The Orphan

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The Orphan Page 15

by B. M. Bower



  Blake settled himself in the easy chair which his host pushed over tohim and crossed his feet on the seat of another, and became thepersonification of contentment. One of the black Perfectos which afriend in the East kept Shields supplied with, was tenderly nursed by hislips, its fragrant smoke slowly issuing from his nose and mouth,yielding its delights to a man who knew a good cigar when he smoked it,and who knew how to smoke it. At his elbow stood a coffee pot, flankedon one side by a plate piled high with gingerbread; on the other by anapricot pie. His eyes half-closed and his arms were folded, and a greatpeace stole over him. He had the philosopher's mind which so readilyyields to the magic touch of a perfect cigar. In that short space oftime he was recompensed for a life of hardships, perils and but fewpleasures.

  They sat each lost in his own thoughts, in a silence broken only by thevery low and indistinct hum of women's voices and the loud ticking of theclock, which soon struck ten. The foreman sighed, stirred to knock theashes from his cigar, and then slowly reached his hand toward the pie.Shields came to himself and very gravely relighted his cigar, watchingthe blue smoke stream up over the lamp. He looked at his contented friendfor a few seconds and then broke the silence.

  "Tom," he said, "what I'm going to tell you now is all meat. I couldn'tsay anything about it while the women were around, for they shore worry alot and there wasn't no good in scaring them.

  "The Cross Bar-8 outfit got saddled with the idea that they wanted anew sheriff, and four of them didn't care a whole lot how they made thenecessary vacancy. I got word that they were going to pay Bill Howlandfor the part he played, and on the face of it there wasn't nothing morethan that. It was natural enough that they were sore on him, and thatthey would try to square matters. Well, of course, I couldn't let himget wiped out and I took cards in the game. But, Lord, it wasn't what Ireckoned it was at all. He was in for his licking, all right, but _he_was the _little_ fish--and _I_ was the _big_ one.

  "They got Bill in the defile of the Backbone and were going to lynchhim--they beat him up shameful. He wouldn't tell them that I washand-in-glove with The Orphan, which they wanted to hear, so they tried toscare him to lie, but it was no go.

  "Well, I followed Bill and, to make it short, that is just what they hadfigured on. They posted an outpost to get the drop on me when I showedup, and he got it. Tex Williard seemed to be the officer in charge,and he asked me questions and suggested things that made me fightingmad inside. But I was as cool as I could be apparently, for it ain'tno good to lose your temper in a place like that. I suppose they wantedme to get out on the warpath so they could frame up some story aboutself-defense. It looked bad for me, with three of them having their gunson me, and Tex Williard had just given me an ultimatum and had countedtwo, when, d----d if The Orphan didn't take a hand from up on the wallof the defile. That let me get my guns out, and the rest was easy. We letBill get square on the gang for the beating he had got, by whippingall of them to the queen's taste. When they got so they could stand up Itold them a few things and ordered them out of the country, and they wereblamed glad to get the chance to go, too.

  "The Orphan didn't have to mix up in that, not at all, and it makes thethird time he's put his head in danger to help me or mine, and he took bigchances every time. How in h--l can I help liking him? Can I be blamedfor treating him white and square when he's done so much for me? He is sochock full of grit and squareness that I'll throw up this job rather thanto go out after him for his past deeds, and I mean it, too, Tom."

  Blake reached for another piece of pie, held his hand over it inuncertainty and then, changing his mind, took gingerbread for a change.

  "Well, I reckon you're right, Jim," he replied. "Anyhow, it don't makea whole lot of difference whether you are or not. You're the sheriff ofthis layout, and you're to do what you think best, and that's the ideaof most of the people out here, too. If you want to experiment, that'syour business, for you'll be the first to get bit if you're wrong. Andit ain't necessary to tell you that your friends will back you up inanything you try. Personally, I am rather glad of what you're doing,for I like that man's looks, as I said before, and he'll be just the kindof a puncher I want. He's a man that'll fight like h--l for the man heties up to and who treats him square. If he ain't, I'm getting childishin my judgment."

  "I sent him to you," the sheriff continued, "because I wanted to gethim in with a good outfit and under a man who would be fair with him. Iknew that you would give him every chance in the world. And then Helentakes such an interest in him, being young and sympathetic and romantic,that I wanted to please her if I could, and I can. She'll be very muchpleased now that I've given him a start in the right direction and thereain't nothing I can do for her that is not going to be done. She's ablamed fine girl, Tom, as nice a girl as ever lived."

