City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection

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City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection Page 142

by K. J. Dahlen

  “How can you make light of this?” she said in frustration.

  “Hey,” he said, pulling her to her feet and gathering her into his arms. “It was worth it. Teach that spineless woman-hitting prick a lesson. All of them. We may be gun-waving, gun-loving, woman-loving Neanderthals, but we don’t abide hitting women and children. I’d love to know what happened to the jack-off who punched your lights out. But, no, what my guys and I did was all for you and your friend.”

  Lenny. Lenny was in the hospital because of all of the craziness.

  “I want to go see him tomorrow.” She wasn’t going to take no for answer.

  “Fine. I’ll take you. I have to be at work first thing in the morning, but I can take you afterwards.”

  “Alright,” she rasped. She was overloaded with so many emotions—for him, for what had happened, and because she was exhausted. However, her feelings for Cody overran everything else at the moment. Adoration. Passion. In a way, she owed Nelson Primeaux a debt of gratitude. Not much, though; barely a smidgen. If he had not tampered with her car, Cody wouldn’t have stopped to help her when they first met.

  He guided her to his bedroom. He spread an electric blanket on top of the bed and helped her out of her clothes. The warmth of the blanket was so delicious against her bare skin. The heat penetrated her muscles.

  Cody lit candles and spilled peppermint oil into his palms. He straddled her buttocks and pushed the palm-warmed oil into her skin. He applied just the right amount of pressure on her stiff and sore body. Her fall to the ground felt the same as if she had gotten rear-ended by a car. He worked the aches from her. The oil soothed her tremendously.

  “Oh my goodness,” she said. “You’re a genius.”

  “Hmm,” he said, with a slight scold in his voice. “You mean I know what I’m doing?”

  “Yes,” she relented, getting his meaning.

  “Good to know,” he whispered, nuzzling her ear.

  His voice tickled her and sent an electric buzz through her. Her nipples were hard against the electric blanket. To be excited while the blanket warmed her was super-sensuous. The effect went straight to her core. She ached immediately. She needed to be filled. She swam in her need, letting it sweetly torture.

  Cody paused and peeled his T-shirt from his perfect torso. He massaged her tender back, working lower and lower to the small of her back. He shifted to the side of her. His hands worked the firm curves of her buttocks. The peppermint oil cooled and heated her flesh at the same time. He continued to her taut hamstrings and calves.

  But when Cody began to massage her feet, she really got turned on. He had the talent to work her feet without tickling her like crazy. The pressure in particular at her arches was particularly erotic. He pushed his thumbs into the soft spot of her feet. She was in blissful agony.

  Mariah rolled over onto her back and boldly touched herself. Cody watched, continuing to massage her feet, knowing what kind of effect he had on her. He did something almost a little weird for her. He put her toes in his mouth. She had never had anyone do that before. She probably couldn’t let anyone but him do that.

  His mouth was so soft and wet and hot, and every nerve of her very sensitive toe was alive. All paths of the feelings in her toe went straight to the center of her body. Mariah had the strongest urge to come.

  Again, he knew.

  She was writhing with pent-up passion. She worked her fingers back and forth. He kissed the arch of her foot, which made her cry out. His lips traveled up the inside of her leg. Mariah stomped her free foot against the mattress.

  Finally, Cody’s mouth was where her hand was, working with her to help her find her pleasure. Her fingers moved against his tongue, until she was felt her body shift into orgasm mode. The darting of his tongue in and out of her aroused, swollen channel was too much. She needed release. Now. From deep within, she climaxed.

  Cody licked and stroked all the way through the tremors. The rush was like a tidal wave that bathed her from head to toe. He did not let up while the sweet seizing took her.

  He rose slightly. She watched him through her lowered lids. Every chance she had to catch sight of his magnificent body, she took it. He was like human stallion, rearing up as he unbuckled his jeans and pushed them down.

  Cody leaned forward in a push-up position over her. Mariah’s hands were now free. She reached between them and guided his erection into her. His heat filled her so sweetly, so completely. Mariah’s heart revved. Her breath rose as he slowly moved in and out of her.

