The King's Raven

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The King's Raven Page 16

by Kristen Cobb

  “I will explain everything later.” Conri released her hand as they approached the dais. He shot a quick look at Conor that did not encourage further conversation.

  Thankfully Conor heeded the warning, turning and walking back toward the table where Alana now sat alone. Nessa watched as Conor sat down next to Alana and whispered something in her ear. Alana looked into Conor’s eyes then whispered something in his ear. Conor took her hand and raised it to his lips. She could not believe what she was seeing. “What is going on?”

  Conri leaned over and spoke quietly so no one else would hear. “Later. Right now we have a more pressing matter to deal with.”

  Nessa grudgingly dragged her eyes away from Conor and Alana to focus on Rory and the two men standing on the dais next to him. A tall, thin man with a long black beard Aeneas’s hair was beginning to grey at the edges. He stood about as straight as she had ever seen a person stand. The man fairly screamed inflexibility. She knew instantly what the charges would be. Having Conri by her side would likely save her from any serious consequences. Given the chance to help Marta again she would still do so.

  The slightly overweight man to Rory’s left looked down at her as if she were the lowest form of life. Although the tuath’s brithem was considered the expert in all things concerning Irish law Rory would have the final say in judgment. She counted on that to save her. Odd how the man she intended to assassinate proved to be the man she trusted most on that dais.

  Nessa bowed her head reverently. “My king. You summoned.” She looked up to find Rory struggling not to smile. They both knew her sudden submissiveness was all for show.

  “Aeneas is physician to the tuath.” Rory motioned toward the man to his right. “He has accused you of dispensing medical treatment without the proper authority. Is this true?”

  “It is.” There seemed no point in lying. Not only had she done it but would quite likely do it again.

  “Ask her if she has any formal training. It is against the law for her to…” Aeneas’s angry gaze nearly burned a hole through her.

  Rory’s raised hand and equally angry glare stopped Aeneas midsentence. “You will not speak unless I direct you to do so.”

  Aeneas at least had the good sense to look down in acquiescence. “Yes my king.”

  “If you could provide me with the details of your formal training I would be willing to grant permission for you to treat those in need.” Rory’s words let her know he was aware of Aeneas’s unwillingness to help those that could not pay.

  Aeneas opened his mouth to argue but wisely thought better of it. Clenching his jaw, he looked out into the hall as if attempting to rein in his emotions.

  Here was the point where things were bound to get a bit complicated. “I have no formal training.” She considered asking Rory if they could speak in private but decided that would only create more suspicion surrounding her actions.

  “So you dispensed medical treatment without any formal training?” Rory’s gaze conveyed neither anger or condescension, his voice devoid of any accusation.

  “Yes my king.” She would not lie to him. The one thing she needed more than anything else was to earn Rory’s trust.

  “You are aware that Irish law prohibits such conduct.” More of a statement than a question Rory’s eyes never left hers.

  “I am.” She met his gaze with her own, standing her ground, refusing to be ashamed of helping someone in need.

  Eachan leaned down to whisper in Rory’s ear, no doubt to render a judgment on her guilt and suggest a punishment. Rory literally held up a hand in the man’s face without even bothering to look at him. “You are hereby banned from treating anyone else. You may all leave.”

  Nessa bowed her head again. “As you wish my king.” She glanced at Aeneas and Eachan before turning and walking away. Eachan appeared a bit annoyed by Rory’s treatment. Aeneas on the other hand appeared quite pleased by Rory’s proclamation banning her from helping anyone.

  They walked over to the table, sitting down across from Conor and Alana. Conor slipped a piece of roasted beef into Alana’s mouth with his fingers. Alana sucked the juice off the end of each one of Conor’s fingers individually. The way they were staring into each other’s eyes made her want to scream.

  Nessa looked at Conri in what had to be wide-eyed astonishment. “What is going on?”

  Conri rolled his eyes and sighed. “Well, when I asked Rory to allow Conor more freedom he agreed to let me decide what was appropriate, short of letting his hostage escape. Rory’s words, not mine.”

