A Lost
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© 2017 Michael Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 03/16/2017
ISBN: 978-1-5246-8434-1 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5246-8433-4 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017904141
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Robert comes from a family with high expectations. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a nurse. Mr. Robert and Regina Washington were his parents. They name him Robert Washington Jr. Mrs. Regina decided to name him after his father. Robert had always been an optimistic person since he can remember. He was always curious about everything the world had to offer him. The only problem with that Robert always chose the wrong things. Older people, like Grandma Jenny, try giving him good advice like normal people. That didn’t work because Robert wasn’t a normal kid.
Robert was the kind of kid that thought he knew everything. So he never listens to what people say. He always had that “I know what best for me attitude.” His parents always try telling him right from wrong. But he was young and really didn’t care at the time. What they said usually went in one ear and right back out the other. Although Robert was just fourteen years old, in his mind he thought he was grown. He wasn’t your average fourteen year old because he looked more mature. People have always mistaken him to be twenty or twenty one years old. He believed in using that to his advantage to manipulate females that were older than him. Of course, just to get what he want from them or anybody else for that matter.
He even found many ways to manipulate his parents into doing what he wanted them to do. It should have been the other way around. Whenever they told him no, Robert just found a way for them to say yes. He would go as far as telling them a lot of lies. He was good at it. There were plenty of days when Robert made his parents felt like they were bad parents. He had it pretty bad going in his father wallet or his mother purse taken $10.00 to $20.00 out at a time. He played on his parents’ emotions any way he could to get what he wanted from them. His parents never wanted to feel like they were bad parents and he knew this. That was their favorite subject during dinner time. Grandma Jenny old smart mouth would say, “There are no such thing as bad parents just bad kids.”
Robert response would be, “Don’t forget bad grandparents Grandma Jenny … especially the ones with no teeth.”
Robert always threatened his parents whenever he got upset with them. His favorite line was “I am going to run away.” Grandma Jenny was quick to say, “I wish you would. Go ahead and run away. So this house will have some peace.”
Robert would respond, “It would be at peace if you would just die you old coon face.”
Grandma Jenny would smile and say, “You not going to amount to anything. I am going to be the only grandma in this community that has a puissant for a grand son.” Robert would flip Grandma Jenny a bird. His father would immediately send him to his room for the rest of the day. Robert parents try everything in their power to change his wicked ways. But nothing worked. They started thinking that he was possessed by a demon. So they called a catholic priest over to the house. The priest started throwing Holy water on Robert. The priest was screaming, “Demon … you come out of this child right now! Come out of this child Satan!”
Robert was laughing so hard inside. As a joke, he decided to play along to play on their emotions. He fell down to the floor kicking, shaking, and drooling out the mouth. Then he started making all kinds of crazy sounds and rolling his eyes to the back of his head. Robert thought it was so funny the way his parents were looking.
Grandma Jenny replied, “There is nothing wrong with this child. All he need is a good beating.”
That made him very angry with Grandma Jenny to suggest that he get a beating and he had a trick for her. The next day Robert was determined to get back at Grandma Jenny. She loved drinking her coffee in the morning. So he decided to pour out the sugar in the container and replaced it with salt. Grandma Jenny was in for a treat. Robert hurries up and finishes his breakfast. He definitely didn’t want to be at that table with Grandma Jenny when she drinks her coffee.
Robert ran and hid around the corner with such laughter. He was just waiting for Grandma Jenny to take that first sip of coffee. She took that sip and started spitting out her coffee. He laughed and laughed until he couldn’t laugh anymore. He can hear Grandma Jenny screaming from the top of her lung, “My grandchild is a demon child from Satan!” He ran to his room laughing so hard at her. He could still hear Grandma Jenny going off.
She was screaming up a storm. She kept saying, “That Holy water didn’t do anything to that demon except made him more evil. It should have been hot water.” Robert knew Grandma Jenny wasn’t very fun of him then. But he was not through with that old bat. Grandma Jenny was forever calling him a puissant. He just loved the negative comments that he got from her. That was the closest love that he was going to get from that old lady. Grandma Jenny kept him laughing.
She would always fart and scare herself. That use to have Robert rolling. Grandma Jenny was crazy about her some red meat knowing that it just only upset her stomach. He ran every time he saw her eat red meat. That gas passing through her body was something serious. Robert thought the government should have declared Grandma Jenny a national threat. The truth is Robert reminded Grandma Jenny of herself when she was his age.
