure it.” She lifted herself up and walked over to give the other woman a one-armed hug. “Of course I forgive you.” Emma reached up to kiss Maddie’s cheek and then Moira curtsied and left the hall.

  Maddie turned to Alex, only managing to say, “Oh, Alex!”

  The door opened again, and this time wee Tommy scrambled up the steps to Maddie, followed by his mother. He bowed to Maddie and handed her a glorious bouquet of dried flowers. “Me Ma and I picked them and dried them ourselves a while ago, but we want you to have them, my lady.”

  Tommy’s mother curtsied and said, “Forgive me, my lady, for the wrongs I have done you. The laird could not find a better lady to take as his wife.” She turned and curtsied to Alex. “We will be proud to have her as our lady, my laird.” Alex nodded before they turned and left.

  Maddie stared at the two gifts in her lap. How long had it been since anyone had given her a gift? Brushing the moistness from her lashes, she jerked as the door opened again. The blacksmith and his family crossed the room to Alex and bowed. “Forgive me, Laird, for my behavior. I should no’ have shunned your betrothed for something that was no’ her fault. She is a brave lady who will make you a fine wife.” He stepped forward, bowed to Madeline, and placed a long, thick rabbit pelt on her lap. “To keep your hands warm on the cold winter nights.” He bowed again as he and his family turned to leave.

  Maddie forced a weak, “Thank you, sir,” as she fought back tears.

  Jennie clapped as she looked at the gifts. “You see, Maddie, I knew they would like you once they got to know you better!”

  And the line continued…

  Another pelt from the tanner.

  A sleek jeweled dagger from the man in the armory.

  Maddie’s tears were flowing freely at that point. But she always managed a smile and a polite “thank you” for each of her visitors. There were so many, she lost track. Some were there just to thank her for saving the wee ones. Others apologized for misjudging her. Her gifts filled the table.

  A bouquet of fresh flowers.

  Embroidered cloths for the tables.

  Scented candles.

  A jar of honey.


  Apple tarts.

  Apple bread.

  A beautiful shawl.

  A pair of beaded slippers.

  Embroidered chair cushions.

  Embroidered linen squares.

  But the last gift was for wee Jennie.

  “A new puppy?”

  It was from Emma’s father. “For always watching over the wee ones, Jennie.”

  Jennie jumped up and down as she cuddled her new puppy in her arms.

  “I had no idea. All these gifts are beautiful!” Maddie exclaimed.

  “My clan is full of good people. They do get confused at times, but they are honest, hard-working people.” Alex’s eyes shone with pride as he gazed at her.

  “Alex, did you tell them they had to apologize to me?”

  “No.” He kissed her cheek. “Had I thought of it, I would have. But I was too busy worrying about you and Jennie.”



  In just a few days, Maddie would be Alex’s wife. Despite Alice’s ranting and raving, Alex went to Maddie’s chamber every night and hauled her down to his own, returning her before dawn. Maddie found she did not mind at all. Actually, she had grown accustomed to falling asleep in his arms since he was very warm and she knew it was the safest place for her.

  At first, she was afraid he would try something improper, but other than a few kisses, he behaved like a perfect gentleman. Truth be known, she was becoming quite fond of his kisses and actually ached for them at times. But she never let him know. At least now she did not feel panicked over the thought of their wedding night. She knew the bedding would take place, but she trusted Alex. Even though it might hurt, she knew in her heart he would never humiliate or hurt her.

  Maddie and Brenna were laboring in the vegetable garden together one afternoon, harvesting what they could for the wedding, when they heard a commotion at the gates. They strolled down in time to see Father MacGregor dismounting from his horse.

  “Father, is it really you?” Maddie cried.

  “Och, my child, are you no’ a beautiful lass!” he shouted in his usual boisterous way. “How long since I have seen you, lass? And what has happened to your arm?”

  “At least two years, Father. I promise to tell you about my arm later. But I must know, why did you leave us?”

  Father MacGregor put his arm around Madeline’s shoulder. “Maddie, your stepbrother ordered me to stay away. I could not believe he would speak to a man of the cloth as he did, but it did not stop him. I knew your people needed me more than ever after losing your parents, but his threats were quite clear. I did not wish to endanger anyone. But why are you here, lass?”

  They turned to make their way toward the steps of the castle.

  “Because I am betrothed to Alex—I mean, Laird Grant. He has asked me to be his wife and I have accepted.”

