Telepathic Cravings

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Telepathic Cravings Page 16

by Melissa Schroeder

  “As do I for you.”

  He smiled. “Agreed. Problem is, kid, I think you’re in this too deep.”

  She shrugged, not wanting to face those feelings.

  “Have you told him?”


  “Why not?”

  “He hates Gorgons. How do you think he would feel if he found out not only was he banging a Gorgon, but one with royal blood, as well?”

  “Please tell me that you’re at least on booster shots now.”

  “Why? There’s no chance for children.”

  He sighed, disgust evident when he next spoke. “Sorry, but I disagree. Just because some damn Gorgon quack told you that you would never have children—”

  “He was right. No, don’t argue with me on this. I know you and you’ll try to fix it.”

  He placed the food in front of her and then kissed her head.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  She hoped she did, too. Because in the end, she was really worried that not only was she risking her life, but also her heart.

  * * * *

  The next morning dawned as dreary as the day before, but Drake had the ship ready for them to leave as soon as they ate breakfast. Within a couple of hours, they were on their way back to Earth. In fact, David was a little worried about how easily they got away. No bounty hunters, no Gorgons. It just didn’t sit well.

  A few hours later, he was docking the ship and all three of them headed to Marcus’ office. Something was inching up his spine, and he realized that Genoa was emitting something close to panic the closer they got to Marcus’ office.

  “David Adams, authorize.”

  The door slid open. His sister was sitting on the edge of the desk, Marcus’ hand on her knee. Her eyes, so like his own, lit with happiness. She hopped down off the desk and rushed forward, ignoring her husband’s curse.

  She practically jumped into his arms.

  “I missed you,” she said. She kissed his cheek and released him. Marcus stalked over to her side.

  “Stop running around. A woman in your condition shouldn’t be taking undue risks.”

  She shot Marcus a look that would have withered a lesser man. He crossed his arms and stared her down.

  “Oh, all right.” She sighed and her gaze traveled to Genoa.

  “Shana, I’d like you to met Genoa. Genoa, this is my sister, Shana Adams.”

  “Shana Adams Carlyle, if you don’t mind,” his brother-in-law growled.

  “So nice to meet you, Genoa,” Shana said. She looked from Marcus to Genoa and then back at him with one brow raised. “I know you know my husband.”

  “Genoa, what have you got?”

  “Nice to see you again, too, Marcus,” Genoa said in her usual acerbic tongue.

  He sighed. “Fine. Hello. What do you have?”

  She hesitated and that same damn panic slapped out at him. He could feel something close to terror rushing through her.

  “I found out that Ripley Johnson is still alive.”

  Marcus’ face turned to stone. “Go on.”

  “Well, he’s working with some of the outlaw factions of the Gorgon government to overthrow the Federation.”

  “He’d be too old,” Shana said.

  “It’s him. I know it. I have the proof.” She licked her lips and looked at him. “I know because my mother is Ripley Johnson’s niece.”

  Chapter 11

  Betrayal tightened his gut. David was sure he would throw up. The hurt he saw in her eyes, felt running through him, spurred his anger.

  “You’re related to that bastard?” She flinched at his harsh tone. He shoved aside the instinct to comfort her.

  “David,” Shana said. He glanced at her and ignored the worry he saw in her eyes. He scowled at her, then turned back to Genoa, who now had Conners standing behind her, his hand on her shoulder. David bit back the urge to rip the bastard’s arm out of its socket.

  Genoa brushed her hair out of her face. David couldn’t help but notice her hand shaking. He hardened his resolve.

  “Does he know about you?” Marcus asked. The tone in his voice made David think he’d known about Genoa all along. But his expression was void of any emotion. David knew better than to try and figure out what his brother-in-law was thinking.

  “I’m not sure.” She shrugged. “The information I had would be enough to come after me, but there’s always that chance.”

  “How long have you known?” he asked.

  Her gaze met David’s. Stark pain colored it. Damn if his protective instincts didn’t kick in. He took a step in her direction and then stopped himself. She was the enemy.

  “I found out when I was doing some background. My parents never told me.”

  “I can imagine your father would want to keep it a secret,” Marcus said. “Even if he’s not—”

  “No. And I’m going to talk to them about it after I get the hell out of here.”

  “Hmmm,” was all Marcus said. “You have what I need?”

  “I stored it in the Federation system.”

  Before she could show him, the door buzzed, heralding an arrival. The screen opened from the ceiling and revealed a diminutive woman, dressed in an investigator’s uniform.

  “Agent Ashford, Mr. Carlyle. I have a report for you.”


  A sudden tension filled the room, but Shana and Marcus didn’t seem to notice. David realized the anxiety slicing through him was from Genoa. The fact it was still occurring irritated the living hell out of him. He pushed those feelings aside, and dealt with the issue at hand.

  The woman walked into the room, her stride purposeful until she caught sight of Conners. She faltered, and her eyes widened then narrowed, but she continued forward.

  “Sir, security has been breeched. Gorgons have taken over the weapons depot, and their direction seems to be toward the Pentagon.”

