Educating Ansley - a RED hot menage with cowboys

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Educating Ansley - a RED hot menage with cowboys Page 11

by Johnson, Cat

  They’d gotten a little energetic at the end there. She could be sore.

  “Don’t stop.” She squeezed him with the thighs she still had wrapped around his waist.

  “Don’t you worry about that. I won’t.” He was so deep and they were pressed so closely together, his groin rubbed against her clit with his every stroke into her ass.

  Ansley drew in a shaky breath and he felt her body clenching his, coiling, ready to snap again. Still sliding slowly in and out, Jeremy wrapped his arms around her. The bold, flirty girl who liked to play games was gone. In her place was a woman who knew what it was to be made love to by a man.

  The only thing that shadowed the perfection of the moment was thoughts of Ryan. Taking her from his brother would be a shitty thing to do. Losing her to him after this would suck worse. Sharing her? Could Jeremy handle having her in his bed one night knowing she would be in Ryan’s the next? Ansley made him feel things he never had before so who the hell knew what he was capable of. And right now, she was grabbing his ass and pulling him deeper inside her and it felt totally right.

  “I’m so close.” She gasped. “Jeremy. Please. Faster.”

  Jeremy didn’t have all the answers, but he knew he was definitely capable of that. He groaned as he proved it, pistoning into her faster. She’d definitely be sore tomorrow but that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Every twinge would remind her of this. Of him. He liked the idea.

  That and Ansley coming around him, drove all concerns about the future clear out of his head.


  Ansley stared at the ceiling, sleep eluding her as events from the day before replayed in her head. Ryan. Jeremy. Her feelings about both men and what they’d done with her. To her.

  Dinner last night had been interesting. Ryan not knowing Jeremy had seen them together or that she’d been with his brother. Jeremy acting like he knew nothing, had done nothing. All of them hiding what was happening from Ramona. Both boys shooting her smoldering looks that had her quivering inside. It was complicated. The situation definitely didn’t make eating easy.

  The brothers were so alike in some ways. So different in others. Yet she wanted them both with an intensity that should be frightening if it didn’t feel so good. Ryan’s mouth. His touch. Jeremy’s kisses. His cock… She stretched and felt the tug of soreness and the memories were fresh in her mind again.

  All of it had felt so good. If they could do that to her separately, imagine what they could do to her together. But Jeremy had turned her down on the offer of a threesome once already out in the shed. Of course, maybe things were different now after what they’d shared at his house.

  No. She knew Jeremy too well, even in the few days she’d been there. He wasn’t the type to share. Alpha male all the way. Pity.

  Frustrated, she grew tired of staring at cracked paint and got up, suddenly feeling the need to talk. She grabbed her cell phone. Five a.m. was too late to call, or perhaps too early depending how you thought about it, but not to text Tiffany. More than likely, she’d stayed at a club until closing time at four and was still up.

  r u awake?

  The response came through a few seconds later.

  @ diner in Montauk eating

  Good to know Tiffany was a creature of habit. It never failed. After a night of drinking, she liked some food before heading to bed.

  Ansley hit dial. Tiffany answered on the third ring. “You have to get out here right now. We’re having a blast.”

  Sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room, she pulled her feet up under her as the chair swayed back and forth. The soreness in her muscles made her feel closer to Jeremy, like the two of them had a secret she didn’t even want to share with Tiffany. Not yet anyway. Maybe later.

  Keeping her voice low, Ansley let out a snort of a laugh at her friend’s suggestion. “Come to Long Island? I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I’m still banished. Remember? What’s going on? Tell me everything.”

  “Oh my God, it’s been crazy. Hang on…”

  She heard Tiffany cover the phone, talk to someone, then there was the sound of walking.

  Ansley frowned. “What are you doing?”

  “I had to go into the ladies room so he didn’t hear.” Tiffany’s voice had the distinctive quality of a bathroom echo.

  “Who? Bobby?”

