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London! Page 5

by Terri Pray

  “But you won't turn them away if they seek one night with you to explore?”

  “No, why would I? I make certain there are witnesses to the warnings I give them, that way should they try to turn things around on me there are already too many others who knew that the bitch was forewarned. Some have proven to offer a passing amusement and perhaps I'll find one that my Celeste can enjoy a little time with.”

  That caught her attention instantly.

  “Has she served a woman before?”

  “Yes, but I am not talking about serving. I'd like to see how she handles being in charge in such a situation. She has a strength to her, with the right person she could easily be dominant. I'd enjoy seeing that. Just as long as she recalls her place with me.”

  That part she was never likely to forget. Still the idea of being allowed to dominate another somehow appealed to her. Would it feel different? Would she gain any pleasure from it or would it merely be another way that he had control over her? Either way it would be at least a time where she wasn't completely at the mercy of his whims.

  But why a woman instead of a man?

  Because he has no sexual interest in men you silly bitch.

  It wasn't uncommon for men to share blankets, more so in London society from the rumors she had heard before leaving Ireland. However they were stories and she had no idea if they were true or not. Only time would tell there.

  “Well that will be interesting, I know you prefer women who can dominate but to try it so soon after claiming her, isn't that a risk?”

  “Do you think she doesn't know her place with me? Or that she will have the strength to overpower me?” Davien arched one eyebrow.

  “No, it's not that. But once you have given her a taste of that power won't it be more difficult to force her back to her knees?”

  “So much the better. I'll enjoy reinforcing her place at my feet. It works well for me.”

  “Ah I had forgotten your taste for a challenge.”

  So that was it? Just a way of enabling him to enjoy re-breaking her all over again. Cruel even by his standards, and if she came to enjoy dominating women then would he tempt her with that possibility as a way of getting her to react?

  Anything was possible with him.

  “She already is one, but in many different ways and I see no harm in adding another to that list.” Davien reached down and rested one hand on the back of her neck. “I might have finally found one worthy of wearing my mark.”

  * * * *

  Wearing his mark, even now as they relaxed after dinner, she could still hear those words. What had he meant? What type of mark? A necklace? A collar? She tried not to frown as she replayed the words and possible meanings through her mind.

  The two men had fallen into a discussion about the troubles in France, which she had all but shut out as she knelt by the side of the chair. Dinner had been a welcome change from the food of the road, even the stops at the Inns had been hit and miss. The food greasy in one place, almost undercooked in another. The bread had been decent fare in the first inn and solid lumps in the second, the type she would have been beaten for by her father if she had dared to put that on the table. Yet the locals had grabbed for it, soaking the broth or stew up with the hard bread.

  At least here the food had been both edible and had tasted delicious. Better yet she wasn't jostling for elbow room with rowdy locals who often ignore the warnings by the Inn Keepers not to bother the visitors. Real travels brought with them fresh coin, not the coins that had been through the hands of the locals a hundred times over. More money was always welcome in the Inns and would filter back into the community within little or no time at all.

  Beef, flour, butter, it all primarily came in from the local farmers so the money seldom left the area, save in taxes, once it arrived via the hands of a stable or Inn keeper.

  Here she had been able to relax, eat and simply enjoy the comfortable surroundings. Now the two men enjoyed a glass of brandy each, the decanter in easy reach on a small table, as they relaxed. If it hadn't been for the fact she had not been permitted a chair the set up could have been a normal wealthy family, or friends gathering anywhere in the country.

  “Celeste, kneel before our host, strip off your clothing though. I think he deserves to see the one that will be serving him for the next hour or so.”

  She tensed for a moment even as she began to undo the buttons of her dress. “Yes master.” It had come to this, just as she had been forewarned that it would. Well how else would he pay for the meal and comfortable beds they had been offered? Money would have been an insult to the older man, but the use of Davien's property? What was wrong with that? No different than sharing a bottle of decent brandy, or the use of a horse, at least in the eyes of the two men.

  The blouse followed the skirt and she stripped off her clothing until she stood there in nothing more than her woolen traveling stockings and simple garters.

  “She can keep those on, quite charming don't you think. A woman in nothing more than a pair of stockings.”

  “We all have our own tastes.” Davien agreed, but his smile at least hinted at some form of pleasure. “Serve him well Celeste. Be sure I will hear about it if you do not.” He pushed up from the chair.

  “There's no need for you to leave.” Malcolm protested.

  “Perhaps not, but there are things I need to attend to and I trust my little bitch will do her best with you. I just ask that you do not add to the welts or do anything that will make her arrival in London awkward.”

  Malcolm nodded as he settled back a little more in the large chair. “Well in that case I'll enjoy the gal and let you know how well she did, or not as the case may be.”

  Davien nodded once then turned and left them alone.

  “You heard your master, bitch. Get over here.” Any trace of the kindly older man who had welcomed her into the house now vanished. “On your knees here.” He pointed to between his thighs.

