Lords of Finance

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Lords of Finance Page 62

by Liaquat Ahamed

and reconstruction of financial system

  and Roosevelt bank rescue package

  rules concerning

  and stock market

  suspension of

  Goldschmidt, Jacob

  Great Britain

  anti-Americanism in

  and Austrian-Serbian relations

  banking system in

  and blame for Great Depression

  Canada as custodian of gold reserves of

  change of governments in

  credit in

  currency in

  deflation in

  devaluation in

  early years of Depression in

  economy in

  and events leading to World War I

  and exchange rate

  financing/funding for World war I in

  foreign borrowing by

  France compared with

  French image in

  French relations with

  GDP in

  and German invasion of Belgium

  and Germany

  Glorious Revolution in

  gold reserves of

  gold standard in

  Hoover administration as source of help for

  impact of Great Crash on

  impact of World War I on

  industry/manufacturing in

  inflation in

  and interest rates

  loans to France from

  loans to Germany from

  loans to Russia from

  and London Economic Conference

  Macmillan Committee in

  manufacturing/industry in

  money supply in

  and moratorium on reparations and war debt

  Morgan loans to

  in 1925

  optimism on duration of war in

  prices in

  and reparations

  restoration of pound to prewar pedestal in

  Schacht’s views about

  societal transformation in

  speculation in

  stock market in

  strikes in

  taxes in

  unemployment in

  U.S. loans to

  U.S. relations with

  war debts of

  and Young conference/Plan

  Great Crash

  and blame for Great Depression

  and characteristics of Great Depression

  congressional hearings about

  early impact of

  impact on Europe of

  Great Depression

  blame for

  causes of

  early years of

  Long Island meeting as turning point that lead to

  modern events compared with

  price stability as central to recovery from

  role of central bankers during

  as sequence of crisis

  The Great Illusion (Angell)

  “The Great Slump of 1930” (Keynes)

  Greenspan, Alan

  Grenfell, Teddy

  Grey, Edward

  Guaranty Trust Company

  Guardian Trust Company

  Guggenheim, Daniel

  Gulbenkian, Calouste

  The Hague

  German-Allied negotiations in

  Young Plan conference at


  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hamlin, George

  Hanau (Marthe) affair

  Harding, Warren

  Harrison, George L.

  and atomic bomb

  and banking consortium to rescue stock market

  and banking crisis

  and blame for Great Depression

  and British banking problems

  and BUS rescue

  buying of gold by

  and Central European crisis

  criticisms of

  and currency stabilization

  death of

  and devaluation of dollar

  and divisiveness within Fed

  and German economy

  and gold standard

  and impact of Great Crash

  and initiatives to revive economy

  and interest rates

  as intermediary between bankers and Roosevelt

  internationalism of

  and London Economic Conference

  and moratorium on reparations and war debt

  named New York Fed governor

  in 1940s

  and Norman

  personal life of

  Harrison, George L. (cont.)

  personal/professional background of

  personality of

  and reform of Federal Reserve Board

  and Roosevelt

  Strong as protégé of

  views about Congress of

  Harvey, Ernest

  Hatry, Clarence

  Havenstein, Rudolph von

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Helfferich, Karl

  Hepburn, A. Barton

  Herriot, Edouard

  Hill, A. V.

  Hindenburg, Paul von

  Hitler, Adolf

  Beer Hall Putsch of

  as chancellor

  conspiracies against

  and impact of Great Depression

  Norman’s views about

  rise of

  and Schacht


  Hongkong and Shanghai Bank

  Hoover, Herbert

  and banking crisis

  and British banking problems

  Durant meeting with

  and elections of 1932

  and initiatives to revive economy

  and interest rate cuts

  internationalism of

  Keynes’s comments about

  Lamont letter to

  letter to Roosevelt from

  and Mellon

  Meyer appointed to Fed by

  Meyer’s letter to

  and moratorium on reparations and war debt

  on origins of Depression

  personal and professional background of

  reaction to Great Crash by

  and Roosevelt

  as secretary of commerce

  and speculation

  and stock market

  and Strong

  and war debts

  House of Morgan. See J.P. Morgan & Co.