  “No. He and I are pretty much over. You are so behind. Last night we went to Steven Talk House in Amagansett and it was open mic night and I met the hottest guitarist. He’s like all poor and lives in a tent at that campground here, Hither Hills I think it’s called. Anyway, after his set was done, we left and there was a bonfire on the beach.”

  “Wow.” She couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Tiffany’s huge crush on Bobby in the short time she’d been gone.

  “I wish you were here. He’s got this friend you’d really like and they both have long hair and they talk like in poems. They are so much deeper than Bobby and Jonathon.”

  Ansley cringed. “Jonathon is out there too?”

  “Yeah, a whole bunch of the guys from the graduation party came out to stay. Anyway, when do you get released from Mooseville?”

  “I don’t know. My return ticket is for the end of the summer and I’ve been avoiding talking to my grandmother so…”

  “Well, do whatever you have to and get out here. I need you. I’m telling you, you know how the guys agreed to touch each other in the hot tub after we promised to do whatever they wanted?” From the excitement in Tiffany’s voice, it sounded as if she wanted a repeat of their hot tub game.

  “Yeah.” Ansley raised a brow, waiting for the rest.

  “Well these guys… Ans, I think they’d do even more. Not just touching each other, but everything.” Tiffany stressed the last word.

  A vision had Ansley starting to throb. She suddenly imagined Jon behind Bobby doing that to him in the hot tub. All in exchange for letting Tiffany do what she’d done to Ansley. Or maybe they’d want her to do it to Tiffany this time instead. Could she do that? Would she enjoy it? She felt the moisture begin to form as her pussy clenched. Apparently she liked the idea.


  “I know! Listen, Ans. I better get back. They’ll be wondering where I am, but work on getting your ass back here.”

  “Okay. Talk to you soon, Tiff.”

  Tiffany said goodbye, there was a click and then she was gone.

  Ansley clicked off the call and sat, rocking in the chair and thinking.

  Aside from her odd reaction to the thought of the two boys in the hot tub fucking each other, there had been something else strange about the conversation. Speaking with Tiffany really hadn’t made Ansley feel bad she wasn’t there in New York. Just yesterday she would have done anything to get sent home. Now she wasn’t so tempted to leave.

  The idea of being out there, of doing stuff with Tiffany’s two new guy friends, wasn’t all that enticing to her anymore. Not after being with the Kanes. Jeremy was right. What she’d done with him, or even when she’d been with Ryan, it had been intimate. It felt nothing like what she’d done with Jon, or any other boy before him. The acts were the same, but her feelings were different. Jeremy and Ryan were different. The way they treated her... Or maybe she was just different.

  The girl that had been able to do almost anything with anybody with no strings, was she totally gone? That thought was a little scary. Especially since she’d be leaving the Kanes in just a few months.

  Sunlight slanted through the window, brighter now. Unfolding her legs and planting her feet on the floor, Ansley stood. There was no way she was getting back to sleep now. She headed for the hallway bathroom and a shower. She suddenly felt like she needed one.

  “Good morning, Ramona.”

  Freshly showered and surrounded by the enticing odor of fresh brewed coffee, Ansley actually felt like it was a good morning. That could have also been the expectation that any moment one or both of the Kane boys could walk into the room and sh
oot her the look that said they remembered yesterday and wanted a repeat really soon.

  “Morning, darlin’. You’re up early.”

  “Yeah. I couldn’t sleep any more.”

  “Something on your mind?”

  “Not really.” Ansley shrugged.

  Ramona raised a brow. “Those two boys aren’t giving you trouble, are they?”

  Ansley felt her eyes open wide. How could she know?

  “Ah. It is the boys.” Ramona laughed. So much for Ansley’s poker face. “Do I need to take a switch to them like I had to when they were little?”

  Jeremy and Ryan bent over and bare assed but for her, not Ramona, was actually pretty enticing. Ansley couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry, Ramona. They’re not causing me any trouble.” It was her own damn feelings creating problems.

  The older woman pursed her lips. “Okay, well let me know if they do.” Ramona lifted the coffee pot. “Coffee, darlin’?”

