City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection

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City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection Page 123

by K. J. Dahlen

  I expected her to wait for me, but she smiles and thanks me for the Spanish lesson as if I’m a stranger. She wants to act as if we’re complete strangers. It’s crazy to think that I want to be with someone. Someone I don’t know and the idea of getting to know her better is too much of a temptation to resist.

  She looks like a lost child as I collect my case and I know that she wants me to call her. Ask if she has a place to stay, but we’re supposed to be strangers. I don’t know exactly how this thing works.

  She slowly walks toward me. “Hey, Ted, I thought that maybe you need a woman to help you with your business.”

  I asked teasing her, “Do you have any experience in the boating industry, Carly?”

  She’s disappointed about my question, she probably thought that I’d tell her come with me, but I need to make sure she knows what she’s asking. That she wants to be here with me.

  “No.” She turns to walk away.

  “Just like that, you’re about to give up?” I ask as I chase after her, that’s when I notice she has nothing. No case. Nothing to say that she’s going to live here. She could have just come for the flight and easily turn back and gotten a flight back anywhere.

  “Well, I don’t have any experience in the boating experience. So, what do you want me to do?”

  I can see the tears welling up in her eyes, and she’s about to throw in the towel. I know she’s a lot stronger than that, so I regret making it harder for her and decide to make it a lot easier. “Do you have any experience with customer service?”

  She nods excitedly. “Yes, I used to be a waitress. Does that count?”

  I sigh. “Yes, it does. Were you any good?”

  She laughs as she lets down her guard. “Excellent. Customers said that they used to come back, not for the food, but just to see my smiling face.”

  We both laugh as she winks at her last line.

  “Well, with a smile like that how can I say no?”

  She smiles as she takes my arm which is an open invitation for us to walk together. “I hope that the job comes with accommodation too, because I have nowhere to stay.”

  I nod. “Don’t worry it comes with living accommodation and even clothes too.”


  I shake my head. “No, but I can tell you’re going to need it. You didn’t get a case, and you’re entering Mexico empty-handed.”

  She disagree, “I’m not. I have you. A job and accommodations. That’s all I need for now.”

  “Yes, that’s all you need for now. It’s a start. A brand new one with a total stranger what more can a girl ask for?”

  “Nothing.’ She grins. “I’m so glad I met you on the plane. If I didn’t meet you, who knows what would have happened next?”

  I pat her hand. “Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands. Just walk with me.”

  We head outside of the airport and grab a taxi. She sits like an excited kid taking in all the sights. I know that this game she’s playing is for real. I want to get to know her better too. Not the woman I had tied up and took her virginity, but as a woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, that’s if she’ll have me.

  I’ll make sure that I do because this time I’m not going to fuck up. I’m not going to be worrying about building up a fucking multi-million dollar empire, but making sure the woman that’s by my side will be mine for life.



  Business is booming, and all the locals keep telling us that we should expand the business, but Ted always looks at me and says, ‘Expanding it will attract attention.’

  That’s not the only reason why he doesn’t want to expand; I know the real reason is that he said he’d give us his one hundred percent attention. Being a father has changed Ted from being a man that loses his temper as quick as a flash of lightning to one who worries about other people’s feelings, all the time.

  Sometimes, I wonder if, during the last couple of years, we’ve changed roles or something? He says I’m harsher, but then I blame carrying his child for making my hormones go completely crazy, but as much as I love Junior, I wouldn’t hesitate in doing it again.

  Ted drives his mouth onto mine, and his hands lose all sense of propriety as he curves my ass. I moan unable to see exactly where we are, but I can’t-do anything as I’m in a trap. Ted seizes me firmly, and I’m straddled in the middle of the car. It’s as if he comes to his senses as he growls, “Babes, tonight is all about you and me.”


  It’s past midnight and Ted said that he had a surprise, I thought he was going to propose, I didn’t know he wanted us to fuck. Not on top of his new jeep. It would have been more comfortable doing it at home. I hate his new car; some guys say that he’s reclaiming his youth. I thought he was already doing that by getting together with me.

  He uses one hand to pull me toward him, and then he lifts me up so that I’m sitting on top of the car. His movements are so quick and skilled, but part of me wants to tell him to slow down.

  “Babes, there’s no rush!”

  He rocks on top of me, as he pushes me onto the car and then put’s his fingers inside my dripping panties. “You’re so fucking wet!”

  “It’s the heat,” I say in my defense, but I know that it’s not true. I just thought this was going to be a romantic night. Then again, maybe I’m getting too boring always thinking of the business, Junior or him. Never just thinking of us. I close my eyes and let Ted take my control. I pull him closer, as excitement starts to take over.

  He starts kissing my neck and then he changes the pace. One minute he’s moving quickly and the next slowly. It’s as if he’s pleasuring and torturing me at the same time. My body doesn’t feel like it can stay in this state of arousal and it’s as if I’m coming apart at the seams.