  Silently she walked over to him and lowered to her knees, her thighs pressed tightly together. The tops of her stockings framed her upper thighs and the soft blond hair that covered her mound. Her nipples crinkled into hardened points as she settled back onto her heels and lowered her gaze.

  “You know how to use that mouth?”

  Celeste nodded, uncertain if she was permitted to speak or not.

  “Then do so, unlace me wench and be quick about it. You've been teasing me all night and I'm eager to have the feel of your lips wrapped about my cock now.”

  Teased him? She'd just sat there by Davien. How could that be teasing anyone? Still she wasn't about to argue with him.

  Silently she reached for his laces and worked them open. With nothing more than a nod of approval from the older man she reached into his soft pants and lifted out his already hardening cock.

  “Get on with it gal. I'm not going to wait much longer.”

  Celeste glanced up as she edged a little closer to him. His cock throbbed in her hands as she lowered about him, closing her lips about the head of his cock delicately.

  “Cross your hands behind your back and keep them there. You're to just use your lips, tongue and mouth as a whole. No cheating and using your hands here.”

  With his cock held carefully between her lips she crossed her hands in the small of her back. No using her hands? All right, she could manage that. Without waiting for any further instructions from him she traced the tip of her tongue over his cock and felt him tremble.

  She lowered herself down onto his throbbing erection, swirling her tongue about him as she eased towards the base. His shaft expanded within her mouth, filling her quickly though she was careful not to struggle as he began to thrust upwards into her mouth.

  How long had it been since he had enjoyed the sight of a woman on her knees for him?

  She peered upwards from beneath her lashes. Sheer bliss shone from his eyes as he groaned and thrust up a little more into her mouth. She licked around his cock, suckling as she began to work
her lips up and down his cock. He groaned and tried not to shift in his chair but she could taste the headiness of his arousal. No matter what he might try and tell Davien later she knew he was enjoying this.

  “More.” He groaned.

  Celeste swallowed hard as she took him deep into her mouth, the head of his cock nudging against the back of her throat as she forced herself to open up and accept him deep within her mouth. At least Davien had taught her how to do this, through pain and growls but she had still learned. Now she could put that knowledge to good use.

  She whimpered as he grabbed her by the hair and thrust fully into her throat. She struggled not to panic as her air was cut off completely in that moment when his cock filled her throat.

  He'll ease back. He'll let me breathe.

  Malcolm pulled back a little with a long slow shudder and she gulped for breath, quickly working her tongue about the head of his cock until he groaned once more and thrust back into her throat. This time she was ready for him.

  “That's it slut.”

  Pain lanced through her skull, his grip tight and merciless in her hair. Soft strands broke under the grip and still she tried to please him. She teased the tip of her tongue into the soft gap at the head of his cock, tasting him, urging him to a greater depth of pleasure only to swallow as he thrust into her mouth. Her throat didn't want to accept him, but somehow she managed it.

  Sheer force of will, fear, the desire to please. It didn't matter just how she had managed it, the fact she did left him groaning in waves of delight.

  Soon, she could taste it, he'd find that release soon and her time with him would be done.

  He cried out, his grip doubling in her hair as he thrust fully into her mouth, his sac rubbing against her chin, her lips forced wide as she struggled to accept him. In a series of sharp throbs he came down her throat, filling her until she thought he would never let her up for breath again. But in the moment before it became too much for her he pulled back, letting her gasp for air.

  “Good, you did good gal.”

  She leaned back on her heels, her hand still crossed in the small of her back. Her shoulders ached and the temptation to wipe the last of his cum from her lips grew with each passing moment, but she didn't break position.

  “Lick your lips.” He nodded. “Not right to waste what I've been generous enough to gift you with, is it.”

  She licked the last few drops from her lips quickly.

  “You've not spoken during all of this— ah yes, he called you bitch didn't he. Which, if I remember Davien's tastes correctly, means that you're reduced to an animal until I release you from it.”

  Celeste nodded quickly. So the man hadn't remembered, but he might have mentioned it to Davien at some point. At least this way she wasn't going to earn a punishment from her owner over this.

  “But doesn't that also mean you should have crawled over to me instead of walking?”

  She blanched instantly.

  “I see and knowing Davien he will enjoy punishing you for such a slip.”

  Celeste nodded. Gods how could she have forgotten that? He'd drummed it into her often enough. To make such a simple mistake when she had been doing so well...

  “Then perhaps this is something I should take care of instead of returning you to Davien for punishment. But how to correct you? He said nothing that would make it difficult for you to travel, or make your arrival in for the season harder on you. So that does limit our choices.”

  Our choices? She was the one who would be punished, not him.

  “However I think I have something that will work well enough.” He smiled down at her. “Punishments don't always have to involve the type of pain that will mark you.”

  Celeste bit back a whimper.

  “Hands behind your head, back arched.” He snapped the order.

  She hurried to obey, forcing an arch into her back until her breasts were lifted upwards and all but presented to him. Celeste watched Malcolm closely, her heart pounding. Whatever he had planned she had little doubt that it would be something that would be affective. The type of men that Davien associated with were all too like him and she was certain that even with her punishment he would tell Davien what had happened and why.