  Hugenberg, Alfred

  Hughes, Charles Evans

  Hull, Cordell



  and funding for war

  and gold standard

  Keynes’s views about

  and “real bills” theory of credit

  Inspectorat des Finances (France)

  Inter-Allied Financial Delegates

  interest rates

  and gold

  and Keynes

  and role of central bankers

  and stock market bubble

  international central bank, proposals for

  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  International Trust Company


  James, George Roosa

  Jay Cooke and Company

  Jekyll Island Club


  and divisions in international banking community

  in France

  in Germany

  as owners of banks

  in U.S.

  J.P. Morgan & Co.

  and Bank of England

  bombing of

  British loans from

  and consortium for rescue of stock market

  and divisions within international financial community

  and early years of Depression

  foreign government loans by

  and France

  Gilbert offered partnership with

  and gold standard

  income taxes of

  and Kidder Peabody rescue

  meeting (1914) at

  Norman meetings with

  and Panic of 1907

  and pound on gold standard

utation of

  and Roosevelt administration

  Schacht visit to

  and stock market panic

  Kennedy, Joseph

  Keynes, John Maynard

  appearance and personality of

  awards and honors for

  and Bank of England

  basic beliefs of

  Bloomsbury friends of

  and Bretton Woods Conference

  at Cambridge

  and Churchill

  and coal industry

  and credit system

  and Cunliffe affair

  and currency

  and Dawes Plan

  death of

  and debasement of German currency

  and devaluation of dollar

  on duration of war

  early career of

  on economy in 1930

  European financial reconstruction plan of

  and exchange rate policy

  on Federal Reserve Board

  financial affairs of

  and French speculation concerns

  and gold standard

  and gold supply

  on Great Depression

  health of

  on impact of Great Depression

  and impact of World War I

  and inflation

  and interest rates

  and international financial system

  legacy of

  and Lloyd George

  and Macmillan Committee

  and May Report

  and Norman

  and The Other Club

  at Paris Peace Conference

  and paying for the war

  personal background of

  personal life of

  planning for post-World War II world by

  and public works programs

  reaction to Great Crash by

  and reparations

  reputation of

  role in international financial affairs of

  on Roosevelt

  on Royal Commisson on Indian Currency and Finance

  and stock market

  and Strong

  and translating sums of money

  at Treasury

  and unemployment

  U.S. criticisms by

  and U.S.-British relations

  and war debts

  world economy plan of

  during World War II

  writings of

  on Young Plan

  Keynes, Lydia

  Kidder Peabody

  Knickerbocker Trust Company

  Kohler, Heinrich

  Kreuger, Ivar

  Krupp, Gustav

  Kuhn Loeb

  L’Affaire Caillaux

  Lamont, Thomas

  as banker-statesman

  and banking crisis

  and BUS rescue

  and Davison

  and Dawes Plan

  and Germany economy

  and initiatives to revive economy

  internationalism of

  lifestyle of

  and meeting at J.P. Morgan & Co.

  and moratorium on reparations and war debt

  and Norman

  offered partnership with Morgan

  optimism about economy of

  and Paris Peace Conference

  personal/professional background of

  and reparations

  and Roosevelt

  and stock market

  and Young Conference (1929)

  Lansing, Robert

  Laval, Pierre

  Lazard Frères

  Le Circulaire Bleu (Banque de France)

  Le Couteulx de Canteleu, Jean-Barthélémy

  leadership, and blame for Great Depression

  League of Nations

  Leffingwell, Russell

  Lehman, Herbert

  Lehman Brothers


  Liberty Bonds

  Litvinov, Maxim Maximovitch

  Livermore, Jesse

  Lloyd George, David

  and Bank of England meeting

  and Bank of England-government relations

  and Churchill

  and events leading to World War I

  fall of

  and Keynes

  and Paris Peace Conference

  post-war promises of

  and reparations

  and Versailles Treaty

  Logan, James

  London, England

  as center of international finance

  Dawes Plan meetings in

  in mid-1920s

  in post-World War I years

  Strong visits to

  London Stock Exchange

  Long Island (Mills house), central bankers meeting on

  Luther, Hans

  McAdoo, William

  MacDonald, Ramsay

  McFadden bill (U.S.)

  McKenna, Reginald

  Macmillan Committee (Great Britain)

  Macmillan, Hugh, Lord

  McReynolds, Samuel D.