She was once a trouble child herself. It was hard trying to manipulate Grandma Jenny. She always saw right through him like a mirror. Robert walks up to her talking and being nice. She would scream, “Get back away from me Satan.” Grandma Jenny knew he was up to no good. But she didn’t know he was plotting to get some of her cigarettes. He stayed around her the entire day watching her like a vulture. As soon as Grandma Jenny placed the cigarettes on the kitchen table and went to the bathroom, he quickly grabbed him two from her pack and ran down to the basement.
That was the one place that he knew she wouldn’t come. He stayed down there getting his smoke on. He didn’t think that old lady would miss two cigarettes, but she did. Grandma Jenny knew off back it was him because neither of his parents smokes. He could hear her moving around up stairs searching for him. She wouldn’t come to the basement because she was afraid of the sound that the air vents and pipes mad
She grew tired of waiting for him to show back up so she could confront him. She became very frustrated and told his parents. By the time she told them, Robert had made back to his room playing games on his PlayStation 3. His parents knocked and entered his room to confront him. He stood there in front of his parents and Grandma Jenny looking as honest as he can and told a bowl face lie.
Grandma Jenny said, “You’re going to go to hell for that bowl face lie you just told.”
Robert replied, “You first.”
Robert figured since she didn’t have any proof, it was his word against hers. So he started fake crying saying, “Grandma Jenny telling stories on me.” He sounded so convincing his parents bought his lie. “Just stay in your room,” they said. Soon as they turn their back, he smiled and licked his tongue out at Grandma Jenny.
If looks could kill Robert, Grandma Jenny would have him put to death. The look on her face told him that she was plotting on getting him back anyway she could. She kept walking pass his room smiling. It started making him nervous the way she was smiling. It wasn’t a pretty sight at all because Grandma Jenny had her upper and bottom dentures out of her mouth. She knew that bothered him. It really made his flesh crawl. She loved pushing his button and spent hours and hours tormenting him. Finally he got tired of her messing with him. So he got up and closed the door in her face.
He yelled, “You show is ugly looking like a Bull Frog.”
She opens his door smiling at him with zero teeth in her mouth.
“I am going to get you puissant,” Grandma Jenny whispered.
The phone had rung and his father called Grandma Jenny. Robert took a stroll to Grandma Jenny’s room. He had to sneak pass his parents’ room to get to Grandma Jenny’s room. He entered her room and notices her fake teeth laying on the night stand.
“Grandma Jenny … what big teeth you have,” He said to himself. “You won’t be eating with them for a while.”
He placed them inside her night stand and dashed back to his room in a hurry. Soon as he arrived back in his room, his father came to his room telling the same joke he tell twice a month. Robert started laughing because his father was going to be the perfect witness. His father thought Robert was laughing at him. So he continued telling his tedium jokes and Robert kept laughing being fake. He stayed laughing at his father’s corny jokes to keep him in his room. Grandma Jenny came walking by being noisy as usual. He started grinning from ear to ear at her.
He could hear her singing to herself out loud with that ashy voice of hers. “I got me a dinner date.” She said happily. “It’s great and I am going to be eating me some steak.” She went straight to her room to get her dentures but noticed they weren’t there in her room. She came dashing to his room accusing him of messing with her teeth. Robert started playing the routine. “I’ve been in my room all day,” knowing that he was guilty.
His father responded, “I’ve been in his room with him the entire time. He couldn’t have mess with your teeth.”
This was Robert manipulating his father to taking his side and getting off punishment. He was starting to think his father wasn’t a good lawyer because he was too easy to manipulate. Soon as his father turn his back, he started smiling at Grandma Jenny while pointing at his teeth. Grandma Jenny became eighty degree hot at him and left. His father left his room heading back to his room. Grandma Jenny couldn’t wait for his father to leave. She became very despair and came back to Robert room propositioning him. You could tell she was frustrated with him.
Robert yelled, “What a nice day for eating steak!”
Robert kept opening up his mouth smiling tormenting her back from earlier.
“Okay you puissant. I have $20.00 with your name on it,” Grandma Jenny said. “If you help your poor grandma looks for her teeth, I’ll give it to you.”
Robert blurted, “Pay me first Grandma Jenny, because I don’t trust you.”
“What you mean you can’t trust me?” She asked.
“It’s a known fact you can’t trust people that don’t have teeth in their mouth.” He responded. “The bottom line is … I know you’re up to no good Grandma Jenny.”
So she gave him the $20.00 and they started searching all over the house. His father saw them searching the house and came out of his room wanting to know what they were doing.
Robert replied, “I am helping Grandma Jenny find her teeth. So she wants be bare mouth on her dinner date.”
Robert waited for thirty more minutes to pass by and smile at Grandma Jenny.