  His large hand cupped her buttocks, now slick with peppermint oil. The support of her backside as he drove into her created luscious tension. His fingers slipped into her deep crevice and tantalized her opening there.

  Mariah’s body, already sparklingly sensitive from her recent orgasm, spasmed and drew up with his stroking. She could hardly withstand the barrage of pleasure. She felt like she was going to come again.

  She slid an oiled hand over her breast and down her stomach. Cody’s movement did not stop, but his eyes followed her hand. She touched herself again, moaning from the luscious sensation of him inside of her and her fingers touching her swollen nub. The peppermint oil was now everywhere, and the heat stimulated her most sensitive places. She was throbbing. She worked her fingers, bringing back to life her pleasure. Her muscles tightened around his hardness uncontrollably. Her nipples grew hard, and pointed towards the ceiling as Cody drove into her.

  Mariah’s breasts bobbed with Cody’s pumping. He bent down and captured one of her erect nipples in his hot mouth. He sucked hard. It tugged at her very core. Her belly melted as the ripples of pleasure rolled through her.

  The stiffness of her body, the aches and pains from the fall, had left her body. She was able to lift her leg and rest it on his broad shoulders. Cody continued his ride. He drove deeper and deeper into her. Her orgasm ebbed from her body, though his stroking continued to pleasure her. She couldn’t stop the need for more of him. She wanted to come again.

  She cupped her wobbling breasts wantonly. She played with them as she looked into his eyes. Cody’s eyelids were heavy with arousal. She teased him mercilessly, tweaking her nipples between her fingers and thumbs for his visual pleasure.

  Cody’s body stiffened. His motion became jerky and less fluid. His head arched back towards the ceiling as his orgasm exploded. The mighty biker man was helpless in his pleasure. It turned her on even more. She helped him along by pumping her hips upward against him. She swiveled her body to mix up the tension. He whimpered, but he took it. Mariah kept it up for as long as he held up, until, finally, he folded against the mattress.

  Cody squirmed against the bedding, still reeling from his climax. He panted and clutched her side, his massive hand covering her ass cheek as he groaned and caught his breath. Once he was restored, he stroked her with his fingertips. “How’re you doing?” he asked with concern.

  “I’m more than fine,” she responded with a lazy smile.

  “I know you’re fine,” he replied flirtatiously. “I don’t think that the doctor had raging sex in mind when he asked me to take care of you. In fact, he said to take it easy.”

  She grinded against him lasciviously, her wetness warm against his hot skin.

  “You don’t think he would approve of your special injections?” she asked.

  Cody choked on her graphic joke. “What happened to my sweet little lounge singer? Did your association with a bad boy biker change you?”

  “Maybe,” said Mariah playfully. “Or I’m just showing you my true colors now.”

  “Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow at her as his hand slipped between her legs. His finger slid inside her. “Have I been misled all this time?”

  “Well, if you don’t like it,” she said and rolled over. His touch left her craving more; even teasing him excited her.

  He reached for her and forced her onto her back, and then set his hands on the mattress, on each side of her shoulders, towering over her. “I’m not compl
aining at all.” His growing erection teased her inner thigh.

  Mariah was randomly struck by a serious thought. “You gave Nelson a pretty serious beating,” she said.

  He groaned and gave her a look that seemed to say ‘really you want to talk about him now?’ He shrugged. “I did. However, not bad enough to put him in the hospital like he did you.”

  “Well, not to argue, but it was his guy who hit me,” said Mariah, rotating her hips to press against him again.

  “Let’s just say he’s damn lucky he wasn’t there,” growled Cody. “Nelson called the shots.”

  “Is there a chance the cops are going to come after you now?” The thought scared her enough to stop her gyrating.

  “I guess if someone presses charges. I don’t think he has the balls,” said Cody. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I will worry about it, but I trust you,” She yawned, the warmness of the heating blanket changing her desire to relaxation.

  “Oh, good,” he said sarcastically, but she could tell he was teasing her.