  Nessa almost smiled at that. It sounded exactly like a comment Rory would make. Which made her wonder how she had come to know him so well already. Nessa turned around, glancing up at the dais. Rory sat alone, watching them as if he would rather be down here in the center of the entertainment. Considering the recent charges brought against her it would be inappropriate for him to join them.

  Nessa turned back to the problem at hand to find Conor kissing each one of Alana’s fingertips. “Stop that right now.” She helped raise Conor from birth. To see him doing things like this was disconcerting. “I assume you gave Conor more freedom.” She turned her fury on Conri.

  “I have given him run of the castle and grounds without a guard so long as he does not try to cross the drawbridge into the village.” Conri’s tone was gentle and patient, obviously trying to calm her agitation.

  Nessa took a moment to compose herself before speaking again. Conri did a wonderful thing by freeing Conor from that room and what did she do, force him to explain his actions and defend himself. “Where does Alana fit into all of this?” Nessa managed to keep her tone more quizzical than accusatory this time.

  “We met on the training field. Alana just happened to stroll by and here we are.” Conor popped another piece of meat into Alana’s mouth. “You might want to take it easy on Conri tonight. I managed to beat him quite soundly today.” Conor grinned at Conri.

  “You did not mention being hurt today. Come with me.” Nessa grabbed one of Conri’s hands and stood. She tried to pull him into a standing position but the man refused to budge.

  “Have you already forgotten Rory’s proclamation? You are forbidden from treating anyone.” Her answer to his statement mattered more than he cared to admit. He wanted her to care that he had been hurt, to be willing to risk everything for him. She had said that once. He could still remember her exact words.

  “No one will keep me from treating your wounds. Not even the king of Ireland.” She looked spitting mad. As if she would fight to the death to get to him were it necessary.

  “We are lucky that Rory did not impose a fine because neither one of us can pay it. You could end up his slave.” He almost held his breath waiting for her reply.

  “There could be damage you do not know about. I should look at the wound.” Nessa pulled on his arm again.

  “Relax Ness. He is fine. So am I, thank you for asking.” Conor used his fingers to grab another slice of beef since he did not have a dagger. Ripping off a piece he popped it in his mouth.

  “Let her alone Conor. If she wants to ignore Rory’s order it is none of our business.” Alana was looking right at her as she said it, jealousy seething just below the surface evident for just a moment. Alana quickly turned back to Conor, the look of a simpleton swept away by desire once again cloaking her true nature.

  Conri’s injury forgotten for the moment Nessa sat back down and watched Alana, her own anger slowly rising from within. “Conor, could I speak to you alone?”

  “No.” Conor did not even bother to look at her when he answered.

  “Fine, then I will say it here. She is using you to try and make Conri jealous. You deserve better.” While she knew the words were hurtful they needed to be said.

  “Leave it alone Ness.” Conor looked directly at her now.

  “He is the son of a king. He does not have to listen to you.” A contemptuous smirk accompanied Alana’s bold statement.

  And there it wa
s, Alana’s motive front and center. Her sudden interest in Conor had nothing to do with Conri. She saw an opportunity to elevate her station in life and decided to grasp it with both hands. Conor looked at her rather than Alana. The hurt in his eyes nearly broke her heart. She should have ignored it and allowed him this one diversion. They both knew his future was bleak. Seeing him with Alana caused her to forget that not so minor detail. For a moment he was once again the boy she swore to protect. Nessa reached out to touch Conor’s hand. “Conor I am so sorry. I…”

  Conor pulled his hand away. “Stop trying to protect me. I am not a child.”

  When Conor stood up Alana grabbed his hand. “Conor please do not let her…”

  Conor ripped his hand out of Alana’s grasp. “Leave.” Without even bothering to look down at Alana he stepped over the bench and walked away toward the stone archway.