  He lifts up my dress, and I have no underwear on. Ted smiles. “No underwear.”

  I shrug, thinking I was in such a hurry, it was something that I was going to do, but I became distracted.

  He kisses my body from my stomach to my navel, and then he stops as he reaches my pussy. Then without hesitation, he starts to devour me even more. He doesn’t just focus on my clit like he’d done so many times. He carefully caresses my opening with long, soft strokes. Each lick is making me peel further and further away. He’s no longer satisfied with just using his tongue, as he replaces it with his cock in one swift movement.

  My back’s uncomfortable on top of the car. I find myself breathless and speechless with my aching back and my pussy crying out for more.

  He pauses for a second to make himself more comfortable. “You ready for the ride,” he growls as he drops his pants down and eases inside of me.

  I should tell him the truth, which this isn’t what I expected, but right now, I don’t care as I can feel my tender skin burning as he slowly enters me.

  It feels as if he’s moving in slow motion. My muscles begin to ripple and draw him. I become wetter on an automatic dial to accommodate him. The discomfort is a fading memory as my hands start to dance on his chest. I start to rock my hips back and forth, easing him in even further. It’s as if I have no control over my body. He’s completely inside of me and starts to fuck me even harder.

  He crushes his body against mine, and his cock starts to batter against my G-spot. I don’t feel as if I’m just coming; I want him to keep going as I feel my orgasm tearing me apart.

  “I’m not done with you, yet,” he warns me and is trying to prevent me from coming.

  I know that if I do, then he’ll stop just like that. As much as Ted tries and says he’s nothing like his old life. That it’s a thing of the past. There’s always something that makes it known he hasn’t left that life behind. Not entirely, because underneath it all, he’s still a Dom. I wish I could switch on and off, it feels as if only he has the buttons do to that.

  Ted stopped moving, and my hips are still rocking slowly as I try and calm down my orgasm. I’m unclear what to do next. I’ve slow
ed down so much that my movements are nearly subsiding as I start to feel weak.

  “You’re so fucking good, that I can’t wait to reward you.” Ted holds me and then as his cock moves back and forth. I watch as his breathing turns into a growl.

  This can only mean one thing, which is Ted’s ready to come. He roars so fucking loud that I expect the damn animals in the woods are scared, but not as much as the fire that’s burning through me and causing me to scream like I was raised in a brothel. I close my eyes, as I concentrate on joining him. I can feel his body vibrating through his mind. His hips go out of control as his thrust become wilder and his fingers tighten on me.

  “I’m fucking coming now,” Ted growls out, and within a couple of thrusts, I do not even get the chance to reply as he pumps one more time. And explodes inside me. His back arches as my pussy milks every last drop of his cum. I’m just about to drop on the car once again, and before I can do any serious damage to my back, Ted catches me as if he’s my hero. The one who can stop anything bad from happening to me all the time.

  I wrap my arms around him as I’m trying to catch my breath and talk at the same time. I take deep breaths as let the cool breeze stop my heart from pumping out of control. “I thought that we were coming here for a different reason,” I sigh as he pushes me back and stares at me for a second. Enough to know that I’m not happy about our little venture. Why do I feel as if I’m complaining all the time?

  Sometimes, I just find it so frustrating. He makes an effort, and all I do is complain.

  “I’m not a romantic guy.” He sighs.

  I jump off the hood thinking that I want to avoid this conversation. We’d had it so many times, and it always ended up the same way. Him thinking that I’m not happy and me trying to explain that I am, but things needed to change.

  Either way, we’ll have these discussions, and it would take a while for us to realize that this is what relationships about. It’s about giving and taking. I knew that there would always be things that would remind me of Cheryl, Olivia, and Fred. Sometimes, tourists would come and hire the boats, and I’d think of them, or sometimes I would have a nap and do the same. Not often as before, but just sometimes. Enough for them to still be in my thoughts. I’d never want them to go away.

  “Is it about your mom and Hayley?”

  I shake my head, thinking that I’d forgotten about the news report. They were found in a lake; I wasn’t even paying attention to the issues with them not being able to identify the body because of the distortion of the face or the teeth that were missing. I didn’t register the first or second time that it was them, until Ted made it clear that it was. He told me he knew his dad was after them, and most likely me.

  I wanted to protect only me, and I said that it was a good idea. They were my family, but I knew that I would have to spend my whole life protecting them, which is a lot more than Mom ever did for me.

  I sigh as I finally have my clothes on and his pants are firmly around his waist.

  “Are you not happy?”

  I nod thinking that it had nothing to do with being happy. “I have a sense of purpose here, and it doesn’t involve trying to bring a mobster to his knees,” I say as I kiss him on the lips.