  “Dammit. Why are you in here telling me? The phone systems…”

  “No. They have control of those now. It isn’t that big of a stronghold, but we can’t guarantee security on the phones. Mr. Delingham sent me to you.”

  “Okay. David, you in?”

  David nodded, but before he could answer, Conners chimed in, “Count me in, too.”

  Agent Ashford’s back stiffened, but she didn’t say anything. She turned on her heel and headed for the door. Marcus grabbed Shana by the waist and kissed her thoroughly.


  Genoa watched David, her eyes concerned, her nervous energy humming through him. The fact she was worried about him warmed him, but he would never let her know. Not when the wound was so painful.

  “Don’t worry, princess. I’ll make sure to give your regards to Uncle Ripley.”

  Her face lost all color, and for a moment, he thought she might do something. Yell, scream, cry. Instead, she turned to Conners. “Be safe, Drake.”

  He kissed her cheek and shot David a look of hatred. David followed Drake out the door without looking back. Because he knew if he’d waited a moment longer, he’d have been begging forgiveness from a woman he should hate.

  * * * *

  Genoa allowed the anger and hurt to wash through her. She’d known he would take it this way. Truth was, it was her fault. She knew that; she could live with that decision. She’d have to. It didn’t change the fact her heart had been torn to shreds, or that at the moment, she realized losing David would tear her in two.

  She sniffed, trying not to cry in front of his sister. Lord only knew what the woman already thought of her.

  “I’ve always thought a good smack in the head is best when dealing with my brother.”

  She glanced at Shana. A kind smile curved her lips.

  “I’d need a piece of steel to make a difference.”

  Shana laughed and walked forward. She took Genoa’s hands in hers. Her eyes were lit with warm approval. “Oh, I knew I’d like you from your reports. Come, sit.”

  Uncertainty fi
lled her as the woman pulled her toward a couple of chairs. She motioned for Genoa to sit, and then took the other chair. Genoa wondered if the woman had mental problems. Didn’t Shana realize she’d betrayed David?

  “Don’t worry about it.”


  “You didn’t betray him. Oh, he thinks so at the moment, but he’ll get over it.” She relaxed in the chair, crossed one leg over her knee.

  “How did you—”

  She pursed her lips and shook her head. “I’m sorry. I forget about that sometimes. With the pregnancy, I think my powers are increasing in strength, and I can’t stop the thoughts.”

  “Thoughts?” She sounded like an imbecile, but she wasn’t sure Shana Adams was sane.

  “I’m sure David forgot to tell you, but I am a telepath.” The sarcastic tone made Genoa think this small woman could more than handle the head of the Counterterrorism Department. “Not many people know, but since we are about to be family—”

  “Family? I don’t know where you got that idea.”

  “Oh, from the look on David’s face when that Mr. Conners kissed you, I figured a wedding was on tap.”

  “First of all, I don’t think Space Ranger Adams wants anything to do with me now. And secondly, what the hell do you mean that David should have told me about your telepathic skills? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought paras were still herded up for the labs.”

  “I’m sure you have some issues to work through, but as much as you two obviously love each other, you’ll end up together.”

  Genoa shook her head trying to fight the feelings those words evoked. She wasn’t in love with David. He hated her; she’d known him less than a week, and every time he smiled she melted. Oh, shit. Shana continued to talk as Genoa tried to push aside the notion of being in love with David.

  “And for the other, some of us are better at hiding than others. I mean, David has never gotten caught.”


  “With his empathic skills, he’d be a gold mind to those bastards.”

  “Empathic skills?”

  Before she could answer, the door slid open. Genoa turned, expecting to see Marcus Carlyle standing there and was surprised to see a rather short, thin man on the threshold. He was dressed in robes, as if in some kind of religious order, his red hair cropped close to his scalp, and his pale green eyes shone with something that made Genoa uncomfortable.

  “Well, Genoa, you’ve been a naughty girl. But then, your mother was never very well behaved, either.”

  His lips twisted into a cruel smile as fear rushed through her. He threw his arms open wide. “Now, aren’t you going to give your Great-Uncle Ripley a hug and a kiss?”

  Revulsion turned her stomach and the scent of fear surrounded her. She glanced at Shana, who touched her stomach. Genoa remembered her comment about being pregnant. She would do anything she could to save the woman.

  “Uncle? No one told me I had an uncle.”

  “Well, you do, Genoa, and I am here to collect you.” His unstable gaze drifted to Shana, then lighted with interest. Shana’s fear became so pronounced, it made Genoa ill.

  “I won’t go anywhere unless you take me alone.”

  He laughed with no humor and pulled a laser weapon from inside his robe. “That’s all I want, my darling niece. I want nothing to do with that woman.”

  Considering Johnson’s hatred of Marcus, Genoa was relieved he apparently knew nothing of Marcus’ relationship with Shana. She felt some tugging on her brain and decided to shut down all thoughts. She didn’t know what skills he had. It was probably suicide, but she didn’t want anything to happen to Shana.

  “Then I’ll go with you, no arguments.”

  He motioned for Genoa to leave; she sensed Shana about to do something to stop them, but Genoa shook her head. She stepped into the hallway and started down the corridor when something hit her from behind. Sharp, bright pain exploded in her head and she fell to the floor.