  “Such pert young breasts. Fuller than most women your age unless they have had children. But I don't see any signs of a pregnancy on your sweet little body. You've not had a child have you, girl?”

  Celeste answered with a quick shake of her head.

  “No, I didn't think so. He's stumbled across a rare one in you. Oh I'm not blind. I've seen the quick looks you gave him, the way you listen to him even when you're focused on something else. I bet if he were to call you here and now you'd hear him even if he were on the other side of the house. That lush little body, those slutty lips that you wrapped so nicely about my cock, and that romantic little heart are all very much in love with him. And Davien neither knows nor cares.”

  The words stabbed into her heart and she fought to keep the emotions from leaving their tell tale tracks across her face.

  “Yes, you do love him, and you hate him at the same time, don't you. No need to answer, you can't really, not unless I grant you permission to speak as a human being. Which I'm not about to do. A woman should be a silent beast when in service to a man and you all belong on your knees. Little lying sluts so ready to follow the next handsome face.”

  She shook her head, ready to protest even though she forced her lips into a tight, thin line.

  He reached out, his hand connecting with her face in a hard and fast slap that sent her tumbling to the floor.

  “Don't lie to me. You're all the same. Now get back on your knees bitch.”

  Her face stung, he'd not hit her hard enough to leave a long term mark but it had still been enough to knock her off balance. She scrambled back up onto her knees and locked her hands behind her neck.

  “Next time don't argue with me. I know women and no matter what you think you're like now I know how you'd betray him or any man given the chance. Your love means nothing and Davien knows that. He's seen it first hand. Oh, don't think him weak with a damaged heart. Your master has never allowed a woman close to him, he's safe from the love in your eyes no matter how much you may wish otherwise.”

  Then why had he called out her name in the middle of the night?

  “I should punish you for that as well, but you're new to this. I'll let that one go this time, but only this once. Never attempt to back chat me, even with a shake of your head, again. I'll not tolerate it from you. Is that understood?”

  Celeste nodded and kept her gaze lowered. She'd misunderstood him greatly. No matter what he looked like this man was far from a kindly grandfather type. There was a hatred buried beneath the shell, one that was aimed at women like her, or any woman, if she was reading the man correctly.

  He leaned forward, studying her breasts closely as he searched for something along the arm of his chair.

  “I've seen more than a few slaves in my time and the decorations they can be adorned with are varied, but one that I saw a lot of in India were piercings. Not the ears, that can be done to anyone, but other parts of the body. I don't have the right to do that to you on a permanent basis, you don't belong to me, but the pain of needles through delicate parts of your anatomy might prove to be an interesting lesson.”


  The color drained from her face.

  Malcolm lifted up two slender needles with large heads from the arm of the chair. “I believe these will fit very well in those ripe little nipples of yours, don't you?”

  Celeste struggled to keep silent but the soft whimper of terror that filled the air had to have come only from her.

  “I see you agree with me. Keep very still little pet. This will hurt but it will be so very much worse if you try and pull away from me whilst I'm doing this.” He eased closer to her and set one needle down on the arm of the chair.

  Was he just going to stick the needle into her flesh? />
  Malcolm reached out for the decanter of brandy and a linen napkin. With the brandy soaked cloth in hand he wiped down both her nipples before using it to wipe the two needles. “I was advised a long time ago that it was best to clean both the slut and the needle before using them. Some small matter about reducing the chance that there would be problems and as you don't belong to me— well Davien would not take kindly to you becoming ill thanks to something I did.” He set the cloth down and reached for her right nipple.

  The alcohol had left her skin feeling cold, but it wasn't cold that made her shiver when his fingers closed on her nipple.

  “Stay very still little slut.” He smiled and tugged on the trapped flesh, pulling her nipple outwards away from the body until she whimpered. “Yes it hurts but the needle would hurt far more if I didn't do it this way.”

  He pressed the tip of the sharp implement against her taut skin then met her gaze. “You may scream.”

  With a sharp shove he forced the needle into her stretched flesh.

  For a brief moment she felt nothing at all then it hit her as the needle pierced her nipple. A line of sheer white pain claimed a path through her flesh. Her vision danced with bright lights as she struggled to hold position, her hands clenched tightly behind her neck. She wanted to move to break away from him and pull the hateful thing out of her nipple but she didn't dare.

  “One down, one to go.” He reached for her other nipple, smiling. “It does pass little slut but it serves a wonderful lesson. Remember this. No matter what I do to you it can be undone, what he does to you will stay with you for the rest of your life.”

  Celeste swallowed hard.

  “You're his property. In more ways than you would dare to admit yet.” He pulled her nipple out, drawing it taut and pressed the needle against her skin. “A slave, a pretty little slut that he can mark in any way he so wishes, from a needle like this.” He thrust it into her nipple, forcing it out on the other side. “To an heated iron against your fair skin.”


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