  “Yes, please.” Happy the conversation has moved away from the dangerous topic of the boys, Ansley moved to the cabinet and retrieved a mug.

  Ramona smiled while filling the cup Ansley had handed her. “I’m glad to see you’re settling in. I told Moira last night you were doing fine.”

  Her attention shifted from getting the cream out of the fridge, to Ramona. “You spoke with my grandmother?”

  “Yup. She sends her love.”

  Ansley doubting that was true. “Did she say anything else?”

  Suddenly, she feared her grandmother would decide her punishment was over and summon her back to Connecticut. How crazy was it that? She was actually afraid she’d be forced to leave.

  “No, not really.” Ramona shrugged and glanced at her watch. “I’m going to have to run. The church tag sale is next week and we’ve been working pretty much round the clock to get everything organized, tagged and ready. Could I ask you a favor?”

  Ansley nodded. “Sure. Of course. Anything.”

  “I don’t have time to cook for the boys. Could you throw some lunch together?”

  “I’ll take care of it. No problem.” She jumped at being able to help out.

  “That would be wonderful. There are lots of things in the fridge and pantry. They’d be happy with something simple, like chili or rice and beans. Usually I wouldn’t worry and they could drive to town and grab something, but they’re having a heck of a time this morning. Some of the fencing broke and half the herd was over at the neighbor’s place. It’s going to take them a lot of work to get them back and that fence secured and I just don’t have time—”

  “Don’t worry any more about it. Honestly. I’ve got it covered.”

  Ramona smiled. “Thank you. It’s nice to have another woman around this place.”

  Ansley returned her smile, and then began to calculate how in the world she was going to learn to cook in a few short hours.

  As soon as the screen door slammed behind Ramona, Ansley headed for the computer she’d seen in the family room. She supposed she could call her grandmother’s housekeeper and have her talk her through something easy if she couldn’t find any simple recipes online.

  The browser popped up and she went to work. A few minutes of searching online, a quick trip to find and inventory what was in the pantry, and she had a recipe and a plan and—she glanced at the clock—about three hours to implement it. By the time the boys, as Ramona always called them, walked into the kitchen looking for lunch, she’d be ready. Hopefully.


  Ryan worked silently through his morning chores. So did Jeremy. It was weird. They always talked during work. Did Jeremy suspect something had happened between him and Ansley yesterday? And if so, what should Ryan do about it? Confess? Deny?

  He was just planning how exactly to handle things when Jeremy crossed his arms, and leaned on the tractor. “I think maybe we should talk.”

  “What would you like to talk about?” As if Ryan couldn’t guess.

  Jeremy drew in a deep breath. “Ansley stopped by my house yesterday.”

  Shit. Had Ansley told Jeremy what they’d done in the shop?

  “Jeremy, I know we both agreed she was off limits, but—” Ryan shook his head, knowing Jeremy was disappointed in him. He was disappointed in himself. Meanwhile, he knew he’d do it all over again. In fact, doing it again as soon as possible was his plan. “—hell, I have no excuse. I’m sorry.”

  “Ry. Stop.” Jeremy shook his head and laughed. “About the off limits thing. I guess I should be apologizing about that to you too.”

  “Oh.” Ryan’s brows shot up beneath the brim of his hat at that confession. “Wow. So what do we do now?”

  “Hell if I know.” Jeremy shrugged. “Let her choose?”

  Ryan frowned. She could just as easily choose his brother as himself. “I’m not sure I like that idea.”

  Jeremy tipped his hat back. “Well I’m not sure we have a hell of a lot of say in the matter. It’s up to her now, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. I guess it is.” Ryan let out a short laugh. “I expected me not to be able to keep my hands off her, but not you.”

  “I know. Me too.” Jeremy looked pretty miserable. Knowing him, he’d been beating himself up about it enough without Ryan’s help.

  “Don’t worry about it, bro. She’s hard to resist.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” Jeremy shook his head. “Come on. The fence is fixed good enough to keep them in until we get to town for some new uprights. Let’s go eat.”