  Ripley leaned down. “Now, this will make it a whole lot easier.”

  He laughed and she opened her mouth to say something, anything, to save herself. But her mouth wouldn’t work and her world faded to black.

  Chapter 12

  David twisted the arm of another damn Gorgon and shoved him into the wall. The warrior’s head smacked against the cement and he crumpled into a heap on the floor.

  Something brushed his shoulder and David turned around, his fist ready to hit, when he saw Conners frowning at him.

  “It’s over, Adams.”

  Drake had lost his glasses some time ago; his face was bloodied and bruised, his clothes torn. David searched for Marcus and saw him striding toward the two of them, a look of complete satisfaction on his face.

  “Bastards. I don’t know what the hell is going on with them. Why they decided to attack without the proper backup, I don’t understand. But it was damn satisfying.”

  David smiled, thinking that he couldn’t wait to tell Genoa…


  “Sir, there has been another development.”

  Agent Ashford looked almost as bad as the three of them. She sported a cut lip, and her hand was bandaged.

  “What is it this time?” Marcus asked.

  Ashford opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a voice he knew only too well.

  “Marcus, you’re a mess.” Shana stepped over the scattered Gorgon bodies to get to her husband. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Ripley showed up.” Marcus stiffened, as did David. “He has Genoa.”

  The bottom fell out of David’s stomach as fear so deep it almost unmanned him spread through his veins. “How the hell did that happen?”

  The tears in his sister’s eyes spurred his worry. He took in her appearance, and other than her distress, nothing seemed out of order.

  “He waltzed into headquarters. I think Genoa knew Ripley would target me if he was aware I was your wife. She deflected his interest and willingly went with him. But I know that once they were in the hallway, there was some scuffling. I don’t know what happened after that.”

  Marcus’ pager went off and he turned it on. As he listened, his cold expression turned more distant.

  “He’s got her. I have directions. We’ll have to sneak in. I’ll go in to distract him; you get her out.”

  “Absolutely not!” Shana almost yelled. “You are not going in there with that psycho.”

  “He’s not insane,” David said.

  “You didn’t see him. There is something in his expression that just scared the shit out of me, David. I don’t know what he has planned for her, but I would say the sooner you get there, the better. I just hope he hasn’t harmed her yet.” The tone in her voice had terror coiling in his stomach. She thought he’d done something already. Oh, God. He’d never be able to handle it if anything happened to Genoa. He was still pissed as hell, but the idea that she was in pain, that he would never see her again, froze his blood.

  “I have to go, sweetheart. He asked for me. We’ll be safe,” Marcus said.

  Shana looked like she wanted to argue, but she knew better than anyone, David supposed, that arguing with Marcus was a futile effort. Her shoulders slumped and she nodded. Marcus pulled her close and whispered in her ear. David walked away from the couple, uncomfortable watching the intimate moment between them. Especially while his mind raced and his heart hurt. He shoved the feelings aside, worried they would hinder the mission. He had to save Genoa before he could figure out what to do with her.

  * * * *

  Genoa watched her uncle pace the confines of the small chamber where he held her while he ranted about his overthrow of the Federation, of how he had an army of paras ready for the task—and thought she hadn’t missed much by skipping the family reunions.

  Some noise from above drew his attention and he left her, tied up, in a dank prison with no way to escape. She could hear him muttering as he wal
ked up the stairs. The door slammed shut. Her head still throbbed from the blow he’d delivered. If she moved her head too fast, sharp shards of pain exploded in her brain. She closed her eyes and rested against the wall with a sigh.

  She started when the door crashed open. Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright light streaming from the doorway. Disbelief held her silent.

  “Well, you know, I thought you might be trying to figure out how to get out of here, being the super spy that you are.”

  David strode down the stairs, his uniform a mess, a bruise forming just below his eye.

  “Come on, Genoa. Let’s go.”

  “I can’t. My head’s still spinning and he has my hands tied.”

  He studied her with concern as he drew closer and then cursed. “What the hell happened?”

  “Ripley hit me from behind.”

  He leaned close to untie her hands. The scent of him—basic human male—whipped through her. Her body reacted immediately: her blood heating; her skin tingling; her heart breaking.

  “Not very smart.”

  “I just wanted him away from Shana. I was afraid he’d figure out who she was.”

  David freed her hands and then looked at her. His gaze traveled over her face, and his eyes filled with warmth. She wanted to caress his cheek, draw him closer, and press her lips to his, so she concentrated on rubbing her wrists.

  He cleared his throat. “Marcus is creating a diversion. We need to get the hell out of here.”

  She agreed. As they hurried up the stairs, the sounds of laser fire and yelling grew louder. When they reached the top, David peeked out then motioned her to follow. She did, and then was brought up short when he cursed. She looked over his shoulder and found Marcus standing there, a grim expression on his face and blood streaming down his arm.

  She stepped around David and hurried to Marcus, worried he needed help.

  “I’m okay, Pri— Genoa. But Johnson fucking got away.”

  She waved away his announcement as she studied the wound. Finding it to be nothing but a flesh wound, she said, “Shana is going to be upset.”


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