  Alana watched Conor walk through the archway then turned furious eyes on her. No words were spoken. Alana’s eyes did all of the talking. There would be no forgiveness or acceptance forthcoming now, only war and hatred. This was one too many insults to Alana’s pride. She managed to make a bad situation infinitely worse. Alana eventually stood and walked away. Nessa looked toward the archway, debating whether to go after Conor and try to apologize again.

  “Leave him be for now. His pride was wounded. He will get over it.” Conri speared a slice of beef with his dagger, dropping it onto her plate.

  Things felt so hopeless right now. She was spending all of her time with the wrong man and Conor hated her. It seemed entirely possible that her presence might actually make the entire situation worse. She could leave and tell Dermot it proved impossible to get anywhere near Rory, let things play out without any interference.

  Nessa watched Conri as he filled a goblet for each of them with water. Looking at Conri only made her feel even worse. The man had been nothing but kind and how did she repay him, with lies and betrayal. In the end he would hate her too. Rory seemed to be pushing her toward Conri so seducing him seemed unlikely to be successful. The high-king could have his pick of beautiful women on any given night. Why would he ever choose her?

  She needed someone to help her sort out this mess and find the best course of action. Only one person came to mind, the man sitting next to her. Odd that it would be him of all people. Something deep inside whispered tell him, he will understand. Was that even an option? What if she told Conri everything? Maybe he could help her save Conor, short of killing Rory that is. And tell him what? That she’d been using him this entire time to get close to Rory. The chances of that going over well were miniscule.

  No, she absolutely must stick to the plan, or some semblance thereof. Conri was busy eating while she pushed the food around on her plate. Grabbing a piece of bread from one of the platters she speared the slice of beef, folding it over on top of the bread. The first bite nearly made her groan with pleasure, soft fresh bread and succulent roasted beef.

  Once they both cleaned their plates, Conri twice, he stood and held out his hand. She had a choice to make. Go with Conri and continue down their current path or put some distance between them. Continue using him or tell him the truth and at least give him a choice. It felt like an impossible decision. That normal life seemed to be dangling just out of reach again, taunting her.

  Nessa grasped his hand, allowing him to help her up. They walked silently through the passage and up the stairwell. Conri stopped at his chamber to grab two blankets off the bed then continued up to the roof of the tower. Nessa followed silently behind the man she had come to hold in such high esteem, each step taking her closer to the pivotal moment, forcing her to choose a path. All the while knowing deep in her heart she would never have the strength of will to walk away from him.

  The roof of the tower was relatively flat, taking into account the unevenness of the stone slabs, the air tonight cool but devoid of any real breeze. Stars lit the darkness along with a bit of light from the waning moon, a man virtually perfect in her eyes ready to take her into his arms. If not for the impossible situation the night would be perfect.

  Conri laid one of the blankets out on the stone roof then removed his sword and sheath. Laying the weapon gently on the edge of the blanket he sat down in the center then leaned back against the wall. Setting the other blanket down he looked up at her. Spreading his legs a bit to make room for her he held up a hand. Nessa stood there looking down at his hand for what seemed an eternity. They were playing with fire, the attraction between them liable to burst into flames if they continued down this path but her feet would not walk away. They stood rooted to the spot. She allowed Conri to pull her down in between his legs, her back to his chest.

  Conri picked up the other blanket and settled it over them. Nessa turned onto her side and heard him groan as if she’d hurt him. Remembering Conor’s statement about Conri being wounded she quickly sat up, dislodging the blanket. “Take off your shirt. I want to see how badly you are hurt.”

  “I am fine. It is just a bruise. Go to sleep.” Conri tried to pull her down onto his chest by wrapping his arms around her.

  Nessa refused to budge, fighting against his embrace. She threw off the blanket covering them, turning her body so she faced him, each of her legs bent at the knee over the top of his thighs. If she scooted forward just a bit more and wrapped her legs around his waist they would be in the position she had seen so many times in military encampments. Men would have sex with camp followers out in the open for lack of any other option. Breathing became difficult as she looked into his eyes.

