The Stark Divide

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The Stark Divide Page 29

by J. Scott Coatsworth

  Campus: Part of McAvery Port

  Captain Trip Tanner: Captain of the Herald; Colin’s lover, later husband

  Carmella: Cook in the mess hall in McAvery Port

  Central Valley Desert: New California desert

  Chafs: Derogatory name for the Sino-African Syndicate troops

  Chester Arthur: Communications officer on Frontier Station

  Colin McAvery: Captain of the Dressler; later, Director of Transfer Station; retired 2160

  Colony Master Tad Evers: In charge of McAvery Port

  Crons: Currency/coin on Forever/Ariadne

  Cutter: Sonic cutter tool

  Dana Thomas: Community ambassador at the refugee camp

  Dania Thorpe: Woman in charge of personnel at McAvery Port

  Darlith: Second town built within Forever

  Davian “Dav” Forrester: Eddy’s ex and a systems specialist

  Deadware: Slang referring to a worn-out or obsolete part or machine

  Devon Powell: Member of the McAvery Port team

  Dex: Ranger on Forever

  Dimensionals: 3-D entertainment shows

  Dimitri Anatov: Anastasia’s father and a geneticist

  Dipping: Interfacing with Forever’s mind; more intense than Transfer

  Divia: Part of the North Pole crew

  Dragon’s Reach: Peaks between McAvery Port and Darlith; later called the Anatov Mountains

  Dreamcast: Movie watched via dreams

  Dressler: Mission-class ship

  East: Facing North, to the right

  Eastern Front: Coalition of China, India, and North Korea

  Eddy Tremaine: Former military (NAU Marine Corps); formerly Evelyne

  Embassy District: Part of McAvery Port

  Estate: Colin and Trip’s retreat

  Extractor: Cutting tool

  Fargo: Capitol of the NAU

  Fargo Port: Launch port for AmSplor

  Far Hold (aka North Pole): The station that controls the building of Forever

  Father Vincenzo: Jackson Hammond’s priest

  Federated Central American States: Central American allied nations

  First Light: Advance of light in the morning on Forever

  Forever: Common name for Ariadne, the seedling world

  Frontier: Earth’s primary space station

  Fuzz Field: Distortion field

  Fuzzer: Small silver spheres that create the fuzz field

  Genecraft: Genetic artistry / manipulation

  Gianna: Station master at South Pole

  Gloria “Glory” Hammond: Jackson’s wife, Aaron’s mother, Hispanic

  Great Burn: Big heat wave that burned across a large swath of the southwestern US

  Hammond: Axion-class ship that brings Ana and Aaron to Forever

  Harmony: Apple picker on Forever

  Herald: Mission-class ship that comes to rescue the Dressler crew

  Hold: Room on the Dressler

  Hurricane Cisco: One of the super hurricanes that ushered in the drowning of most of Southern Florida

  Ichor: The golden “blood” of the Mission-class ships and seed ships

  Initiator: Crystalline memory chip—DNA encoded—that jump-starts the seed

  Interveners: Antitechnology terrorists

  Jackson Hammond: Engineer aboard the Dressler

  Jacob: Part of the North Pole crew

  Jared: Traxx driver

  Jayson Hammond: Younger son of Glory and Jackson Hammond

  Kuripa Drone: Sino-African drone that looks like a giant robotic cockroach

  Kwame Jones: Community ambassador at the refugee camp

  Lake Jackson: Lake on the “Southern” end of Forever, named after Jackson Hammond

  Landing Station: The shuttle port in Micavery

  Light Suckers: Industrial-strength fiber optic light transfer devices

  Long Interval: The time between departing Earth and arriving at the other end

  Loop: Communication device and personal assistant

  Mag Bolts: Bolts holding things together with a superstrong magnetic charge

  Mallow Tree: Tree on Forever similar to mahogany

  Mallowood: Wood from the mallow tree; a hardwood, it is known for its red color

  Marcos: Part of the North Pole crew

  Maria Ortiz: Community ambassador at the refugee camp

  McAvery Port: The initial colony, later called Micavery

  Mestra Vaughn: Nurse who takes charge of refugee camp

  Micavery: First town built on forever, previously McAvery Port

  Mission-Class: Living ships genetically bred, which include metal and organic parts