  “Och, that is wonderful news. I am so glad to hear that you are safe from that cruel man. But were you no’ already betrothed?” Father MacGregor asked, giving her a puzzled look.

  “Father, let me settle you inside where it is warm and ar
range for some food for you. Then I will tell you all that has transpired. But it is so good to see you!” She hugged him and led him up the stairs to the keep.


  Alex did not return until dusk. Traipsing into the hall, he immediately welcomed Father MacGregor. Brenna called for food and they enjoyed the meal together with much laughter. Afterwards, Alex took Father MacGregor aside.

  “Father, will you walk with me outside for a bit?”

  “Why, certainly, Laird, I would enjoy a walk.”

  As soon as they distanced themselves from the hall, Alex asked the questions he needed answered.

  “Father, have you heard anything about Madeline’s stepbrother, Kenneth? Do you have any idea where he might be hiding?”

  “Nay, Laird, I have neither seen nor heard anything about the man. At least, not since he left his home to visit Niles Comming. I heard about the Comming’s death, and I thank you for saving Madeline from two horrible men. Her parents would be sick if they knew how poorly her stepbrother treated her. I was at the MacDonald keep for about three months after their death. Eventually, I was told in a threatening manner to leave and never return.

  “It broke my heart as I was very fond of Madeline, and I knew Kenneth did not like her. It encouraged me to know that she at least had Mac and Alice to watch over her. Alice would protect her until her death.”

  “I have already seen the evidence of that, Father.” Alex grinned as he thought of the old woman hitting him in the head with the parchment and calling him swine. “But even Mac is no’ a match for Kenneth.”

  Alex then brought up the subject that had been burning inside him. “Father, I need to ask you another question, and mayhap you will not have an answer for me, but I still have to ask. I’m not sure what you know of the cruelty Madeline suffered at the hands of Kenneth and the Comming? I worry that she will have trouble putting such things behind her once we are married.”

  “Och, you ask difficult questions, Laird. But I will share with you what I know. Kenneth was a very sneaky, deceitful man. While I was still there, he decided to sell some jewels Madeline had inherited from her mother. I recall a pearl necklace that her mother wore often. They were gifts to Madeline, though, and she would not part with them. He finally concocted a scheme of allowing her to visit an aunt in England.

  “Madeline was so excited at the prospect of escaping Kenneth, I’m afraid she was not thinking clearly. He hired someone to take her on the journey, loaded her trunks, and sent them on their way. The next day, he set out on their trail, beat up the driver of the wagon and ransacked through Madeline’s possessions. He found all the jewels, but ‘twas not enough punishment. He beat her and left them both to die.”

  Alex’s rage flew at the image of Madeline lying alone on a dirt road, beaten. How could someone treat an innocent woman in such a way? Kenneth was a madman. Alex clenched his fists, wishing they were wrapped around the MacDonald’s throat. He forced his attention back to Father MacGregor. “What happened?”

  “Maddie is a fighter, and she was found several days later wandering just outside the keep. Mac found her and brought her back. He and his wife hid her and nursed her back to health. I was actually called to pray over Madeline’s body, as they did not think she would survive, but she did. That was when I had my conversation with Kenneth. I reminded him of what the Lord would think of men taking advantage of weaker creatures. Rather than listen to me, he banished me from the keep.

  “My guess is that Maddie does not trust easily after all she has suffered. The Comming is another bad story, but I will only tell you that I did hear what happened, and I cannot be sorry that he met his fate. Kenneth is a sick man, and I do not doubt that if he is still alive, he is plotting against Madeline. He truly hated her, but I do no’ know why. So I wish you luck, my son. I hope you find him before he finds her.

  “As for your question about the marriage, I cannot think of a finer woman for you. Madeline truly has a heart of gold. She is one of God’s true gifts in my eyes, and he has finally sent her in the right direction. You may need a little more patience with her, but you will not regret it.”

  Alex nodded and felt a little weight lift off his shoulders. He relaxed as he thought of all Father MacGregor had said. The man was right. Maddie was special.

  As they turned to go back to the keep, he said, “Thank you, Father.”

  Father MacGregor answered with a smile. “I vow you will not regret your marriage, Laird Grant.”

  As Alex opened the door for him, he said, “And Father?”

  “Aye, my son?”

  “Thank you for being there for her when I could not.” Alex smiled at him.

  Father MacGregor beamed.