Robert said, “Go check inside your night stand. You might find them there.”
Grandma Jenny yelled, “I knew you had something to do with my teeth! You puissant give me back my $20.00.”
Robert ran to his room and locked his door laughing with joy. She was pushing for time and didn’t bother to come after him to his surprise. Soon as he saw the coast clear, he dashed out the house itching to go and spend Grandma Jenny’s $20.00. Robert went to his homeboy, Steven, apartment to see what he was up too. When Robert arrived, he immediately asked Steven to go with him to purchase some beer and cigarettes. They arrived at the corner store and he gave Steven $10.00 for the beer and cigarettes. They started back to Steven’s apartment to chill and get their smoke and drank on.
Steven started rolling a blunt for them to smoke. Robert looks up to Steven like a big brother, the one that he never had. Steven was 23 years old and been out on his own for 7 years. He had run away from home when he was just 16 years old. Robert truly admired Steven because they were so much alike and for another Steven understood him. Robert always dream of having a life like Steven had … slanging drugs. Most kids wanted to be like Michael Jordan. Well since Robert didn’t play ball, he wanted to be like Steven Miller, a drug dealer. The thought crossed his mind about becoming a drug dealer.
Robert decides to crack Steven about giving him a chance to slang drugs for him. He wanted that chance to make him some mad money. Steven was very hesitant at first and decided that he would go ahead and give him a chance. The next day Robert started slanging marijuana to the kids in school. His drug dealing took off like a rocket. It became a liquidated business. He felt important and was doing it big. He was walking around school with his pant sagging. Every time he made a drug sale, he would hold the money in the air to make sure it was real. Having his own money made his head swell the size of a football field.
Robert was pushing drugs all through the school getting the kids lunch money. He was bringing home $500.00 easily from school. He was amaze at how many kids in school smoke marijuana. He used to think that he was the only one. You think it would have bothered him, but it didn’t. He was all about those dead presidents. He did more time slanging drugs in school than doing his school work. His grades started dropping but he didn’t care. He just only cared about making that money at the time. It was the one thing he was good at and he did it very well.
Robert became very popular at school. He started doing everything in school including having sex. His favorite spot was behind the bleacher every Friday after school. His best client was Mr. Ross Taylor, a school teacher. Mr. Ross Taylor always brought $100.00 to a $150.00 worth of marijuana every Friday. He sometimes gave Mr. Ross Taylor a little bit extra to keep him coming back. He was fooling around with young lady 16 to 25 years old. He was just being wild and reckless … not caring for his body or theirs. As long as the money kept rolling in, nothing else mattered.
The ladies were on Robert like flies on dodo. He kept all of them thinking he was going to be their man. He just loved seeing the ladies compete with each other for his attention. He used to have them do some crazy things for drug or money. He always thought money is what make the world goes round. He ran into Kathy Thomas, the finest young lady in school. He tried everything to get her to meet him behind the bleacher, but she wouldn’t bite.
Kathy yelled, “Get away from me you demon child. My father is a pastor and he warned me about guys like you.”
“What you mean guys like me?” Robert asked.
She answered, “Y’all just only want me for my Ki Ki.”
“That sound like a pet dog,” he replied laughing. “What is a Ki Ki?”
She smile and answered, “My meow.”
He couldn’t do nothing, but laugh at her.
“Well be sure to get your meow spayed,” he responded.
Robert spotted Kathy Thomas’ cousin, Lisa Richardson. He realized that they always compete with one another no matter what it was. So he went over to Lisa and started whispering in her ear and proposition her some marijuana. He did that just to manipulate Kathy into going behind the bleacher with him. Lisa started back whispering in his ear and kissing him while Kathy was looking. They head toward the gym walking. Robert noticed Kathy walking very fast behind them. She didn’t waste anytime grabbing him away from Lisa’s arm.
Robert was very tickle because she fell for the plot. They finished their business behind the bleacher.
“That Ki Ki been spayed!” he yelled.
“You’re my first,” she smiled.
He smile and blurted, “I can tell.”
They walk out of the school glowing and she kiss him goodbye.
Robert headed to his homeboy, Steven, apartment to reload on his drugs. Just to find that old bare mouth, Grandma Jenny, was Steven’ best client. Grandma Jenny was very shock to see his face when he came through the door. He caught her puffing away on a blunt. He quickly snapped a picture of her puffing away. He knew she didn’t suffer with cataract in her eyes. So she couldn’t sing that song. She was to shock she drop her denture out her mouth. Steven and Robert started laughing so hard at her.
A Lost Child Page 1