  "She shore is--there ain't no doubt about that!" cried the foreman, andthen he frowned slightly. "But have you thought of what all this mightdevelop into?" he asked, leaning forward in his earnestness. "It's shorefunny how I should think of such a thing, for it ain't in my line at all,but the idea just sort of blew into my head."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, Helen, being young and sympathetic and romantic, as you said,and owing her own life and the lives of her sister and friend, not tomention yours, to him, might just go and fall in love with him, and Ireckon that if she did, she would stick to him in spite of hell. He's ablamed good-looking, attractive fellow, full of energy and grit, somewhatof a mystery, and women are strong on mysteries, and he might nurseideas about having some one to make gingerbread and apricot pie forhim; and if he does, as shore as God made little apples, it'll be Helenthat he'll want. He's never seen as pretty a girl, she's been kind andsympathetic with him, and I'm willing to bet my hat that he's lost a bitof sleep about her already. Good Lord, what can you expect? She pitieshim, and what do the books say about pity?"

  The sheriff thought for a minute and then looked up with a peculiar lightin his eyes.

  "For a bachelor you're doing real well," he said, still thinking hard.

  "Being a bachelor don't mean that I ain't never rubbed elbows with women,"replied the foreman. "There are some people that are bachelors becausethey are too darned smart to get roped and branded because the moonhappens to be real bright. But I'll confess to you that I ain't a bachelorbecause I didn't want to get roped. We won't say any more about that,however."

  "Well," said Shields, slowly. "If he tries to get her before I know thathe is straight and clean and good enough for her, I'll just have tostop him any way I can. First of all, I'm looking out for my sister,the h--l with anybody else. But on the other hand, if he makes good andwants her bad enough to rustle for two and she has her mind made up thatshe'd rather have him than stay single and is head over heels in lovewith him, I don't see that there's anything to worry about. I tell youthat he is a good man, a real man, and if he changes like I want himto, she would be a d----d sight better off with him than with some dudishtenderfoot in love with money. He has had such a God-forsaken life thathe will be able to appreciate a change like that--he would be square as abrick with her and attentive and loyal--and with him she wouldn't runmuch chance of being left a widow. Why, I'll bet he'll worship the groundshe walks on--she could wind him all around her little finger and he'dnever peep. And she would have the best protection that walks around theseparts. But, pshaw, all this is too far ahead of the game. How about thatherd of cattle you spoke of?"

  "I can get you the whole herd dirt cheap," replied the foreman. "And theyare as hungry and healthy a lot as you could wish."

  "Well," responded the sheriff, "I've made up my mind to go ranchingagain. I can't stand this loafing, for it don't amount to much more thanthat now that The Orphan has graduated out of the outlaw class. I can runa ranch and have plenty of time to attend to the sheriff part of it,too. Ever since I sold the Three-S I have been like a fish out of water.When I got rid of it I put the money away in Kansas Cit
y, thinking that Imight want to go back at it again. Then I got rid of that mine and bunkedthe money with the ranch money. The interest has been accumulating fora long time now and I have got something over thirty thousand lying idle.Now, I'm going to put it to work.

  "I ran across Crawford last week, and he is dead anxious to sell out andgo back East--he don't like the West. I've determined to take the A-Y offhis hands, for it's a good ranch, has good buildings on it, two finewindmills over driven wells, good grass and shelters. Why, he has putup shelters in Long Valley that can't be duplicated under a thousanddollars. His terms are good--five thousand down and the balance ininstallments of two thousand a year at three per cent., and I can get_over_ three per cent, while it is lying waiting to be paid to him. Heis too blamed sick of his white elephant to haggle over terms. He wasfoolish to try to run it himself and to sink so much money in drivenwells, windmills and buildings--it would astonish you to know how muchmoney he spent in paint alone. What did he know about ranching, anyhow?He can't hardly tell a cow from a heifer. He said that he knew how tomake money earn money in the East, but that he couldn't make a centraising cows.

  "If The Orphan attends to his new deal I'll put him in charge and therest lies with him. I'll provide him with a good outfit, everything heneeds and, if he makes good and the ranch pays, I'll fix it so he canown a half-interest in it at less than it cost me, and that will givehim a good job to hold down for the rest of his life. It'll be somethingfor him to tie to in case of squalls, but there ain't much danger of hisbecoming unsteady, because if he was at all inclined to that sort of thinghe would be dead now.