  Cody got off the bed and lifted Mariah to lay her under the sheets. He climbed in beside her, pressing her back against his front. “I’d fuck you again, but I just heard two bikes pull up,” he whispered in her ear.

  When the bikers let themselves in, Cody got up to check, and then quickly returned. They slept soundly, knowing they were secure for the remainder of the night.


  Cody dropped Mariah off at the mechanic’s the next morning. The mechanic called to say the car was available for pick-up. Nelson had cut the break lines but they had been fixed. Mariah arranged with the other band members to meet at Lenny’s bedside. Lenny was still in ICU. His injuries were healing, but he had a long road of rehab ahead of him. It was not likely he would be playing music again. Or at least in the near future.

  It broke her heart that this happened because of her.

  Mariah arrived earlier than her bandmates. She had not had any private time with Lenny since the fight. She broke down as soon as she sat beside him. Lenny lay asleep, machines still hooked up to his body. She pinched the bridge of her nose and wept quietly. She stirred when she felt a quiet but firm hand on her shoulder.

  Mariah jolted, looking up and assuming it would be a nurse or doctor. She almost screamed when she saw who it was.

  Nelson Primeaux. His face was badly bruised and swollen.

  “Quiet,” he said in a low, gruff voice. “Remember where you are.”

  “Why the hell won’t you leave me alone?” she hissed.

  “I just want to say a few things to you,” he said coolly. “Some things you need to know.”

  “You’re in violation of your restraining order,” said Mariah helplessly.

  “You want to play that card?” he scoffed. “I want to tell you something and I’m going to say it. Now shut the fuck up. What I saw in you I’ll never know, but you have to know I fell head over heels in love with you. Crazy. But whatever. You think I’m a low-life scum? Your boy Cody is no better. Robinson Street bikers have the rep of being the most powerful club in Baltimore.”

  Even though it was warm outside, Nelson wore a leather vest and, every so often, Mariah smelled its sweet scent.

  “Your boy Cody kept saying over and over again, as he pummeled me, how he couldn’t wait to be king of the streets. There was a rumor he just happened to be at the scene of your car accident a couple of weeks ago. He knew I was hot for you. Then there was the rumor that he was going to go after you just to spite me. Show whose ho you were.”

  “You’re saying Cody went after me just to spite you?” she asked incredulously. He had some nerve!

  “I had someone tamper with your car, I admit. I went nuts for you. You stop and think. Don’t answer. Just think. Where does he live?” asked Nelson.

  She lurched as though she was going to answer him out loud, but he stopped her.

  “So you think of where Harry’s is and where his place is. You tell me how on earth he just happened to be right behind you,” he pressed.

  Mariah had never considered that. “He might have been…” her voice trailed off. It was kind of weird, but it didn’t matter. Mariah knew how she felt about Cody, and the feeling was mutual. That couldn’t be faked. “How do you know this?” she asked with a hint of doubt. “Did he confess it?”

  “Bikers tend to hang out in the same joints. He has a pal named Adam who blabbed. They had a discussion that, now that you were Cody’s, the streets were as good as theirs.”

  “So what? He’s still with me.” Mariah glanced at the hallway, wishing the other band members would arrive.

  “For now. But Cody Dallas likes his women. You gotta know a guy like that has had quite a lot. He knew he could get you if he wanted. He goes after what he wants.”

  “So did you,” she said spitefully. “Look how that worked out for you.”

  “Bikers have their own code. As soon as he knows he has the position he’s after, he’s going to drop you,” he laughed. “I hope you haven’t fucked him yet.”

  She stood. “Get the hell out,” she hissed. “You’ve said what you had to say. Go away. Keep your promise. Stop hurting my friends.”

  “He shouldn’t have embarrassed me in front of my men,” said Nelson matter-of-factly.

  “You’d better get out before my friends see you,” she said, wanting to throw up.

  “Aw,” he said facetiously, “I didn’t know you cared.”

  Just as he was about to make an exit, he turned around. “By the way, I understand you attempted to spread a rumor about my masculinity.”

  “Whatever,” she turned her attention back to Lenny, wishing he would wake and tell Nelson to get the fuck out.