  Since he was not removing the aforementioned article of clothing she undid the belt at his waist and threw it aside. The hilt of the dagger attached to it made a clanging sound as it hit the stone. Then she reached for the hem of his tunic. Slowly lifting it she let her hands brush gently along his sides. Conri raised his arms, never breaking eye contact with her. Throwing his tunic on top of the belt she bent closer to get a better look at his right side. Carefully lifting his arm she ran her other hand along an angry looking bruise, watching him wince as she pushed on his ribs. “You should not fight tomorrow.” Her hand remained splayed against his side even after she lowered his arm. The warmth of his skin a sharp contrast to the cool night air.

  “There is no reason for you to feign concern when we are alone.” Conri reached over, grabbing his shirt.

  Nessa pulled the tunic from his grasp, throwing it out of his reach. “I am not feigning concern. You are hurt and should take a few days for that to heal.”

  “You insult my prowess as a warrior suggesting I am too weak to fight through a mere bruise. Now get my shirt or come over here and keep me warm.” He had a playful gleam in his eyes that she was coming to recognize. One that told her he did not want her to choose retrieving his shirt.

  She could no more stop the smile that spread across her face as she could prevent the sun from rising in the east. It was another one of his ridiculous and endearing demands, like ordering her to wear her hair down. Rather than retrieve his shirt she pulled the blanket up over them, laying her head on his chest. Her hand lazily played with the sprinkling of course hair.

  Conri slapped a warm hand over hers to stop its movement. “Do you remember my warning the night we were in the river? It still holds true.”

  She did remember his warning. He wanted her. She turned him down in an attempt to save him from the ramifications of her plot, her eventual betrayal. The problem at this point being that neither one of them were really living their lives. At thirty years old she had never been with a man. All these years waiting for the right man. Here he was and what did she do? Pull him close just to push him away. Maybe it was time she took a chance. Maybe it was time they both took a chance. Life held no guarantees, love being the greatest risk of all.

  Love. Was she actually in love with Conri? The answer came easily. Yes. Turning onto her stomach Nessa crossed her arms against his chest. “I cannot seem to recall. What exactly were we talking about that night in
the river?”

  “Do not play with me woman. You know exactly what we were talking about.” Conri’s hands roamed down her back to her buttocks.

  Nessa nearly moaned with pleasure at the feel of his hands so intimately on her body. She could not imagine her first time being with anyone else. They would deal with the future as it arrived, until then she vowed to seize every moment she could steal with him. Kissing a path down Conri’s neck she could feel his erection growing, pressing against her, seeking entry.

  Conri pulled her up onto his lap, her legs straddling his waist. “What has changed in the last two days since you very directly informed me this was a horrible idea?”

  “Nothing. There is still a very real chance this will end badly but I am willing to take the risk if you are.” Watching his eyes grow wild with desire she took the biggest risk of her life pulling the worn brown hemp tunic off over her head and flinging it off to the side, eyes locked on his the entire time.

  In answer Conri’s eyes bore into hers with a searing intensity. His hands threaded through her hair, and then he kissed her, the warm skin of his chest pressed against hers. His mouth moved sensually over hers, full soft lips coaxing hers open.

  Before things went too far she pulled away. “There is one thing I should probably explain before we go any farther.”

  “Now?” His voice sounded strained and desperate, brown eyes pleading.

  “Yes, right now.” She kissed his chest.

  “My suggestion would be that you do it quickly before I loose the ability to think.” His eyes closed as she kissed a path down the front of his body.

  “While I have seen a great many things I have no actual experience. Will you teach me?” She looked up at him, her face down near his waist at this point. She wanted him to know that he was special, not one of many.

  His eyes flew open. “What about Will? I just assumed…” He left the sentence unfinished.

  “I was waiting for you.”

  Conri let out a primal growl pulling her back up onto his lap, kissing her with a frenzied passion. Nessa wound her hands in his hair, leaning back in a gesture as old as time. Giving herself to the man she loved beyond all reason.


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