Silver Dove (Silver #2)

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Silver Dove (Silver #2) Page 22

by E. J. Shortall

  “I wanted to come and talk to you before Craig gets his hands on you. I know the minute you join him at the altar he’ll not let you go,” she chuckled. Her smile dropped and she lifted one of her hands to stroke my cheek affectionately. “I’m sure you probably wish your mum was here with you now. I just wanted you to know that from the very first time Craig introduced us, I could see what a special person you are, Amber, not only for Craig, but to us as a family. It hasn’t been easy over the years and you have been a breath of fresh air for all of us. I am so happy for you and so very proud to be able to call you my daughter.” She rubbed her thumbs across my cheeks wiping away the tears I’d been trying so hard to contain. “I’m not sure if you have your something old, something new and so on, but I wanted to give you this.” She pulled a small silver coloured box out of her handbag and handed it to me. With shaky hands I opened the box and gasped at the beautiful pendant on a silver chain resting on a white satin cushion.

  “This has been in the Silver family for generations,” she continued as she took the chain and moved behind me to secure it around my neck. “…and I want you to have it. This Silver Dove is a symbol of hope, love and happiness and I want you to have all of that Amber, and so much more.”

  I touched the pendant as I looked at it hanging around my neck in the mirror. “It’s beautiful. Thank you,” I croaked. I had no other words.

  Val smiled at me and kissed my cheek. “You’re welcome sweetheart. It looks beautiful on you. I guess I should get back out to Craig, he’s a nervous wreck. I really am pleased you’re joining the family Amber,” she said walking to the door as there was another knock.

  Assuming it was just Becki returning I walked out onto the balcony for some fresh air, needing a moment alone to gather my thoughts.

  “Oh my beautiful girl, look at you. Your mum would be so proud, Amber.”

  I turned, my mouth gaping open in surprise. “Dad… I can’t believe you’re here.” I know our relationship had often been strained at best, but he was still my dad and I was so happy he was there.

  “That guy of yours didn’t give me much of a choice,” he smirked. “He’s pretty persuasive, and generous, isn’t he?” I smiled at just how persuasive Craig could be when he wanted something. He was so stubborn and never gave up until he had what he wanted. Standing there in a wedding dress about to join him at the altar was testament to that.

  “No, he doesn’t,” I agreed. “Wait… and generous? He paid for you to come out here?”

  He nodded, “Yes me and-” he broke off as his eyes widened. “Me and Val, he paid for both of us to come over to be here for you.”

  I wondered what he had been about to say but let it go. “Will you give me away?”

  “Nothing would make me happier. Come here; let your old dad give you a hug.” I immediately stepped into his open arms and let him hold me. He cleared his throat and I felt him gulp before he said, “I love you, baby girl. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become and I know your mum and brother would be too.”

  I squeezed my eyes closed. “Dad please, I love you too, but I can’t cry any more, Becki will kill me.” He chuckled and released me, taking a step back.

  “I can’t believe my little girl with the pigtails and Barbie dolls is all grown up. You be happy, Amber. You deserve someone like Craig, someone who worships the ground you walk on and will do anything for you. As your dad that’s all I’ve ever wanted.” I smiled and nodded fearing much more of this and I was going to crack, the dam would burst and the tears really would fall.

  “Time to get this party started,” Becki shouted from inside the room.

  Dad offered me his arm and without any nerves for what I was about to do I looped mine through his and we walked back into the room. Becki handed me my flowers and I took one final look at myself in the mirror as we passed it. Even I could see that my eyes had never sparkled so much. With a smile I turned and walked out on my dad’s arm and with my best friend beside me.

  “Are you ready?” Dad asked. We’d just had photos taken in some absolutely stunning scenery and were standing in the hotel gardens waiting for the go ahead. Taking a deep breath in I tried to absorb everything around me so I could commit the moment to memory. I listened to the sounds of the waves lapping on the nearby shore, and gazed at the colours of the early evening sky. It wasn’t quite dusk yet, it was at that perfect point in the day where the light was muted and romantic. The scent of the exotic plants and flowers nearby permeated the air. It was definitely a moment I never wanted to forget.