  Manufacturers Trust Bank

  Marcus, Bernard

  Martin’s Bank

  Marx, Karl

  Marx, Wilhelm

  May Committee (Great Britain)

  Mellon, Andrew

  appointed ambassador to Great Britain

  art collection of

  criticisms of

  and Dawes Plan

  European travels of

  and Fed rate cuts

  and Fed System tensions

  and French economy

  French negotiations of

  “gentlemen prefer bonds” admonition of

  and Hoover

  impeachment hearings concerning

  and initiatives to revive economy

  Justice Department indictment against

  and moratorium on reparations and war debt

  and Moreau

  Norman meeting with

  personal life of

  reaction to Great Crash by

  as secretary of the Treasury

  and stock market

  and war debts

  Mellon, Paul

  Mendelssohn (Paris banking house)

  merchant banks. See commercial/merchant banks


  Meyer, Eugene

  Midland Bank

  Miles, Basil

  Miller, Adolph

  Miller, James

  Millerand, Alexandre

  Mills, Ogden L.

  Ministry of Finance (France)

  Mitchell, Charles E.

  M.J. Meehan and Company

  M.M. Warburg and Company

  Moley, Raymond

  moratorium, on reparations and war debts

  Moreau, Aimé Hilaire Émile

  ambitions of

  appearance of

  awards and honors for

  at Banque d’Algérie et Tunisie

  Banque de France appointment of

  and BIS

  and blame for Great Depression

  and Caillaux

  and currency problems

  death of

  disillusionment of

  and divisiveness at Banque de France

  early career of

  and exchange rate

  and France as world financial center

  and French-British relations

  and French-German relations

  and gold reserves

  and gold standard

  and Harrison

  and interest rates

  at La Frissonaire

  and Mellon

  and Norman

  personal life of

  personality/character of

  and Poincaré

  and politics

  power and prestige of

  and Quesnay

  reaction to Great Crash by

  as reflection of national psyche

  and reparations

  resignation of

  retirement of

  and Romania funding

  and Rouvier />
  as Royalist

  and speculation

  and Strong

  during World War II

  and Young Conference/Plan


  Morgan Grenfell

  Morgan, J. Pierpont

  Morgan, Jack

  Morgenthau, Henry


  Morrow, Dwight

  Napoleonic Wars

  National Assembly (France)

  and Banque de France scandal

  and Banque de France-government relationship

  and Caillaux

  and collapse of French government

  and U.S.-French relations

  and war debts

  National Bank of Belgium

  National Bureau of Economic Research

  National Business Conference

  National City Bank

  National Defense Bonds

  National Industrial Recovery Act

  National Monetary Commission

  National Mutual Insurance Company

  National Reserve Association

  Nationalbank (Germany)


  and conspiracies against Hitler

  and German economic recovery

  rise of

  and Schacht

  Netherlands Bank

  Neuflize, Jean de

  New Deal program

  New York Life Insurance Company

  New York Stock Exchange

  Niemeyer, Otto

  Norddeutsche Handelsbank

  Norddeutsche Wolkkammerei “Der Nordwolle”

  Norman, George Warde

  Norman, Montagu Collet

  appearance and personality of

  and appeasement

  Asquith letter to

  awards and honors for

  and Baldwin

  as Bank of England board member

  Bank of England as “mistress” of

  and blame for Great Depression

  in Boer War

  as Brown Shipley partner

  Canadian trip of

  and Churchill

  concerns about Great Depression of

  and Credit Anstalt problem

  criticisms of

  and currency stabilization

  and Dawes Plan

  death of

  and deflation

  and devaluation

  and early years of British Depression

  and events leading to World War I

  and exchange rates

  and Federal Reserve Board

  financial affairs of

  first joins Bank of England

  and French economy/relations

  Norman, Montagu Collet (cont.)

  and German economy

  and gold reserves

  and gold standard

  as governor of Bank of England

  and Harrison

  and Hatry case

  health of

  image of

  and impact of Great Crash

  “imperialist dreams” of

  and interest rates

  international bank proposal of

  and Keynes

  and Lamont

  and London Economic Conference

  and Long Island meeting

  and Macmillan Committee

  and media

  as member of Court of Bank of England

  and moratorium on reparations and war debt

  and Moreau

  personal background of


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