  “Sounds good.” Ryan sighed.

  Ansley would be at the house and now, after today’s surprising revelation from Jeremy, Ryan would have to wait for her to make a decision between them.

  Or not. Maybe she’d continue with them both. As they made their way back to the house, the two men Ansley had been with, side by side, Ryan wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

  When they walked into the kitchen, the table was set for three instead of four. Though that was less confusing than the sight of Ansley playing happy homemaker. Where was Grams and why was Ansley wearing her apron and standing at the stove?

  Glancing at them, she hefted a large pot off the stove and carried it to the table. “Do you want something to drink with lunch? There’s sweet tea. I know how you guys like that and luckily Ramona had left some in the fridge since I don’t know how to make it yet.”

  Jeremy raised a brow. “Um, sure. I’ll get it.”

  “Oops. I forgot the serving spoon.” After putting the pot down on a potholder, she spun around and reached for the drawer.

  “I didn’t know you could cook.” Skeptical, Ryan raised the lid. He found red beans and rice inside. It actually didn’t look too bad.

  “I didn’t think I could, but I guess I never really tried.” She shrugged. Spoon in hand, Ansley came back to the table. Pulling the apron over her head, she sat. “Sit. Eat. I’m dying to see what you think.”

  Ryan sat, observing how Jeremy looked as surprised at her domesticity as him. In fact, they both sat silently as Ansley spooned food onto each of their plates.

  “Um, where’s Grams?” Ryan finally asked.

  “She’s working on the tag sale at church. They’re going to be really busy all week. That’s okay, though. I can help out with the cooking. The laundry too, if someone teaches me how to use the washing machine and the dryer.”

  Ryan’s eyes opened wide. “Uh, we can do our own laundry. It’s okay. Really.” The last thing he wanted was Ansley washing and folding his underwear.

  “You know. I’d really like to go to that tag sale. Do you think we could drive over together? It’s next weekend.” Ansley looked from Ryan to Jeremy, waiting.

  The same girl who’d turned her nose up at the ranch and the house the day she arrived wanted to go to a local church rummage sale? And she wanted to learn to do laundry?

  Jeremy came out of his shock first and answered her. “Ah, sure. We can go over if you want.”

  A smile lit up her face.

bsp; “Great.” She dug into the food she’d spooned onto her own plate with an, “Mmm. This came out good. I found another recipe online for dinner. I thought I’d surprise Ramona and cook for tonight too.”

  Up until now, she’d thanked Grams for her food, carried her plate to the sink and that was the extent of her involvement. Ryan narrowed his eyes in Jeremy’s direction.

  Jeremy caught his gaze and shrugged.

  “So, there’s something I wanted to talk to you both about.” Both Ryan and Jeremy looked up as Ansley continued. “I, uh, I want to talk about us.”

  Ansley blushed and Ryan became even more intrigued. What in the world could make this girl blush? She looked at both Ryan and Jeremy in turn.

  Ryan’s gaze cut to his brother.

  Jeremy laid down his fork. “What about us, Ansley?”

  “I have a proposal to make.”

  Ryan laid his own fork down now and leaned back in his chair. He had a feeling he didn’t want to be in mid swallow when she revealed whatever was taking her so long to get out.

  “I like both of you. A lot.” She glanced at Jeremy, then back to him. The unspoken “but” hung in the air.

  Shit. Was she going to dump one of them? Over lunch and in front of the other man, no less? What the hell? Did the woman have no compassion? Or perhaps they were both getting the big dumparoo.

  “So I think we should all be together. The three of us.”

  Ryan nearly choked at Ansley’s words. Yup. He was sure glad he didn’t have a mouthful of sweet tea for that announcement.

  Would Jeremy accept that? Could Ryan? Thinking back to the one time he and Ansley had been together he knew, if that was the only way to have her again he definitely could.

  Ryan decided he needed clarification. “All together how? Like one night he gets you and the next night I do?”


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