  Father MacGregor left the next morning to visit a few of the neighboring clans, but Maddie did not mind. She was so excited he would be performing their ceremony. Only two more days remained before she would become Alex’s wife, and she found she was not as nervous as she had expected she would be. Alex and his men left early again, so she spent the morning putting away her wonderful new gifts. The embroidered cloths she saved for the wedding since she would not be able to finish her own with a broken arm. She found very special places for her flowers, both fresh and dried. One arrangement was placed on the hearth in the great hall and another on the main table. Her favorite earned a place in her chamber.

  Her lavender-scented soap, however, was special and would be saved until the day of the wedding.

  She was holding the beaded slippers in her hands, thinking of where to stow them, when Jennie flew down the stairs toward her.

  “Maddie, Alice needs you to come up for another fitting.”

  “Another one? I thought she’d finished. Are you she sure she needs me now?”

  Jennie nodded and spun on her heels, giggling.

  “All right, I will be right there.” Maddie headed for the stairs, Jennie close at her heels.

  “I really do not think she needs your help. You can go play with your new pup,” Maddie said as she climbed the stairs.

  “Oh, nay, I want to watch.”

  When Madeline stepped into the solar, she was surprised to see Alice was crying.

  “Alice, what is wrong?” Maddie asked.

  “Oh, nothing, my dear. I am just so happy for you. I never thought I would see the day of your wedding after all we have been through.” Alice wiped her tears and walked around the table.

  Alice pulled the dress out from under a cloth and held it for Maddie’s inspection.

  Maddie gasped. “How did you…where did you…oh! But it is beautiful.”

  “Your betrothed arranged for the material. It is the perfect shade of blue, don’t you think? Will you try it on?”

  Brenna entered just in time to help her slip the dress on over her broken arm. Maddie could only stare down at the beautiful dress, unable to speak. Standing in the corner of the room, Jennie smiled and clapped.

  “It is perfect. You will make a stunning bride,” Brenna said with tears in her eyes. “My brother is truly fortunate. Finding you has been such a blessing for him.”

  All Maddie could get out was, “How?”

  “Alex asked the messenger who brought news of your marriage to the king to bring back bolts of cloth. He actually brought back several different shades of blue fabric, Maddie. Alex must like your blue eyes!” Brenna exclaimed. “And those beaded slippers you were given will match perfectly.”

  “He loves her, Brenna. I think Alex loves Maddie!” Jennie shouted.

  “Do you think so, Jennie?” Brenna asked with a smile on her face.

  “Aye, I see him kissing her sometimes,” Jennie said, grinning back at them.

  Maddie continued admiring Alice’s work. The bodice of the pastel gown was decorated with beads and the thin and silky sleeves had been adjusted so they could accommodate the wood and the linen straps on her left arm. Alice had sewn ribbons around the neckline, at
the end of the sleeves, and around the hem.

  After she removed it, she hugged Alice. “It is the most beautiful gown I have ever seen. Thank you. You even managed to make it fit over my broken arm. How did you do that?”

  Alice could not stop crying. “Oh, Maddie, you know I would do anything for you. If only your mother could see you.”

  “She will be there, Alice. She will be with us in spirit. And so will my father.”


  Several hours later, Maddie still found herself sighing over Alex’s thoughtfulness. He certainly was a man full of surprises. She had thought very hard about how she could repay his generosity, but she could only think of one thing. It would have to wait until he returned, so she asked Robbie to come and get her as soon as the men returned.

  A short time later, Robbie stuck his head in the door and yelled to her. Maddie hurried to the door.

  “Has he arrived yet, Robbie?” she asked.

  “Aye, I hear the horses. They will be arriving soon.”

  “Robbie, would you mind escorting me to the stables? I would like to be there as soon as he gets back.”

  “Of course, my lady. I will take you now if you are ready, as I need to see him as well.”

  Maddie put away her ink and followed him to the stables.

  “There are many strangers about, are there not?” Maddie asked.

  “Aye, the clan members are starting to arrive for the big event,” Robbie said. “The tents are being assembled around the keep and outside as well. Some people are eager to arrive early so they can raise their tents in the outer bailey instead of outside the walls of the keep.”

  “Won’t it be more difficult to protect everyone, Robbie?” she asked nervously as she looked around at the crowds.

  “Aye, but we have done it many times before. This is similar to a fair or tournament. I promise you we will be watching for Kenneth. We know most of these people, and I will not allow anyone to stay inside the gates unless I know them well. The guardsmen will continue searching for Kenneth. The laird made it very clear to everyone that your safety is our first priority.”


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