  “Okay, Amber, they’re all ready for you. Congratulations and enjoy,” Roseanne, the wedding coordinator told me with a comforting smile.

  I looked at dad and then Becki. “Let’s get this show on the road. I wanna get married.” Dad squeezed my hand and Becki laughed as she moved in front of us ready to walk out before me.

  As we neared the entry way onto the beach where the ceremony would take place I heard the opening chords of a piece of piano music and then a beautiful female voice started singing the lyrics of “A Moment Like This.” We continued round the corner and I got the surprise of my life. It wasn’t the aisle on the sand lined with a soft yellow runner and decorated with white rose petals, or the voile decorated archway framing the view of the waters beyond. It wasn’t even the flickering torches that lit the way. What caused me to falter in my step and gasp in shock were the people standing at the seats lined up along the aisle. I chanced a look over at my dad who was grinning down on me. “Happy wedding day, Ambs,” he whispered and patted my arm circled through his.

  As we made our way down the aisle I noticed a couple of Craig’s friends I’d briefly met in the past, Margaret his lovely assistant, and then I almost sobbed as we neared the front and found Marika grinning at me, holding a clapping Giana. Marika was dressed in the same yellow dress as Becki and Giana was in the cutest toddler version with a band around her head with a gerbera flower on the side. I looked beyond them to where the music was coming from and almost crumbled when I saw Carly sitting at a keyboard playing and singing for us. She looked up and smiled widely at me. I really had no idea she played so well and sung like an angel.

  Finally I looked to the front and locked gazes with my man, my soon to be husband. He looked beyond handsome, wearing the same casual charcoal suit and yellow tie as my dad, except instead of a yellow flower attached to the lapel he had a calla lily to match my flowers. Dad and I stopped beside him and I could see the tears and pride swimming in his eyes. It took everything in me to not throw myself into his arms.


  The air was literally sucked out of my lungs as Amber appeared from behind the shrubs out onto the beach. I’d always thought she looked like an angel, but in that white dress with the glow of the setting sun on her, she truly did look angelic. Becki walked past and gave me a wink before stepping off to the left to stand next to Marika. I moved my gaze back to Amber and struggled for breath when she locked her smiling hazel eyes on mine and stopped beside me.

  “We gather here today to celebrate the marriage of Amber and Craig,” the voice of the celebrant broke through the silence when Carly had finished her song. I’d always known she sang well, but with that song she had blown me away.

  Amber and I both turned to face the front, but all I wanted to do was pull her into my arms and kiss her senseless. The celebrant continued, “Craig and Amber first met over a crowded dance floor. At the time Craig’s good looks were just too much for Amber and she ran,” I heard the chuckles around me and looked out of the corner of my eye at Amber’s shocked face. “Fate had decided that these two were destined to be together, though, and after knocking Amber out… with a football and not his charm,” more laughter. “Craig finally got Amber to agree to go out to dinner with him. After a whirlwind romance, their fate was sealed and the rest, as they say, is history.” With a smile the celebrant looked out over our family and friends. “If anyone can show just cause why Amber and Craig may not be lawfully jo
ined together, speak now or forever hold your peace.” I held my breath praying no one would say anything. When the beach remained silent save for the gentle crashing of the nearby waves, the celebrant continued. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  “Her mother and I do.” Amber gasped and I had to admit it surprised me too. I looked over as Owen held Ambers hand and whispered to her, “She’ll always be here with you Amber, never forget that.” Then with a kiss to her cheek he placed her hand in mine. I’d held Ambers hand thousands of times since we met, but in that moment it felt amazing, like magnets being pulled together, the bond so strong it felt like I would never be able to let go. Owen shook my other hand and then took his seat in the front row, next to Becki.