  He moves away from me. He wants a serious conversation. Something I’d rather avoid, as I want to get home. We have a friend looking after Junior, but there’s something about him being this age. I just want him around all the time. Ted says that I’m obsessed, maybe. I had a close call while giving birth to him and I always worry the doctor’s never found something wrong with him because they weren’t looking for it. I’m always paranoid that I’ll be one of those parents who wakes up in the middle of the night and finds their baby dead.

  I had no foundation for my fear, but my life was never easy, and I always feel that everything happens for a reason, and one day, the reason will be crystal clear. I’m being punished for the three years I’d spent thinking that I’d bring Marco to his knees.

  Which is exactly what he did as he pulled out something from his back pocket. “Carly Willows, will you be my lawful wife?”

  I shake then nod my head. “But how are we going to do that. So your idea was to bring me here to fuck and then afterwards, propose?”

  He sighs. “I told you that I’m not a romantic guy.”

  I pull him up to his feet and agree, “I’ll say. If the kids ever ask how you proposed, please don’t tell them you did this.”

  “That I took you to a secluded romantic part of the woods. Somewhere that we’d never been and then I held you in my arms, pulled out the biggest diamond and offered you my heart.”

  I laugh. “You have such a sweet way with words that I always can’t help but fall in love with you.”

  “So does that mean you’re going to marry me?”

  I nod my head, but he wants me to say the words as he puts his finger underneath my chin.

  “I want to hear you say the words. Will you marry me?”

  I nod my head. “I’ll marry you. Because this is what I want. Want, and I thought that maybe you didn’t want it. You said so many times that you think marriage is a sin etc. Because it causes so many problems.”

  “I say a lot of things, Carly. Most of the time, they’re not true. I’m not going to deny that I was thinking of marrying again. But I want you in my life for good. I couldn’t imagine it without you and Junior.”

  I wrap my arms around him and hug him so damn tight. I’ve got everything that I’ve ever wanted in life, and it’s all in Cancun. A family I made, not the one that I was born with and have managed to get rid of like a bad smell. I do miss my adopted family like crazy. I hope that one day we’ll be reunited. As they say, never say never. I never thought I would find true love in the man I was desperate to bring down. I found it, and now I’ve got it. I’m never going to let it go.

  About Roxy Sinclaire

  Roxy Sinclaire writes steamy, suspenseful romantic stories as the main genre, and this includes a variety of different topics. Some of these include dark romances, action packed romances, mafia romances, and many more. She currently works in customer relations in New York City, but is trying to fulfill her passion in writing and eventually have her dream job become a reality.

  Please see her Author Central Account on Amazon for a full list of her titles.

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  Also by Roxy Sinclaire


  Book Boyfriends

  Omerta Series Box Set Books 1-3 (Volume 1)

  * * *

  Pass To Win Series:

  Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Book 1)

  Line of Scrimmage: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (Book 2)

  Between The Tackles: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Book 3)

  Fourth and Goal: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Book 4)

  Game Winning Catch: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (Book 5)

  Second Chance Draft: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Book 6)

  * * *

  Mafia Romance Series:

  Dirty Indiscretions: A Dark Mafia Romance (Book 1)

  Her Protection: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Book 2)

  Deadly Ink: A Dark Mafia Romance (Book 3)

  His Revenge: A Mafia Revenge Romance (Book 4)

  His Betrayal: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Book 5)

  Dangerous Indulgence: A Dark Mafia Romance (Book 6)

  * * *

  Romantic Secret Agents Series:

  Lethal Seduction (Book 1)

  Deadly Seduction (Book 2)

  Toxic Seduction (Book 3)

  * * *

  Deadly Pass
ion Series:

  High Stakes (Book 1)

  Double or Nothing (Book 2)

  Triple Threat (Book 3)

  * * *

  City Bad Boys Series:

  Object Me: A Bad Boy Lawyer Romance (Book 1)

  Entitled: A Bad Boy Romance (Book 2)

  Tempting Me: A Bad Boy Romance (Book 3)

  Fast And Loaded: A Bad Boy Romance (Book 4)

  * * *

  One More Series:

  One More Kiss (Book 1)

  One More Turn (Book 2)

  One More Chance (Book 3)

  One More Night (Book 4)

  * * *

  Standalone Novels

  One Night With The Tycoon: A Billionaire Romance

  Dirty Fighter: A Bad Boy MMA Romance

  The Devil’s Dream: A Dark Romance

  Trapped In His World: A Dark Romance

  Dirty Money: A Dark Mafia Romance

  Deceived By The Hitman: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance

  Mafia Mistress

  Billionaire Book Club #4

  Nikky Kaye



  I placed my booted foot against Mikhail’s throat. In Russian, I said, “I am not going to say it again.”

  I saw the fine bones at his neck quiver under my weight and held it, poised to crush those bones if I didn’t get the answer I wanted. Don’t push me, man. Neither of us wants to do this. I heard a noise like Mikhail was trying to speak, and I lifted up slightly.

  “I… don’t… know anything!” Mikhail gasped, flailing his arms.


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