  "This ain't no fly-away notion, as you know. I've had an itching for agood ranch for several years, and for just about that length of timeI've had my eyes on the A-Y. I was going to buy it when Crawford gobbledit up at that fancy price and I felt a little put out when he took uphis option on it, but I'm glad he did, now. Why, Reeves sold out toCrawford for almost three times what I am going to pay for it, and ithas been improved fifty per cent. since he has had it. But, of course,there was more cattle then than there is now. You get me that herd ata good figure and I'll be able to take care of them very soon now, justas soon as I close the deal. But, mind you, no Texas cattle goes--I don'twant any Spanish fever in mine.

  "I'm thinking some of putting Charley in charge temporarily, just assoon as Sneed gets some men, and when The Orphan takes it over things willbe in purty fair shape. I won't move out there because my wife don'tlike ranching--she wants to be in town where she is near somebody, butI'll spend most of my time out there until everything gets in runningorder. Oh, yes--in consideration of the five thousand down at the timethe papers are signed, Crawford has agreed to leave the ranch-housefurnished practically as it is, and that will be nice for Helen and TheOrphan if they ever should decide to join hands in double blessedness.You used to have a lot of fun about the high-faluting fixings in yourranch-house, but just wait 'til you see this one! An inside look aroundwill open your eyes some, all right. It is a wonder, a real wonder!Running water from the windmills, a bath-room, sinks in the kitchen, awood-burning boiler in the cellar, and all the comforts possible. IfCrawford tries to move all that stuff back East it would cost him morethan he could get for it, and he knows it, too. It's a bargain at twicethe price, and I'm going to nail it. I can't think of anything else."

  "Well," replied Blake, "I don't see how you could do anything better,that's sure. It all depends on the price, and if you're satisfied withthat, there ain't no use of turning it down. I know you can make moneyout there with any kind of attention, for I'm purty well acquainted withthe A-Y. And I'll see about the cattle next week, but you better leaveThe Orphan stay with me a while longer. My boys are the best crowd thatever lived in a bunk-house, and if he minds his business they'll smoothdown his corners until you won't hardly know him; and they'll teach him alittle about the cow-puncher game if he's rusty.

  "You remember the time we had that killing out there, don't you?" Blakeasked. "Well, you also remember that we agreed to cut out all gunplay onthe ranch in the future, and that I sent East for some boxing gloves,which were to be used in case anybody wanted to settle any trouble.They have been out there for two years now, and haven't been used exceptin fun. Give the boys a chance and they'll cure him of the itchingtrigger-finger, all right. They're only a lot of big-hearted, overgrownkids, and they can get along with the devil himself if he'll let them.But they are hell-fire and brimstone when aroused," then he laughedsoftly: "They heard about your trouble with Sneed and they shore wasdead anxious to call on the Cross Bar-8 and make a few remarks aboutlong life and happiness, but I made them wait 'til they should be sent for.

  "They know all about The Orphan--that is, as much as I did before Icalled to-night. Joe Haines is a great listener and when he rustles ourmail once a week he takes it all in, so of course they know all aboutit. They had a lot of fun about the way he made the Cross Bar-8 situp and take notice, for they ain't wasting any love on Sneed's crowd.And it took Bill Howland over an hour to tell Joe about his experiences.So when The Orphan met the outfit they knew him to be the man who hadsaved the sheriff's sisters, which went a long way with them. Say, Jim,"he exclaimed, "can I tell them what you said about him to-night? Letme tell them everything, for it'll go far with them, especially withSilent, who had some trouble with the U-B about five years ago. He wastaking a herd of about three thousand head across their range and heswears yet at the treatment he got. Yes? All right, it'll make him solidwith the outfit."

  "Tell them anything you want about him," said the sheriff, "but don't sayanything about the A-Y. I want to keep it quiet for a while."

  Shields poured himself a cup of coffee and then glanced at the clock: "Toolate for a game, Tom?" he asked, expectantly.

  The foreman laughed: "It's seldom too late for that," he replied.

  "Good enough!" cried his host. "What shall it be this time--pinochle orcrib?"

  The foreman slowly closed his eyes as he replied: "Either suits me--thisfeed has made me plumb easy to please. Why, I'd even play casino to-night!"

  "Well, what do you say to crib?" asked the sheriff. "You licked me so badat it the last time you were here that I hanker to get revenge."