  “You look beautiful,” I whispered to her and watched as she blushed and flicked her eyes to the celebrant before returning them to mine.

  “Craig, do you take Amber for your lawful wedded wife, to be joined in matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” I replied, staring into Ambers eyes, and then everything else became a blur. I found myself reciting vows of love and trust, commitment and encouragement and before I knew it I had a ring in my hand and was slowly slipping it onto Amber’s delicate finger and looking into her eyes as I said, “With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.” I felt her hand shaking in mine as she smiled up at me.

  More words were said, poems were read and Carly sang another song. I didn’t hear any of it. I was too lost in Amber. It might as well have just been the two of us as we stood staring into each other’s eyes. She had my ring on her finger and had just promised to always be mine.

  “…by the power vested in me, I now declare them to be husband and wife. I am honoured to introduce you to the new Mr and Mrs Craig Silver!” Hoots and cheers and a few sobs were heard around us but I was frozen, staring at my beautiful bride, my wife. “You may kiss your bride, Craig.” My eyes flicked over to the celebrant who was smiling widely and nodding for me to seal our union.

  Moving my hands around Amber’s waist I pulled her in close and melded my lips over hers, feeling overwhelming pride and happiness. Finally feeling complete!


  “I love you, Mrs Silver,” Craig breathed against my lips, his voice laced with emotion.

  “And I love you Mr Silver,” I replied, my own voice cracking with overwhelming pride and happiness. I did it… we did it. I’d become a married lady, and to the sweetest, most loyal and caring man I had ever come across.

  Craig pressed his forehead to mine Craig asked, “Are you ready to go and celebrate?” I nodded and smiled but didn’t move. I didn’t want this perfect moment to ever end.

  “Jeez, will you two get on with it,” Becki hollered and then started laughing. The slight hitch in her voice didn’t go un-noticed, betraying her emotions also. With a final peck on my lips Craig took my hand and we turned to face our friends and family for the first time as husband and wife.



  “Ladies and gentlemen, as Best Man it is my responsibility to humiliate the groom and ask the bride what the hell she was thinking?” Scott’s humorous opening to his speech got a few chuckles from our guests and gave me the chance to compose myself. Dad’s and Craig’s speeches had left me an emotional wreck and on the verge of embarrassing myself with a very inelegant snotty sob fest. But as Craig took his seat again and pulled me into his side with a kiss to my head, Scott stood and entertained our guests in true Scott style. I sucked in a deep breath and let the emotions soothe me rather than suffocate me.

  Scott regaled our friends and family with humorous tales of drunken nights out, football accidents and, as Scott called them, ‘brotherly confessions’. “… and, Amber, I just want to say, thank you for changing this miserable bastard into a happy lovesick puppy. But if you could stay away from the football pitch I, and the rest of the team, would be most grateful. He’s fucking useless whenever you’re there.” Everyone laughed as Craig shook and lowered his head but he had a smile on his face. “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses… To the Bride and Groom, may your lives be filled with the joy and happiness you both deserve!” Everyone lifted their glasses to a chorus of ‘To the bride and groom.’

  With the meal finished, Craig and I were mingling with our guests in a private garden area of the hotel. The scenery was spectacular. The garden jutted out onto rocks overlooking the sea and was surrounded by a white picket fence and palm trees. In the centre was a large hexagonal gazebo. Fairy lights added a romantic feel to the diminished evening light and soft instrumental music played through hidden speakers.

  “Are you happy?” Craig asked, pulling me into him and placing his lips to my hair when we finally found a quiet moment alone.

  “Never been happier,” I replied with a contented sigh and snuggled in closer, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “You look so beautiful, Pingu, you literally steal my breath away.” For several minutes we remained locked in our embrace, looking out over the calming Caribbean water and just enjoying the contentment of being together. Eventually a female voice broke through the piano music playing in the background.