  Monongahela National Forest: Where Eddy and Davian work on the Moonjumper

  Moonjumper: Cheap vehicle made for quick hops to and from the moon, retired around 2090

  Natasha: Part of the North Pole crew

  New Richmond: Area that became a space center in Virginia after the old city was destroyed

  North: In the direction of the North Pole (the far endcap)

  North American Union (NAU): The combined countries of Canada, USA, and Mexico

  North Pole: Far end of Forever

  Ostereich: Transport-class ship

  Plasform (Plas): Advanced polymer used for many applications, usually clear.

  Pulse Weapon: EMP device

  Rafe: Devon’s on and off boyfriend

  Rask: Traxx driver on Forever

  Ready-Packs: Ready to eat meals

  Readygel: Industrial glue

  Red Badge: Lawless group of technophiles involved in domestic espionage and wetware arts

  Reformed Catholic Evangelical Church: The new church resulting from the merger of the Catholic and Baptist churches

  Reunification: When Ireland and Northern Ireland became one country

  Reverser: a tool to remove or apply mag bolts

  Rishia: Part of the North Pole crew

  Ronan: Transfer Station mind

  Runway: Connects the various parts of the Dressler; also the main hallway on Transfer Station

  Seed Ships: Three generation ships grown from seedlings

  Seedling: The starter for one of the seed ships

  Shadowfax: Colin’s horse

  Ship-Mind: Biological mind grown to run AmSplor ships

  Ship’s Bone: Bone from the Mission-class or Axion-class ship infrastructure

  Sino-African Syndicate (CAS): Alliance between China and many African nations

  Skyhook: Elevator system that brings people up to Frontier Station from Earth

  Skyrises: Supertall towers in NYC

  Slowdown: The process of bringing the ship down to approach speed

  South: In the direction of the South Pole (the near endcap)

  South Pole: Transfer Station end/starting end of Forever

  Spanner: Arm of one of the Mission-class ships

  Sugarloaf Mountain: Eddy Tremaine’s former home

  Synth Wand: Tool for connecting organic materials

  T-Line: Navigational course

  Talis Miller: Picking crew supervisor in the orchards

  The Edge: The end of the planted portion of Forever

  The Heat: Runaway warming brought on by greenhouse gases on Earth

  The Rise: The sea level rise accompanying the Heat

  Tim: Ex of Eddy’s

  Topside: Platform for flight from the South Pole

  Transfer Station: The space station that accompanies Forever

  Transport-Class: Generation of ships before the Mission-class, entirely mechanical

  Traxx: Ground transportation on Forever that hauls supplies

  Vixen: Mission-class ship that failed due to human error

  Warehouse District: Part of McAvery Port

  West: Facing north, to the left

  X-Band: Long-distance radio

  X-drive: Small, powerful antigravity drive that allowed rapid expansion to the moon colonies

  York Street: A street in Darlith

sp; J. SCOTT COATSWORTH spends his time between the here and now and the what could be. Ushered into fantasy and sci-fi at the tender age of nine by his mother, he devoured her library of Asimovs, Clarkes, and McCaffreys. But as he grew up, he wondered where the gay people were in speculative fiction.

  He decided it was time to create the kinds of stories he couldn’t find at Waldenbooks. If there weren’t queer characters in his favorite genres, he would write them himself.

  His friends say Scott’s brain works a little differently—he sees relationships between things that others miss, and often gets more done in a day than most folks manage in a week. He transforms traditional sci-fi, fantasy, and contemporary worlds into something unexpected.

  He also runs Queer Sci Fi and QueeRomance Ink with his husband Mark, sites that bring LGBTIQA communities together to celebrate fiction that reflects queer life and love.

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  By J. Scott Coatsworth

  The Stark Divide


  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Stark Divide

  © 2017 J. Scott Coatsworth.

  Cover Art

  © 2017 Aaron Anderson.

  [email protected]

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  Map credit

  © 2017 August Li.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact DSP Publications, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or

  ISBN: 978-1-63533-832-4

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-63533-833-1

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2017947264

  Published October 2017

  v. 1.0

  Printed in the United States of America




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