  “Whatever this, baby,” said Nelson. “If I hear it again, I’m likely to insist on proving otherwise. Keep your slut mouth shut.”

  The other band members appeared and crowded behind Nelson. They were no match for him, Mariah knew. They knew that. Even injured, Nelson knew that. But at least the two of them gave him a good scare. They stepped aside to let him pass.

  “What was he telling you to keep your mouth shut about?” asked her guitarist, Charlie.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, though she was very worried.

  The tension in the air could not have been good for Lenny.

  She sighed and forced a smile. “The main thing is that Nelson said he’s leaving us alone. We won’t have any more trouble from him,” she said.

  “Oh, great; now that he’s ruined our friend’s life, I guess he can stop now,” said the guitarist sarcastically.

  “You sit with him,” she said. “I’d better go. I don’t want my vibes bringing Lenny down.”

  “We have to talk about a temporary player just until he gets better,” said Charlie.

  “Are you well enough to sing?” asked the bass guitarist, Ben. “I need to get playing again. I need the money.” He shrugged. “Sorry, guys; I can’t wait.”

  “Why don’t you guys come to my house for dinner,” she suggested, feeling like she had the flu. “I don’t really think we should talk about this in front of Lenny.”

  “He can’t hear us.”

  “You never know what people hear even if you think they can’t,” she replied.

  Mariah meant Adam, Cody’s friend. Maybe she was blowing all of this out of proportion. She was trying to do the math and figure everything out without talking to Cody about it.

  In fact, her solution felt like it should be not talking to Cody at all. She recalled him saying something about being Robinson Street’s rivals. That Dark Riders would be the most powerful bikers in Baltimore if Nelson’s club caved. Should she even bother to believe Nelson?

  It was a dumb thing to get worked up about. And maybe the fact that she had just suffered a mild concussion had something to do with how easily Nelson got her worked up. Cody called her his girlfriend. If he was just using her, he didn’t need to do that. It was awfully soon. There was plenty of time to
do that. He wasn’t doing it to claim her. He was doing it because he cared. She knew it in her heart.

  Or did she?

  If she did, she wouldn’t be so torn. She went straight home. She needed to rest. She sent a text to Cody so he wouldn’t worry about her, but she wasn’t sure what she was going to do about the two of them. There was no peace in her now that Nelson Primeaux had planted the seed of doubt.

  If it weren’t for Nelson promising that he wouldn’t bother her anymore, she would have sucked it up and stayed with Cody. When she entered the house – a place she had lived in alone for years – she was a little nervous. Naturally Cody came to mind. She clutched her cell phone.

  She sent him a text: Hey, sweetie. I’m at home. My house. I’m meeting the band later to go over options. But I’m a little spooked.

  Why? Cody replied.

  Just cause. Silly stuff. I need a bath. Care if I bath-text you?

  Yes, please.

  Something about connecting did away with her fear. She felt okay enough to go upstairs to her room and to draw a bath in the master bathroom.

  You haven’t been upstairs in my bedroom before.

  Send me a picture.

  She stripped down to her underwear and laid flat on her mattress. She took a selfie.

  Sweet. Now I’m hard.

  She stepped into her bathroom and locked the door behind her. She drew a bath. She slicked herself up with body wash and took another picture. She isolated her breast and nipple dewy with soap. She sent it.

  I’m going to climb through the phone now.

  She dunked and washed her hair. Her head was filled with such confusion. Her body and her heart wanted him. But she was numb because part of her believed Nelson’s spin that Cody had just used her to create chaos with the Robinson Street bikers. Mariah wrapped up her hair up and curled up in bed.

  No more texts? asked Cody.

  Sorry. I’m rushing now to make dinner for the band.

  It was a lie and she hated it. She avoided talking to him for the rest of the afternoon. She worked on the band’s calendar. The band members came over, and together they figured out the gigs they could make. She ordered a pizza. Someone opened a bottle of wine. Mariah had none of it. No pizza either. She couldn’t eat. They noted when her phone buzzed, and she ignored it.


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