  “Hi guys, time for me to say something now if that’s okay?” I turned in Craig’s arms and looked over to where Carly was standing under one of the pine trees with a microphone in her hand. Standing near her was a man I’d never seen before. “I never thought I would see the day when my big brother would finally settle down. I seriously thought he was destined to die a sad and lonely man.” She grinned and looked over to the two of us. “Amber, not only am I eternally grateful to you for bringing my happy brother back, I’m happy to have gained such a lovely and comforting sister. When Craig asked me to sing for you guys today I was more than happy to, but I told him I wanted to surprise you both with the song choice. The song I wanted to sing for your first dance fits you two as a couple perfectly. It was originally sung as a duet so I’ve brought my friend Tyler along to sing with me. I hope you enjoy it.” She stepped aside and took a seat behind the keyboard that had been on the beach earlier. The guy, Tyler sat on a stool next to her.

  Craig led me over to the area designated as the dance floor as Carly settled herself in and started playing the opening notes. As Tyler’s smooth voice sung the opening lines of “I Finally Found Someone,” Craig wrapped his arms around me and his loving eyes locked with mine and the world around us dropped away. It was just him and me and the lyrics of a song telling the story of us to this point. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat as I gazed and smiled at the man I had finally found.

  When the music ended, we stopped moving but continued staring at each other, lost in each other’s emotions.

  “May I borrow my daughter for a moment?” My dad was standing next to us with a big grin on his face. “If you can keep your hands off her for a few minutes, Craig, I would also like to enjoy a dance with her,” he smirked and I blushed.

  Craig placed a kiss to my cheek and left me with my dad “You know, Ambs, I am so happy for you. Your mum would be too. She was always so very proud of you, we both were. You have always fought for what you wanted and never gave up. You struggled through university with very little help from us so you could do a job you loved. You had the courage to put an end to something that would have been easier to stick with and live the lie. And you took the chance on someone new, someone that could not be better for you. I’m sorry we haven’t always been close, but please know that I love you and couldn’t be happier for you two today. Craig is a good man.” I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder for the remainder of the song, not thinking about things just enjoying the father and daughter moment.

  When the song ended dad gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me he was going to find Craig for a chat. It left me wondering what he wanted
to talk to him about but before I could get a chance to call after him to ask, Becki had grabbed my hand and was walking us away from everyone. “Where are we going, Bec?” I asked her struggling to keep up with my dress flapping around my legs.

  “I just wanted a quiet moment with you before you two go off on your own.”

  “Oh yeah? And what did you want to discuss?” Knowing Becki, she probably wanted to talk to me, in detail, about the tradition of wedding night sex.

  She looked around for a moment and then dragged me over to sit on a bench by a secluded pond. “I…uh… look you know me, I don’t go in for all that soppy shit. I tell it as it is.” I nodded. “Well, I… oh fuck it, here,” she handed me a silver gift bag she’d had hidden at the side.

  Taking the bag from her I held it for a moment then looked up at her. “Bec, I… I don’t know what to say.” Her lips pulled up at the corners and she had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes before nodding her head, gesturing toward the bag. Slowly, I untied the lace ribbon and pulled it open. My eyes immediately widened and I shoot them back to Becki when I discovered what was inside. “Beck, what the… I… we… um…” I stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

  “Now before you go all coy on me, remember I didn’t get the chance to throw you the hen party of the century, so for me, this is the next best thing,” she chuckled. I peeked back in the bag shocked at what I found. The bag was full of handcuffs, eye masks, something that looked suspiciously like a very sexy piece of lingerie bordering on fetish wear, lotions and potions, and a rather large, rather garish vibrator. “Don’t be looking like you’re shocked by all that stuff. I know you and Craig enjoy a little extracurricular activity, and hey, it’s your honeymoon, it’s expected.” Becki’s eye brows wiggled as the colour drained from my cheeks. As adventurous as we may have been with positions and even locations, Craig and I had never really experimented with other things.


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