  "Well, I don't blame you for wanting to get it, but I'll tell you rightnow that you won't, for I can lick the man that invented crib to-night,"laughed the foreman. "Bring out your cards."

  Shields placed the cards on the table and arranged things where they wouldbe handy while his friend shuffled the pack.

  The foreman pushed the cards toward his host: "There you are--low dealsas usual, I suppose."

  "Oh, you might as well go ahead and deal," grumbled the sheriffgood-naturedly. "I don't remember ever cutting low enough for you--byGeorge! A five!"

  Blake picked up the cards and started to deal, but the sheriff stopped him.

  "Hey! You haven't cut yet!" Shields cried, putting his hand on the cards."What are you doing, anyhow?"

  Blake laughed with delight: "Well, anybody that can't cut lower than afive hadn't ought to play the game. What's the use of wasting time?"

  "Well, you never mind about the time--you go ahead and beat me," criedthe sheriff. "Of all the nerve!"

  Blake picked up the cards again: "Do you want to cut again?" he asked.

  "Not a bit of it! That five stands!"

  "Well, how would a four do?" asked the foreman, lifting his hand. "It's athree!" he exulted. "All that time wasted," he said.

  "You go to blazes," pleasantly replied the sheriff as he sorted his hand."This ain't so bad for you, not at all bad; you could have done worse,but I doubt it." He discarded, cut, and Blake turned a six.

  "Seven," called Shields as he played.

  "Seventeen," replied Blake, playing a queen.

  "No you don't, either," grinned the sheriff. "You can play that four laterif you want to, but not now on twenty-seven. Call it twenty-five," hesaid, playing an eight.

  Blake carefully scanned his hand and finally played th
e four, grumbling alittle as his friend laughed.

  "Thirty-one--first blood," remarked the sheriff, dropping the deuce.

  While he pegged his points Blake suddenly laughed.

  "Say, Jim," he said, "before I forget it I want to tell you a joke onHumble. He thought it would be easy money if he taught Lee Lung howto play poker. He bothered Lee's life out of him for several days, andfinally the Chinaman consented to learn the great American game."

  Blake played a six and the sheriff scored two by pairing, whereupon hisopponent made it threes for six, and took a point for the last card.

  "As I was saying, Humble wanted the cook to learn poker. Lee's face wasas blank as a cow's, and Humble had to explain everything several timesbefore the cook seemed to understand what he was driving at. Anybody wouldhave thought he had been brought up in a monastery and that he didn't knowa card from an army mule."

  Blake pegged his seven points and picked up his cards without breakingthe story.

  "But Lee had awful luck, and in half an hour he owned half of Humble'snext month's pay. Now, every time he gets a chance he shows Humble thecards and asks for a game. 'Nicee game, ploker, nicee game,' he'll say.What Humble says is pertinent, profane and permeating. Then the boys guyhim to a finish. He'll be wanting to teach Lee how to play fan-tan someday, so the boys say. Lee must have graduated in poker before Humbleever heard of the game."

  Shields laughed heartily and swiftly ran over his cards.

  "Fifteen two, four, six, a pair is eight, and a double run of three isfourteen. Real good," he said as he pegged. "Passed the crack that time.What have you got?"

  The foreman put his cards down, found three sixes and then turned the cribface up. "Pair of tens and His Highness," he grumbled. "Only three in thatcrib!"

  "That's what you get for cutting a three," laughed the sheriff.

  The game continued until the striking of the clock startled the guest.

  "Midnight!" he cried. "Thirty miles before I get to bed--no, no, I can'tstay with you to-night --much obliged, all the same."

  He clapped his sombrero on his head and started for the door: "Well,better luck next time, Jim--three twenty-four hands shore did make adifference. Right where they were needed, too. So long."

  "Sorry you won't stay, Tom," called his friend from the door as theforeman mounted. "You might just as well, you know."

  "I'm sorry, too, but I've got to be on hand to-morrow--anyway, it's brightmoonlight--so long!" he cried as he cantered away.

  "Hey, Tom!" cried the sheriff, leaping from the porch and running to thegate. "Tom!"

  "Hullo, what is it?" asked the foreman, drawing rein and returning.

  "Smoke this on your way, it'll seem shorter," said the sheriff, holdingout a cigar.

  "By George, I will!" laughed Blake. "That's fine, you're all right!"

  "Be good," cried the sheriff, watching his friend ride down the street.

  "Shore enough good--I have to be," floated back to his ears.


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